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6063791 No.6063791 [Reply] [Original]

>Back in early 2000's
>Go to Hot Topic for tee shirts or whatever
>Employee is a snob and puts his job position on a high pedestal. Everyone wants to be him for some reason.
>He gets paid 8 bucks an hour average

>Years go by
>Go to some store like UO, or some place in a loft.
>Same shit, different person.
>Snobbish hipster-looking guy working there and acts like he's hot shit
>Makes a little above minimum wage folding jeans

>Go to some designer store
>Same shit different day
>Makes a little above minimum wage

I don't understand why people in such an industry are like this. Why do they regard working for some hip or trendy retail store to be the pinnacle of employment and glorify their position? It's also the same with working at a coffee shop like Starbucks. Paid jack shit, but the people act like they're the shit. And to top it all off, I make more money than all these assholes.

What gives?

>> No.6063800

perhaps its you

>> No.6063807

Don't go to AA or UO.

In reality though you probably approach them w/ a weak demeanor.

Be confident and look fierce but also be friendly but really if they're being dicks leave or call them out on their faggatry esp. if they're working in AA etc...

>> No.6063813

the few times ive been in starbucks the workers have been really friendly... same with most the stores I frequent save a few occasions.

OP, ask your docter about autism

>> No.6063812
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i dont man, i usually get good treatment at high class stores because, mystery of mysteries, helpful staff sell more clothes and the people working barneys etc are as close as you get to professional retail sales people

in fact i tend to get good treatment as just about any store i go into
mebe u look 2 mean

>> No.6063831

I don't know if it's the same in the states, but in England an employee at Hollister is called a "floor model" and I think that's the most glorified minimum wage job in the industry.

>> No.6063837

Call them out if they're rude. Order them around. Keep in mind that they're there to serve YOU. If your demeanor reminds them of that fact, they'll jump through hoops for you 9 times out of ten.

>> No.6063834

They are unhappy at their jobs and upset try cant afford college or the clothes they fold

>> No.6063836


Dont understand. I just walk in, say hello, and then go about my business like it's 1, 2, 3, done. Like when I go order coffee, I just go in, say hello, I want it with espresso, and I want it to go. Simple as that. No fuss. I never have this problem, unless It's a more trendy place.

Im not there to chit chat, Im not there to flirt, and Im not there to loiter. Im there to shop.

>> No.6063841

i went into hot topic once because they stocked a record I wanted and nobody else had it

dude in the store was overweight, really greasy and had a long ponytail, but he was super nice and tried to start a conversation about toms, it was kind of awkward lol

>> No.6063843

Yup its you

>> No.6063847


I have never once encountered an employee who thought they were the the shit and had. shitty service. This is quite possibly because i'm 6'2 and have shoulders that are as wide as a door.

Striking fear since birth, its the only way.

>> No.6063854


yeah, it's not like they can spit in your food or something

>> No.6063849


>> No.6063856

Youre obviously a fucking unsocial dick head

>> No.6063858


maybe you arent even beautiful

just be beautiful, idiot

>> No.6063862

>Have to small talk just to buy a pair of pants

Yeah, no. That's not how it works, pal.

>> No.6063863

Also i go into stores with my brother and lol at their product and yell shit like who wears or buys this trash

Fuck what a run dowb place i feel bad for the kid making shit pay here

Casually slopping up the displays and shit then we leave

Only at places like gap or aber crombie

>> No.6063869
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i am a little worried that you are apparently so virulently against talking to people

>> No.6063874

Thats how it works when you leave your house kid

>> No.6063884


Protip: The majority of an interaction is done non-verbally.

>> No.6063899


That's kind of fucked up to mess up the displays, but i do similar stuff.

>walk into h&m with girlfriend because she's a tumblrcore slut
>complain loudly about shitty quality and bad fits the entire time just to make a scene and see the reactions
>go down escalator
>get asked to leave the premise by their fashion cop at the door
>jokes on him, i was just leaving anyways

>> No.6063900

There's a time and place for everything. They are there to do their jobs and work, while I'm there to shop. It's not my fault they're unhappy and bored at work getting paid a shit wage.

>> No.6063908

i do similar stuff in burberry flagships that only stock the brit line

the in store tailor always gives me dirty looks

>> No.6063903
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socializing with you is part of the job

>> No.6063909

>wanting to show off to your tumblrcore girl friend at h&m
top lel
faggotry level max

>> No.6063947

Then how come none of them attempt to? All I get is the "Look at this guy!" or "Buy something or get out!" snob expression.

Is this why people want to work in retail so badly? So they can goof off and circle-jerk?

>> No.6063952

the problem is YOU

>> No.6063963

We've got those in the states. Instead of working a register they walk around the store making small talk with customers and occasionally spraying the shop down with cologne, right?

>> No.6064014
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>> No.6064023

I don't understand. I walk in, I'm nice and friendly with a brief hello to the nearest employee, "No, thank you, sir/miss, I'm just looking," and then I buy my shit and leave with a thank you. Is there a problem with this? And if I ask someone for assistance, they make it sound like it's the most awful thing in the world, and they sigh, and give me a bitchy glare.

So, what am I doing wrong, sir?

>> No.6064047


>showing off for my girlfriend

Who does that?

>> No.6064052

>at h&m
yeah who does that?

>> No.6064083

I like you.
You get it.

>> No.6064103

Move to LDN

>> No.6064128
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I work a retail position-a shitty children's store, but still, the basic concept is the same-being polite gets you what you want, and if you are polite and they're just a bad assistant, report them to a supervisor or call customer service on the store as a whole. it tends to stave off a tude pretty quickly, especially around audit time.
Also, people want to work in retail because oftentimes it's the most flexible and best-paying totally clean way for students to make money, at least in my case. If they're assholes, put their job in jeopardy. I have my moments where I can feel myself getting short but all-in-all I'm pretty grateful to make that measley eight dollars an hour and try to act like it-if they don't do the same or at least fake it well enough, fuck with them. just my two long-winded cents.

tl;dr: if they're not helping you, ask another rep, and call on the first one if you feel your experience was hampered that much. employee quality control benefits more than just the customer, imo.

>> No.6064227

Do people actually listen to customer complaints? However I don't think people being snobbish and haughty is something to report, or is it? I'm just merely wanting to know why people in retail do this, and why they glorify their jobs. Where I live, working at some place like Hot Topic, Urban Outfitters, H&M, Starbucks, even GameStop, is considered the most awesome thing in the world, when it pays next to nothing.

I used to work in retail, and it was like an assembly line. "Debit or Credit?" and hear the cash registers ring from getting people in and out. Simple as that. There was no standing around with a smoothie chatting behind the counter, or talking to friends that came in. It was work then talk on break. Now, when I go somewhere, it's just looks like a hangout for their friends.

>> No.6064278

If you feel uncomfortable or if they are giving you a bad experience, there is nothing wrong with reporting it, that's good. I know most good companies will actually listen. Nordstrom is one I know that actually cares to listen to customers.

>> No.6064307
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At least at my store yeah-we don't get pay docked, but it doesn't look good at all for an employee. I've even had a coworker fired over consistent customer mistreatment, and others put on probation (doing the worst cleaning duties, disclinary action from the district manager, etc etc). It is, really. chances are if they treat you like total shit they're a pissy person hated by their coworkers and pissy people in general just shouldn't work in retail. I'm biased, though.
I know what you mean, totally. I don't get that glorification either-they're shitty corporate machines to be a part of, really.
A lot of that has to do with the fact that many of them may not need it, hence my suggestion of doing calls. With me and my other coworker friends that are using this for actual needs versus just a rite of passage, we all take it rather seriously and do our best to serve people even if we're annoyed or having a bad day.
it's a job, and if they are willfully neglecting it, it's totally alright to report them. for serious.

>> No.6064315

you shouldn't bring food into a clothing store to begin with

>> No.6064340


OP is a fuccboi

>> No.6064349

dis nigga gets it
managers/corporate does listen, especially if an employee is being a shit for no good reason. physical stores pretty much thrive on customer service

>> No.6064352

>working at retail job
>in any ways cool

it just shows that this board is filled with 16 year olds

>> No.6064384

Nordstrom was always nice all around. Employees were happy and treated well, while the customers were too. However, I find nothing there that catches my interest. The Nordstroms near me sells "California" clothing such as Uggs for women, old golfing clothes for men, and some stuff that looks like Urban Outfitters Lite, or something from Macy's.

>> No.6064413

Plebs all around here. Why bother going shopping if it isn't for next level autist-garde stuff?

>> No.6064456

I agree. Nordstroms is pretty damn pleb. That's why I find nothing of value there. The service is nice, though. So far, I just order shit online from Europe. I'm even going to make my own clothing starting this week.

>> No.6064478
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lm sexy and l never have this problem OP. Maybe you're just ugly

>> No.6064484

>be cute
>tfw this never happens to me

>> No.6064492

How do I into cute and sex?

>> No.6064541


w2c attractiveness