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/fa/ - Fashion

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6134406 No.6134406 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6134413

>effay diseases
>no typhus

>> No.6134412

i have severe OCBD

>> No.6134416

Except that most people with you "God Tier" disorders are the most annoying cunts and probably wear sweatpants all the time.

>> No.6134423

Those are disorders you fucking moron

>> No.6134437
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>Pleb tier

>> No.6134445


what about Depersonalization Disorder????

>feels bad man

>> No.6134447

actually it'd be asexuality as god.

>> No.6134464

>eating disorder
>pleb tier
do you even fashion?

>> No.6134468

it's tjere m8

tfw i have that too

wat do

>tfw it acts up real bad every time i remember it
>tfw typing this out
>tfw typing that out
jesus christ i hate this shit so much

>> No.6134476

>it acts up every time i remember it

that's not a disorder then, dumbshit.

self-diagnosis isn't diagnosis.

>> No.6134477


you don't understand what DPD is then.

It's basically living your life through a looking glass.

>> No.6134488

i don't think you realise how it works

it's being very, very self-aware. like i'm narrating my entire life to myself

hencewhy when i remember it i get very "meta"

i'm thinking about my thinking patterns and how i think about constantly thinking about the way i think

get it?

>> No.6134511
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are they pleb because everyone who is effay has these or for some other reason beyond my understanding?

>> No.6134521

babbys first mental disorder

>le derp feelin tired lel depression x(
>addicted to le reddit x)

>> No.6134530

>eating disorder
feels good man

>> No.6134536

why is bipolar god tier then?

>> No.6134541


lol I don't think addiction means internets.


>> No.6134544

that's not what depression or addiction actually are though

>> No.6134547



i was thinking addicted to heroin, and your depressed because your life is in the gutter because you spend so much money on heroin that you can't cop any swag clothes, the police keep knocking on your door and the black guy across the hall stays up all night selling crack.

and every time you want to escape that hell your trash tattooed punk girlfriend pulls you back in with a needle, then fucks your friend behind your back and staggers home late at night only to force herself to puke on the bathroom tile before passing out so that she can maintain her unhealthy low weight.

>> No.6134550
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>> No.6134556


>tfw heroin is shit compared to hydromorphone


>> No.6134558


>implying im not just describing my neighbors

>> No.6134786

how the fuck is adhd (real) better than add (real)
its cool to be off the wall and fidgety? fuck no.

anyways, i have about six of these, only bipolar in bouts where things have gone really pporly for me
aside from that im add, ocd, dissociative, narcissistic and avoidant.
i honestly think these are all symptoms of being generally insecure, and truth is theres nothing fashionable about them, they're just relatable to fashion because clothing has a huge social impact.
for avpd, its a way to define yourself as confident when youre not so that you can feel better than others
for ocd, its the meticulous reshaping and re evaluating of your wardrobe, colours and shapes.
for narcissism, its the most practical way to stimulate your ego if youre socially inept.
as for being add, not relatable to fashion but i sure do think about it whenever my mind goes off track, which is all the fucking time

>> No.6134831


>> No.6134848



where is BDD, though? that should be included since it fucks you up pretty badly and you become obsessed about it.

>> No.6134881

Is st-st-stuttering /fa/?

>> No.6134884

>no 'oppositional defiant disorder' on the list
Step up

>> No.6134886

>tfw insomniac, schizoid, and avoidant
i havent left my house in like 3 months
i browse 4chan all day every day but this is probably my second post this entire month and ill be surprised if i actually hit submit instead of just closing the tab

>> No.6134920

Antisocial is the only /fa/ disorder.

>> No.6134923

u did it bro

>> No.6134973

>actually hit submit instead of just closing the tab

i know that feel

>> No.6134979

no disorder is fa kids

>> No.6134991

bipolar masterrace reporting in

it's funny because I get depressed every new moon and people joke that it's my menstrual cycle (i'm a guy)

>> No.6135011

that's not a disorder, that's someone just being an asshole.

>> No.6135016
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>ill be surprised if i actually hit submit instead of just closing the tab

>> No.6135020
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>i havent left my house in like 3 months
>browses /fa/

i'm curious as to why you do this. if you never leave, then why into fashion

>> No.6135032

so he has one more excuse not to leave the house, because he's ashamed of his clothes

>> No.6135041

>so he has one more excuse not to leave the house, because he's ashamed of his clothes

>> No.6135069

>implying this isn't the core of /fa/ posters

>> No.6135077

avpd is fucking awful. nothing /fa/ about being 40 years old and having a cat as your only friend

>> No.6135095

you can't be schizoid and avoidant. look at the differential diagnosis for spd

>> No.6135106
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you know you might not be far off the mark. i've been here for years and am pretty reclusive due to avpd. only difference is i post a lot

>> No.6135113
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>> No.6135170

>not having a 4chan pass
>not using 4chanx
>having tor so you can look up cp
You might be mentally ill, but that's no excuse.

>> No.6135318

>ITT retards self diagnosing themselves with ridiculous disorders.
Grow up fggts.

>> No.6135347

disgusting logic