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/fa/ - Fashion

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6064350 No.6064350 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/

I'm a junior in an IB school, and I have to choose a "personal project" I want to work on for the next year and some change. A personal project, or PP, is a long term project where you have to work on something, whatever that may be (movie, object, book, essay, event, whatever) in the space of one year, and write a 8000~ word essay alongside it.

I was thinking of making a piece of clothing, like a jacket, or a suit, possibly a whole outfit, inspired by the work of some of my favourite designers, incorporating some of the ideologies/ideas/recurrent themes in their work in mine. Thing is, I have absolutely zero experience in pattern-making, sewing, printmaking, etc. I've been told that learning is a big part of the PP, but I still don't want to embark into a such a long-term project without having a clue as to HOW to do what I want to do.

I thought of maybe making a reconstructed/replica garment, like a MMM piece, because it seems fairly straightforward (?) and I can easily (?) tie a "philosophy" behind it, something you need in a PP. I'd look at Yohji for inspo as well, his books/movie are really fantastic for this sort of thing (full of concepts/ideas/etc.)

I thought I would do a dress first but it seemed so fucking complicated I just abandoned the idea on the spot ( shame because Issey Miyake dresses are great ) I didn't think about doing womenswear too much but making "feminist" piece like le Smoking or whatever might be cool.

anyway feel free to critique me I need help choosing whether to do one of these or an essay on neurotransmitters and their role in human behaviour (incorporate some philosophy in there as well), that's my second PP option

thx in advance

>> No.6064370
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miyake did a lot of patterns for vogue but the difficulty will be and you'll probably spend most of the year building up to the requisite skill level

>> No.6064376

maybe you should take a class

>> No.6064391

I'm not even bothered that you're probs underage

>> No.6064427

yeah that seems like a massive undertaking unfortunately, I probably won't be able to do a dress or something like that
Do you think I might learn enough for a jacket/shirt/suit in that time period?
My school has no optional classes like that
I've been disappointed by all the sewing classes I took, where can I find a competent instructor you think?

>> No.6064439
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i've been sewing for years and i am not prepared to make a suit, although an unstructured blazer wouldn't really be any different than any other jacket. hypothetically i have the skillset to do everything, but i don't really know how to manipulate/sculpt padding and it's unlikely i'll finish with an attractive result.

>> No.6064449

that said, my first sewing project was a button shirt and it was wearable, although it did not enter my wardrobe.

>> No.6064463

>go to an IB school
>everyone has to do personal project
>sleep in every morning meeting with your supervisor
>didn't do it
>didn't get my MYP diploma

>> No.6064479

As a graduate of an IB school that got 34/36 on their EE I'll advise you not to do this in favour of something more science related as they are more likely to give you high marks.

>> No.6064482

>didnt go to an IB school
>didnt get a progressive, forward education
>was in an education system developed in and for the industrial revolution
>mfw finland has the only other decent education system

my goals is to teach in an IB school one day

>> No.6064488
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making an unstructured blazer with interesting pants and an interesting shirt would be ok with me. I'd consider that an outfit adequate for the PP. I really should take a sewing class though
i hope my supervisor is lenient as fuck
I hear horror stories from my buddies in senior year about this one specific teacher that takes economics-related projects. That's why I'm doing fashion or science hope he doesn;t pick me

>> No.6064495

weird, i never had to do that shit. maybe the video art class i took and had to do shit for took its place. i only remember having to write the measly 3,000 word research paper and group science project.

to me one of the most influential designers in terms of philosophy is mauizio altieri but the ones you've named are all equally as good

dont see why it needs to be a complicated piece, stick to something more straightforward and doable with some kind of unexpected twist

>> No.6064496


>oh hey guys i am in "le Internatzionale baccalaureate programme" you've probably never heard of it hurr durr durr
>also i didnt complete it so everything i did means jack shit

hahaha you did all that fucking work for jack shit.

Well, id laugh at you even if you got it because the diploma does jack shit for your transcript anyway hahahahaha

enjoy your middle management position, dog and 2.5 children faggot hahahahahahaha

>> No.6064499

not only are you underage

but I doubt that there's a category for fashion. it'll be judged in an existing category and it might suck. of course you can always bring in literature or something and make a connection, but... neurotransmitters sounds like a much better option.

>> No.6064509

If you do neurotransmitters related it to Biology not to Psychology because Biology are easier to get high marks on. Biology is a more popular topic though so you do have the advantage of being able to put it under a Psych PP category, just make sure you relate it more to the Psych side than the bio side

>> No.6064510

Oh man. When you said 'a piece of clothing' I straight away though APOC.

>> No.6064518
File: 40 KB, 500x332, 6a00d8341c76e453ef014e88ffa658970d-500wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bags are pretty easy and fairly forgiving

>> No.6064556

>tfw my school district only offered AP
Fucking elitist IB pricks are douches though.

>> No.6064589


had the opposite experience, my school had both and there was no advantage to doing IB in terms of college acceptance or credits, but the people I met were super cool and actually cared about what they learned or were pretty smart in general

had some cool philosophy discussions in math class, haven't met anyone in college like that so far (but I'm a sperglord)

>> No.6064638

OP here my computer crashed and I'd written a reply to everyone oh well

PP supervisors at my school at least grade you more according to how hard you worked on the x000 word essay than on your actual subject, idk for you other guys in IB and your PPs.

I'm thinking of doing the neurotransmitters, simply because I want to get into a health science program in Cegep (a step in between high school and college where I live). I'm thinking of either writing an essay on my subject, or writing a book with vulgarized info in it, nicely layed out, didactic, mini-textbook style. The latter one is probably more work, but I'll also probably get a better grade.

oh and btw fashion projects are accepted at my school and the ones that work hard on their dress/book/whatever get as good grades as someone working on a science project

On a sidenote I'll probably try and make a dress in my spare time during the summer. or at least learn how to sew

>> No.6064659

are you recommending I relate my project more to biology or psychology?

>> No.6064668

IB is a waste of time

>> No.6064673

8,000 word essay? I don't think I've ever even written a paper half as long, but I'm only a freshman in college.
>American public education

>> No.6064692


my myp essay felt that long tho

>> No.6065102
