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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 49 KB, 600x600, HUZeGu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6058452 No.6058452 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything wrong with using designer clothes' concepts/designs in DIY clothing? Say, if I made a replica of a design myself, only to wear myself. An example, maybe Rick sneakers. Without reselling the design, it's only for my personal gain, being the only person wearing what I created. Is that still as lame as buying fakes? What's the common ground on this subject?

>> No.6058461

>inb4 sharpie nikes

>> No.6058465

>Is that still as lame as buying fakes?

Yes it is.

>> No.6058478

Can you explain your reasoning behind that?

>> No.6058471

I'm not necessarily talking about extremely mediocre DIY like that. But say if I did copy a design.

>> No.6058486


Imitation is the first step towards individualization. We often copies others in search of ourselves.

>> No.6058494

Well why would you want to do this? Because you like a certain item but don't want to pay for the real thing? Who are you trying to please? If you are trying to please yourself, then you have very low standards for yourself. If you are trying to impress others, the ones who don't know about fashion will think it's weird or wouldn't know that it looks cool, and the ones who know about fashion will just laugh at you.

>> No.6058496

You're talking that ideology too literally m8

>> No.6058513

Nothing wrong with making something yourself, considering your skill is developed enough to actually produce a well-stitched, functional piece. You would also need the money to pay for good materials, otherwise what you are making will end up as shit regardless of skill.

>> No.6058525

>then you have very low standards for yourself
What if I can afford it, but I'd rather make it recreationally and wear something I myself built? Are "standards" for myself still as low?

>> No.6058533

There is no problem with making something yourself. You are developing a skill in the process of it, not just being a passive consumer. Yes, you are imitating someone else's work. So what? You still made it yourself. No great painter has ever tried to imitate one of their influences before? Like what /fa/ always says, even Rick Owens made fakes

>> No.6058575
File: 943 KB, 884x1280, rick owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that to my face bitch nigga.


>> No.6058585

>Rick Owens made fakes

pls explain, sounds interesting

>> No.6058590

No one actually admits this.
Any time someone asks me why I have designer shit, I don't give the common "Well the stitching is really nice." etc bull shit.
I straight up say: "Because it's designer."

I'm 27, make over 700k a year, and have low cost of living.
Why the fuck wouldn't you just admit why you actually buy designer shit?

>> No.6058597

he worked for a company that made fakes of designer stuff until he was like 40 then got discovered from his own little projects he worked on and the rest is history

>> No.6058608

you opened yourself up to us asking, what do you do?

>> No.6058606

what does that have anything to do with what he said

>> No.6058611

Its always fun to hear people justify expensive clothes without bringing up the fact that its because its designer. They deny the fact too and are like "NO its QUALITY" and bullshit which is true to a degree but lets be honest faggots, admit you like shit simply because its designer.

>> No.6058623

??? Yeah I buy designer because the quality is nice and I like the ideologies and viewpoints of the designers, but the fact that it's by ____ probably plays like 50% of the part of the reason why I buy it. I don't think I've seen anyone here not admitting to that.

>> No.6058620

>over 700k a year

top lel

>> No.6058640

>If you are trying to impress others, the ones who don't know about fashion will think it's weird or wouldn't know that it looks cool, and the ones who know about fashion will just laugh at you.
Making or wearing knock offs does exactly this. People who say "I like the design hurr durr" actually want the street appeal, or they wouldn't ask here if it's okay to do. It boils down to.
1. People who know designer/high-end fashion can spot fakes etc from a mile away.
2. People who don't, usually don't like the styles/ cannot afford them.
3. If you really didn't care about 1 and 2, you wouldn't have asked on this board.

>> No.6058649

>liking and wanting to use design in your wardrobe = wanting to impress others
I'm not following your logic.

>> No.6058659

>top 1% salary earners wasting their free time on 4chan's shitty fashion forum

my sides

>> No.6058660

I did a thread either here or in /fit/ a while back.
I work in investments, most of my work is in mathematic models primarily focused on trading of bonds.
I'm not technically on contract, but net income last year was 734k. That doesn't include my personal investments.

>> No.6058662

Errbody says u can spot fakes a mile away. nigga no, you cant.
>top 1%
nigga how poor are you? average income in CA is like 200k a year.

>> No.6058666

>Implying I didn't survive grad school without 4chan.
Makes me laugh that no one thinks there are really high earners on 4chan. lrn2 sample size yo' data.

>> No.6058672

lol no its fucking not

>> No.6058684

He probably means like specific neighborhoods but still is wrong.

>> No.6058691

Oh my, don't you look ignorant.

>> No.6058706

household income, not per capita you mongo

Is your wife buying your clothes for you?

>> No.6058721

Lol so true, I know guys who drive lambos who have mortgages and financing out the ass. A guy who I go to the gym and invest with, drives a '91 civic and has a net worth of about 120 mill.

Apparent wealth = actual wealth

>> No.6058747

why waste your time with grad school bro? I also know a dude that wealthy who drive old civics. His "fancy" car is a 3-series lol.

>> No.6058762

Grad school for my MA in Math, helped me get my job now. With out my decent paying job, most of my investments would have had lower start up cash-o-la.

>> No.6058830

thats pretty cool

>> No.6058847

So you still work in the same field that you did right out of school but you are doing investments on the side to get most of that income?

>> No.6058959


Uh no.

He worked for a company as a pattern maker for a couple of years when he was getting started in the 80's who would bring him designer clothes and he would have to knock off the pattern in a couple of hours because then they'd return the clothes to the store for their money back.

Big difference between knocking off patterns as a first time gig and "making fakes until he was 40".

Also I'm sure he'd have no problem with people starting out doing the same thing with his stuff (and they do) but once again there's a big difference between reverse engineering someones stuff to learn more and making 1:1 copies even if it's not for profit it's lame as fuck.

How bout OP comes up with his own ideas if he's actually going to go to the trouble of making something, especially shoes which I don't think he understands are hard as fuck to make.

But yeah on that note I don't think fakes are bad because they steal from the designers or anything like that I just think it's really lame and sad. I thought everyone learnt about this shit when they were kids and couldn't get a toy they wanted so they pretended to have something else or modified an old toy into something new. How can people be so creative as kids and grow up to buy fakes instead of making do with what they have or coming up with something better.

>> No.6058967

>Also I'm sure he'd have no problem with people starting out doing the same thing with his stuff (and they do) but once again there's a big difference between reverse engineering someones stuff to learn more and making 1:1 copies even if it's not for profit it's lame as fuck.

well said ty for correcting me

>> No.6058984

Look at software piracy for example. Although it is not the same as fakes because you get the real thing, I still feel it is similar in a way. Microsoft has the stance that they don't spend much time fighting it in China or colleges. This is because they realize that as income rises, people will buy their products, especially if they work for a business where it is required to have a legit license.

I think fakes are somewhat the same because some things are really good fakes. If there is something really special about the design or style, as kids get older they might buy the real thing because they want something authentic, that looks even better, with better quality.

>> No.6059074


I dunno

Maybe if you're talking about people buying fakes for status, which is entirely different than people buying fakes for design.

Buying fakes for status I can totally understand and can see exactly why it happens. People want to seem richer than they are or fit in or seem like they're part of a certain group so they buy fake LV, or Gucci, or whatever. It's kind of sad but entirely understandable.

Buying fakes for design though I think is much stranger. You're not going to fit in with genuine Rick, let alone fake Rick. I hear stories all the time of people having their real Rick mistaken for Zara or H&M or people thinking it must be cheap or it's from a discount bin or whatever. You don't buy it for status because no one has any clue what it is or what it's worth. You buy it for the actual design and look, which is never the same with a fake.

Which is why if you're someone buying clothes for the design and not the status it seems so sad that you would buy fakes. It's like admitting you're not creative or clever enough to deal with the fact that you're broke and come up with something else. In fact there's a reason designer fashion steals so much from youth culture, it's because kids who are broke and can't afford designer shit are forced to be creative and make up their own style and clothes. It's ironic because it's that innovation that often drives the luxury fashion industry.

When the kids of today are buying fakes instead of coming up with their own ideas it says a lot about the future and how it seems to be circling the toilet.

Fakes for status have always and will always exist. Fakes for design are something relatively new and very different indeed.

>> No.6059082


there will always be creative kids trying to have fun with the way they dress, dont be such a pessimist, not that many kids buy fake givenchy tees and rick.

>> No.6059101

I thought OP wanted to take existing ideas and build upon them, to make them more accessible with his style.

Like an entirely new Rick colorway, or modifications to the upper that still have ties to the original.

He's not making blatant copies, and he certainly isn't going to sell them.


>> No.6059136

Well put thanks for the reply. I still think that buying fakes is similar for your gucci person and your rick person but in different ways. Yes, more of the public will know what gucci is, and most wont know what rick is. While the gucci one may be influenced by perceived status from others, they are both how the person wants to look. Disregarding motives, the person is dressing in a way that they like.

>fact that you're broke and come up with...

Me for example. I am not broke, I could easily buy the rick dunks today. However. I am considering buying the fakes because I like the look of them, and the quality seems decent. I would only wear them as beater sneakers, and try different outfits with them. If I was in love, then I might buy the real ones.

Yes, the only reason that I am considering this is because the fakes are relatively cheap and decent quality/design compared with the more expensive authentic ones. I don't think that's so wrong especially when I am doing it more as an experimental thing. I don't know my "style" and this is a cheap way to learn more.

>> No.6059173

>>buying fakes/knockoffs
Do it. The only people who really get offended are snobs who get off on exclusivity.
That said those shoes look like shit.

>> No.6059186


they wont be offended, theyll just look down on u for buyin fakes

>> No.6059187

Fuck them rules sex school

>> No.6059197

actually some people think its ripping off the designer so they think it is offensive.

>> No.6059198

fakes are for fuccbois

if it's not in your price range then save up or deal with it

>> No.6059222


thats true, i saw the one trip matt wearing fakes in a pic, he looked like a total fuccboi

>> No.6059290


ur the fuccboi, fuccboi

>> No.6059319

Those people are worse for screaming designer designer.

>> No.6059324

if you can't afford it you aren't meant to have it
they aren't the only show in existence (they probably are to people on here considering no one on here knows shit), you can get better looking shoes for much cheaper that are actually good quality
you just want people to think you have geos, to the point where you'd be willing to have them in shit tier china quality just so people might think you have the real deal

>> No.6059332

>if you can't afford it you aren't meant to have it

this, death to poorfag fuccbois

>> No.6059336


>> No.6059357

>implying the real geos are significantly better quality
>implying I want people to know they are geos