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File: 29 KB, 250x250, if2207_gotchange_th_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6160569 No.6160569 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying for a smart-casual-psychedelic or smart-hippy look.
Think jeans paired with a very plain grandad shirt over a brightly psychedelic graphic T so the colours peek out through the open neck. I have thai fishermens trousers too, but not for in public. Other than the graphic t I try to wear earthy colours.
Is there anything I could do to vary this style while keeping the same general feel to my outfits?

>> No.6160575


I have to say I'm not responding very well to what you're suggesting. Plenty of people indulge in colors and wilder prints but do it in a smart, sophisticated way. If you could share a photo, it'd be helpful. I warn you now that a lot of people are going to give you shit (myself included), but I'm willing to at least try to help you out if you're willing to at least consider making your look a little less...cartoonish.

>> No.6160580

> smart-casual-psychedelic or smart-hippy look.



>> No.6160594
File: 122 KB, 592x778, McKenna_Core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrence, is that you?

Beard would be a must, imho.

>> No.6160631

I'll get a picture. One moment.

Beards are too untidy.

>> No.6160647

You can combine the both without copy and pasting bits of each style , you'd need to create an amalgamation of the both.
>Smartly dressed people wear ties
>Hippies wear tie dye t shirts
>I'll wear a tie with a tie dye t shirt!
You'd want to wear well fitting black jeans with a tie die shirt , maybe cuff the jeans a little high and finish the look with some low top trainers that don't take away from the T shirt. Get the idea?

>> No.6160710

I like this suggestion.
I'm thinking some kind of New Balance would work the best - certain colorways remind me of forested northwestern American towns & cities.

>> No.6160713
File: 173 KB, 450x762, IMGP0687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. The collar isn't quite as Ming-the-Merciless in real life, that's just how it came out. I took a myspace angle one to follow.

Do you think what I described above is too much like copy & pasting, then? I'm trying to find a balance that takes bits of both without being as silly as a tie-dye tie. I don't think I'd wear either of those individually let alone a combination.


>> No.6160722

Interesting cut on those jeans.
I like the sectional paneling.

>> No.6160723

lose weight

>> No.6160728
File: 198 KB, 547x730, IMGP0686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I default to wearing shirts, flannel or smart, and I'm a bit sick of it.

I don't understand what you mean by New Balance or colorways.

>> No.6160735

New balance are ugly shoes , do not cop. Colourway = Colour of the shoes. I.e - Nikes with a black swoosh and white body would have a black and white colourway

>> No.6160734

New Balance is a brand of shoes

A colorway is the colors that the shoes come in.

>> No.6160739


I don't think any of this does what you describe it as doing. It just looks like you forgot to take off your tee when you put on the shirt. I'm all for mixing patterns and styles, but this just looks confused. Maybe if everything fit better, I'd be more inclined to see what you're going for, but you need to get the basics of good fit and proportion down before you do all this wacky stuff.

>> No.6160751
File: 54 KB, 600x472, New-Balance-574-Urban-Sportswear-Green-600x472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Balance is a sneaker, a colorway is a combination of colors or patterns. Here's the one I'm thinking about, although there are others that might work better.
I imagine something like this would work on an enlightened, elder statesman hippie in town for the new millennium.
If you have large amounts of cash to blow, give VisVim a look, a lot of their shoes and backpacks would fit the bill beautifully.

>> No.6160755

I definitely agree with this guy

I'd just try to get really good fitting clothing in earth tones to start with to put you in the right direction

I'd probably ditch the jeans, too, I know they're pretty popular with hippies but I don't think you'll want it down the line for the look you're going for.

Maybe for shoes you could get some sandals (no rubber or synthetic material) or espadrilles. It's not something I'd usually recommend but it'll definitely push you into the hippy look.

>> No.6160775
File: 58 KB, 200x433, IMGP0688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The t is quite a tight fit and the shirt is the smallest adult size. I could ask my girlfriend to bring it in around the thorax, would that help?

Are you sure?

Oh okay, thanks. I have some beige walking shoes, comfort before fashion when it comes to my feet.

>> No.6160788


It's not about whether or not things are tight, but whether or not they flatter and produce a specific silhouette on your body when worn. Compare the slim fit of your t-shirt in your attached photo to the baggy, loose thigh and knee in your jean. There's no cohesion between the items, which is why it just looks like what a teenager throws on in the morning without a second thought. And as for:

>"... comfort before fashion when it comes to my feet"

Why one or the other? Why not both?

>> No.6160792

also I thought about the shoes a bit

Anything suede would work, I think. Clarks Desert Boots or Wallabees would work.

This is all basic bitch shit and you're not going to be the height of fashion but I'm really going off what I see guys wearing where I live. I'm near mountains and canyons and a town full of people who believe in vortexes and the power of crystals so I see a lot of dudes who are either all about the outdoors or meditating 24/7 who still have to look presentable for their day jobs and I think the most important thing to achieve the look is natural fabrics and materials.

>> No.6160800

>a town full of people who believe in vortexes and the power of crystals


>> No.6160820

I quite like the tight shirt, baggy leg silhouette.
Is there anything I could do with regards to my trousers to make the shirt and t look a bit more cohesive, then? I need new trousers, that's something it's easy to change.

I completely misremembered my shoes. I have a new pair of these waiting for my current pair to fall apart.
I do a significant amount of walking, shoes comfortable enough to wear that much yet still be fashionable are out of budget.

>> No.6160821

dries van noten

his last 3 collection for men are almost spot-on the style you're describing

>> No.6160824

God, I could never be a hippie but I really enjoy their company sometimes

>> No.6160834
File: 176 KB, 650x450, sedona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they're pretty goofy


come on dude

have you ever worn crepe soles? try on some of the clarks DBs

Wait for a sale and they're easy to get for $80. That's not a lot of money and it's worth saving up for a shoe even that cheap if you've been wearing nothing but these ugly ass sneakers.

>> No.6160840


I think the general problem you're going to encounter is that a lot of what's fashionable and what's happening in contemporary fashion just isn't going to appeal to you. You're younger, you have a specific lifestyle that isn't closely connected to fashion products or media, and a lot of what people are going to suggest just won't make sense to you.

Given that you don't see anything wrong with what you're currently wearing, you aren't going to see anything right with what many people on this board are going to suggest. Maybe just lurk for now and post more when you start growing out of your current phase and your changing tastes motivate you you try other, perhaps a little more mature clothing than what you're wearing now.

>> No.6160856
File: 48 KB, 580x540, IF1907_NostalgicMood_BL_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have a look but I'm really not sure if I'm likely to make the switch to something other than trainers. I am quite lazy when it comes to shoes so anything that's not effectively all-terrain is a pain in the arse.
Is there really nothing that can be done about the grandad shirts? I feel very comfortable in them.

>> No.6160860
File: 39 KB, 800x601, 1360961189384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hippies are a lot of fun and they're all very sweet but the constant conversations about good vibes and karma and chakra can get really tiring.

The rafting and rock climbing bros on the other hand are a goddamn barrel of fun. They're either trying to get you to go out and do something awesome in the woods or trying to get you to sit down and have a good beer and shoot the shit. I wish I had the energy to keep up with those guys.

Anyway, OP, would you have any interest in something like pic related?

>> No.6160871

I envy you, doing awesome stuff inna woods.
Rafting and rockclimbing bros are where it's at, I know exactly the breed you speak of.

>> No.6160872
File: 57 KB, 580x540, IFS202_Beginning_SU_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found myself crossing my arms as I read your post, which means I was feeling defensive about it so you're probably hitting quite close to the bone. Okay, I take your point.

I'll come back and take your advice more seriously when being fashionable, smartly and maturely dressed is more important than having comfortable and brightly coloured clothes, but I'm probably going to keep taking psychedelics for a few years, so we'll see. That sounds more facetious than I intended, it was supposed to be tongue-in-check self-deprecation.

>> No.6160877

The one on the left but not the one on the right, sure. It looks a bit chinese revolutionary.

>> No.6160901
File: 99 KB, 423x637, nordic sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define granddad shirts, because it just looks like a regular button up (that doesn't fit) to me.

When you say "granddad," I can't help but think of nordic knits like pic related. They were really trendy not too long ago so I wouldn't be surprised if you're turned off to them but they're something else that I think would work well with what you're looking for and I'd consider them for winter wear.

You can do both, you just have to put a little bit of thought into it. Right now I'd just suggest that you really try to look at your entire outfits, in a full length mirror, and try to focus on how your tops and bottoms go together in terms of fit. The outfit you liked in >>6160860 is a really good example of loose fitting clothing that works well and looks pretty damn comfy.

If you want comfy, the most important thing to look for is good fabrics. You're never going to want to go back once you've got some shirts and sweater made out of really nice material. I know I'd give up looking stylish in a heartbeat if I could have a closet full of frumpy looking silk and cashmere clothing.

>> No.6160932

I know it's not what you're referring to, but I had a professor who just couldn't hide his hippie. every day it was something like
>basic blue jeans
>unbuttoned button-up and/or tweed blazer

>> No.6160939
File: 116 KB, 1000x1400, 1318331681-99860100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this. It's a fairly plain Indian style of shirt, patterned ones are a bit too flamboyant for my tastes. Not quite what you're imagining.
Winter wear for me is just layers, I can't stand wearing jumpers of any sort for long.

While I like some aspects of what he's wearing I'd feel ridiculous wearing it all myself. Life isn't a catwalk.
You are talking me into sticking more to my neutral earth-tones for day to day life and keeping the silly shirts for occasions. It's not as though the colours will stay vibrant for long that way.

>> No.6160941


Grandad, mandarin, and band collars are all synonymous.

>> No.6160947
File: 79 KB, 600x600, undercover hippie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sounds awesome.
That's probably not too far off what I want actually, just a bit more modern than tweed and tie-dye.

>> No.6160974
File: 1.40 MB, 1256x695, trove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to talk you out of colorful shirts, just trying to open you up to some new ideas and step outside of your comfort zone for a little. I hope you'll look at more stuff you've never tried before because I think it'll really help your personal style develop into something very nice.

I think you could do very well with some loose bottoms (preferably not denim, I've never cared for loose denim) and a loose fitting jacket in muted earth tones with a very colorful tee underneath that complements the colors in the rest of your outfit.

The problem with clothing with a loser fit is that it's just much more difficult to make it all work than an outfit that is entirely slim fit. You don't need to give up your shirts, you just need to pay attention to how they sit on your body and how they work with your pants so you can get a nice silhouette instead of looking like haphazardly thrown on whatever was lying around. It's not something that's going to be too easy at first, but given some time and thought I think you'll start looking pretty good in your hippy clothing.

>> No.6160981

I had never heard granddad used that way. I usually only hear it in the context of grandpa thrift store sweaters.

I actually really like band collars. Thanks for teaching me something new, anon.

>> No.6161012
File: 57 KB, 580x540, diamond_main1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've saved that image and your middle paragraph. I do have a few pairs of baggy trousers of other materials but they're all quite old and don't fit too well, so I'll get some more.

I'd quite like this shirt to go with some earthy tones, except the sleeves ruin it a bit. I'll see. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.6161015

Also annoyingly Trove don't ship outside of Jp that I can see.

>> No.6161031

Yeah but it's easy to recreate, I think. It's out of both of our price ranges anyway, I think.


You just gotta make sure that they don't do anything weird like bag out too much at the thighs compared to the rest of the legs. Little things like that are what make pants unflattering.

I like that shirt.