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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 27 KB, 282x200, 1360877318579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6138325 No.6138325 [Reply] [Original]

gothninja exists as a subculture only because it impresses losers that grew up watching video games and jerking off to children's anime. it looks cool and edgy to them. when gothninjas post a photo on the internet, they are in control over the lighting, composition, and content of this photo. they can emulate an aesthetic seen so many times growing up in comic books/video games/movies etc. for this reason, gothninja pictures look cool and edgy to the weak, pale geeks of the world when they come to sufu, or 4chan, or stylezeitgeist, or pinterest, or thefedoralounge. when you take them outside this frame of reference, and capture someone trying to posture as "gothninja" while walking down santa monica boulevard with a slice of pizza in their hand, it becomes very obvious how pathetic their charade is. they lose control of their aesthetic in the real world and it's sad to behold. so instead they avoid being seen eating pizza, and try to slink around in the shadows smoking cigarettes, sending their mom to buy groceries so as not to be seen with luncheon meats in their hand. they avoid going to the beach because they know it's impossible to perpetuate their carefully crafted image there. it's like a symphony of spaghetti, and it makes me cringe.

>> No.6138359


>> No.6138361


>> No.6138364

jokes - on - you - you - dad - core - highschooler

>> No.6138369

Said the grown man as he attached a picture of a children's cartoon to his post

>> No.6138373 [DELETED] 

shut up you thirsty little fookboi

>> No.6138377
File: 263 KB, 683x809, Screen Shot 2013-05-11 at 9.27.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nor do i care that your picture was taken by an unknown portland streetstyle photographer who only gets 30 unique visits a month

>> No.6138395

you are now manually aware that true gothninja costs thousands of dollars and the only people who can really afford it (as in a wardrobe full of it, buying at full retail, no diffusion pieces, no mixing high and low etc.) are all middle aged men and women who generally work in creative but well paying fields and wouldn't have a clue about half the stuff you're talking about.

what you're actually referring to is streetgoth which is a bunch of loser mid priced generic as hell brands that have all popped up over the last 2 years and do everything in their power to rip off rick owens and givenchy as much as possible. they've developed a subculture of fuccboi's who co-opt all this shit and mix it with uniqlo, all saints, and the very rare actual designer piece from 8 seasons ago that they got second hand off the internet.

otherwise I agree with everything you've said but let's just get the semantics straight.

>> No.6138415

woudlnt - be - un - affordable - if - you - didnt - piss - away - your - money - on - disposable - fashion - from - asos - and - HanM

Also, explain LVW

>> No.6138428

Also what the fuck
>(as in a wardrobe full of it, buying at full retail, no diffusion pieces, no mixing high and low etc.)
None of these things are indicative of a strong sense of design or execution

>> No.6138439

You guys can all go fuck yourselves. This is my last post on this stupid faggot /fa/ board you guys are the worst on all of 4chan.

All I wanted to do was give an opinion and then you faggots had to bust out the "you mad" "u jelly" bullshit. I didn't get mad but I got pissed because it is hard to talk about good fashion with people who grew up on the wrong side of town.

I'm trying not to be a dick but how can I talk to you guys about $800 dollar pants when you guys think fucking J Crew is the greatest thing since peacoats and desert boots or whatever it is you guys wear.

I honestly don't understand why people in this world have children when they can't afford to give them a proper upbringing. not only did you stupid fucks miss out on a normal life but you are perpetuating your ignorance fucking lifestyle and stupid fucking ideas of what is good. You guys should just keep being happy with H&M and maybe send in an application because that is the only thing you have going for you. Or do what I mentioned and join the Army because we need more cannon fodder (you may have to look that term up).

In short, fuck you, all of you. I'm leaving this bullshit fucking channel because it is full of low class redneck blue collared faggots who probably watch larry the cableguy or whatever. You people make me fucking sick and are what is wrong with this motherfucking country I hate all of you and I hope you all fucking die FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID UGLY WHITE TRASH AND YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THIS

FUck of FA I'm out

>> No.6138503


none of that has anything to do with my point which is that gothninja and streetgoth have become one and the same to idiots like the OP when it's obviously not the case.

one is emulating the other and doing an inexpensive / "youth version" that's insufferable and attracts exactly the type of faggots the OP is talking about, it can best be described as "cosplay". the problem is he's not just talking about streetgoth, he's lumping in gothninja as well which can certainly produce some ridiculous costumey outfits but for the most part is much more subtle, well executed, and not even worn majority wise by people under 30.

that's my problem, people thinking guidi and pyrex are all part of the same big family of designers or under the same aesthetic umbrella when there's obviously a very well defined split at this point. maybe 5 years ago when you only had a couple inexpensive gothninja brands like chronicles of never but it's not the case today. there's so many of these designers that they've created their own aesthetic and culture.

you can't seriously believe a 19 year old wearing CoN, all saints, pyrex, and a supreme cap is part of the same group as a 36 year old wearing guidi, ann demeulemeester, and M.A.+ simply because they're both in head to toe black.

>> No.6138507

its - not - your - fault - that - you - dont - know - what - you - are - talking - about

>> No.6138527

i didn't even read your post.

i was joking man.

okay i did read your post
i think its something about being upset w/ how people portray things which contradict how the thing was intended at its inception.

i dont think you should waste your time concerning yourself w/ it. its okay not to like things.

>> No.6138544


oh sorry i forgot that acting like a dismissive faggot typing from their ipad is how we communicate on /fa/ now:

u seem p. faded, w/e no bigE

>> No.6138545 [DELETED] 

Yet it is a kinda big deal when you get maligned for wearing nice gothninja, yet get lumped in with street ninja fags. There is a difference, you recognize the difference between sandninja and gothninja why not gothninja and streetgoth?

>> No.6138549
File: 76 KB, 500x669, typical rick owens customer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t f w i know at least 4 of these pdx streetstyle photogs


>> No.6138551

It wouldn't be so bad if everyone didn't assume wearing all black meant an attempt at gothninja

>> No.6138563

>well-defined split
>between two pejoratives made up to describe what is actually an enormous multitude of designers, style tropes, and consumers who are as distinct from one another as they are similar

>> No.6138582

im typing from a desktop.

you know GN and SN and w/e other words fabricated for convience dont exactly mean anything and cant be defned

i cant take what youre saying seriously unless you sort of...be more specific

I dont fucking know what SN or StretN or GN. I'm p.sure i use it mostly in satire.
ref 2

>> No.6138594

took a piss and trip dropped, werd

well - congratulations - on - wasting - all - your - time... - shit - up - board - w/ - unaffordable -sneakers

>> No.6138596

>street ninja


>> No.6138603

stop attaching ninja and goth to everything it's lame as fuck

>a kid in asos x zara in charge of naming styles he sees on the internet

you have probably never even seen a designer piece IRL nerd

>> No.6138613

The best part about goth ninja is that no matter how much you spend on your clothes, you'll still look like and be a faggot

>> No.6138631
File: 118 KB, 640x496, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant hang

>> No.6138681

They all look like twinks

>> No.6138684 [DELETED] 

With those plebs? I rather not.

>> No.6138692
File: 61 KB, 427x640, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your the guy mirin in the background

>> No.6138715 [DELETED] 


>> No.6138723
File: 33 KB, 397x640, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6138726

who are these people and why should i care

>> No.6138740 [DELETED] 

to differentiate between categories of looks some of which fit my overall attitude for life. To allow myself to easily browse online stores and see certain designers which are within the narrow spectrum of clothing which i desire.

More specific:
gothninja would be a more high fashion, not corrupted by swagfags or poor kids. I normally group designers such as BBS, Julius, MA+, some Dick Ovens, some CCP, LUC, Devoa. See most of SZ for this variety of clothing, and I see it as more of a timeless look.
streetninja is the black version of swagfag. I dont know brands since I avoid this shit like the black plague. I view it as corrupted by pop culture, and a trend akin to pop-punk. Along the lines of fast fashion goth ninja, with extreme considerations made for the urban (black) hip hop youth of the day.
sandninja is gothninja adapted for more of a desert Bedouin look. Take the black and replace it with beige and white, add the African desert / Arabian Nights influence to end up here. Super conceptual very little actual usage.

lol, are you talking out your ass much fuccboi? I have a decent amount of designer clothing, yet always want more. Conspicuous consumption is the name of the game faggot . . .

>> No.6138746 [DELETED] 

lol, all of them except fuuma look like shit in person. Mailmoth is the biggest joke.

>> No.6138765


faggots from sz

>> No.6138772
File: 373 KB, 713x1024, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rick, julius, bbs are have p.strong 'black swag' influences.
>more timeless look

- you - are - a - master - ruse - man

It's okay to form these little 'style' dichotomies for yourself but trying to enforce it is p.futile.

idk why this sht is upsetting you
post fit

theyve come into contact w/ a messiah.

>> No.6138795
File: 1.24 MB, 693x944, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6138807
File: 106 KB, 640x465, mail moth in 10 yrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u understand how ridiculous u sound tho

what about the guy who wears julius with their w+h faded jeans?? what about the guy who wears bbs w/ pyrex shorts??? not only is it impossible to functionally distinguish between yr subcategories, its also useless

mailmoth seems like the nicest person in the universe talk shit post fit on the stairs of yr qt french apt
>tfw will never have wine/comte w/ mailmoth

>> No.6138812
File: 170 KB, 607x775, average sz autist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck sz

>> No.6138817
File: 14 KB, 679x269, basedgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6138826

enforcement isn't the goal, only the opposition of the degradation of personal style modifiers. And fit incoming

>> No.6138827
File: 126 KB, 800x531, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pretending your taking the photo

>> No.6138837


is that really him? where did you find this pic

>> No.6138832 [DELETED] 

wow, this looks like shit

>> No.6138833
File: 79 KB, 400x816, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degradation of personal style modifiers

>> No.6138845

>no bedsheets

>> No.6138841
File: 15 KB, 679x269, basedgay1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6138842 [DELETED] 

lol, do you guys actually know those stylezeitgeist guys?

>> No.6138853

>not calling it chinese cartoons for girls

>> No.6138854
File: 35 KB, 403x522, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just a p.serious internet stalker.

>> No.6138866


You are a fucking idiot. People like you are the reason why 4chan is so shit. You say horrid things like that over the internet and don't understand how much it hurts to be told that. I have suffered with depression since I was 7 years old and have been bullied for 13 years in school and now I get bullied online! People like you should be the ones to fucking die because when you say things like that to people like me we DO hurt and sometimes we DO hurt ourselves. If I ever met you in real life I would have my boyfriend kill you because he is the best thing to happen in my life and knows how much of cunts you people on the internet are. In realitys you are pusses who are self conciouse about yourself which is why you say these things. Rant over, you lose internet troll.

>> No.6138890

Polite sage, but did you ever post before/after beard pics?s

>> No.6138915
File: 121 KB, 640x589, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have pictures of me without a beard before I grew one and me w/ a beard before I shaved it.

I've got mine w/ a beard but not w/o atm (shaved is on laptop).

>> No.6138926 [DELETED] 
File: 1.74 MB, 2448x3264, fit for fa..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a fit, without needing to blank out my face due to the nice Lost & found hoodie. LOL you guys post fits too.

>> No.6138929 [DELETED] 

lol, you arent christian/chant.

>> No.6138934


that looks bad

>> No.6138945
File: 136 KB, 640x610, i dont know who this is or how i even got this picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u cant prove that

>> No.6138946 [DELETED] 

lol, people like me fucked up people like you. And now I'm the guy who fucks girls like you because of something you see in my rants filled with vitrol, my diatribes laced with hate. Go cut yourself, or in the words of suicide silence "PULL THE TRIGGER BITCH."

>> No.6138948 [DELETED] 

wait, is timber or turneft the fag in the pictures?

>> No.6138951

wow wow

>> No.6138952
File: 179 KB, 640x706, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6138958 [DELETED] 

lol fuccboi, go suck more dicks with your fake rick pants.

>> No.6138964

how do u know they fake?

>> No.6138965
File: 134 KB, 427x640, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im the sexy one w/ long hair

timbr is the weird bold dude


>> No.6138976 [DELETED] 

lol, so what names do you go by on sz?

and turnleft's post above sorta fucks with you.

>> No.6138983 [DELETED] 

They look super gay, they are black colored, and they make him look like a nigger /thread.

>> No.6138980
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i suspected too, the drawstring, pockets and panelling looks off

might b pic tho also never hanled myself tho so ;s

>> No.6138988
File: 1.50 MB, 1605x2230, u cant hang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6138990 [DELETED] 

lol /fa/ is so much neckbeards with no life, they look real to me though.

>> No.6138995 [DELETED] 

wait, are there two timbers now?

>> No.6138993

Shut up cunt

>> No.6138994
File: 1.50 MB, 2448x3264, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thnk i mayd a handle years ago?

i jst lurk now tbh

>i kindv feel bad but not really

>> No.6138998

lol i saw those green converse in the back
you cant run away from your past

>> No.6139009 [DELETED] 


I don't. LOL, this photo is pretty funny to see the reaction from people who wont back up what they talk about.

>> No.6139014
File: 167 KB, 640x434, check the cat toy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these rnt me
thats probably this guard dude posting akshully

>mfw trying 2 impersonate me w/o a christian folder of at least 150 imgs


>> No.6139017 [DELETED] 

lol who says that is my past, they are older then I am I love them and am wearing them till they break completely. And you missed the jordans and supras above them. They strike a bit more strongly at my credibility for what I was espousing.

>> No.6139019

>wont back up what they talk about.
>deletes fit pic after being called out on fakes

>> No.6139023 [DELETED] 

lol, deleted it to get more attention. Who do you think said they were fakes.

>> No.6139025
File: 59 KB, 500x615, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you talking about

i dun need to back up anything ?

all these posts are yours (I think)
I ain' got shit in this.

>> No.6139028




>> No.6139042 [DELETED] 

only the third, screencaping to prove now

>> No.6139052
File: 60 KB, 500x673, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're all really dum, even admitting to the third demonstrates a pretty complete level of ignorance in par w/ the first and second.

>> No.6139055 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 362x196, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6139062 [DELETED] 

lol, i am using a trip for the third. yet suprisingly someone figured it out and is posting as me. see the top link

>> No.6139078

So let me get this straight...not only did you post a fit with fake Rick and then delete it, you also impersonated timber to draw attention to it as well as call yourself a "nigger" before ultimately pretending someone else is using your trip to post autismal ramblings about gothninja?


>> No.6139093 [DELETED] 

yes, except the rick isnt fake. In this thread I prob posted 2/3 of the posts. actually pretty fun. And I dont see anyone calling the MA+ or l&f fake.

>> No.6139095 [DELETED] 

they're all really dum, even the fake converses.

>> No.6139096

I think the fact that people are calling your shit fake despite them being legit says something for itself.

>> No.6139099 [DELETED] 

not when it's me who is calling my own stuff fake. lol, you need to understand the level of samefag going on in this thread.

>> No.6139100


>> No.6139101

Damage control the post

>> No.6139102
File: 40 KB, 349x642, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6139103 [DELETED] 

What do you mean, this is the real timber. Check out my 150 saved photos of a man from another continent to ensure that I'm not this /fa/ggot.

>> No.6139105 [DELETED] 

what pretending this is legit fun. Every post in this thread I made as guard was legit.

>> No.6139112

Uhhh... just because somebody posts on sz doesn't mean the rest of the board approves their fit.. I'm sure if you did a poll of the worst waywt poster (which is admittedly a very childish thing to come up with) darkbydesign would win by a landslide with endorphinz in 2nd place. Nobody likes his shit. Post something sz approved and we'll critique it, until you stop throwing around vague insults just fuck off.

>> No.6139116

U missed the joke

He was responding to a post saying go back to sufu w/ a shit fit saved from sufu, it was tongue in cheek

From what I've seen on sz not many of the posters display critical thinking skills so I'm not surprised

>> No.6139118
File: 170 KB, 563x440, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Endorphinz opinions are usually p.aggressive but I think a lot of his WAYWTs are pretty cool.

The attitude is just a bit off
>also, dat hair

>> No.6139217

damn dude this guy needs some serious help if this is serious.. ma henley, l&f cardigan, and rick cargos? it looks like you took some random shit from the gothninja clearance bin and wore it together.

first rule: look at the fabric. how does the fabric of each individual garment compliment the others?

second rule: the fit. how does the fit of each individual garment compliment the rest?

third rule: colors. how does the shade of each individual garment compliment the rest?

pretty simple right? this fails all three.

im not trying to sound mean at all, i just want to help you find your style. they're not bad individually, but there's no rhyme or reason to your fit.

maybe you should look at how rick styles his own shit, how maurizio styles his shit, and how ria styles her shit to give you an idea how to pair different pieces. i see no inspiration here aside from "sz approved DESIGNER BRANDS now im avant garde"

look on the bright side, its kind of a step in the right direction.

>> No.6139224

ok thats enough

>> No.6139265
File: 33 KB, 282x200, 1368321429798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6139447

you seem upset

>> No.6139470

I respect gothninja as a form of expressionism in fashion, but it looks absolutely ridiculous in real life.
Whenever I see someone wearing it out I can't help but laugh because they always have their head down, afraid to make eye contact with sniggering strangers.
None of you have the confidence and/or looks to pull it off.

>> No.6139505

Goth ninja looks terrible unless there are dark clouds overhead that are not yet raining.

>> No.6139510


>> No.6139516

what kind of pieces would you say would work better with the pants? or with the henely, or with the l&f?

>> No.6139530


Honestly op, i agree. I laughed when i pictured someone eating pizza, shit would seem rediculous. I mean, sure, its cool if you think its cool and have an outfit or two here or there that you just wear every once and a while but a lot of these fuckers take it way too far and look fucking retarded in every day life. Now, someone could be #Nxtlvl in nyc every day if they wanted, but for most of the world, this shit just looks out of place and goofy.

>> No.6139536

naw man. i just like gothy, skinny clothes. i dont play games nor have i watched anime.

>> No.6139541

theres this thing called night, retard. but its not true anyways, it looks better in the light when you can see the details.

just to start off: i know this post is bullshit. it reeks of it.

lel at "expressionism", all the info one needs to know you're full of shit

you see people in what? entry level pleb stuff like rick? or do you just think all black is super ninjahhgottthh?

maybe they don't make eye contact with you because you're not interesting to them? oh look that guys wearing boat shoes, what an interesting person i better make eye contact with them!

>> No.6139552


>wearing a kfc container on your head

>> No.6139553

Everything about this post is cancerous, get the fuck out of /fa/.

>> No.6139571

>lel at "expressionism", all the info one needs to know you're full of shit
how is it not expressionism?
>you see people in what? entry level pleb stuff like rick? or do you just think all black is super ninjahhgottthh?
last time i checked rick is gothninja, not just black clothing
>maybe they don't make eye contact with you because you're not interesting to them? oh look that guys wearing boat shoes, what an interesting person i better make eye contact with them!
they deliberately look at the ground so they cant see anyone's faces

>> No.6139573 [DELETED] 

PLZ help

how can i improve? The clothing I wear does nothing to hurt my sex life, yet apparently I can dress better. I wore the outfit i posted minus the henely out today for reference, and it was super rainy/overcast.

>> No.6139576
File: 10 KB, 198x254, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how is it not expressionism?
>how is it not expressionism?
>e x p r e s s i o n i s m

>> No.6139578

explain yourself

>> No.6139581 [DELETED] 

black is the color that matches how i feel on the inside, by wearing it I allow others to see the void where my hopes and dreams once were and now there only is death.

>> No.6139588

post a fit

>> No.6139594 [DELETED] 

i did, see >>6138994
its gotten a lot of flac so far, I wore the outfit posted minus the henely today.

>> No.6139603

if you're going to try goofninja at least do it properly that looks trashy as fuck

>> No.6139605 [DELETED] 

yes, but how? This is what I'm asking for.

>> No.6139607

buy better quality pieces

>> No.6139609

gothninja is nothing like the expressionist movement. it's a completely different beast that doesn't really have a genre to contain it. originally with yohji and co. it was a reaction to the gaudy colours and slim fits that were slowly becoming more and more prevalent in the fashion world.

it really isn't about expressing complex emotional ideas through dress, it's about obscuring the body and misleading the eye, while providing a blank canvas at the same time.

>> No.6139620

lmao why are you so fat

>> No.6139617
File: 1.97 MB, 1123x2595, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any better? took this a couple of days ago

>> No.6139627 [DELETED] 

lol, is 165 fat? at 6'1"

>> No.6139630

no, probably worse in fact

if you cant afford good quality pieces dont even try, you'll just look like a white trash wigger trying to act black (even if this isnt what you want to portray)

>> No.6139633 [DELETED] 

what makes them bad or this one worse? I don't get it.

>> No.6139640 [DELETED] 

I just buy whatever I like and wear it whenever, more just idgaf about what people think in person but I want to look "good."

>> No.6139648 [DELETED] 

Plz give me advice on how to improve. I have nearly unlim moneys to get any of the clothes I want, I just like all dark colors all the time.

>> No.6139660

it just doesnt go together at all
those shoes destroy any perception of gothninja
actually research and find inspo from goofninja shows
research, experiment
also find what works for you and your figure
wanting to dress in dark clothes doesnt mean you have to dress goofninja

>> No.6139673 [DELETED] 

gothninja isnt the goal, more dark punk. And the goof ninja is more of the design that grabs me

>> No.6139676

does it look bad, or just bad goth ninja?

>> No.6139681

i dont really have any knowledge of that sort of clothes so i cant help you there
it looks bad overall

>> No.6139690

Regardless of what you're going for, the shoes throw the entire outfit out. Anyway can't really judge anything because your pics are so fucking low res in a dirty mirror. No idea what they really look like.

>> No.6139691

What would you recommend to make it better? Meaning which part of the outfits looks worst?

>> No.6139698 [DELETED] 

So the shoes are bad? or what can they be worn with?

>> No.6139702

like i said before it just looks bad when put together
i dont really know much about gothninja past the initial stage so i couldnt really tell you if those individual pieces are good or not
never wear those shoes again though - they sort of look like nike TNs, are they?

>> No.6139703

at this point, i really cannot believe that you are serious.

>> No.6139713

Adidas knockoffs of gats, from 4 years ago only released in Sweden. I imported them, now Adidas wont let retailers sell outside of Europe.
why not, what would make you understand that I might be super odd in my dress yet super serious in this thread. I posted bad fits, and I want help with fixing them. I'm gonna get an actual camera tomorrow and post here or in a new thread. I srsly wear this stuff 24/7.

>> No.6139717

oh and the spikes I added later.

>> No.6139719

how old are you

>> No.6139726

20, Imma be 21 in under 2 months.

>> No.6139728 [DELETED] 

What did you expect?

>> No.6139768

How old do I look/dress?

>> No.6139810

you dress like a neckbeard, go burn your rick and l&f and ma+

>> No.6140898

^^this! YOU ARE MY GOD!!!!