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/fa/ - Fashion

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6043148 No.6043148 [Reply] [Original]

What drugs are the most /fa/, /fa/?

>> No.6043157


The rest is for middle class posers.

>> No.6043159

probably cocaine, heroin, dmt, lsd, mdma, and alcohol

in no specific order

>> No.6043164

Cocaine, nicotine

>> No.6043165


>> No.6043166


>> No.6043171


>> No.6043174

I have never seen anyone act anything but a stupid cunt on mdma, so un/fa/ it hurts.

>> No.6043175

Anything Kanye does, I do.

I love you Kanye ;_;
Why don't you love me back?

>> No.6043185

you seem to have a narrow and probably conditioned understanding of the people who you believe use it

>> No.6043186

oh shit lol
anonymous contribute nothing to this board

>> No.6043188

Coke, weed (blunts only), ambien, alcohol,

>> No.6043197

neither do you manlet

>> No.6043206

...... ambien? the fuck? insomnia is /fa/?

>> No.6043200

Coke and cigarettes.

Anything else makes you a fuccboi.

>> No.6043201

how many threads u got archived

>> No.6043222

Whatever doesnt make you look like shit.

>> No.6043228

everything else is weak shit

>> No.6043231
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>how many threads u got archived

>> No.6043238 [DELETED] 
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err well i did sell blow 2get my MBA in #chiraq
lol #3hunna

my parents dindt gimme there trust fund durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

i hate black ppl bc im more privileged den them

>> No.6043240

Yeah, I'm sure clubs jammed with people out of their face on mdma is narrow and conditioned.

>> No.6043242


but it makes you fucking stink so douse yourself in anti-perspirant and nice cologne before you rack it up

>> No.6043263

>taking hard drugs
>being an edgy faggot

>> No.6043273

you don't know for an absolute fact they were under the influence of MDMA; I mean, ketamine, for example, is another common club drug

>> No.6043283

nigger jism

>> No.6043289

When I'm with the guys selling it, I 100% know who's on it.

>> No.6043295

>implying he's selling 100% mdma

>> No.6043296

scrips. xanax

>> No.6043306

>not being able to decent mdma in London
Stop trying to stick up for a pleb drug, it might be fun but it aint /fa/.

>> No.6043330

being healfy is /fa/ :3

>> No.6043327


>> No.6043342



>> No.6043355
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molly and coke

>> No.6043385

pretty much

>> No.6043407

Key bumps of ketamine.

>> No.6043442

Almost none.

Snorting anything is the least /fa/ thing you can do

Pills make you look trashy and pathetic

tobacco fucks you up and ruins your scent

Only /fa/ thing to use would be marijuana, rolled in dark cigar paper (never white paper; you're out of high school now), filtered. Light them using a minimal, normal lighter.

You can gain extra /fa/-points by lighting them with a nice zippo, but almost every zippo I've ever seen someone carrying has been horribly un-/fa/, with some kind of playing card design or whatever.

>> No.6043459

Let me continue by saying that your zippo should match your outfit, if you're going to carry one.

Most outfits will work with a solid zippo, cast in copper, that's old enough to look slightly worn. Check pawn shops for a good zippo. You will get amazing finds.

Some brighter outfits can stand for a bright matte red zippo; I find other colors of matte zippos to look juvenile, though.

Use extreme caution when selecting one. You will either be full-on /fa/ or full-on tryhard if you go the zippo route

>> No.6043474
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>> No.6043499


I live in an annoying hipstery part of brooklyn and even though tons of people smoke weed, no one talks about it or admits it. Coke can be on any surface at a party along with booze, but weed's always kind of hush-hush.

>> No.6043494

Can be. Depends on the person, and the presentation of his items.

Usually isn't though, you're right. It takes a well-trained /fa/-eye to know what drug paraphernalia is fine and what is not.

>> No.6043495

y r u so btthrt

>> No.6043497

>taking K at a club



>> No.6043503
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>> No.6043510

Go back to Compton nigger.

>> No.6043541

Pretty sure he read it on, but just in case... 100% pure mdma is impossible to synthesize. Whoever is claiming to sell that is full of shit.

>> No.6043548
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>> No.6043550
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>mfw i just smoked a wax covered blunt

>> No.6043567


lol really? I would hate to live in such a pretentious place.

>> No.6043568


>club drug

Nigga WHAT

>> No.6043573


you've never tried ambien? Possibly the least /fa/ drug since you'll wake up in a borders with your pants on your head drinking coffee with no recollection of the past couple of hours

>> No.6043578

>no harmaline
>no ayahuasca
>no ether
>no toad penis
>no 420blzitfgggggt

entry levelers pls

>> No.6043575


hey guys, you know whats really fashionable drug wise? this smelly ass plant that grows anywhere. What's it do? makes you sleepy and hungry.


regular party animal shit right there.

also, theres a culture behind it!

yeah man, people base their whole lives and existance around smoking this shit. They're REALLY COOL. i mean, sure, they talk slow, and get anxious and cant sleep when they're not high, and their clothes are bright and garish and dont really match, and they like destroying the land wherever they camp..

What the fuck am i saying weed isn't fashionable. how did i ever arrive at this conclusion?

>> No.6043580

>middle class suburban white kids asking what drugs are the most "fashionable"
Yeah, nah, you can go fuck yourselves. None of you have experience with hard drugs, you only pretend you do.

Gonna have to sage this one. Piss off.

>> No.6043581

It's ok because last year I lived in Chicago. I mean, seriously. Chicago was awesome but holy fucking shit hipsters gentrifying everything everywhere. And the seriously devoted hipsters, the kind that talk about who is better at Jeopardy at a small local taco restaurant.

Here in NY it's not so bad, and hey the rent is cheap.

>> No.6043587


>tfw no more borders
>tfw no new book smell
>tfw no qt3.14's dressing all twee just to go out alone and read and drinking coffee for me to talk to

>> No.6043593


>thinks j's are high school tier

J's are the only /fa/ way to smoke weed. Not like it matters, i couldn't give two fucks if my drug choice is /fa/ or not. If that makes me un/fa/ then so be it.

Also, how do i find chicks who are into coke and shit? They all seem so scared of it. I have like 60 viagras next to me, i could rail coke and bang broads all night if i could actually find one that's about it. I rarely do hard drugs though, so my circle of people who do them is limited.

>> No.6043608

Use ur dealer to network

>> No.6043610


Yeah, it makes you sleepy and tired if you have the tolerance of a 15 year old.

>talk slow
>get anxious
Depends on the person, not me fuccboi.
>shitty clothes
only dirty hippies, the majority of people who smoke are regular people who keep it on the low and do it because its nice

>> No.6043613

yeyo > errythang

>> No.6043616


My coke dealer is a trashy piece of shit, but he hits me with good prices so i don't mind. I would not touch any girl he knows though.

>> No.6043622 [DELETED] 

no. Proof: Norcal.

If potheads created their own country, it would be invaded, all it's citizens genocided, and the UN would approve.

>> No.6043636


>Snorting anything is the least /fa/ thing you can do
Shut it, brokeboi

>Pills make you look trashy and pathetic
Nope you're thinking of weed

>tobacco fucks you up and ruins your scent
you must be smoking some fucking native ass twig shit u little bitch

>Only /fa/ thing to use would be marijuana, rolled in dark cigar paper (never white paper; you're out of high school now), filtered. Light them using a minimal, normal lighter.
Durr tobacco makes u smell but weed doesnt durrr -You

>You can gain extra /fa/-points by lighting them with a nice zippo, but almost every zippo I've ever seen someone carrying has been horribly un-/fa/, with some kind of playing card design or whatever.


this is the point I realised your entire comment is either a troll or a cry for help

pls go 4vr

>> No.6043637


ayoooo for yeyooooo
walk around wit yeyo
all in my nasal I must of been cray yo


>> No.6043652

no. Proof: Norcal.

If potheads created their own country, it would be invaded, all its citizens genocided, and the UN would approve.

>> No.6043654

Is this will

>> No.6043660


Well i don't see why it bothers you. I wouldn't hang out with anyone like that anyways, we just wouldn't get a long. They do their thing, i do mine. Weed is an awesome thing when you stay on point in life. In their case?...not so much.

You shouldn't let that sway you though

>> No.6043664


>"tolerance of a 15 year old"
>implying anyone of taste is going to spend money on weed regularly enough to have a tolerance
>implying weed is "nice" and not incredibly lame and used primarilly just for go-nowhere, uninteresting broke proles and niggers.

>> No.6043682

Prescriptions, coke and wine.


>> No.6043684



>> No.6043687

>>implying weed is "nice" and not incredibly lame and used primarilly just for go-nowhere, uninteresting broke proles and niggers "winding down" or "relaxing" after a hard day of menial physical labor or service.



no, this is patrick

>> No.6043693


>implying i don't smoke everyday and hold down a solid job and live a normal life, just high as fuck

Its just all about pushing yourself to actually get up when you're high. After a while its nbd.
Sure, it may not be as good as hard drugs but i don't want that in my life.

>> No.6043707

Oh well, my only advice to u is to network through your dealer

Even if the girls he deals to r dusty doesn't mean everyone he deals to is, I meanhe deals to u right? Just try to find one of two cool ppl from it and work from there

Ps don't be too picky, ur lookn for a girl to fuck and snort blow with but not be trashy? Honestly

>> No.6043730


>smoke every day
>solid job
>normal life

you're boring, nigger.

But hey, if that's who you want to be, if that's what you WANT, fine. Keep blazing it, faggot.

>> No.6043736

Weed is the easiest and best recreational drug to get into, enhances music and sex, doesn't have any bad side effects or withdrawals. It also has great medical benefits for chronic pain, lack of appetite, and glaucoma among other things, and the only ones that hate it are old white people.

Anyone who feels the need to bitch about it is probably still in high school and mad all the cool kids do it but not them.

>anyone of "taste"

Oh great, the fedora argument. Not going to bother reading the rest.

>> No.6043746


I suppose. And when i say i'm trying to find one who isn't trashy, i only mean a girl that brushes her teeth and keeps her hygiene up unlike most of the girls i've met who are into that sort of thing.

>> No.6043754

It's a drug called sage and report a shitty thread

I'm pretty sure you are addicted to it OP

>> No.6043757


Will do buddy, i'm enjoying life.

>> No.6043762
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Plebeian detected.

>smoking at bus station through vaporizer
>soccer mom with her kids and husband roll up next to me
>her kid starts crying
>"No, it's an e-cigarette."
>stumbles off
Vaporizer master race.

>> No.6043766

if you think /fa/ is an interesting place to come to, chances are you are probably the most boring person in the world. only 0.2% of people here are interesting, i came here to talk to them and laugh at the rest of you.

>> No.6043781


>Weed is the easiest and best recreational drug to get into

yeah, if all you want to do is eat cheetos, watch regular show and giggle like a nigger.

and yes, it does have withdrawl for long term users. If you know someone who's been chronic for years you know they have some stashed on them at all times because it's basically like a pacifier or a safety blanket for when "shit gets to harsh and i just need to reeelaaxxxxx man."

the fucking kicker is that all these pro pot activists have you brainwashed to think it doesn't kill people and you can't get addicted to it, and you believe it. you really, REALLY believe it, and will vehemently defend their propaganda.

>> No.6043782

weed can be mentally addicting
weed has with drawl symptoms

they are mild compared to other drugs but they are there
weed is fine but you wont do much of anything while on it

>> No.6043804


Says you. If you're a lazy piece of shit, sure. I manage to live my life like i normally would.

>> No.6043805


i don't come here to find interesting people, i come here when im drunk to verbally abuse no-life broke druggie niggers like you because you're all the same pathetic people just coping with your day to day existance.

>> No.6043808


praytell, what's "normal" like without the pot?

>inb4 i dunno

>> No.6043812

I become very motivated and find wonder in the most mundane activities when I'm high.
Not to put you on the spot, but that is a perfect example of how people use their own perceptions and experiences with drug use, and project them onto others. Of course, it usually is applicable to hard drugs like heroin or coke.

>> No.6043830


oh natalie, you're my favorite.

>> No.6043828


Exactly the same as it is with weed. I don't understand why it has to be on on/off switch thing. If i'm high, my daily routine is the same just high. Nothing changes, i just have a different mindset. I program shit for a living though, that mindset helps me get around problems in a different way i normally wouldn't think of sober.

>> No.6043844


well my friend, then you probably have access to some very good sativa.

elsewhere in the world, (namely middle america) we are plagued by kush exclusively because of it's higher yield making more money for the niggers and mexicans and the propensity for it's users to be non-combative, not dangerous losers who enjoy sittinging around watching tv and "relaxing" and thus creating a safer market for the seller.

>> No.6043853
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We can get high together and cuddle.

>> No.6043852


so if nothing's different, why bother?

you could spend all that money you save on dope and buy rick and raf.

for real, how much do you spend on dope in a month?

>> No.6043858

I get high off less than a pinch. About a gram can last me a little under a month, and I can get a gram for $20.

>> No.6043870


I'm >>6043828 and I only smoke indica. Sativa is not good for my well being, the head high makes me lose sight of what i'm doing. I enjoy the body load on an indica though, and exercise often while blazed as shit. Maybe its because i lift/run/cycle/etc with dank ass indica's all the time and i'm just used to it. They really fit me. It keeps my head in the game and my body feeling good. I actually have more couchlock smoking sativa strains.

>> No.6043872


>"all i wawnt is a gf/bf who leik dr hoo, sex and weed and want a nice dood/grrl"

every pothead posts this at least once a month, if not more.

you've got to be the most efficient pothead i've ever heard of ever. as much as i want to hate you, im kind of impressed.

>> No.6043887


Well, the mindset and feeling is different. Nothing throughout my actual day changes though. I don't get goofy or anything, i just chill harder while being able to work at the same efficiency.

I also don't spend any money. I deal to my small group of close friends who also blaze erday at solid prices while making enough to support my spending. They win, i win.



>> No.6043905

Right now I'm only watching Awkward. and Mad Men. I don't like tack sci fi/comedy stuff like Dr who, I prefer it used for the horror genre (Apollo 18<3)

I don't know I just take it much differently than all the people I've ever smoked with. I use it very cognitively now, like a tool. I get high and become aware of everything I do, It's like having true control. It's really fun, but sometimes that power of awareness becomes self-consciousness, and I get these strange panic attacks, it's scary. But I would not be the person I am today if I did not smoke.

>> No.6043931


what do you smoke and how do you do it? and how do you detox for work? when do you smoke and how many times a day? sorry to be prying but im really curious now because i've never heard of anyone treating it like that ever.

>> No.6043955

cocaine and wagon wheels

>> No.6043957

I smoke whatever I buy, I don't know any of the labels for weed at all. It seems to have the same effect on me every time, and I've gotten it from many different locations.

Yesterday I went to class, so I got high in the morning, went to class, and got home and I got high again at midnight. Today, I had work, so i didn't smoke at all because I become too anxious when high. Anyway, after work (right now) I just go high again. Tomorrow I work, and I will not get high.

>> No.6044014


see, thats weird because i've experienced what you're talking about before, but only once off some dudes from california. Everything else i've ever gotten in my corner of the world has me and everyone else couch-riding and couchriding is the pot culture here. People don't do anything, i mean, ANYTHING when they're potheads, and i know a fucking lot of potheads. All they ever do is talk about how they cant wait to go home and watch their show or play their new game and smoke and eat and sleep. And that is all they're interested in, that and sex.

To me, it is the most subtlety self-destructive substance there is bar-none because it appears to insulate its users to the world around them, like the exist slightly to the left of reality. Nothing hurts them or bothers them when they're high, and since it's cheap they can afford to be high a lot. As long as the money keeps coming in and they keep blazing, they just keep getting older and not doing anything significant with themselves to grow as people. And they don't appear to care.

>> No.6044040

I'm from California!

>they just keep getting older and not doing anything significant with themselves to grow as people
I can see where you're right about that, but it's the exact opposite of that for me: it gives the strength and awareness to look at life the way I've always wanted to. It's unshackling, I feel like I can truly control my life, that all the delusions and negativity around me that i set up can be broken free from. It's made me seek out the things I really want in life,

>> No.6044053


huh. maybe i need to move to cali, if your guy's pot can make you behave that way maybe it can fix me without turning me into a degenerate.


>> No.6044061

I don't have a drug dealer, I just get from people I meet.

>> No.6044084


i know. you probably have old heads homegrowing the good stuff locally that can actually be used medicinally as opposed to body crushing shit from a high yield hydroponic basement farm operation in bumfucknowhere, Iowa.

That's what i assume, anyway.

>> No.6044090

They'd be like even without weed. At the least you have no evidence of causation. Many of the most accomplished people I know smoke. But maybe that's because we're not plebs from the burbs.

>> No.6044101

yes, i would say that california is abundant with naturally grown pot. the most powerful stuff i've ever tried, was of a friend of mine who grew at home. medicinal is a great word, it's like a remedy for my mind when i use it.

>> No.6044121

>drug threads every other day
>fashion board

No wonder this board is such a shithole. Have fun begging for change in 5 years while I stroll past you without giving you a dime

>> No.6044126

not exactly to that extent but it does have that effect. They are the lamest people and almost afraid to do anything without weed. its interesting to watch people come from that, quit weed, and turn 180 degrees.
Like all addicts, the drug becomes their number one priority. If hanging around is what they like to do under the influence, then they will do that the entire time.
because i know people will flack me for this; not all marijuana smokers are addicts. Those described as "potheads" can assumed to be.

Also i hate doing stuff while high. It interfered with my life. Thats why I quit. From Bay area CA
tough too considering just about everyone i know smokes

>> No.6044138
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haha i like it when you get all angry
you don't like any kind of recreational drugs? what's your stance on it?

>> No.6044156

but i feel like remiscing a little
where you in CA
how do you like to smoke?

>> No.6044166

LA, just out of a pipe. I rarely smoke joints, I feel like it wastes it.

Also I do a lot of running while I'm high.

>> No.6044174

ugg LA
you should come hit some norcal weed
how long have you been smoking?

>> No.6044229

Never been to NorCal.
A little over two years.

>> No.6044413

oh shit....to edgy for me, I'm out....

>> No.6044415

do you smoke with your girlfriends or just by yourself?

>> No.6044419

norcal-fag here. everyone always talks about fucking smoking weed. everyone fucking smokes. fucking homeless people are everywhere touting weed is the best shit in the world. fucking disgusting weed smell everywhere. I am seriously fucking moving out of this shithole. fuck weed

>> No.6044422

>tfw norcal
>tfw everyone does drugs/smokes pot
>tfw drugs are associated with plebs here
>norcal feels

>> No.6044423
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dozzz hydrossss

>> No.6044436

I have nothing against weed (used to smoke a shitton in my adolescence) but don't smoke at all and am probably moving to norcal Fall 2014. I don't really do drugs in general these days except the odd trip.

Should I be worried?

>> No.6044451

>dat filename

>> No.6044455

I trip once in a while too. But the thing is you can easily find the who smoke and those who don't. People don't judge here, too.

>> No.6044540

ok /fa/, let's now look for the most un-/fa/ drug.
I vote for cheap alcohol and mushrooms.