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File: 732 KB, 788x533, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6044933 No.6044933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you will never have models surrounding and grabbing you

>> No.6044939
File: 31 KB, 549x236, nobody wants you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw this is the truth

>> No.6044948 [DELETED] 

they're all fucking ugly
i'm p. sure they're trannies

>> No.6044954

When he's 40, no...not even. 30, he won't have anyo e cuz his 15 minutes will have passed long ago, and he'll be seen as an adult. A 5'5" Manley adult probably on drugs. No one will want him.

>> No.6044955


>> No.6044958
File: 169 KB, 1068x747, kim jong unf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bieber needs to step his game up

>> No.6044979


he isn't 5'5 though

stop projecting your insecurities

>> No.6044986


the dude is RICH AS FUCK

most girls want his dick

people LOVE him, he has many friends

his family loves him

but you

you are on a anime website insulting him because you're insecure

do you think he would care what YOU say about him?

>> No.6044992


>> No.6044998

asian girls are so ugly

>> No.6045014


Not jealous of him. Trust me. You must be gay for his gender less face. He'll be forgotten and replaced in a couple years.

>> No.6045013

he might care man some people are just that way

they want everyone to like them

like TJ from recess remember that one episode

>> No.6045019


nahhh but it doesnt even matter he knows people hate him, i wanna know what that guy gets out of insulting someone that is 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 million times out of his league

>> No.6045020


yeah i believe you

>> No.6046188


>> No.6046190
File: 3 KB, 210x227, 1335595551564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like TJ from recess remember that one episode

>> No.6046211

google pics of his dad

he aint leavin.

>> No.6046212

his career is still going strong, hes been relevant for a pretty good time now

>> No.6046248

>suddenly it's about you not being jealous

hilarious projection

jesus, he looks like the biggest douche

>> No.6046262
File: 59 KB, 807x800, 1364693544949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw used to be friends with a model but stopped talking

>> No.6046414

>Belieber detected

Are you embarassed that you listen to corporate pop for little girls?

>> No.6046429


haha, a 30 year old virgin that lives in his mothers basement hating on based jb

>> No.6046447
File: 881 KB, 739x972, 1365625517151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6046458

Lies, innuendo, and character assassination.

But at least I have enough taste to avoid teen idol pop.

>> No.6046452

#voiceofageneration #icon #internationalplayboy #hatersmad

>> No.6046464

it's hilarious how completely out of place cara looks

even their makeup artists can't make her beautiful

>> No.6046462

Dan do you work at an RBC branch?

>> No.6046471

Bieber honestly looks prettier than Cara in this photo.

>> No.6046472

something's gotta be wrong with you if you feel the need to control what you listen to.

>> No.6046467

27 year old that lost his virginity to a drunk fat girl living in his mothers basement


>> No.6046482

Still wrong.

Distortions based on distortions based on what one anon overhead in a tinychat room.

>> No.6046493
File: 107 KB, 680x1020, 1365018581593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6046499

i look nothing like that photo

cry more, cara sympathizer

>> No.6046498

27 year old that goes to prostitutes living in his mothers basement


>> No.6046502

hed be like 28 now at least.

>> No.6046503

why do people get so offended over cara
for real she is not that pretty
not even saying that she shouldn't be a model there are plenty of ugly models

>> No.6046510

I think he lost it to a drunk fat girl but doesn't live in his mom's basement.

Cara is a (popular) model because she has family connections. That's honestly it. Even if that poster looked was a hambeast it wouldn't matter because she does look completely out of place with victorias secret models.

>> No.6046511

You forgot the part where he makes new trips and has conversations with himself

>> No.6046509

middle and blacky are delicious. others are ok

>> No.6046512

he does live in his mothers basement

he makes sure to tell everybody that its "his fathers house"

>> No.6046513

he does live in his moms basement...im sure hed openly admit it hes said it lots

>> No.6046514

Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Research?

>> No.6046517


why do people have different opinions than i do?

u are honestly turning into the biggest shit poster go fuck ur ugly dried up australian whore mother u paki cunt

>> No.6046520

>being this autistic

dont you have to yell at some kids on your lawn or something?

>> No.6046530





>> No.6046528

lol. someone thinks cara isnt that pretty and their automatically an ugly neckbeard/jealous

that is shitposting

>> No.6046533

2nd from left... Err Dafuqs wrong with her ?
But would bang

>> No.6046536

you're 28, ugly as fuck, shitty body. do you have anything going for you in life other than being a tripfag on a japanese image board?

>> No.6046537
File: 102 KB, 376x506, uuuuhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come again?

>> No.6046538


did i call him a neckbeard or ugly you dumbass?

>> No.6046542

he can talk to himself to make him feel better about himself

>> No.6046548

um read the post again
idc if u think cara is pretty but whenever someone says otherwise ppl get really mad

>> No.6046546

Hey, can you please post your perfume infographic?
I saved it but now I can't find it...

>> No.6046554

i meant for the anon who posted pic bb

>> No.6046549

fuck off dan nobody wants your shitty infographic

>> No.6046560


i wasn't mad people are just talking bullshit, is there any evidence that she is popular because of her family? no there is not

so you are wrong

and wtf retard what do you mean read the post again? obviously you disagree with people who have a opinion that she is pretty

>> No.6046567

yeah I do
I'm just wondering why people get so upset about and post images like that female neckbeard one
why the fuck are u getting mad about someone u don't know anyway

>> No.6046578

Clearing rumous.

I've been 26 for the past year. It's my birthday today. I'm now 27.

I live in a basement suite. I rent it from my parents. They're married and they own the house together, but technically it's my dad's money that bought everything. So I rent a basement from my Dad. But seeing as I pay for it and furnish it, it's my basement. The same as if I had rented and furnished an apartment it would be my apartment.

I've never hired a prostitute. I've been to strippers and been at a party where I met strippers and prostitutes. I jokingly said "a man's got needs" in response to an anon on here and apparently that's an admission of having banged hookers.

I have a job. I take online courses.

The girl I slept with in highschool wasn't that fat, though that's probably obese by /fa/ standards. We were both drunk and 16.
>The Cara Argument.

I think she's pretty but I find her vacant stare off-putting.

>> No.6046588

pffffhahahahahaha you still live at your parents at 27

and youre a fat disfigured fuck

>> No.6046587


happy b-day dan

>> No.6046600

>on 4chan
>on your birthday
>writing up all that to "impress" teenagers on an anime image board

wow you've got no life

>> No.6046602
File: 930 KB, 320x240, 1357963880306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I rent a basement from my dad


but YOU don't know anything

>> No.6046591

I do, and I'm not him.
Dan, please post it.

I was thinking of buying a cheap (kinda) perfume and when I looked for your infograph I couldn't find it.

>> No.6046592

>all 7/10's

>> No.6046597

actually i do ,i own a boutique store in Miami and have an online web store i do a few photo shoots a year with about 5 female models each time. i go out and drink with them every other weekend and ive hooked up with a few...

>> No.6046611

>I live in a basement suite. I rent it from my parents.


>> No.6046618

happy birthday dude

>> No.6046620

know anything about what
all I want to know is why u (and I imagine its only u) gets so offended whenever she is criticised

>> No.6046631


i didn't get offendedc

>> No.6046637

>writing up all that

I know because you're half-illiterate it looks like a lot of text, but it's not. Hell I typed that with one thumb while sitting on the shitter.

>> No.6046648

this is honestly sad as fuck.

>> No.6046653

That is not something a normal person would take pride in js

>> No.6046645

Sounds like a great birthday.

>> No.6046657
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthyday dan

i made u a heart out of the wax those cheese wheel things with the cow on them comes in

>> No.6046670

Oh okay.

Damn you are mad. That IS the only reason she is so popular. She is a mediocre model. Hardly any very admirable designers want to book her. You see her as a the face of Zara and Burberry for a reason. Pretty much the only people that hire her are the companies that will take whatever the agencies are pushing.

>> No.6046678

top lel

>> No.6046674


the lady bell things are fucking disgusting only an autistic child would eat them really

>> No.6046682

I don't understand why people care about dan's life.

Why bring it up all the time.

>> No.6046700


cara is close to setting the record for the most booked model in a single year

please, do not embarass yourself anymore by ttypical total bollocks you prick

>> No.6046690

Fuck off domeshine dan

>> No.6046711

because he is the reality that most of them will eventually face

they are still in deniable

>> No.6046715

danhaters out in full force today. And posting in a justin beiber thread.

I wish our janitors would do their jobs.

>> No.6046717
File: 38 KB, 374x325, 1362654800855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baby bells are cool, gtfo

i agree

>> No.6046734

>most booked model in a single year
By shit labels, yeah.

Quality over quantity, son.


>> No.6046739
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u like greek yogurt?

>> No.6046747

Dan has said this much before.

People see dan and they see themselves in five years.

This is depressing and frightening so they hate and try to pretend that that isn't them.

But the truth is they're cut from the same stock.

Arts majors with no job prospects living in major Metropolitan centres with no affordable housing spending most of their free time on the internet.

Fuck man, that's everyone here.

>> No.6046770


so what? she is still making the most bank making her the most successful model that is currently modelling

i don't really see what your point is man, you bring bullshit like she is only popular because of her family but provide no proof

ur silly

>> No.6046783

fuck you

>> No.6046794

this is seriously sad. happy birthday dan, party hard.

>> No.6046800

remember when you samefagged in that thread with a fake trip to praise yourself?
also that time you lied and said the trip was a friend and that you were in "the library" and you desperatly found a picture of a library then you admitted you samefagged

>> No.6046850

damn it dan i legit thought you'd hired hookers which made it seem less bad i want to when im 18

>> No.6046863

every trip samefags

>> No.6046872

>she is still making the most bank
No. That would be gisele.

>making her the most successful model that is currently modelling
>defining success by money

>you bring bullshit like she is only popular because of her family but provide no proof
>With her parent's social standing, Cara and her older sisters Chloe and Poppy became accustomed to rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous from a young age.
>It was while she was at school her potential to become a supermodel was clocked by Sarah Doukas, the CEO of Storm Model Mangagement who once plucked Moss from obscurity. Her daughter happened to be Cara's best friend.

>> No.6046876

bullshit she's so popular cause she fits every bill unlike other models who most people wouldnt think looks hot

cara is hot and cute and pretty modelesque which isnt common

>> No.6047828

My girlfriend did a photoshoot with Cara but she wasn't such a big deal back then.

>> No.6047874

happy birthday :3

>> No.6047888


dont lose the v card with hookers bro


happy bday danno

>> No.6047975

those of us who are smart enough not to actually consider art as a conceivable career aren't going to end up poor lmfao

>> No.6048532
File: 75 KB, 149x168, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt3.14 k-army gf :(

>> No.6048550


post pix plz

>> No.6048555

Nobody gives a shit about Justin anymore. He is as irrelevant as Lady Gag

One Direction has taken over

>> No.6048594

>one direction
fuck i hate mainstream music

>> No.6048624

so edgy

>> No.6048643

>you'll never be this close to cara

>> No.6048647
File: 392 KB, 1023x682, web-91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6048662
File: 490 KB, 1392x1392, ny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and us in New york. Yes, I am aware she is too good looking for me.

>> No.6048663


thats kinda neat, interesting concept.

>> No.6048668


how are her feetz

>> No.6048686

>too good looking for me
don't short sell yourself anon. You look fine.

>> No.6048696


No. He looks fabulous. Might as well upsell.

>> No.6048704


no b, i think you two are pretty complimentary.

>> No.6048698

I never realized that Justin Bieber is only 5'7''.

This is hilarious.

>> No.6048700


lol shit you guys are so cute

good on you bro

>> No.6048712


>> No.6048753


happy birthday

I think it's a bit weird how you have to pay your parents though

>> No.6048798
File: 165 KB, 687x595, Based J B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6048866

Cara is weird. Remember when she stumbled out of Kate's party with blemishes and cuts?


>> No.6048920


>> No.6048932
File: 183 KB, 900x1200, 888574992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u will neber ;_;

>> No.6048963

wasn't there strong evidence that caradele fucked the Biebs?

>> No.6049075

How that assburgers treating you?

>> No.6052009
File: 146 KB, 500x510, tumblr_mephwhlpEs1rbntm1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you save a giant fistfull ball of these and chew up the wax like gum

>> No.6052054

bieber is fucking alpha

>> No.6052921
File: 130 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m0fcohXWPc1qh3rjlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm not sure this is from the same shoot but its pretty cool too.
Like feet. I think they're okay. I'm not a foot man, myself.
Ha. well thanks guys.
Yeah i think I did well.
Thanks guys.

>> No.6053195

No, he's shorter, you dumb fuck.

>> No.6053207

I'm gonna need names of those models

>> No.6053219



>> No.6053744

She has such a baby face. I love that on models. How tall is she?

>> No.6053784

5'10. taller than me..

>> No.6053797

left to right: idk idk cara delevigne (aka basic btch) idk idk idk

black girl >>>>> rest

>> No.6053902

god Cara looks like she's 50 in that pic

>> No.6054101

ah yee so that mean cara is shorter than 5 10 a ye i will fux one day

>> No.6054408

cara is 5'8

>> No.6054561

All of caras agencies say she's 5'9.5

But Maybe they're not adverse to adding and subtracting a few inches here and there.

>> No.6054823

Ha. cara looks fucking ugly here.

>> No.6054854
File: 76 KB, 500x750, queen_cara_delevingne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cara is so ugly omg, she looks like shes 70yo

>> No.6054862
File: 86 KB, 1366x740, 1367017432489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off m8

>> No.6054864

Idc we can listen to disintegration together

>> No.6055978
File: 102 KB, 480x640, dorothea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have Dorothea give you fuck me eyes

>> No.6056056
File: 889 KB, 500x270, Behati GIF (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never have Behati

>> No.6056079

cara is literally disgusting
whats the appeal, ugly psycho witch core

>> No.6056091

I don't know

I hate her too

She's so fucking annoying

'Lel I'm so quirky haha look at me!!'

>> No.6056119


She looks like a tranny. I guess /fa/ is mostly full of closet gays.

>> No.6056139


but she's the IT girl of the moment, in a few years she'll be forgotten like the rest of them

>> No.6056156

i made this thread jokingly on anonymous

didnt think it would go on for this long smh. bout 2 delete it

>> No.6056162
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>> No.6056213


>> No.6056216

do u hv a qtp2tπ effay gf, ng?

>> No.6056263

saws pls gibe :----_)

>> No.6056274
File: 390 KB, 1012x1024, 6562585173_41550af3f9_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im looking doe

>> No.6056288

andrej posted it on twitter a while ago and i made it a gif, it's just a really short video


>> No.6056290

>tfw you don't know how or where to look

>> No.6056292


>> No.6056300
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 1314686136622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a model listening to hip hop and making out with your model friends

>> No.6056392
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x960, jerry hsu's girlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do. im in NYC sometimes so there are qts everywhere

>> No.6056423
File: 90 KB, 550x453, idwtftf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be turnt in the back seat car with a bunch of drugged out horny dtf models

>> No.6056447

Please do. We shouldn't encourage actual beiberfags.

>> No.6056557

its is done!

cya lata