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File: 169 KB, 930x930, 39776_04_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6098011 No.6098011 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ modes of transportation? I got like 20min downhill walk to work, figured maybe something like this would be cool?

>> No.6098016

just get a bicycle you cunt

>> No.6098026

Kill self.

>> No.6098028

There is nothing cooler than arriving somewhere on a skateboard. Go for it anon

>> No.6098029

There's so much fuss with bikes, you need to park them and lock them up and shit..

>> No.6098030

This isn't a fockin' skateboard, this is a fockin' toy.

>> No.6098032

Good luck on getting home

>> No.6098033

Get a real fucking cruiser and you'll be set

>> No.6098037

It's a fockin' cruiser yo

>> No.6098042

I'll just take the bus home as I usually do anyway.. This would be more like a morning joy ride?

>> No.6098046

A cruiser is fine to mate. I have both. You don't use a regular skateboard for transportation...

>> No.6098053

Actual cruisers are cool.

>> No.6098054

What's a real cruiser then? I'm considering a shitty one just to get a feel for it.. Right now I'd pretty much fall and die if I so much as look at a board.

>> No.6098055

do whatever the fuck you want dude, wtf is this

>> No.6098097
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>> No.6098156

Sooo what's a real cruiser :( Come on, it just got interesting.
The one from my pic may be in the cheaper end but it's not from a toy store.

>> No.6098173

It's bigger than a regular skateboard and has larger trucks and larger wheels (don't know if that has to be that way but it is in my case). It is for the means of transport and not for tricks like a regular skateboard. Still a lot less efficient that a bike, but lots of fun.

>> No.6098176

penny boards are for fucking faggots.
Cop a skateboard.

>> No.6098178

sector 9 bords

>> No.6098179

uhm isn't that a longboard then? I don't want a big clunky thing.

>> No.6098182

only manlet flips ride these where I live

It's funny cause it looks like they are riding regular size skateboards with neon puke paint jobs

>> No.6098201

Nope, it's in between a longboard and a skateboard

>> No.6098288
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Hey OP, get a Nickel. They're durable as fuck and great for cruising. Or if you want something smaller and more versatile, get a Penny. Only downside is that they cost $100-140.

>> No.6098296
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i aint the type of hate on the boards just because they're plastic but you could get started on a decent cruiser for $140, penny's cost too damn much

>> No.6098314

Penny's are good imo. And they're only $100.

>> No.6098354

just get a legit longboard. go really fast to work. show up early. get promoted. profit

>> No.6098732

Fucking plastic piece of shit. I'd rather walk than be seen on a fucking penny.

>> No.6098746

Honestly op, a longboard or penny board would be great but if you're not already comfortable skating it'll take awhile to get used to it. Just get a bike off craigslist

>> No.6098867

I've always been shit at skateboarding, but I learned to longboard reasonably well in like ten minutes. Shit ain't hard.

>> No.6098903
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>penny board
>not glorious longboard or skateboard

kill yourself you pleb

>> No.6098947

>spent ten minutes in parking lot or on slight incline
>lel I know how to longboard
>mfw you try to go down a hill and hit 45mph+ and the pavement takes a shit on you

Anyway, on to the actual discussion: I've been longboarding for over five years, and while I love it and think it's one of the most versatile ways to get around, it's really inefficient if your goal is to just get from one place to another. Unless you're planning on hopping fences or climbing roofs on your way to work, stick with a bike; it'll tire you less and be far more forgiving on downhills, because it actually has efficient brakes.

Also, decent longboard setups are ~$150-180. Obviously you can get something nicer (mine is over $400), but that's a good place to start.

Still, I'd never use a board to get to work.

>> No.6099260

freeriding master race reporting in

>> No.6099319

If you're a COOL Sk8ER boiii then go for it.
If you have to get from class to class and you want to look like a 90's cool kid it's perfect.

>> No.6099343
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>tfw you don't know how to ride a bike

I'm a pussyboi

>> No.6099366

>Not using a pogo stick
Stay pleb

>> No.6099369

TFW WANT TO LEARN TO SKATE / CRUISE because it genuinely looks fun and I love taking up new hobbies


live in area where typical 'skater' kids are very concentrated, have a skate shop and a park both a block away from my house and too scared to practice cuz i'll embarass myself and i'm like 19 ;_;

>> No.6099371

skateboards are for doing tricks. penny boards are for transportation. why are you telling him to get something less convenient for his needs?

>> No.6099383

I meant just using it to get around and chill and ride on some smooth hills and stuff btw not too interested in trix

>> No.6099384

I made a thread about posers last night OP, now go kill yourself, poser.

>> No.6099385

but it fits in a backpack easily. carrying a longboard around is hell

>> No.6099396

this is the first thing that made me laugh in at least a week. feels good.

>> No.6099401

how can you be a poser when you're using a board that is not meant for doing tricks. the entire purpose is riding around and that's all he'll be doing with it..

>> No.6099406


>> No.6099412


>> No.6099416

>cares what other people think

Get a load of this betamax

>> No.6099418
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faggot buy a skateboard and grow a pair of balls, you're asking to get focused pumping around on that little chode.

>> No.6099423

if you skateboard then you're a faggot

I have yet to meet a skater who isn't a massive faggot, I just don't think they exist

>> No.6099428
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i skateboard :o
or did before my deck got stolen

>> No.6099435

Just find an empty lot so you practice by yourself b. Also, I know how you feel, I want to learn how to skate.

>> No.6099449
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So how much practice do you think would be needed? I was thinking of copping this for Uni next year since its close to my house and mostly downhill getting there. Should I buy it now and practice over the summer?

>> No.6099455

Fuck penny boards, they are literally shittier than longboarders. And that's saying something

>> No.6099460
File: 196 KB, 700x765, julius-crop6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are so many skateboarders so insecure

>> No.6099469


that's because all the skaters you've met are total faggots. chris haslam, on the other hand, is one of the most genuinely nice and talented skateboarders out there

>> No.6099485

I started skating about 2 and a bit months ago for kinda the same reason as you but mostly for learning a new skill. it took me about 1.5 months to get used to it. I'll tell you this now, YOU WILL FALL OVER. I skate for about an hour a day. I skate loose so it's harder to stabalise but you get to weave around pleb walkers instead of ugly kick tailes

I recently started caveman in public without actually thinking I'll fall over. which is good because starting stationary is kind of shitty.

>> No.6099486

yw, spread the giggles anon

>> No.6099497

Have you even met a longboarder? They think they're the shit for rolling down a blood hill. And actually think it requires more skill than actually doing tricks. Penny boarders are hipster posers.

>> No.6099511

Do you think the difference between flipping a skateboard and sliding a skateboard is worth arguing over?

>> No.6099519


>> No.6099526
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so the answer is to also be a huge douche?

>> No.6099527

i own a penny
it's convenient
i also ride an antihero
why does it matter so much

>> No.6099539

Do you think it's worth arguing over whether blue or yellow is superior?

>> No.6099550
File: 23 KB, 248x463, p15i3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue and ill fight any yellow loving fuck who says otherwise

>> No.6099557

>comparing apples to oranges.

Fliping a skateboard is harder than sliding it. If you think they're equal you really are retarded

>> No.6099563

>this is why you fail.

>> No.6099581


Problem here is someone posted a pic of an apple and you went "fuck apples and the people that eat them, they are all fucking hipster assholes that don't understand that oranges are superior. They're even worse than kiwi-eaters!"

>> No.6099582


>> No.6099586
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You're comparing apples to oranges, yes.

Sliding and flipping or w/e each have their own merits. You don't need to quantify it.

>> No.6099594

No he said "i don't understand why apple eaters compare themselves to orange eaters when eating an orange takes much more skill".

>> No.6099601

Alright I'll prolly cop now and get started. Thanks based anon.

>> No.6099721

get a fucking kicktail longboard or something you'll kill yourself going downhill on a penny

>> No.6099778


>20min downhil to work
>First time boarder

enjoy ur slave scars.

>> No.6099781

i dont understand how a kicktail longboard would be any different in hill safety...

>> No.6099848


get you a regular skate. you can ollie up and down sidewalks and over manholes

>> No.6099886

no they're not they're just for people who have want to fit in. Everyone at uni rides one, yeah its annoying but they're the most unhipster thing i've ever seen.

>> No.6099926
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>> No.6100201

>longboards not being cool

i don't even own one, nor do i skateboard at all and im pretty sure longboards are cool if you're not a faggot about it.

cruising down a long empty slightly sloped street at night when there's no cars out sounds like a lot of fun.

>> No.6100423
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i feel you,bro

>> No.6100466

every fratbro and his mother ride longboards around my campus, which is why I've come to associate them with being inherently annoying

fuckin bros in their striped tank tops and backwards tigers hats and cargo shorts always shouting gutterally at eachother as they board

their sorority girlfriends giggling cutely at how terrible they are at longboarding

they listen to macklemore

>> No.6100529

Just get a cruiser, independent trucks, spitfire wheels and some reds bearings.

5boros makes some good cheap cruisers but if you want to get fancy you can get a supreme one I guess.

>> No.6100549

tfw nowhere good to skate in my town

>> No.6100571

and if you wanna bitch about having to carry it around just get a bike so you can lock it up when you're done, it'll get you further anyways and put you in shape fuccboi

>> No.6100632
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OP if you get a penny expect every skater/longboarder/person with half a brain to hate your shit. Penny's are overly expensive and are actually shitty.

Get a Landyachtz
Better and cheaper than penny's. If you're starting off get a cruiser with a single kick atleast so you can ollie. A longboard might be big.

>cruising down a long empty slightly sloped street at night
You have no idea man, my friend and i, head out at like 11 at night, and cruise down the 1k long smooth downhill, no car, just the boards. Feels so serene.

Fuck i hate these cunts, no need for a longboard around campus. I take my shitkicker.

>independent trucks
>$40 each
>spitfire wheel
>red bearings
Great setup, but will op actually spend $200>

bikes are for girls.

>> No.6100638


Dill stylin' on you. Slap pal? I thought I was the only one who lurked here.

>> No.6100640

>tfw been longboarding for 9 years and now everyone I meet who skates normally thinks I'm some sort of chromosome deficient freak and promptly advises me to kill myself
I h8 how much of a trend this shit has become, and the worst part is all these newbies push mongo

>> No.6100666

>Great setup, but will op actually spend $200>
He should, otherwise he'll just be a fuccboi with a shit board that might fall apart
This investment isn't for a trend, this is for fucking life.

Where does op work anyways that people won't laugh at him for have a penny??

>> No.6100699

See, and this is why all skaters are considered faggots.

>> No.6100711
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>tfw u push mongo reg and reg on switch
i am a freak :(

>> No.6100718

Unless you are <100 pounds, you shouldn't get a penny board. They're flexible as fuck. Get a cruiser with wide trucks and big wheels. Look at pickle boards, bro.

>> No.6100716

post a fit namefag bitch

>> No.6100727
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>> No.6100744

theyre rated for use by people of any weight and theyre designed to flex

>> No.6100748

Get a Krooked Zip Zinger.

Now that's a real cruiser.

>> No.6100751

yup and they're also for fuccbois

>> No.6100813


>> No.6100916


>> No.6100962

y-you too

>tfw bombing down a hill just as you slide out the back

yeah i dont think he's looking for a life investment

>> No.6102331

>OP if you get a penny expect every skater/longboarder/person with half a brain to hate your shit.
Well fuck, I'm trying to get to work, not break into some retard community. Let 'em hate.

Opera Software

>> No.6102487

But longboards are so much nicer to ride on

>> No.6102538
File: 25 KB, 400x267, girl skateboards 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a real board, only little bitches ride these

>> No.6102546

i have a road bike
basic 105 components

i REALLY want a Di2 setup for the electronic shifting (road bike, shifts itself)

but i don't want to drop $2500+ on a bike just yet

>> No.6102549

Lmao u corporate fuccboi.

>> No.6102568

It was as an example. "fuccbitch"
I personally use shuv-its or blanks

>> No.6102573

>not having a local shop who makes their own decks that you can support

>> No.6102586


>> No.6102596

Never said that there isn't local shops near me with their own boards LOL

>> No.6102605


tbh for transport i'd forget about hills and just get something that turns well

>> No.6102667

imho yep

I'm 20 and want to learn how to skate but I don't want to look like a fucking loser who can't even ollie next to some 13 year old doing kickflips railings and shit

>> No.6102900
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Loaded Dervish Carver Gullwing usually what I'm riding.

>> No.6102926
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>twenty thirteen
>not riding a bicycle

and op have fun rolling back home uphill.

>> No.6102941

Convince me skating in any form is more difficult than BMX.


>> No.6102942

I fell off my bike when I was younger and smashed my face, having to get stitches above my lip, and on my chin. I'm scared of bikes now.
>tfw by younger i mean earlier this year
>tfw you develop a phobia at age 18

>> No.6102957

>develop a phobia
Is that what being a pussy is call these days?

>> No.6102967


i feel bad for you.
riding bikes is the shit

>> No.6103015


>> No.6103518


nig people fall off bikes all the goddamn time, i have scars all over me from bike riding and i still love it.

My point is, if you're doing anything worth doing you're going to have some scars when you get hurt doing it, get back on the fucking bike nig. It's not the end of the world.

>> No.6103546



>> No.6103821


I hope yopu smash your face. I really do.

>> No.6104054

lol that is girl