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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 177 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m4cmwpiC501rwazhmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6118191 No.6118191 [Reply] [Original]

is being a white knight /fa/?

>> No.6118195


>> No.6118198

i hate that kid

>> No.6118204

>RevolutionRapter5000 4 minutes ago
>Thick girls>Skinny girls
fatass detected

>> No.6118210

lel this faggot just doesnt get it

>> No.6118212

You didn't think you could manage to post this in the thread already up dealing with this shit?

>> No.6118217

Lel he's so fucking clueless

>> No.6118219

no, i'm just not a twig like you, faggot

>> No.6118224


fat confirmed

>> No.6118223


>> No.6118227

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.6118230

he's a stalker

>> No.6118234

it's funny because he's a virgin
who would have guessed?

>> No.6118236

>who would have guessed?
is that a hypothetical question

>> No.6118238
File: 188 KB, 1024x768, $(KGrHqIOKpEE+de8ts-OBP3lFBRgzg~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rick said pretty much the same thing

>Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothes and go the gym instead.

Fat people don't look good in anything.

>> No.6118240

You can be thing without being Auschwitz

>> No.6118244


>> No.6118246

>People alike the form of beauty are not the only ones that are beautiful.
>The form of beauty is redundant, there is no such thing as beauty.

>> No.6118248


the word is "rhetorical," mouthbreather

>> No.6118253

Why is it when they pic chubbies to represent as the opposite to the skinnies they are always the hottest, most airbrushed chubbies they can find. And when they are campaigning for fat store models why don't they also want short models because most store models are inches taller than the average woman.?

>> No.6118258


>> No.6118259

No, you are fat and to lazy to lose the weight so you glorify you fatass and gross body.

>> No.6118262

how many dicks do you think this guy sucks on a weekly basis?

>> No.6118267
File: 14 KB, 262x353, autism_ilt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6118269

it's funny because abrercrombie doesn't give a fuck if it receives negative publicity

also, the news story totally made up words and attributed them to the company based on what size they sell
how can they even do that

>> No.6118275

im not him but im pretty fat siting at 220 atm i used to weigh 350, it fucking sucks and I realized being fat sucks, every aspect of it sucks, their is no benefit of being fat; I'm trying my best to lose weight and hopefully become /fa/. People who defend their obesity just don't want to face their problem.

>> No.6118273

he's a virgin

>> No.6118280

you're not /fa/ until you hit 125 fatass

>> No.6118282

>im not him but im pretty fat siting at 220

>> No.6118288

I never said I was /fa/ you cunt.

>> No.6118289

sorry u will never be /fa/

>> No.6118292

you disgust me

>> No.6118300

>"i'd eat both those pussys right out."

how has this guy not come out of the closet?

>> No.6118296

Keep it up anon, you'll make it

Also, the kid is just a tool.
Plebs gona pleb

>> No.6118305

f-fuck face
I cringed

>> No.6118318

i was laughing because the kid said the fat one is beautiful
>maybe if i am nice to girls they will like me
fucking beta

>> No.6118322
File: 50 KB, 429x268, Thought-terminating-cliches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need a hotkey for this

>> No.6118326


>> No.6118334


>> No.6118330
File: 90 KB, 703x494, Thought-terminating-cliche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatcha going to do about it

>> No.6118333


>> No.6118337


>> No.6118339


>> No.6118341


>> No.6118345


>> No.6118353
File: 86 KB, 500x651, underachievers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.6118368

Is autism /fa/?

>> No.6118373


>> No.6118393


>> No.6118668

Whats the name of the disease that makes you say bad words without control?
the one that appeared in Southpark

>> No.6118691


>> No.6119176

come fags lets spam this guys video

>> No.6119197
File: 14 KB, 405x447, Al Bundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God...he reads comics. Stop making us look bad!

>> No.6119202


>> No.6119312

I'm a guy, 5'10'' and 150 lbs.

Will I ever be /fa/?

>> No.6119402

I can't stop thinking about the fact he probably spent 20 minutes trying to make his hair look he just woke up