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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 547 KB, 1641x2477, fWVx66e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6162481 No.6162481 [Reply] [Original]

you know the deal: go to MFA, bring something back.

that's a comma splice but I thought a semicolon after the colon would be awkward.

>> No.6162488

something is wrong with his face

>> No.6162489

>implying that fit isn't /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6162492

ugh those vans

>> No.6162501

Fit is a 10/10 tho

>> No.6162510

>Cheat code
>put thumb over face

>> No.6162515


>> No.6162520

Should've worn some sick rick dunks for /fa/ rep

>> No.6162525

dan pls a woman's opinion is valued more than yours

>> No.6162531

thanks dan

>> No.6162540

fuck off you fat piece of shit
yw Dan

>> No.6162552

>year twenty thirteen following the year of our savior's birth

>> No.6162562

Dan doesn't even post anymore, his trip got leaked

>> No.6162569

>being a pleb
>any year

>> No.6162579

Give me the trip code fuccboi

>> No.6162633
File: 11 KB, 220x207, 220px-Measuring_cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone fill me in?

what is with all these pyrex clothes?

is it a cool way of saying pirate?

>> No.6162644

new streetwear brand

pyrex shit is used a lot in dealing/measuring out drugs.

>> No.6162647

>shorts too small
>ugly as fuck cream vans

>> No.6162662

pyrex is used for cooking crack

>> No.6162672

lol fake pyrex
champion logos where they at huh?

>> No.6162692
File: 438 KB, 1280x1028, Replicant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's used in making crack.
Pyrex can be boiled without shattering, and as we all know, in order to make crack you have to put your cocaine/bicarbonate slurry inside a glass jar of some sort, then boil a pot of water with the jar in the middle. The slurry hardens into crack.
Normal glass will shatter when you heat it like this, but Pyrex will not.
The wonderful thing about crack production is that with a bit of pyrex and a minimal amount of effort, you can turn 1000 dollars worth of cocaine into at least 2000 worth of crack. Maybe much more, I forget the numbers.

I wonder if this isn't a commentary on the modus operandi of the crack game as applied to fashion. Basically, Virgil Abloh is taking nickel & dime champion shorts, and with the help of a little pyrex, he's flipping them into a huge profit. He is the dealer, and we, of course, would be his customers.

>> No.6162696

>s it a cool way of saying pirate?
i see, thanks now it makes sense

>> No.6162704


> Not saying the year of our lord 2013


>> No.6162727
File: 1.08 MB, 320x240, 7f5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commentary on the modus operandi of the crack game as applied to fashion. Basically, Virgil Abloh is taking nickel & dime champion shorts, and with the help of a little pyrex, he's flipping them into a huge profit. He is the dealer, and we, of course, would be his customers.

>> No.6162733

this is why u dont buy fake pyrex kids

or real pyrex either tbh

>> No.6162731


>> No.6162789

>graphic tee cool because it says pyrex
>basketball shorts cool because pyrex
>dirty shoes

Remind me again why this is worth spending extravagant money on and why supreme gets the same treatment?

>> No.6162796

thanks Dan

>> No.6162804


>$400 for silk-screened $25 Champion shorts

top lel guys

top lel

>> No.6162806

Maximum jew

>> No.6162807

why don't poet's posts about pyrex just magically appear whenever it's mentioned?

>> No.6162809


>> No.6162953

>implying those Vans aren't on their way to becoming based as fuck

>> No.6162957


Looks like the kind of ugly shite I see posted on here.

>> No.6162964

Fuck me...

You're a fucking genius...

>> No.6162977

this is fucking beautiful.

>> No.6163167

what makes that fake?

>> No.6163186

you talk like a middle easterner but sometimes you say actual smart shit

>> No.6163209

>standing here in my Pyrex shorts

>> No.6163214

its a fit posted on reddit with a pair of vans

do u really think that guy dropped 200$ on shorts but cant afford more than 40$ shoes

>> No.6163275

holy fuck. that was fucking brilliant

>> No.6163291


>implying I'm couldn't be wearing red wings with a uniqlo linen buttondown atm (I am)
>implying how much you paid for the clothing matters if the quality and fit is acceptable
>implying your not a name brand loving swagfag who would buy a short smeared in shit if it was Supreme
>implying your fits aren't god awful and you don't look like the prototypical tool
>implying you know anything

>> No.6163293

but u wear rafs w/ cheap shit...

>> No.6163305
File: 106 KB, 683x1024, a7lC4euh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6163311

welcome to /fa/

>> No.6163320

the champions logo is missing from the shorts

>> No.6163342
File: 392 KB, 1632x1224, Vpwy926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6163361
File: 265 KB, 1280x1024, 1367601783021 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6163368

rofl khaki's always make people look dorky.

>> No.6163380

why have I seen so many caravaggio print shirts lately?

is throwing artichokes at people /fa/???????

>> No.6163382

nah its mainly the fact that the guy looks like a gump and is wearing a dorky outfit that doesn't look good on him

>> No.6163412

holy shit those pants are taken way to far in at the thighs/crotch that looks so awkward.

>> No.6163415

it's more the indoor sunglasses, the too tight pants that are pulling at his dong, the baggy shirt that contrasts with the pants, and the shirt's inexplicably buttoned top button

khakis in general are fine

>> No.6163421
File: 77 KB, 768x1024, fGDGxYu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6163436

you look like my younger brother

>> No.6163445

basic but it works. just don't go too dadcore.


>> No.6163450

>top button

>> No.6163451


do you even know what this thread is

read the op

>> No.6163460

why is there a mirror in the elevator?

oh godd....i don't even know what to say. tho this does look disturbingly like my old high school chem lab

>> No.6163464
File: 368 KB, 900x1200, QFPtOkM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6163465


but that's solid basic bitch dadcore

>> No.6163472

the saddest thing about this pic is that this guy has a whole closet full of shoes, and those boatshoes were the best he could come up with

>> No.6163477
File: 113 KB, 960x718, rustlemania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welcome to /fa/

The fuck you mean? I was simply acknowledging the fact that poet said something amazing, not that I've never seen him post before. This post has rustled me quite a bit I will admit.

>> No.6163478

i fucking hate these shoes

>> No.6163480

boat shoes and new balance are the worst things to happen to shoes ever

espadrilles too

theyre crock/ugg tier

>> No.6163492
File: 410 KB, 840x1911, 1lI8tMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6163501


>> No.6163495

poet posts that same post over and over again

>> No.6163512

omg dad get off reddit

>> No.6163513
File: 25 KB, 500x130, whatchugonnadoaboutitfaggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hardly go in threads where I see Pyrex so I've never seen it before.

>> No.6163518
File: 69 KB, 146x241, carmeloanthonylel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6163533


>> No.6163541

nigga looks like he has purple hair in the thumbnail

>> No.6163539

He's from mfa, they're all boatshoes.

>> No.6163557

This nigga killing it.

Excellent post.

>> No.6163571

Do people honestly think they look good?

>> No.6163594



>> No.6163616
File: 118 KB, 1280x1024, 1368310703052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't even count as #rekt when you are beating up on basedprophet. it's like picking on that retarded kid.

>> No.6163661

prophet stop taking my niche where people post fit pics with humorously out-of-context captions

>> No.6163668
File: 50 KB, 673x520, shit got kicked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't worry

>> No.6163673


lololo does anyone have this niglet's "realest rapper in the game" one handy? shit always cracks me up.

>> No.6163680
File: 83 KB, 424x750, city slickin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6163693
File: 36 KB, 287x339, 1368394474222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6163717

I don't know, I guess if people see something enough, they begin to like it. mfa uses boat shoes so often that that's all they know to buy. Personally there are very few moc toed shoes that I like. I guess boat shoes are a step above running shoes or puffy skate shoes though.

>> No.6163723

no need 2 be meen

>> No.6163727

man one of the biggest problems with MFA is how high they wear their pants. they readily accept slimmer cuts, but don't know they need to be worn lower on the waist. so much crotch bulge, fuck.

>> No.6163732

you guys realize that a fashion advice forum is where people who have no idea how to wear clothes go to get advice, right? so it's kinda obvious that there are going to be bad fits there, people go there to learn

>> No.6163736


>> No.6163740

about 100% of these fits come from the "competitive WAYWT"

>> No.6163745

>competitive waywt


but srs stop going on reddit enough to know that shit


>> No.6163758


but it's really more than that, since there isn't just a male fashion subreddit where more serious fashion bruhs can go after they "graduate" from MFA. basically any talk of mens fashion on reddit, aside from very small/specific niches, is done on MFA... so it ends up being a mix between newcomer plebs and those who are actually serious about fashion.

in the end I think most people on MFA waywt threads are trying to show off their own style rather than get advice.

>> No.6163761

i have about 4 fake accounts
i go into the waywt and post random sufucore fits and get the occasional tol ple

>> No.6163776

so? newbies still use it to get advice, it's not like you have to "earn" the right to post in the waywt

>> No.6163781


>> No.6163782

I keep asking this and nobody gives me a good answer, if you told an MFA poster his clothes were retardo would he believe you?

>> No.6163791

lol there is - /r/malefashion

>> No.6163792

~~so edgy~~

>> No.6163793

so what, people post in fit battle threads here

>> No.6163799

read the post hes replying to

>> No.6163802


/r/malefashion is pretty awesome. Would definitely advise checking it out.

>> No.6163806


yeah dude, it exists, but it has 8,000 subscribers vs MFA's 250,000 subscribers. given the fact that posting pictures of yourself in cool fashunz is mostly about getting attention, it makes sense that even those who are serious about fashion gravitate towards MFA.

>> No.6163824

lil b called he want his vans back LMAO #lol

>> No.6163838

#rekt #swerve

>> No.6163840
