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/fa/ - Fashion

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6133986 No.6133986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jesus. /soc just rated this an 8.

Stop referring people there it's not funny, just tell them to fuck off instead

>> No.6133989

>Stop referring people there it's not funny, just tell them to fuck off instead
That's the same thing.
/soc/ is the lowest common denominator, that's the joke

>> No.6133991

fuck off

>> No.6133994

brb regaining selfconfidence on soc

>> No.6133996

I thought it was bad but I didn't think it was this bad

It's so bad it's not even funny

>> No.6133997

>yfw they rate you a 3

>> No.6133999

/soc/ has completely fucked standards

if you were to post famous models there they'd rate them 6/10 while some ugly stoner whale gets 9/10

>> No.6134004

cool dudes only ITT

>tfw laughing at ugly plebes who dont match up to my superior model features

>> No.6134009

that's a good thing for getting laid

>> No.6134014

being a famous model doesn't make you sexually attractive.

>> No.6134016

To ugly people who feel intimitated, yes

The thing with /soc/ is that everyone wallows in mediocrity and licks each others wounds to make themselves feel better.

It is so detached from the real world it makes me sad just for a little bit

>> No.6134022
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>> No.6134032

this so hard
i was once rated 7 but i am pretty sure i am 5 at best

>> No.6134059

The girls on /soc/ are all 4-6.5 tier
And some guys are 7-10 tier

Why would good looking girls visit /soc/ if the real world gave enough approval?

>> No.6134074

I can tell if these are men or women, really

>> No.6134077

I'm pretty sure this is a trap.

>> No.6134125
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Stupid sexy Brazil-chan.

>> No.6134152

shame he got a sex change
I would fucking destroy that ass

n-no homo

>> No.6134169
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>> No.6134184

doesn't mean anything, they rate everyone who looks "douchy" in their opinion low while landwhales and neckbeards get rated high
it's a constant sad circlejerk

>> No.6134191

the rebbit of 4chan

>> No.6134210

/soc/ is full of circlejerk. frequent posters are rated highly by other frequent posters, who reciprocate.
it's rarely objective.
plus they tend to rate more attractive people lower than they should be rated. guessing it has to do with approachability, they'll rate a geeky okay looking chick an 8, but a normal chick, who actually is an 8 by real world standards, lower.

>> No.6134219

same goes for guys

objectively good looking males with strong features look "weird" and get rated lower then some neckbeard with gauges and a shitty bandshirt

>> No.6134244
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faggiest place on the internet

>> No.6134249
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>be 2009
>post pic of Lachowski on /soc/
>no reverse image searches came up so I was already prepared
>mfw he got 4.5/10 from multiple different people
They're so insecure it hurts.

>> No.6134262

they just like to stay in their hugbox

posting good looking people destroys their autismal world view

/soc/ is pure trash

>> No.6134265

annoying ain't it
best stay away from that shitty place

>tfw you're rated a 6 while a fat beta is rated 8

>> No.6134276

they just like to stay in their hugbox

posting ordinary people destroys their autismal world view

/fa/ is pure trash

>> No.6134282


fuccboi dadcore faggot

>> No.6134286
File: 41 KB, 800x479, 1363914531278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes me sad and depressed knowing that nearly half of this board are regulars on /soc/

i honestly cant go on that board without getting angry, maybe im just autistic

>> No.6134294

how do you know thats true? if so im just gonna fucking leave

>> No.6134303

this is correct
i posted yuri pleskun and he got 5/10's and 6/10's as well as getting told that he looks like a child, a dick and someone who's gonna get his face punched
/soc/ wasn't around in 2009
Everybody visits other boards for curiosity, I doubt many people here frequent /soc/, i can't stand going there because it's full of sluts and desperate guys.

>> No.6134306
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it's completely wrong
noticed i completely missed /soc/
went back to the fuuka archive and counted 2 mentions

>> No.6134309

that was from a "which other boards do you visit" poll

>> No.6134318

top lel
some of them aren't actually that ugly though

>> No.6134324

>post pic on /soc/
>8-10, with one "would fuck"

Felt good, as I was depressed as fuck at the time.

That being said, I mostly dislike the board and find the high female percentage in the rate threads funny

>> No.6134332
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??!? this girl was rated 7 on average
what the fuck /soc/

>> No.6134333


i know it sounds cruel man but im glad these fuckers are social recluses and i dont have to look at them

>> No.6134335

>licks each others wounds to make themselves feel better.

An Asuka reference, I like you.

>> No.6134339
File: 120 KB, 500x717, basedlouis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck off weeabo, you are just as bad as them you fat american shit

>> No.6134346

/soc/ are not real people they are computer generated and are just there to annoy people

>> No.6134349

Soc is full of fat bitches. I was about to hook up with a girl because she was 7/10 then I realised that she was using MySpace angles.

>> No.6134362

>post picture on /soc/
>get mad hate
I guess I really am better looking than I thought.

>> No.6134434

just clicked on one of their 'husky' men threads.
I feel like ive eaten uncooked meat.