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File: 62 KB, 500x369, maximum_over_rustle-23825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6065257 No.6065257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

apparently the average high schooler spends $1,100+ on prom

>mfw grils will drop that much for a dress theyll never wear again, shoes they wont even be walking in as soon as they get inside, a one-time use makeup & hair job, a couple limo rides, and one dinner

>> No.6065262

yeah I never went to prom, few friends that did said they wish they hadn't. was just a waste on tux rentals and they were the only ones holding anything.

>> No.6065263
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whoops dont know why thats a jpg

>> No.6065269
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lol poorfags

>> No.6065267

im glad i didnt go to prom. I just know i would have regretted how I dressed

stayed home fapped and played some vidya and went to the afterparty refreshed and sxc

>> No.6065275
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In all honesty, that's a pittance compared to what the average idiot spends on a wedding. I've seen people piss away HOME OWNERSHIP because baby wants to be princess for a day. I've seen people take out $50,000 dollar loans for their weddings, bleeding off the equity in the home they do own.

Seriously, fuck that.

>> No.6065283
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i don't really understand the appeal of spending a lot on a dress for one occasion, especially considering that most prom (and wedding) dresses are actually pretty awful. i would much rather have something that could follow me day to day; not a wedding dress, but a dress to wear to my wedding.

>> No.6065284

r u srs m8, holy crap

i swear, if i ever get a gf, my wedding is going to just be at our house w/ catering from the in-n-out truck. and then we'll use the $$ we saved to go on a sweet honeymoon/shopping trip

>> No.6065287

Lets see.. I spent 60 on the bid, probably 60 on dinner for me and her, my suit was like 200, shirt was 60, tie was 40, shoes(I already had before) were like 100

>> No.6065289

I'm dead serious, man. Hell, $50,000 is pretty small time for a lot of folks. The best is when people get themselves into serious debt with their special princess wedding and then divorce a year later.

I'm with you, man. Simple ceremony with a local judge, call it a day and put that money into a shopping trip.

>> No.6065290

I know a senior that was held back a year
He spent $2000 on his prom suit.

We spoke about it and he was really stoked that he was actually graduating that he thought "Why the fuck not". At the back of my mind I was thinking "Wow this nigga really spend $2000 on a suit what a fuckin dumbass" but then I realized that this really meant a lot to him. He was the only guy in his family that graduated high school. At graduation his mom and his dad were crying.

People have their own reasons.

>> No.6065291
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ahaha yeah good luck convincing her of that

>> No.6065293

With the right woman, it shouldn't even be a question. Prenups all around, while we're at it.

>> No.6065296
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i'm not opposed to fancy parties, but if you're actually thrifty and stayed the fuck away from a wedding planner you could throw an amazing party for so, so much less.

i wonder what the premium is for a wedding _____ as compared to a normal _____

>> No.6065313

tbh, I'd rather it be private, maybe hold some kind of party for friends and family later on? If I ever say vows, I'd like to do it with just me, the S.O. and a judge. Maybe one witness if the law requires it.
This is just ideally, though. I feel like it's such a private thing, devoting your life to one person. I don't think I'd want to share that moment.

>> No.6065317

this, i wouldnt want to have a bunch of ppl there at my wedding that i dont even know besides maybe remembering their name from hs

families + close friends only sounds a lot better

>> No.6065320
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i wasn't talking about my ideal wedding, i'm just saying, it's a sham industry.

>> No.6065323

Oh, hell yes it is.
I'm with you on that.

>> No.6065327

sauce on pic

>> No.6065340
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john rawlings for vogue
http://www.amazon.com/John-Rawlings-30-Years-Vogue/dp/1892041383 might have it, idk

>> No.6065363

I spent about 10,000 on prom.

500 for my suit, 5,000 for the lawyer, and another 4,500 in fines and fees.

>> No.6065368


>> No.6065369


>> No.6065402

what happened

>> No.6065409

/r/ing story m8, sounds intredasting

>> No.6065415


>> No.6065418


predicting slut accusing of rape

>> No.6065456

Ironically I almost got raped by a chick on prom night. Not sure how to feel.

>> No.6065496


>> No.6065507

I spent about £45 I think. £25 on a dress (went for a floral knee length dress I could wear again rather than tulle and sparkles), used a pair of heels I already had, a petticoat I already had and did hair and make up myself.
£10 on the ticket and £10 on transport.
Tried to do it as cheaply as possible because it was all off my own back and I was 16 with no job - it took me a long time to save just that amount.

>> No.6065512

>$30 floral knee-lenght dress
oh jesus christ oh god please be a joke jesus god please

>> No.6065546

I was 16 and thought it'd be cool to go for a silhouette inspired by the old Dior New Look stuff in a print I liked, so sue me

>> No.6065581

i went to prom twice and both times i spent barely anything and had a lot of fun with people i like
not going to prom isnt an interesting political move its just a fun thing some people do and not doing it is just as meaningless

that being said, fucking prom dresses are all so goddamn ugly i can't stand it
why do people put that disgusting shiny fabric on their bodies

>> No.6065587

prom suits are 100x worse than prom dresses imo

>unfitted three piece white suit w/ bright blue vest + bow tie + pocket square

>> No.6065588

Memories last forever and have more value when you're younger because you have more of your life left to reminisce.

Who gives a shit if someone drops a grand on a night they'll remember forever.

>> No.6065589


>> No.6065591

ill fitted suits just render you invisible though
those polyester cake dresses are attention grabbing and unflattering and hideous in ever way

>> No.6065621


prom sucks bro

>> No.6065635

Prom is actually quite enjoyable for vast swaths of high school kids.

But, uh, I guess I'm sorry yours wasn't.

>> No.6065662

right right, if a girl I'm with can't realize the ridiculousness in it, then she isn't my bride.

>> No.6065688

Yes, it is so ridiculous to spend money on a day that comes once in a lifetime (assuming you've done it right).

Weddings are a celebration for more than you and your wife as well. It's a celebration for family and friends.

Yes how dare someone spend money a wedding when they could throw it on a car or house.

Because you know, a car and house are so much more important than memories and family.

>> No.6065694


Uh they are. Id rather have a nice house than a fancy wedding/party, no question lol. A nice house lasts awhile

>> No.6065695

Memories last forever.

>> No.6065706


I already have memories lol, its not like I lose memory without a huge wedding. I want memories I actually care about.

>> No.6065714



go back to the drawing board, chump

>> No.6065715

Whatever you say buddy.

People who already have a house and car don't give a shit.

"Wow I'm going to have to pass on that Audi A8 if I blow 50k on my wedding and I'll have to settle for the Acura. Woe is me."

You don't lose a memory sitting at home jacking off every night either.

Your memories just aren't as good.

>> No.6065720


I think its funny how you think you can define whether my memories are good or bad, "buddy" lol

One mans trash is another mans treasure.

>> No.6065729

poet i'm getting these misogynistic from you atm and i don't like it
you got some weird resentment going on with the ladies?

>> No.6065735

Please point to the man who would rather spend a week at home alone watching infomercials and eating ramen to a trip to Europe spent eating at the finest restaurants and cavorting with the finest women and I'll show you a damn fool.

Show me a man who thinks the burn victim is better looking than the supermodel and I'll show you a damn fool.

This notion of "relativism" is by and large bullshit.

>> No.6065737

I was picking up on that too but wasn't going to say anything

>> No.6065740

misogynistic vibes*

>> No.6065756


Great but I don't watch infomercials, and I travel all the time, regardless of marriage. I feel like you're projecting your assumptions and experiences onto me.

>> No.6065768

I get the feeling you're like 20 years old with your musings on how you'd rather have a nice house than a quality wedding.

Because unless your wedding cost $300k it's not going to be the difference between getting a "nice" house and not a "nice" house.

>> No.6065778


Yeah I am 20 I wasn't aware old people even use this site, but yeah kinda doubt id spend 300k on a wedding anyway. I just think the notion that you can't have happy memories without a fancy wedding is ridiculous.

>> No.6065801

An expensive wedding would probably be a bad memory anyway. Because you would get so emotionally invested in it, if everything didn't go exactly to plan it's stress you out (or at least it would for me). Or even if it did, there would be a crazy amount of planning that would overshadow the event itself.

>> No.6065846

I spent about $500 on my formal (closest thing we have to prom here in Australia).

I got a suit made to match the theme as well as new shirt, tie and shoes. Most of which I will never again.

No regrets, I looked great.
My bank account did not.

>> No.6065867

Would an Acne suit be good for a formal? Because I would imagine you'd get a sick suit, that you could wear again.

>> No.6065911

Spent $700 on mine

I became /fa/ after that so I haven't checked if the fit on the suit is good enough, but I'm guessing it isn't.

>> No.6065923

I read that as $1,100 on porn.

I was pretty confused about teenagers' ability to acquire free pornography online like the rest of us.

>> No.6065939

I bought my dress on eBay for like a hundred dollars, got it tailored for30 more, used makeup and shoes i already owned, my friend did my hair, my boyfriend at the time just drove his parents' car. I guess prom wasn't a huge deal at my school, but it was nice I guess?

>> No.6065954

LOL! Le epic story anon thanks for sharing! 10/10 post would laugh hysterically whilst holding my head back again. Haha!

>> No.6065978

Get a load of this queer geek nigger.

>> No.6065984

aww that's a nice story. makes me feel warm inside.

i don't get the hate for proms
first prom (16 y/o), my dad helps me buy a charcoal 3 button suit for ~£200
that same suit got me through the second prom (18y/o) and a fair number of interviews and other events. doesn't look good, but it was a necessary purchase.

prom itself was nice. it's just an excuse to dress up, feel good, and celebrate

>> No.6066069


i don't get the hate for proms either. i didn't particularly want to go but the folks kept giving me shit about it so eventually i just gave in and went at the last minute with a friend from a different school, i had a good time.

imo missing your prom (at least the senior one) is dumb, even if you don't want to go you should find a date and go anyway, it'll probably be a great time.

>> No.6066563


Why in god's name would you say that? Is it my distaste for the wedding industry?

>> No.6066645

One time in high school I was super horny so I bought $25 worth of tokens on a cam website.

watched an asian girl fuck herself with a dildo, lasted like 10 fucking minutes, but I captured my screen.

I think I still have $5 on the account but I forgot account

>> No.6066650

goddamit I thought it said porn and then I read the thread

>> No.6066661

it's their money

>> No.6066683

i am so embarrassed for you

>> No.6066695
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>mfw I didn't even go to prom

>> No.6066860

>baby wants to be princess
>special princess wedding
You imply that the entire reason for people spending large amounts of cash on their weddings is due only to women having a superficial and shallow nature, wanting to be "princesses" whilst totally disregarding the fact that many men want flashy weddings too. Also, if a woman wants to be a "princess" for the day, what's the problem? It's just their priorities. Those people might think you were mad for spending a lot of money on clothes, it makes them happy man.

>> No.6066877


Let me guess, you got married and are trying to justify your poor financial decisions?

>> No.6066938

tfw I didn't pay for the limo, have friends who rent tuxes, and didn't even pay for the flower thing girls put on their hands. I did feel bad for that last one.

Prom was good, got high afterwards at the beach.

>> No.6066992


>> No.6066998

My prom dress was 54 USD, my wedding dress was 14 USD (it was a green modcloth dress on sale)

Funny thing is, I wear my wedding dress every day because it's a lovely shade of green that matches most of my wardrobe.

It's retarded to spend so much money on a wedding or prom, you could put that money to way better use but I'm not going to police people on it. My wedding was, in total, around 50 USD considering the cost of marriage license+dress+ceremony. We even got a cake baked for us from my husband's family.

In the end, it's up to you. If you have the money and you want to spend it, do it, but you could always put that money to better use. Plus, caring so much about a party when the real meaning of, for example, a wedding is the union of two people is a tad materialistic in my opinion.

>> No.6067076

I spent £150 on my dinner suit and I've used it 3 times since.

>> No.6067080

story time

>> No.6067084

>Be me 17
>Driving to prom with a car full of people
>I'm the only one not drinking
>(but I will drink once we get to the parking lot of the venue)
>once I get on the highway I recognize a friends car
>I push it to like 90 mph
>we get close enough so that we can high five each other going 90
>somebody in his car grabbed his hand and he turned the wheel on accident
>he starts to swerve into my lane
>I slam on the breaks and he spins out in front of me
>entire car rolls, kids fly out the window
>my car is fine, but I think kids in the other car got crushed
>another car on the highway hits a kid who flew out into the middle of the road
>I pull over as fast as I can
>I'm jumping out of the car and my date is yelling at me and whatnot
>Why the hell did you have to do that?!!
>You're so fucking stupid!
>I was pretty nonchalant about it for some reason
>I said well it must be cause a nigga got dough
>Extraordinary swag and a mouth full of gold
>Hoes at my shows they be stripping off they clothes

>> No.6067100

did anyone died?

>> No.6067108

Am I going to hell for completely losing my shit over this?:
>entire car rolls, kids fly out the window

>> No.6067117


what the actual fuck

>> No.6067123


>> No.6067135 [DELETED] 


babys ripping off their clothes

>> No.6067136
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I guess I'm only speaking from personal experience, and the experiences I've had involved friends making really poor financial decisions largely at the behest of their significant other or their own parents. My intention was not to offend, but I do see where you're coming from, and I apologize for speaking in a glib and reductive fashion. To be quite honest, the thought of being labeled a misogynist horrifies me, and my choice of words was poor.

I have no problem treating a woman like a princess, but I do have an issue with living far outside of your means for what often amounts to an ego-driven decision. I suppose it strikes me as trying to live a lifestyle that is simply not yours, but only for one day, and damn the consequences.
It's not even the money so much as the principle. I'd rather spend the cash on a shopping trip, or a beautiful vacation, perhaps a down payment a home or a new car. I'd imagine many women would feel the same. After all, a wedding is one day, and when you're building a life with someone there are so many other ways to spend that money, so many other ways to make it last.
I've seen several new marriages ripped apart by financial troubles - what if those people had taken the money they spent on wedding planning, dresses, extravagant plates and put it in the bank, let it sit there for a rainy day? I can think of one couple who would still be together.

>> No.6067145

>1000 seems like too much considering the guy should be paying for everything but her dress and makeup

>> No.6067156

I didn't consider that that would be greentexted, I really meant greater than

>> No.6067224

I like your style, sister.

>> No.6067269

I didn't go to my high school prom, it wasn't held at a very nice place and a few of my friends decided not to go either so it wouldn't have been that fun without them.

I think my dress is still in my bedroom closet, I should probably donate it or something

>> No.6067327

Chivalry is dead unless you're some sort of weak willed faggot who does everything he sees in rom coms.

>> No.6067614

i dont think a 14 dollar suit would look very nice though

do you wear a suit or tux?

>> No.6067856

Went to prom junior and senior years, and I think I spent a net sum of about $50. Had to buy a new tie senior year because I had a semi-serious date. Since I was in band, I already had a nice suit and was able to just use that. Nothing about either year was spectacular and I'll have probably forgotten about it before I finish college.

>> No.6067883
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That makes it even worse. Good for him that he graduated high school. However, that 2000 could have been a good start to a college degree. He may have his reasons, but that doesn't stop them from being stupid ones.

The prom I went to was pretty stupid. Everyone walked in all dressed up and within an hour people were stripped down to nothing and practically having sex on the dancefloor. If you go alone, like I did, you spend basically nothing, like I did. And if you have a prom like I did, you have an awkward boner whenever dance with a chick.

>> No.6068007


oh you

>> No.6068059

$60 for tickets
$300 for blue skinny top an suit
$20 for white asos smart shirt
$80 for shoes
$5 for gas
$465 for prom but I'll be able to wear the suit and shoes for other stuff so really $65

>> No.6068062


or a $2000 suit for the workplace.

or $2000 is business clothing

>> No.6068072

I have a friend that spent $600+ on Ralph Lauren shoes
What a pleb

>> No.6068073

I rented a tux for $350

Got wasted as fuck
tl;dr no one remembers or cares about prom afterwards.


>> No.6068069
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>mfw I paid ~$150 total

captcha: thy railys

>> No.6070283

fucking lol'd

>> No.6070298

who the fuck touches a guys hand while they drive? wtf???

>> No.6070332


How the fuck are you not scarred by that

I'd have fuckin ptsd