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/fa/ - Fashion

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6110296 No.6110296[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Trying to lose weight, because there's no good clothes for fat people and when fat people try to be /fa/, it looks fucking stupid because their silhouettes are shitty and make clothes look bad.

Also just generally want my body to be able to do more. Be more flexible, be more energetic and less heavy. But I have to ask, does cutting out soda, drinking only water and eating less really help?

>> No.6110301

this is /fa/ not /fit/

Just diet, stop eating meat because that's where all the shit food is to be had, don't need to excersise too hard

>> No.6110302

Are you asking if cutting calories helps you lose weight? Really?

>> No.6110297

it that a real question?

>> No.6110308

Yes, because I see people who at least say they do so, and their still fat fucks. Seem to not make any progress ever, but preach about eating less and drinking water only.

>> No.6110304

Yes. Jump over to /fit/ if you're serious. Read the sticky.

>> No.6110305

delete this before you become the shitstorm of 2013

>> No.6110307

>Just diet, stop eating meat because that's where all the shit food is to be had

Holy shit this board is retarded.

>> No.6110310

the model diet (no bs)
>fruit for breakfast
>salad for lunch
>salad for dinner

>> No.6110326

>does eating less calories than what you need help you lose weight?
is this nig for real? just eat half of what you usually eat now and you want an easier way to lose some initial weight but don't be a dumb fat as fat ass and eat more meals to compensate.

>> No.6110331

Because they're not. People think that drinking only water will help them lose weight at the type of dumbfucks who probably believe that spot training works.

Do cardio, run(outside, treadmill, etc), yes eat less. Drink water only because it's the only beverage you really need. If you're gonna drink coffee and tea, drink your coffee black, without cream or sugar. Drink your tea without sugar, you'll get used to it.

Water is not some magic weight loss potion that some dumbasses make it out to be. But it's the healthiest choice. Say fuck you to soda, diet or otherwise. Say fuck you to fruit juices, and even "natural fruit juices".

Cut your portions and make healthier choices.

>> No.6110332

Just count calories, dude. Eat three meals a day and no snacking in between. But, if you must snack, have fruits and vegetables or a piece of cheese or some nuts. Get plenty of water. Make an effort to walk more and take the stairs instead of the escalator.

Everything they've told you is true, I've lost 14kg this way. I don't exercise much but I fully intend to start a routine soon but they say go slow with these things so you don't burn out too soon.

>> No.6110328

or eat as much as you want and work out according to how much you ate. Fuccboi's everywere

>> No.6110339

I stopped fapping and drinking coffee and that changed the way I felt drastically. Got up and just started working out and eating right, and I lost like 50 in a year in a half.

>> No.6110335
File: 744 KB, 964x768, 1365721513528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's literally all there is to it, newfag. eat less.

>> No.6110337

yes that works but isn't an amazing plan
it is far far easier to eat 1000 cal than to work it off

>> No.6110343


this is some next level tricking right here

>> No.6110350

damn straight. one of those coldstone ice cream shakes are like 5k calories or something and I could drink like 2 of those and still be up for dinner.

>> No.6110352

Where the fuck is that picture from? What is that, like his gf and he's too much of a fat fuck to leave the games alone?

>> No.6110362

Drink more water less shit, eat more fruits and veggies and less processed shit. exercise moderately but moist of your weight loss will come from diet not exercise.

>> No.6110364

GTA V promotional image or something like that, that's his sister