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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 92 KB, 870x1110, pplims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6156522 No.6156522 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /fa/, let's get a fashionable shoes that go with shorts thread going. Summer is coming so purchases need to be made.

>> No.6156529
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>> No.6156535


>> No.6156569

converse purcell leathers????
just save up for CP's

>> No.6156560

are there any good all white shoes that are under $120?

>> No.6156587


im a dude

>> No.6156595

should I get used CP's then? I've never bought used shoes before.

>> No.6156598
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no excuse

>> No.6156650


no excuse for what? im not going to wear heels man, im a dude, an heterosexual man, chicks dont dig men wearing heels

>> No.6156665

twerk likes to feel good about himself about crossing gender barriers by shitposting about it in question threads

fuck off back to sz if you think you're so much better than everyone goddamn

>> No.6156668

Anybody else got any ideas? I'm a guy, by the way. Although I guess feel free to post heels if you're that way inclined.

>> No.6156671
File: 91 KB, 767x856, DavidBowie (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of women like men in heels. women have approached me to flirt over my heels.

>> No.6156675


yeah but im not interested in women who like men who wear shoes, now are you going to help me?

>> No.6156678
File: 299 KB, 1087x1500, yohji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only shitpost in shit threads. you could find good examples of any classification of shoe paired with a short, so the answer to op's question is, whatever shoe he wants to own, not something he doesn't really care for that fills a niche that he invented.

>> No.6156684
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White canvas, grey suede trim?

>> No.6156693

its a general thread
I wouldn't make it personally, but it doesn't mean you have to shitpost it
atleast sage faggot

polite sage

>> No.6156691


youre still shitposting you mongoloid ugly piece of shit

>> No.6156694

Fackin hell mate, knock it off with the pretentious act. It's not an attractive feature, makes you seem like a grade A cunt.

>> No.6156695

what website r these pics from

>> No.6156698

in terms of quality or of design?

because honestly i really like white chucks and keds and other pleb brands

>> No.6156707
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>> No.6156708



>> No.6156715

these are neat, what are they?

>> No.6156717
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>> No.6156725

pls learn to reverse image search

>> No.6156732
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>> No.6156730

i feel like that's a lie although i see no problem with guys wearing heels through a fashion eye, although realistically if you want to dress and also be approachable maybe not so much.

there's a lot of clothing that i don't wear or try not to solely wear because of gender roles. i'm actually gay which i think makes it worse as we're expected to wear feminine things and a lot of people in the gay community especially are put off by it. but that's another issue

also i second common projects, you can regularly find them for a good chunk off retail on sufu and sf given that you don't have an extreme shoe size

>> No.6156734

design, mostly. I don't buy into the "hurr if you don't spend $300 on shoes they'll fall apart in a week" bs that's all over /fa/.

>> No.6156741

pro-keds actually fall apart very fast

>> No.6156744
File: 15 KB, 480x360, Adidas-Originals-X-Ransom-shoes-Army-Tr-Low-(White-White)-010604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6156747

lmao twerk it got ethered

>> No.6156753
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There's a difference between being by branding/hype and being aware of quality.

>> No.6156762

>thread about posting shoes u like
>ppl get ass anguished when other ppl post shoes they dont like


>> No.6156766
File: 300 KB, 930x620, common-projects-2012-spring-new-editions-collection-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6156767

go back and post nxtlvl shoes on r9gay so you feel better about yourself, flower-boy

>> No.6156778

I have no problem with heels, I had a problem with twerk it acting like he was special for liking them

>> No.6156780
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no, although it doesn't happen with great frequency and would probably be ill-advised if you were the sort of troglodyte that approaches fashion as a means of gettin laid. that could also be blamed on the community and my utter failure to be the ideal man for most women.

everything else is just, does that shit look good or not nawutimsayin

>> No.6156787
File: 213 KB, 900x599, 900x900px-LL-78955332_AchillesMidBlack_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make me nerd

>> No.6156791


thats a thing now right

>> No.6156792
File: 494 KB, 296x180, tumblr_mfqli0I4NP1s0e574o2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is something that you've invented

>> No.6156793

just get the heels don't be a bitch

>> No.6156795

No buddy, people got pissed off when that twat attempted to try and derail things by posting his 'lol so alternative XD' type of shoes.

>> No.6156799
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>> No.6156800

um he kind of is

i dont know any other dudes on here who wear heels

if he can get you shit shattered just by posting them they must be at least a little special

>> No.6156801

I don't disagree that common projects are worth the price, I just think that spending $50-120 is gonna get me a pair of shoes that will last at least 2 years.

>> No.6156803

>posts CPs

>> No.6156804
File: 34 KB, 500x375, Buttero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buttero > Common Projects

>> No.6156807
File: 24 KB, 320x480, 10788601-men-hills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr these arent basic bitch enough for me
>posting relevant things that i dont like is shitposting

>> No.6156810

dig dat hole harder

>> No.6156815
File: 1.26 MB, 1800x1463, Hist_4_Hindenburg_Moored_at_Lakehurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're doing exactly what he described, and then further derailing the thread after i stopped pushing the point

>> No.6156817
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>> No.6156819


>> No.6156821
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>> No.6156824

Sigh, you're the kind of cool internet guy who is just the worst. At least you're getting through your meme spouting state, I hope you get better. I heard dickheaditis isn't nice.

>> No.6156826
File: 121 KB, 841x554, EMH00379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ps sorry bout the thread op
heres a shot of shorts w/ boots

>> No.6156830

>twerk it acting like he was special

but he is special (in my heart)
luv u twerk :))))

>> No.6156831

I like heels

can i be special now

>> No.6156839


>> No.6156844

It's okay, but I think it's best we go on a break for a while. See other people maybe.

>> No.6156847

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.6156850


To be fair, if OP really didn't want random people posting whatever they like posting, he could've posted a specific budget, asked for a certain style, etc. twerk posts anywhere there's room, so pretending to be surprised when he shows up in a thread is pretty silly. Oh the other hand, OP made it clear that he wasn't after something aggressive and particularly hard to wear. Overall, everyone should communicate more and complain less.

>> No.6156854

I hope you enjoy the internet persona you've created, it shows what kind of person you are when you turn to an image board in an attempt to gain the attention you so desperately crave. Did the girl never like you?

>> No.6156860

you should see his r9k threads
nxtlvl shitposting (not even lol)

>> No.6156878

Can't blame the poor guy, he was just another person in the room that contained many. Maybe being loledgy and tripping on an image board helps him a little bit. After all, the girl never did like him.

>> No.6156880

who cares whether op likes them or not. someone else might
>thinking youre a better person than me because you spend an extra 30 seconds typing out your insults



>> No.6156884

i know you were jut taking the piss but I actually feel bad now legit
like imagine the state of mind you have to be to post rick/raf/cps' on r9k for an hour just to see neckbeard reponses

>> No.6156896

imagine the state of mind where you try to hurt someones feelings on the internet cuz they like shoes u dont :(

>> No.6156895

It's not hard to be better than you. I think many accomplish it.

You have to pity them, but never sympathize. They're fucking worthless.

>> No.6156903

i like those shoes though

technically anyone can learn to be a better person, right? I'm serious I can't just negative-ize people

>> No.6156907

then he reads these types of posts and they strike a nerve and goes on a meme-spouting rampage

>> No.6156911
File: 29 KB, 350x278, 1368197262347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not shitposting on r9k


>> No.6156918

When do you think he will become a better person? When he stops feeling worthless? Hopefully that day will come basedprophet and then you can relinquish that faggy trip.

>> No.6156922

hahaha oh my god its so much fun compared to shitposting on /v/

me and cute tomato go on fucking rectal rampages, its so easy to piss off kids on there

>> No.6156932

le epic ruseman XDD

>"Hey Tyler what did you do this weekend?"
>"I was making fun of nerds on a japanese cartoon forum and trolled a bunch of people, it was totally epic"

^^your life

>> No.6156933

you don't have to be mean brah
I was serious

Some of them have genuine mental disorders though

>> No.6156941

cute tomato is a pedophile

>> No.6156946

If you wish to look at things that way then that's your choice. Kind of envy it. I don't though, and that's that.

>> No.6156949

>hey ben what did you do this weekend
>i was making fun of nerds for making fun of nerds on japanese cartoon forum

^ur lyfe

>> No.6156953

nah he just does that to piss kids off i asked him about it

its a pretty good trole

>> No.6156955

>cute tomato

fuck him hes a dweeb

>> No.6156972

Why do you torment little kids on /v/? Does it give you a sense of self worth? Come on bub, let it go.

>> No.6156977

Well wait up
Think about it this way

You wouldn't judge a kid for doing dumb things right?

Technically a person is a product of their experiences, and they just haven't come to the conclusions of their emotional/whatever journey/lesson that makes them realise that certains things are/aren't true

So you could just think of them being a "kid" about that thing, not knowing any better

>> No.6156984

its fun

>> No.6156993

True, but there comes a point when one must simply say 'fucking hell mate, grow the fuck up'. And I think when someone resorts to loltrollingXD on 4chan that point has been reached.

>> No.6156997

not really, you literally spend weekend nights shitposting alone on 4chan (I am not home at that time but I read the threads the following morning)

shitposting is ur lyfe

>> No.6157004

Why do you find it to be fun? Honestly, I know it gives you this sense of power, you're able to control someones emotions and that's something new to you.

>> No.6157006

i try to get in a few every night before bed if i can

>> No.6157019

i controled ur mums emotions

in bed

with my dick

>> No.6157026

Well, technically if you think about it physics-wise, their past actions were set in stone, so eh
I've found that approaching people nicely tends to cause them not to argue, and to udnerstand your points more
But the problem is trips can't ever be "wrong", so they tend not to listen to me
I'm not just pulling that last bit out of my ass I noticed it happening to me when i tripped subconsciously, its one of the reason I stopped tripping, I want dialogue, not argument

>> No.6157031

I'm not going to react in either of the two ways you want me to. Sorry buddy.

>> No.6157039

The reason people hate trips is because nobody should try to develop this persona on the internet, they shouldn't try and make themselves and or even see themselves as more important than others on this shitty image board.

>> No.6157042

u replied :) <3

>> No.6157045

nah b all of your posts are shitposts

I remember I wrecked you a while back and you told me you had to rub novocaine on your butt for 2 weeks #lol #lmao

>> No.6157048

If all you really require a simple dismissal from me then I am one sick cunt.

>> No.6157050

I know and realise that now, which is why I stopped tripping. I acknowledged that I was feeding of the attention. I honestly wish that there weren't trips on /fa/, they tend to crate this culture I really dislike

>> No.6157069

The only place I see trips being acceptable is /fit/ as people may seek advice from these people that have proven to be successful in their endeavors. Otherwise, fuck em the attention seekers. And I'm not trying to ave a dig at you.

>> No.6157078

i dont remember that,idk who u r

maybe u should get a trip?

>> No.6157079

No I understand, I was just explaining, even if you were having a dig at me, it was the me of the past anyways.

>> No.6157095
File: 86 KB, 401x580, giveup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know who this is nerd
>get a trip
no thanks

>> No.6157161

mmm I like those w2c

>> No.6157200
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>> No.6157274

whos the fatty in the back tho lmaooo

>> No.6157333
File: 11 KB, 259x194, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to be favored by kewl peple (AKA Black Kids)

>> No.6157337
File: 5 KB, 304x166, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, wrong photo..

>> No.6158437

Anyone can recommend some durable sneakers for $50?

Kind of like plimsolls?