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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 155 KB, 604x453, filipino-obama-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6173008 No.6173008 [Reply] [Original]

>be filipino
>pointy nose, relatively pale skin, not greasy...don't look at all like a typical one
>kind of attractive I guess? im autist as fuck but ive pulled half white girls and white half koreans
>still filipino

I cant deal with this shit anymore...even if i was ugly as fuck and japanese i'd still be japanese
how2deal with crippling inferiority complex

>> No.6173014

is that Obama?

>> No.6173013

*white girls and half white half koreans

>> No.6173023

thats a filipino cosplaying obama

>> No.6173025

Delete this thread.

>> No.6173026

Fuck u son
Dats the bama himself
Pay sum respect bitch

>> No.6173031


>> No.6173036

inferiority? you plebs have some delusional superiority complex

sickens me

>> No.6173044

im cringing for u right now.

>> No.6173047

delete it no one cares about ur gay feels u fucking pinoy


>> No.6173049

nah brah, i know this feeling way to well
>wavy curly 2c hair, pointed nose, can grow relatively good facial hair, brown skin (im fine with this)
>still filipino, see fucking tfc on all the tme
>see the shit that the Philippines is
>see the most obnoxious media and shit ever
>fucking hate the country, ashamed of my race

>> No.6173056

why don't you kill yourselfs u might be reborn as a japanese in the next life if you've been a good boy in this one

>> No.6173058

Do they even have internet in filipstan (or however you country is called)?

>> No.6173069

i might be ashamed of the race, but i try not to let it affect me, i try to be better than that

>> No.6173072

100m population and we're still irrelevant
no definitive culture or anything
filipino media fucking sucks asshole every single star is chinese or half white, just adds to the cringefest

>> No.6173084

it could be worse OP
you could be like me


>> No.6173087

ikr, it feel like the media just dick rides anyone looks like thy accomplished something, and then claim that they are Pinoy even if theyre like 1/16 or some tiny amount

>> No.6173098

Being a black american is easy. There are simply weak people (like u and op) and people who simply don't inhibit themselves (the strong).

>> No.6173104

>Being a black american is easy

>> No.6173126

second nigga looks like obamer

>> No.6173185

The hilarious part about being filipino is your emasculated culture. Women are the heads of families in the Philippines and they practice CFNM to keep the males in their place. As well as public circumcisions with a festival-like atmosphere where women of all ages are allowed to go around and take pics of guys getting their dicks chopped off on a table.

kill yourself OP your race sucks

>> No.6173201

>dicks chopped off on tables on festivals
Lel that is a myth
Post pics if real

>> No.6173205 [DELETED] 


>> No.6173209

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.6173219


>> No.6173225

ya I warned you guys, they also used to sew beads into their foreksin of their penises before circumsision came around in order to stimulate the clitoris of their women,

>> No.6173257

Don't worry about it. The only thing people see for sure is the low self-esteem. Hold your head high, have a good attitude, read books, be reliable and mature, do your best to be interesting and likable to other people. There is so much more to impress people with than the appearance your genetics dictate.

And if you are in good physical shape and wear good clothes, people won't even necessarily think about how filipino you are.

You just need to find things to prioritize in life. Find great people who inspire you and focus on what their greatness is made of. Work on improving yourself and being the best person you can be, and then you will have something to judge yourself by that is much more important.

>> No.6173283

A man is not defined by the history of the race that he inherits. Here on this board the German people are held up as exemplary and just look at the things in their recent past. The important thing is that their past does not define them.

Fucking stupid post, in other words.

It's not being black in america that makes it hard, it's the conditions of being raised as a black american that makes it hard. If you're born to a rich black family in a progressive neighborhood, it's not so bad. If you're born to the conditions we typically associate with being black in America, you have a lot of obstacles standing in your way.

>> No.6173293

this is going on present day, so eat shit.

>> No.6173312


plz post again i missed

>> No.6173314

self-loathing is unattractive

>> No.6173316
File: 360 KB, 534x729, ponderin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6173319

just type in key words to google/bing pref bing

>> No.6173317

So what? That doesn't mean their race has anything to do with it. It's a relic of their fucked up past, just as circumcision is a relic of the past in the Jewish tradition. That's not to say all Jewish people support it or all Jewish people can be judged by it. You simply cannot make judgments about someone from the customs of the majority of people of their race.

You're a pathetic and racist piece of shit if you really mean what you say.

Actually I already think you're a piece of shit if you can even be so intellectually casual about the subject.

It's #pwnt if you think it makes a difference, and if you think it does, I'd love to hear what that difference is.

>> No.6173323
File: 476 KB, 497x497, hitmeonmybeeper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this matters.
The fact that the self loathing come to /fa/ is laughable.
This thread is laughable.
#Beta if you will.

>> No.6173325

>a race is consciously participating in their culture
>the race participating has nothing to do with it!
Flawless logic bro. You're just ignorant of cultures.

>> No.6173332

circumcision is a medically accepted practice proved to reduce the transmission of STDs

>> No.6173338

#fucking owned

I love how that faggot was taking a holier than thou attitude and everyone just shits on him lmao. He's the epitome of fucking retarded.

>> No.6173350

>Half Filipino
>genu valgum
>prominent epicanthal folds
>pig nose that looks like it was smashed/cut off
>parents actually used to go out of their way to say "You're a handsome boy" b/c they knew I was getting made fun of so much in school for being ugly
>always knew they were just saying it to make me feel better

I think about suicide regularly. Maybe I'll get another go as a 6'3" Belgian or something. Idk how my parents ever looked at each other and thought "Yeah let's have a kid. God help him"

>> No.6173358

yeah man because newborn babies are totally going to be transmitting STDs

Fuck off, there is no reason to circumcise a newborn baby. Let them at least get to age 14-15 when they can actually understand what the fuck is going on

>> No.6173362
File: 130 KB, 725x1088, 1361850489156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's because of your race
You just boring as shit and try to hard
You make race a problem because you make it a problem
I see tons of asians and brown ppl fuck hot white girls

>> No.6173365

> Let them at least get to age 14-15
And that's exactly what the Filipinos believe, congratulations.

>> No.6173366

That's no excuse for "kill yourself OP your race sucks". Are you just going to stand by any post that's on your side, no matter what the content?

Hold yourself to a higher standard, don't be so weak.

I'm sorry that you can't understand my point, but it's really not my problem. I'll let the people reading this decide whether you understood my point or not.

"Holier than thou" is how you dismiss criticism, eh? Read your own posts. You think you can condescend to an entire race of people because of their cultural practices.

I am not a cultural relativist, I do believe some cultures are superior to others; but when you pull race into it it says something about you.

It's not being edgy or being realistic, it's just demonstrating how ignorant you are.

"kill yourself OP your race sucks"

This kind of thing is inexcusably stupid and should repulse any intelligent and moral person.

>> No.6173371

~cringes outwardly~

>> No.6173387

I'm not standing by any of these post.
were all just shitposting in a shitty thread that should be on r9k.

>> No.6173390

So you had to go and find a reason to justify your cycle of perpetual stupidity and you did that by taking seriously a meme that's been posted for decades. Kill yourself.

You're truly ignorant if you dismiss race in the grand scheme of things, while we are all equal as human beings our races bring different things to the table. So do our cultures.

All you've done is spoken in a condescending tone then you hypocritically say we're looking down on a race?

You've got to be the saddest piece of shit on this board as you're clearly in denial and unable to see the holes in your backwards logic.

Please do the world a favor and end your life so that we can eliminate you from the gene pool.

-Your intellectual superior

>> No.6173447

>So you had to go and find a reason to justify your cycle of perpetual stupidity and you did that by taking seriously a meme that's been posted for decades. Kill yourself.

And what do you suppose this meme means? As far as I've been able to tell, since its inception it has been used primarily to mean "you would do everyone a favour by killing yourself", that is to say, it's a hyperbole for saying the person is of low worth, usually because they're an idiot.

So unless you have some warped understanding of this 'meme' and what you really meant was "sucks to be you", it's still a less than noble sentiment.

But you make it clear that this is not the case.

>You're truly ignorant if you dismiss race in the grand scheme of things, while we are all equal as human beings our races bring different things to the table. So do our cultures.

Our cultures certainly do "bring different things to the table". But races? You're making the case that race dictates thought or behaviour in a significant way. This is the underlying theme of all your posts. Your later insistence on removing myself from the gene pool fits into this social darwinist mindset nicely.

>All you've done is spoken in a condescending tone then you hypocritically say we're looking down on a race?
I never said it was wrong to condescend at all, I said it was wrong to condescend to a race of people on the basis of what their race has done. It's silly to call this hypocrisy.

I have every right to condescend here.

>> No.6173458

>-Your intellectual superior
this has got to be a joke

>> No.6173461

You poor, uneducated, stubborn fool,

It is with great interest that I must inform you that both your logic and your reasoning are flawed, and that you are obviously misinformed about the topic in hand. To be honest, you represent the small part of every community which lack the ability to think and comprehend things like humas do. In fact, your mental capabilities would closely resemble that of a lump of turd. I had second thoughts writing this, as I am not sure if you have the skills associated with reading. I kindly ask you, on behalf of everyone else, to kill yourself, thereby removing yourself from the gene pool to prevent people like from being born.
You have permission to writhe in your own idiocy.

Your intellectual superior.

>> No.6173466

How long did it take for you to google that?

>> No.6173472

holy shit so awkward
It's like your 14
>mark: 60%

>> No.6173479

>being this new

>> No.6173486

that's a weird way to troll people isn't it

back in my day we would troll people over silly things and they'd get mad for dumb reasons. like you would tell a guy that his deviantart sonic ripoff was gay and they'd get really mad. or you would make people get mad in video games.

but this, I mean, I don't get it. the point is that I called you out for posting something retarded, and that's what you wanted?

this is exactly why I don't like the word "trolling" anymore, because in the last half decade it has become so meaningless, but as an activity it's clearly what he thinks he's doing.

I guess that's why we have the word "shitposting".

>> No.6173488

>pointy nose, relatively pale skin, not greasy...don't look at all like a typical one
>be filipino

duuuuuuuude, you're way better than 90% of asians that look like peasants with pig noses or pancake faces.

you have something to work with.

at least you have potential to be a patrician asian in the asian world.

>> No.6173491

it's copypasta. so... essentially what you're saying, only he can now laugh at you because you don't know as many internet memes as he does.

>> No.6173496

>implying you weren't the one with the retarded posts

Dude you were on his string the entire time.

also >>6173491

>> No.6173500
File: 1.52 MB, 400x225, 1331111162912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6173512

I may have been led on but I don't think I said anything that wasn't worth saying if he had been serious. And I don't think he was doing it to begin with, I think he started out serious and deflected to that when it looked like he was wrong.

I stand by everything I've posted.

>> No.6173527

>get confused for a European or white guy constantly
>live in SoCal which is like 50% Mexicans
>get called whitey at school

I don't know why I posted this.

>> No.6173574

I am the same.

>" omg I like your accent where are you from"
> mfw I'm a Mexican in the San Fernando valley

>> No.6173590

>be Japanese
>wear /fa/ approved clothing and fits
>HY inspired hair cut
>people around me get wind that Im a Jap
>suddenly "oh anon youre soo Japanese the way you dress/look"
>every fucking time

"Japanese" is like "hipster" to some people