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/fa/ - Fashion

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6148842 No.6148842 [Reply] [Original]

Post your awkward fashion stories
>crossing road walking home
>wearing basic bitch clothing, jawnz roshes basic bitch sweater
>walk past car stopped at stop sign
>girls smiling
>they drive past one yells "hey baby"
>windy as fuck
>can't look up too busy checking to see if my hair is okay
>check fly. fly is done up phew
>just kind of slouch and hang head down feel awkward as fuck
I could have handled that much better than I did. Fuck you wind.

>> No.6148854

Lol, fuccboi.

>> No.6148855

More like post your autist stories

>> No.6148858

post fit

>> No.6148872

isnt that the best feeling op?

>young girls in sports car stopped at stop sign, theyre all talking then looking back at me and smiling
>one yells out
>pop a half smile and look away, cross the street

really inside i was nervous tho

>> No.6148916
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>wearing dadcore work clothes at whole foods
>cute girl smiles at me but shrug it off
>look back and shes smiling at me again
>think about going to go talk to her but don't

>> No.6148927

when girls say that to you that's when u open ur fly and take ur dick out. it's /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6148933


u wot m8

>> No.6148940

you realize that button flys are also flys and button flys can also come undone?

>> No.6148948

they only come undone when you are a fatty and/or size down x4

>> No.6148952

such is life

>> No.6148977

>get boner in skinnies
>girls see
>worried stare

>> No.6148992

you can see my package through jeans its pretty awesome i just let it be

>> No.6149015
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>walking down the street in my comfy as fuck booties
>notice that someone is following me
>turns out to be a decently /fa/ guy, asks me where I got my shoes, how comfortable they are, how durable ect. ect.
>awkwardly answer questions, tell him that there probably isn't a similar male version
>we chat for a bit, my crippling shyness goes away, turns out that we both shop at the same boutique

first time that fashion led to making an acquaintance, notthatbad.jpg

pic unrelated

>> No.6149029


just make a joke out of it, and laugh it off.

it's flattering, and the confidence to joke about it is even more hnnng inducing.

>> No.6149060

Or you know, if you left them open.

>> No.6149068
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>> No.6149086

>be in middle school
>in math class
>teacher randomly chooses me to come up and solve a problem on the chalk board
>getting a lot of random boners at this time in my life
>teacher being young and wearing tight pants doesn't help
>happen to have a boner at this moment
>tell her i really don't want to
>forces me to come up anyway
>pretty much as soon as i make it to the front of the room she tells me to go sit back down
>she must have seen it

>> No.6149805
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>/fa/ as fuck at work
>be at my 2nd week of internship at a big bank
>lots of qt3.14s everywhere, professional attire and all
>intern orientation, meet a few people who were sitting at my table
>9/10 qt3.14 asks me if i want to go out for drinks after the shit is done.
>me: s-s-sorry i need to go back to my office
what the fuck was going through my head

kill me pls

>> No.6149820

This is the story of my life

>> No.6149821

>used to be giant weaboo
>into lolita
>would wear hot topic
>wore my hair in pigtails
>walked around school everyday with a lacy parasol

I want to punch myself from that time.

>> No.6149832

>Girl compliments my shirt and hair
>Go home
>Imagine life together

>> No.6149842

Try that in the UK, you'd get stabbed

>> No.6149847

>Imagine life together
Oh god I spat my drink out.

>> No.6149977

>Summer in skinnies
>Decide to cuff 'em
>Walk past pack of jolly african-americans
>AKA niggers
>Hear chuckling
>"Why this kid got his jeanz rolled up bruh?"
>Hear them but dont turn around like I don't
>Dont want to let them win and keep my jeans cuffed
>Self conscious about my jeans for the rest of the day

fuckin a, man

>> No.6150025

yo don't let some niggers get u down, u /fa/ and their fashion is XXL tall tees and pants around their knees

some corner of my mind thinks the people that do that are gay or curious

>> No.6150072

Wow you're a faggot.
I once was walking back from school aged 15/16 in the rain which made my bangs fall down across my face when two guys walked past who looked like they were in their 20's. One of them called me a drowned rat but said it to his friend rather than me and his friend laughed, I turned around and started on them but the pussys just walked on.

>> No.6150097

>"You look like you could be in Mumford and Sons"

>> No.6150173

This happened at my innercity high school and nobody got punched

>> No.6150193

>crossing road
>in my /fa/ approved clothes
>fag walks past, wearing topman/hm tier, far inferior to mine
>stare at his eyes, greentexting in mind
>he gives me a strange look
>tell him to get a job
>poor fella awkardly cast his gaze down
>"peace m8"
>feel good for the rest of the day

>> No.6150205

>Not maintaining a boner as often as possible to get dick fades

>> No.6150209

oh god that feel
>middle school
>full autist tier
>mostly black, black combat boots WITH METAL OUTSIDE THE TOES
>shit haircut
>nasty ass goatee freshman year
>start again at private high school
>ill fitting dress shirts all the time until senior year when I decided to shape up
etc etc basically I just try to forget my past self

>> No.6150212

>working at a bank

>> No.6152095
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>girls always look at me
>not sure if they're mirin' or judging
>try to pretend I don't notice them

>> No.6152098


i'm pretty sure they do that to everyone.

>> No.6152138

i hate these fucking stories so much. like you just talk about little disappointments with like no pull threw like fuck...

>> No.6152144

>walk by cafe full of community-college dullards and old divorcees hitting on HS students
>autists everywhere in full-on 'dadcore', can't even pull it off

I knew they got their fashion advice dictated to them by infographics on 4chan. I just knew it. awkward and poorly dressed autists 'reinvent themselves' on /fa/, and think they're aesthetic gods now.

you guys ever run into people who look like they based their wardrobes on infographics?

>> No.6152193

i hate you guys so much

>> No.6152229

>walking down the street, /fa/ as fuck
>see a group of qt girls approaching
>they're all mirin'
>don't make eye contact, look the other way

I am so beta. I wonder if they think I'm gay.

>> No.6152285

>see qt girl in the street or in the subway
>imagine life together
every fucking time ;_;

>> No.6152323

In these situations it'd be less awkward to straight up tell her you have a boner then going up

>> No.6152345




>> No.6152350

>actively seeking conflict

so not /fa/

>> No.6152847

viagra while I sleep in jawns
>epik dick faedz only 5 months left

>> No.6152873

>being a pussy
so not /fa/

>> No.6152998
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>Just got my HY did
>Get off bus after uni, late at night, dark
>Hear footsteps behind me but try not to think about it because I'm a strong man (r-right? ;_;)
>Suddenly the footsteps have a voice
>"E-excuse me?"
>Turn around
>Short, Vietnamese or something guy
>Scruffy looking
>"Do you know how to get to [SHITTY MALL]?"
>"Uh, not really. Try getting on one of the buses just up there"
>"Oh okay. Sorry for bothering you... Do you live around here?"
>"Uh, yeah, just down there"
>"Oh okay, cool. Do you go to school?"
>"Yeah, I'm studying at university"
>"Oh.. okay... well, I just wanted to say..."
>The guy is clearly struggling hard to build up the courage to say something
>"...Y-you are good."
>"Cheers, mate."
>"I, um, I-I also w-wanted to say... y-you are hot."
>Oh shit no.
>"O-okay. Thanks."
>"I'm new to here, and I'm looking to make friends."
>OH JESUS, this is just like that time my mate "made friends" with a Japanese boy who wanted to take him to lunch all the time
>"Okay, well, I have to get home now. Catch ya round buddy"

Because of /fa/, small Asian men from the bus call me hot. T-thank you, /fa/, but when does it start working on women?

>> No.6153003

I bet you carry a flip-knife, you little bitch.

>> No.6153011

Man you should have just gone for a drink with him or something, you don't need to fuck people who want to fuck you. He just needed someone to show him around, dude.

>> No.6153018

I couldn't even show him around though. Trust me, I felt bad leaving him, but I also couldn't help him. Plus I didn't want to lead him on, because I know how much that shit hurts...

>> No.6153056

>shopping in NY
>wear some business casual clothing. well fit, nothing special
>store clerks are all over me
>just think they are being nice and overly social to sell me crap
>they actually never try to sell me crap
>instead they compliment what I'm already wearing
>work my way around it and find an oxford shirt I wanted to try
>one of the girls follow me into the testing room
>"uhm, I'll just go in here and try this on by myself"
>"oh, ok.. I thought I could come in and help you"
>walk out of the store

You'd think they would handle things more proffessionally.

>> No.6153067

>dressing like shit
shiggy doo

>> No.6153066

lmao yea u wish that actually happened fgt

>> No.6153071

>you guys ever run into people who look like they based their wardrobes on infographics?
Yeah man all the time. I don't resent them for it though. That's kind of petty. I just hope that they one day develop their own style.

>> No.6153099

Sometimes, I live in a uni-town so I see a bit of everything. Saw a guy in a slim fit tweed blazer, a cravat and huge buddy holly glasses a while back. I had a good giggle.

>> No.6153103

if i see a nigga rocking a cravat i would shake his hand for being a very brave man

>> No.6153105
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So many feels for that guy right now, I'm moving to a new town in September and now know not to awkwardly chat up guys at bus stops. Still, no idea how to ingrain myself in the social scene though.
Surely being effay and all I'll be invited to 20 parties the second I step off the train...right?

>> No.6153113

Don't get me wrong, I had respect for his confidence. He had a good jaw too, serious potential.
I figure I'll see him again in a year or so and be mirin' like fuck.

>> No.6153118

>green texting in mind
Also this happends to me everysingle moment is like the pic of the feelguy in the party

>> No.6153119

If you're looking to make friends, don't start by calling them hot. I think it's pretty damn simple.

>> No.6153203

hell no
I'm just not a pussy.
You should try it. feels good, man.

>> No.6153219

>walking down the street with friend at night
>both dressed sort of the same. skinny black/raw jeans, white high tops, leather biker jacket and both long hair.
>creepy old guy pulls over and drives by us
>says "hey guyys, what you doing?"
>look at him straightfaced
>creepy old guys drives off

>> No.6153256

Meanwhile, I'm on the other corner talking to 3 bitches while I'm wearing full windbreaker gear. Neon blue windbreaker pants (Zips at the knees convert them to shorts). Neon green windbreaker jacket with some 30 dollar steel toe Brahma workboots. Botched buzz cut.

Wind isn't even coming CLOSE to fucking with me.

>> No.6153384
File: 76 KB, 750x556, Panzer_IV_ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he have broken English? Maybe "hot" meant "cool" in his mind.

>walking around Berlin a couple years ago
>humid as fuck, hair is a mess, clothes feel like they're sagging, tired
>don't give a fuck, just wanted to walk
>chubby, but passably-dressed, American black dude asked me to take a picture of him in front of Berliner Dom
>hand his camera back, he asked for some directions and suggestions >then said shakily but demanding, "If you don't mind my saying, you are very attractive."
>respond with "Thanks. Enjoy your time in Berlin."
>enjoy slightly elevated boost in confidence coupled with the feeling that I look a bit gay

But in that same trip a few weeks later, a couple of backpacking qts from Spain ran up to me giggling and asking for their pictures taken with their busted up old disposable camera. Didn't want to deal with the language barrier, so I left them after taking the picture.

Also, unrelated to /fa/,

>Turks in Cologne
>speaking to me in their language
>attempt German
>I can't speak German much
>they try broken English for directions
>I respond in an American accent I guess
>Turks start shouting excitedly, "Obama, yes? Yes, Obama! Obama!"
>shaking my hand, patting my back


>> No.6153401

top lel, are you even black?

>> No.6153422

I have been to Turkey twice, had so many weird experiences with them. I'm not hating but some of them are just weird.

>swimming in the sea and throwing ball with my lil brother and sister (I was 9 at that time)
>turkish kid comes up
>''turky turky?''
>I mumble in some bad English that I don't understand him
>he starts jumping and falling and faking a seizure
>''turky turky?''
>at that point I was about to walk away and take my bro and sis with me
>he suddenly dives underwater and stays there for 30 seconds
>wut, think he is drowing, try to help him
>he jumps up to me and starts yelling

>walking in Ankara
>turk comes up to us and is trying to sell something
>''sorry not interested''
>turk: really? I hear its very popular in EINDHOVEN
>mfw we live in Eindhoven
to this date I still have no idea how he knew we were from Eindhoven..

>> No.6153432

No, I'm white. Love is any color, bro.

>> No.6153436

You know that some old homosexual was driving by and saw what he seemed to be two twinks looking to peddle their flesh, so he pulled over, and then was given a cold reception as if HE was the one who was behaving wrongly?

>> No.6153452

I can see both those scenarios happening. I never had a negative experience with them in Germany, but some act so strangely and in their own distinct way.

>> No.6153495
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>> No.6153518


>implying dadford and daughters aren't /fa/

>> No.6153532

>at chickfila
>cute girl giving me a re-fill
>"i like your shirt" she says with a cute smile
>"t-thanks, i like your... shirt"
>slip on spaghetti on the way out
>break my leg, ambulance comes
>contemplate suicide on the way to the hospital

>> No.6153541
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>go on hike with friends wearing raws
>"whoops, you just stepped in poison oak anon"
>"is that bad?"
>"no, just be sure to wash your pants when you get home"

>> No.6153555

fuccboi myth: washing raws will ruin them

>> No.6153561

well this is wong
youre supposed to talk about the bus ride
fuck man

>> No.6153625

post booties and/or feet

>> No.6154506
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>Being een Nederlander

>> No.6154536
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>Frowning upon the superior Dutch race

>> No.6154571


oranj slut lemme tell u something ur entire country is happy merhcunt and your culturayl jus like if france and deautch had an abortion and then if that abortin ha baby would be luxembourgs kid = you.

also you speak like gargle fdick.

>> No.6154621
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>> No.6154625


did he talk her?

>> No.6154655

>try that in the uk and you get stabbed
>every fucking thread
>you english are monkeys

>> No.6154658

U wot m8

>> No.6154682

>dress up during senior year on mondays/thursdays
>girls are 'mirin outfit
>hear some girls giggle
>"t-they're just laughing at me"

I regret not talking to them.

>> No.6154718

>hear some girls giggle
>"t-they're just laughing at me"
Oh god this so much, so often.

>> No.6154729
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>working at bank
>not /fa/

come on bro

>> No.6154760

One chick at my class does it all the time. like literally. I asked her out, tried to talk with her on facebook but she wasn't interested.
I guess it's because I'm ugly.

>> No.6154779

I teared up
God why I'm such a fucking faggot

>> No.6154849

working at a bank
not having 3 ways with 2 hookers
not killing tons of people
not being crazy
come on a bro

>> No.6154874

I've fucked a girl I met at a bus stop. So don't completely wite off awkward bus stop meetings

>> No.6154939
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>> No.6154940

share full story plox

>> No.6154947

ive never understood why a grill will look at me all semester then when i talk to her she becomes uninterested. i guess i have a pretty shitty personality

>> No.6155066

I never see dadcore around here

>> No.6155089

lol, you've got to keep chasing, it's all part of THE GAME

>> No.6155150


I imagine it involved chloroform somehow.

>> No.6155263

Maybe being a foreign student at an American university helped somewhat (bitches love accents), but whenever a girl complimented my shirt or shoes or whatever, I would usually end up making out with her and fucking her later on. Stop being such spaghetti-tier assburglars

>> No.6155752

epik :^)

>> No.6155945

Je had een voetbalshirt van PSV aan, pleb.

>> No.6156034

Americanas are whores

>> No.6156152

>I don't resent them for it though

I don't mind, but their infographic apparel usually comes an undeserved sense of superiority

>> No.6156228

>spend a week in london with family
>wearing cheap ugly shit, acne
>everyone is tall beautiful and well-dressed
>develop social anxiety, self-image shot for months

then i found adderall

>> No.6156281

this depresses me just because someone actually sat down and wrote that script and then got a group of people and some funds together to actually film it and have it 'released', encouraged by the guiding hand of some corporate conglomerate parading as a patron of the arts. and then there are people who fucking save the link and share it and people who emotionally connect with and react to such a banal, uninspired little short and so the creator of this valueless piece of shit feels fulfilled and welcomed and worthy, and goes on to grip some other trash production hoping to make connections and get ideas for his next big piece.

>> No.6156330
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>> No.6156419

fuccboi detection off the charts

just wash them. the way people make it sound like washing raws will destroy them forever is wrong.

>> No.6156434

So your self image is still shitty you're just using add meds to forget about it...

Fuccboi if I've ever seen one...

>> No.6156441

What depresses me is someone trying to put someone else down for trying to make something.

>> No.6156457


>walking down oak st in chicago in my new pair of jack spade shorts i wore right outta the store
>qt3.14 in a /fa/ approved denim jumpsuit walking towards me
>we make eye contact and her face lights up n she smiles at me
>i immediately look down and keep walking


>> No.6156459

>someone trying to put someone else down for trying to make something.

lmao, what grade you in m9?

>> No.6156542

This is possibly the most blatant feel thread I've ever seen on /fa/. Its also hilarious because on other boards that have feel threads people put their embarrassing stories but even when anon people on /fa/ have to put their own positive slant on it.

>qts checking me out because im so fa
>do nothing

Its like each is just a humble brag. Probably the truth is /fa/ is too shallow to feel, not that is a bad thing really, probably better than being the steroid-induced raw nerve that /fit/ is lol.

>> No.6156554

>be wearing shades
>"Neat shades."
>be wearing shades

>> No.6156590

adderall helps with anxiety, which i've had since i was little, going into a large fashion city in a look I was insecure about just pushed it to the point where it left me depressed and drained for awhile.
but yea my style is largely influenced by anxiety, it's generally subtle and quiet to avoid attention, just /fa/ enough to not feel shitty. acne, our legacy, etc. when i wear louder fits, I try to associate with vague cultural aesthetics rather than a specific scene or style, to avoid distinct labels.

>> No.6156585
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>be walking with qt3.14
>pulls out a pic on her phone and asks what I think of some shoes she wants to cop

>> No.6156592

>everytime girl randomly compliments me while im out
>pretend not to hear then speedwalk away
>think about how next time I'll talk to them
I do this weekly

>> No.6156604

>someone looking at me
>never think because i'm looking good

>> No.6156600

post fit

>> No.6156629

One of /fa/'s long standing too. I don't think this board will ever stop believing it.

>> No.6156639

>middling econ major

>> No.6156718

As a regular of /fit/ it really is quite sad...

>> No.6156774

>get asked if I am gay every once in a while

>girls blatantly checking me out
>don't talk to them b/c I assume they think I look like a fag too

>> No.6156822
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>that split 2nd moment wen u see a qt girl that is fa as fuck and u both make eye contact w/ eachother and ur heart races then u walk away rlly quick

>> No.6156871

no you don't talk because you're a pussy

I guess "pls be in london" and "l-l-lets see the back" don't work so well in person do they?

>> No.6156882

>be at library
>young hedi slimane heroin chic-esque guy
>stark white cons, leather jacket, stick legs for miles, angular face
>talk about fitz
>go across the street for ice cream
>talk about sharks and making movies
>exchange info
>invites me to concert friday
>fuck yes
>he's going with friend and gf
>nice talking with you anon..
im not emaciated enough

>> No.6157156

>hot topic
pick one m8

>> No.6157546

Waar bent je in NL?

>> No.6157617

>my friends all tell me i look cool and hip and stuff
>mom said I look like a nerd

t-t-thanks mom ;~;

>> No.6157934

Yeah people think I'm gay, but really I cbf talking to them.

>girls add me on facebook
>"i saw you today"
>try coming onto me
>so confronting

>> No.6157986


>> No.6158326
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>high school
>killing time at the fountain by the gym
>maroon NB sneaks
>dark blue levis
>thrifted dark gray old navy tee, maroon NYC logo
>feelin' fresh as fuck
>underclasschick duo walking down hall gossiping
>one looks at me
>"can i have your shirt?"
>proceed to take off my shirt
>she's laughing uncontrollably, hanging onto her friend as they walk past me and turn the corner
>"so you don't want my shirt?"

alpha as fuck
and yes i am /fit/ and good lookin' too

>> No.6158335

Then they wouldn't have laughed

>> No.6158342

Sorry only insecure underachievers in this board please leave

>> No.6158388
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Oh you wouldn't know. She was taken aback by my manliness.

I know you're not serious, but I am an insecure underachiever. It's these little victories that make learning to dress nice worth it. I'm a complete fashion noob myself, just getting the hang of it. Last week I was told I looked like a "blind asshole" because I crossed stripes. Had no idea what a terrible error that was. Gotta fuck up plenty to get anywhere in life.

>> No.6158484

you bought an old navy tee from a thirftstore? haha, no wonder the girls made a joke of you

>> No.6161084
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>go for walk
>see qt3.14s walking by
>pull out fone and pretend to do shit on it

>> No.6161090

haha reminds me of that SNL parody with New Balance sneakers.

>> No.6161120
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>girls wonder if you are gay

>> No.6161268

>Girls like me
>Sweet and nice ones and fat and ugly ones
>tfw don't really want a gf
Started wondering if i should find a girlfriend

>> No.6161355

>tfw don't really want a gf
I know this feel, it's weird because I feel like I should. I like girls, they're fun, but here I am, the 20 year old GF-les virgin.

>> No.6161437
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>mfw they dont look good and i don't know what to tell her.

>> No.6161444

"I'm not really a fan of *insert trait you dislike the most"
"THe look bulky" whatever

>> No.6161466

that pic is hilarious and the file name made me slightly mad. all-round 8/10 roller coaster of experience

you say: "lmao pleb tier shit. only cop if you are a fuccgrill"

>> No.6161466,1 [INTERNAL] 

prob.roach antenna communications