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6065746 No.6065746 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the most effay way to order a pizza?

Im ordering over the phone but i dont want to answer the door to the delivery man because i look like a total pleb without my rick owens jacket on

wat do?

>> No.6065749

just be in your pajamas or like an undershirt + sweatpants

youll look autistic if you make it seem like you sit around fully dressed while in your own house ordering pizza

>> No.6065751

>not ordering using the Xbox 360™ Pizza Hut™ App

inb4 fags try to shit on pizza hut pizza and rave about some hole in the wall shit local place is relegated to a hole in the wall because their pizza tastes like shit and they can't muster the funds to become a nationwide chain like Dominos™, Papa Johns™, and Pizza Hut™

>> No.6065761

>this is what americlaps actually believe

>> No.6065766

cant hate on that stuff crust ma nigga

>> No.6065779

It's a fact that if your order pizza from some local place you have shit taste.

Markets are efficient.

If your local pizza tasted good it'd expand nationwide.

Your local pizza remains local for a reason.

>> No.6065793

that is the biggest load of bullshit. my local pizza remains local because it does not have the capital to expand. why? because the profit margins with pizza will remain minimal at best.

fuck you. local pizza is best pizza.

>> No.6065796

Pizza hut is like five dollars.

It's the cheapest pizza you can buy.

Also answer the door naked.

>> No.6065802


My local pizzeria uses real ingredients and not that artificial shit; makes it right in front of me. And as far as expanding, there's a lot more to it than if pizza tastes better.

If you think national attention/expansion = quality, then you're either incredibly new to business or retarded.

>> No.6065804

Don't worry OP, he works at a fast food restaurant, he's your own kind

you fucking pleb

>> No.6065841


because chain restaurants are consistently ranked as the best in the worlds right?

>> No.6065848

Have you heard of Hatsune Miku?

>> No.6065909

If your local pizzeria was good it could increase prices and improve margins and use the increased funds to expand.

I love how that buzzword "artificial" now denotes something unequivocally bad.

Here's a clue: In the internet age good places can explode and expand rapidly.

See: Chipotle, Five Guys

If your "local" place remains local it's because it's shit.

Rankings are in general pushed by elitist plebs.

>> No.6065914

ummmm my local pizzeria cannot put prices up because it is a price taker not a price maker. if the average price of pizza was $15, and my pizzeria put it up to $20, do you think anyone would buy it? demand decreases as price increases. do you even microeconomics?

>> No.6065920

What that means is your local pizzeria pizza is no better than that of a Papa Johns.

>> No.6065972

Walk in
Order for takeout
Tap your foot loudly while you wait
Glare menacingly at every grease-faced employee and fat customer
Receive your pizza
Take a bite
Throw it away because everyone there caused you to lose your appetite

>> No.6065981

don't forget to mumble things under your breath like

"what a fuccboi"

"fuck off you fat piece of shit"

"wow look how fat that girl is"

"is that guy wearing roshes?"

>> No.6065990
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>> No.6065994

>not having /fa/ lounge wear

>> No.6066006

OH GOD. This happened to me last night.

>order a pizza
>the estimated delivery time is 10:26
>it's 9:50
>decide to have a quick fap
>no trousers on
>going at it
>hear a knock at the door
>grab the nearest pair of pants
>they're slim fit jeans
>throw on the nearest shirt
>it's a v-neck undershirt
>voice is still hoarse from being sick
>run downstairs
>open the door
>pizza guy looks at my tight attire
>sees my erection bulge
>looks kind of worried
>apologize for missing the doorbell
>sore voice sounds like a tranny
>he looks even more worried
>he asks for cash
>I thought that I put my card number in online
>have to go track down cash
>pizza guy looks increasingly worried
>finally give him cash
>apologize for the wait
>he leaves as fast as he can

TL;DR: You're better off going to the store.

>> No.6066049

You forgot
"all asians on /fa/ have fat fuck, round faces, HY, heh"

>> No.6066054

what u say about azns fgt. post fit ya pastey white bitch lets see what u got bruh bruh

>> No.6066074

Gooks are disgusting vermin.

>> No.6066096

>implying the great nippon isnt the fashion trend setter of the whole fucking world

>> No.6066104

Just stop. If you're asian, which you most likely are since you're literally ttaking it up the ass by them, then that's fine. Just know that you all have black hair, brown eyes, nigger noses and no eyelids. You're also short. Stick to hypebeast and just try to fit in, it's the least you can do.