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/fa/ - Fashion

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6101543 No.6101543 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/, I don't usually go here but I just got a few new outfits. was wondering if I am making a good choice wearing them in public or if I'm making a fool of myself. Its not that I'm not confident in them, its just that this has happened before and I don't have much of a sense of style(according to my friends). frankly I think I look good in it.

>> No.6101567

you look like your dying
Call 1-800-kids-rapefone

>> No.6101577

You should worry about your hair first.

>> No.6101578

fuck yea nigga u fresher than a motherfucker rite now

>> No.6101586

of all the things I thought I would get, that was the last on my mind. haha. I'm fully healthy according to my visit last week.
got dat headphone hair. I'll brush it for my next outfit.

>> No.6101595
File: 89 KB, 400x580, tumblr_ml0kd328oV1qzvd70o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your eyes look like they witnessed the vaginal scanning of Linsay Lohanolus

>> No.6101603

was born with them, people don't really care because I tend to act as if they never existed.

>> No.6101627

wow mang ur relly stylish
w2c everything

>> No.6101637
File: 93 KB, 498x750, 1367386394085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is a board devoted more to high fashion than average person off the street fashion

>> No.6101647

>button down over another button down
>murrikan flag on sleeve
>half tucked in
>rape eyes
>receding hairline
Get a haircut that won't make it look bad
>headphone hair
Do you wear Jecklin Floats or something?
>lurk more

Keep your arms down and hold your phone off to the side when you take a selfie, we can't see shit with your arms in the way.

>> No.6101663


you look really unfortunate. sorry about the genetics

>> No.6101704

It's the other way around, newfriend.

>> No.6101715

god damn fucking lol'd

>> No.6101729
File: 1.08 MB, 900x1355, 1363390740766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've kinda got that retarded swag going on
keep at it bro

>> No.6101732


>> No.6101738
File: 939 KB, 1920x2560, 0505132059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, I see. sort of how /mu/ and /v/ both are into deeper stuff than whats first seen. I dig
I own dt-770s
will fix on the selfie
thanks dude!
not really what I'm aiming for, I want to look good, not stupid.
nope, Stephen.

>> No.6101747

go for hitler youth brev

>> No.6101756

THATS WHAT I THOUGHT I SHOULD GET. Thing is, the only other person I've ever seen with a hitler youth cut was some douche that would bitch and interrupt lectures and play games on his laptop while everyone else was talking. I do NOT want to be associated with those types of people.

>> No.6101768

It's too basic to look bad. The sleeves really bring out your skinny arms.

>> No.6101771


this thread is too painfully autistic.

>> No.6101774
File: 66 KB, 573x753, 1364146251475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well right now you're associate with this type

>> No.6101782

but those are the cool people and you do want to be associated with them you fucking nerd

>> No.6101799

so what the fuck should I do? I try to look good and I look like the dude you posted, I don't give a fuck and I look like a stoner. all I want to fucking be is normal, but what you guys are saying is what everyone else in the world is thinking when they see me. to be honest I shouldn't even fucking care, but I know that you guys know more about this shit than anyone. I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't.
that grow neckbeards, have gauges and scream fuck you at a god damn teacher? yeah, if those people are cool then the dudes that did columbine must have been swimming in pussy.

>> No.6101807

>all i want is to be normal
that will never happen you aspie

>> No.6101818

well you're on 4chan just like I am, so we're both going down to the same place in the end. we can both at least look normal, however.

>> No.6101820

the pic of >>6101774
was referring to your hair. do something with it. anything. try cutting it shorter and putting gel in it. i don't know man, but do somehting with your hair first. and don't worry too much about clothing style, worry about proper fit first. your shirts are coming off too baggy and making you look skinnier. which is a look you can pull off... BUT with the right kind of clothes. try some oxfords, fuck i don't know

>> No.6101838

I understand, I'm not really a fan of my bangs, those will probably go. I'll look into oxfords too, thanks.

>> No.6101853
File: 169 KB, 1280x854, tumblr_m79qnz5oen1qmm89qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your autistic desperation is running through your posts like a waterfall, OP. Fix your personality along with the rest of yourself, beta.

>> No.6101866

its not even that, I know a dude that looks like
he's probably the most hated person I know of, since I had been that person years back, I'm scared of ever returning. it's not really autism as much as a gut wrenching fear of being bullied like I when I was a kid.

>> No.6101872

Just lurk. Lurk for a really long time. Eventually you'll make it.

>> No.6101891

yeah OP if all else fails, which it probably will, this. trial and error. i'm going to bed, good luck

>> No.6101904

Just browse fashion-related sites and "good" brands' sites and you'll figure something out eventually.

>> No.6101915

You can try some places like Uniqlo, but first try to fix that hair and acne