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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 35 KB, 450x630, sr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6037221 No.6037221 [Reply] [Original]

how do goof ninjas dress in a work setting?
does everyone work in very lax areas like arts?

what about us accounting monkeys?

how 2 into trill accountant?

>> No.6037228

I want to be an accountant but its so hard

>> No.6037233


>implying these people are employed

>> No.6037234

work clothes and casual clothes generally remain separate unless your work environment is nxtlvl or artsy

>> No.6037252

Really? I felt like it was the easiest business related major by far

That is very disappointing :(

>> No.6037272


lol then how does anything get made or designed

>> No.6037281

you dont unless you dont mind getting fired. dadcore it up from 9 to 5, goof when you go out at night.

>> No.6037310

or you can tone it down a bit
take a look at his yohji fits they're pretty relaxed while still looking interesting and staying true to himself and i could see that being worn to office environments

>> No.6037311

Yeah but it sucks when you fail and then you have to wait and pay to take it again. Do you have a bachelors?

>> No.6037323

you can maybe do an all black dadcore. . . but no you cant dress like a gothninja and expect people to trust you as an accountant.

>> No.6037324


people i know that dress in that style work in film, graphic design, architecture, photography, product development, interior design etc.

basically if you work with conservative average people dont expect to be able to dress in an interesting way.

>> No.6037326

I have a Licenciatura (the European 3 year degree), I think it's the equivalent to a Bachelors in USA

>> No.6037350

I dress pretty casual to the office. Sucks to work for a shit company, eh?

>> No.6037371

The thing is, because that is how you need to dress to do your job I feel like I would invest most of my resources into having nice work clothes. I mean aside form doing things outside of work, that is where you spend most your time aside from sitting around at home. So would you then just have a few GN fits that you wear on the weekends?

>> No.6037376

why do u want to dress 'gothninja'

>> No.6037401


it never hurts to diversify, not many people stick to one style. I switch it up all the time.

>> No.6037396


cuz other clothes r boring

>> No.6037415

i don't actually want to adhere to a "meme uniform" for the sake of it if that's what you're asking

although i love a lot of pieces by damir, sruli, yohji, etc, it was just more about illustrating the question (people with a less conservative aesthetic in a convervative setting)

>> No.6037425

Almost everything I have for work, I would wear on the weekend. I don't do much minus fucking around as a photographer for the weekends, which dressing nicer for doesn't help.

>> No.6037439

>not being able to wear whatever you want to work

wow whats it like having a shit job

>> No.6037441

Feels great to make more money than you, that's for sure.

>> No.6037449

Pics requested of fortune 500 CEOs dressed in GN plz.

>> No.6037481


>sacrificing freedom of expression and individuality for money

lol wow good life choices there guys let me know when you put your first born on ebay.

>implying i probably dont make as much or more than you anyway

>> No.6037494

p-po-o--opostt sruli

>> No.6037506

>sacrificing freedom of expression and individuality for money
This is probably the saddest argument I've heard against this.

Guaranteed you don't make anywhere near me in some place where you can "wear whatever you want."

>> No.6037514

lol im richer than u my deek is biger than urs my dad culd totaly beet yours #get#wrekd

>> No.6037522


lol you literally give up being who you are and doing what you want for money. there doesn't need to be any other argument. you're weak willed and a bitch to the whims of others.

i make 80k a year which is a pretty comfortable salary. i never have to work overtime, and the work i do is very relaxed. in addition i get to wear what i want and be who i want.

i think its worth it.

>> No.6037527

His gf's fits are much much better than his...

Might be the photos, but I don't like any of his Yohji fits.

>> No.6037542

I'm laughing.

Call me when you make 120k per year, millipede.

>> No.6037543

>lol you literally give up being who you are and doing what you want for money
You're pretty fucking retarded if you think this just because someone changes the way they dress for work, lol. If you really think that work cannot be an integral part of your life, you are destined to be a failure.

With your dumbshit attitude and poor grammar, I find it hard to believe you make anywhere near $80k/yr.

>> No.6037548

I feel like you are trolling or just taking your point to an extreme. I do the job that I want because that is my desire. Who ever said that "freedom of expression and individuality" were anyone's but your own priorities? How am I not able to practice these things while simply dressing for business?

The clothes serve a purpose for their situation. Having a successful career gives one the freedom to do other things in life that might never have a chance to do if they kept your mentality.

>> No.6037564


120k a year and you are still looking for approval on 4chan you fucking faggot,

>> No.6037578

they just suck cock for a living so they wear those black rags while they get fucked or take them off depends on the dude whose going to bang them

>> No.6037585


you earn 120k a year and you still cant even do what you want when you want.

my 'dumbshit attitude' is me being exactly who i want and not changing at someone elses beckon. there's nothing dumb about it.
>implying people use the same language on 4chan and irl

>> No.6037597

Yes, I am happy to imply this. Humans are creatures of habit, how you type here, should at least reflect somewhat how you structure "IRL." (protip, this is still "IRL," dumbass, you aren't dreaming)

I haven't changed at anyone's beckon. Hell, I even enjoy shopping for things like different long-sleeve button-ups, chinos, and various types of Oxfords, Loafers, and Wingtips.

Just because you can't grasp that someone's personal choice directly correlates with their career choice, doesn't mean it can't happen.

>> No.6037602


But life isn't fair, and most people don't get your opportunity to sit around and do jack shit while making enough to be comfortable. Who says he doesn't enjoy accounting? My accountant loves his job. I do programming, and I happen to love my job as well. All i do all day is solve puzzles, shits cash man.

your desires =/= others desires

>> No.6037607


not that guy but you're retarded if you think people act the same on the internet and in life

>> No.6037613

No, you're right, people act on the internet the way they wish they could in real life.

>> No.6037649

i never implied anything about dressing dadcore inherently being a work thing. my OP was addressing people who dress dadcore at work rather than dressing how they would on the weekends. your defensive reply to that implied that you fit that criteria.

if you want to dress dadcore, do it. just don't do it because your boss told you to.

anyone working in a field they're passionate about and good at will easily rise to a comfortable salary while doing what seems like fuck all work.

i never said accounting can't be fun. i never said programming can't be fun. you're reading into shit that doesn't exist

>> No.6037668
File: 160 KB, 500x676, uhmazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6037686

are you watching black swan

this movie is the shit

>> No.6038264


lol thts not how id describe the movie...it's good but horrific reality

>> No.6038280

That looks like it's from The Professional.

>> No.6038284
File: 31 KB, 604x403, npcom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's beautiful
i love everything about, but the best part about it is the character of Nina
Natalie immortalized that character, i know in the future, people will look back at her and be in awe and wonder at her beauty and charm.
She is going to be an icon, I'm so happy for her.

>> No.6038287
File: 59 KB, 600x276, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goof ninjas

>> No.6038288

It is, I love her haircut int hat movie, it's so PRETTY.

>> No.6038293


how else do the 40 year olds on sz with $60k wardrobes afford their clothes

>> No.6038304

By being 40.

>> No.6038329


yeah but im sure they worked sometime in between when they were born and when they were 40, otherwise you cant spend 60k+ on clothes.

>> No.6038349

Before they started dressing like ninjas during their midlife crisis you mean?

>> No.6038367

>shapeless moNochrome is exiting


Just get a tattoo or something if you want attention so bad fuccboi

>> No.6038363

least we 4gt our GN lord and saviour
the prophet Christian (may god bless his soul)

truely a 21st cent messiah.

>prof. of French Lit and has racks of CCP, DD, Ann D, Rick, Julius, Guid FUCKING EVRYTHIGNLEFWN

>> No.6038370
File: 127 KB, 640x458, 2sfq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian, our magnificent saviour.

>> No.6038369


never mind question answered

see: >>6038363

gothninjas are university professors.

>> No.6038380

I wish these egists would just leave.

>> No.6038383

He looks like a tool.

>> No.6038387


doesnt matter, he wears ccp erryday, styles on everyone

>> No.6038397

He would fucking reck u kid

>> No.6038405

im worried that some people actually think like this

>> No.6038421

I wear what I want at the office, unless there are clients coming in (i always have a suit, shirt, tie and shoes in my office cupboard ready).


>> No.6038422
File: 122 KB, 352x528, workk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a pastry chef
check out my crazy fit

>> No.6038423
File: 59 KB, 609x639, call me a fuccboi one more time i dare you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ppl beginning 2 understand
the arc of the /fa/ universe is long but it bends towards christian

>> No.6038427

I have the same problem: I work in financial sphere and I am trying to dress avant-garde. My julius, rick and VA are saved for saturday, sundays and days off/evenings, at work I have to stick to suit or business casual.
Fine with me, I don't want to go to my office in oversized hood/dropcrotch anyway.

>> No.6038436

Egists pls go.

>> No.6038444

He looks like an autist.

>> No.6038438

Jesus christ, grown ass men are dressing like this.

>> No.6038440


like what?

i love how people think their opinion has any relevance when talking about a dude decked out in ccp and guidi lol

"well i wear banana republic and the quality is just great! I dont see why anyone should spend that kinda of money on clothing! Clarks are excellent"

>> No.6038447


>> No.6038453

It's because they stopped bullying. If these guys got their shit kicked for acting autistic they would behave normally now.

>> No.6038457


no he doesnt.

see how easy that is?

>> No.6038470

are u 15 lol

>> No.6038477

you know, dick riding some dude cause he wears boring, over hyped pieces, and ends up looking either unremarkable or retarded

>> No.6038476
File: 37 KB, 500x375, YOU1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He looks great.

>> No.6038483

Aww shit b, I wish my work had black coats. We wear those shitty ass chef's whites with black accent, checkered pants, and white aprons

>> No.6038488

How does that not get covered with flour?

>> No.6038485

I don't consider myself "grown ass", I'm only 30. Are you being proud of your age of 15?

>> No.6038489

Jesus christ, grow up

>> No.6038492


youre right, my bad, he looks like shit

all good now?

>> No.6038495

he's not wearing ccp and guidi, the ccp and guidi are wearing him

dude looks out of place

>> No.6038496

My guess is that this picture is before he started his shift, or maybe the material on the uniform wicks flour and stuff off.

>> No.6038504

I'm wishing same thing too, although I'm working on the theory that goof ninjas are autistic

>> No.6038506

>caring about what another man wears
sounds like u need to grow up

>> No.6038508

I can only imagine you talking to someone your age.

>So what do you do for fun, anon, I like to cycle.
I dress up in black like a ninja
>*bert stare

And he avoided you from then on.

>> No.6038509

Aprons or something. Idk do those exist?

>> No.6038511


what are egists?

does it have to do with ego?

>> No.6038520


>> No.6038515
File: 99 KB, 500x375, You2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy looks great, huh. No need to argue that on a fashion board.

uuuuhhh, you should never argue, you're always clearly wrong.

>> No.6038521

bert stare

>> No.6038529


as opposed to normal autists? uhh ok

>> No.6038532

I'm right like 99% of the time fag
u dress bad and have no taste

>> No.6038534

do u really care

>> No.6038544

You get shat on constantly but you end up just telling the person that you can't just define something of label anything as a cop out. You are nearly always wrong when I see you arguing with somebody, just stop.

>> No.6038545

*or label

>> No.6038553

Do you really think the way to dress should be considered as the winner of "I do that for fun" competition?
Ironically enough I have some hobbies which I'd like to conceal of anyone of my age and especially social status, but how I dress isn't a hobby and I highly doubt it's considered as hobby by anyone else.

>> No.6038554

>tfw 20 pages back in SZ WAYWT
>No christian posts

>> No.6038555



>> No.6038556

>conceal from

>> No.6038558

Last I heard not all autists are edgy, some one them like ponys or dress like animals. You guys dress like ninjas. It's the same thing as furries except you want to be edgy.

>> No.6038568


haha ok dude whatever you say, seems like a brilliant theory!

>> No.6038581

ur 'argument' has just been "waaah I don't like how u dress stop doing it"
I don't even like gothninja but I'm not a homo that cares what other men are wearing

>> No.6038594


our baker takes care of the floury business.


haha i feel you man.

>> No.6038597
File: 123 KB, 550x753, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just check his fashionology b he posts everyth there first anyways

>> No.6038601
File: 111 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad wears all black chef clothes


>> No.6038603

is the sz waywt worth keeping up on? i flipped through the last few pages just now and it seems like a whole lot of the same (and i don't mean in that it's entirely all-black.)

>> No.6038605

Just stop.

>> No.6038621
File: 102 KB, 544x560, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow forgot that existed.

Too bad it's so hard to save images off it ;_;

>he's so cute

thx btw

>> No.6038622
File: 77 KB, 452x500, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrong pic

>> No.6038629
File: 63 KB, 493x673, jogu 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the last thing i liked enuf 2 save #uchihaninja

>> No.6038675



>> No.6038672
File: 136 KB, 640x610, christian..............jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yr telling me

>> No.6038733
File: 51 KB, 400x495, tumblr_ldcgnsk3LH1qa9pnro1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found that your work environment determines your appearance more than what you're wearing. It doesn't matter how well you dress if you work in a shitty office with shitty grey dividers everyone. And everyone at that shitty shit offices dresses like shit. Then you're just shit. You look like shit in that life. Get a more /fa/ life.

>> No.6038744

knoll and herman miller design those grey dividers

a lot of offices have eames excutive office chairs...

>> No.6038762

whatever happened to canadafag?

>> No.6038773

gadaffi swag

>> No.6038948

That's oen great fit.

>> No.6038962

people shat on him because he never contributed anything of value

he just disappeared like all the other nobodies

>> No.6039027

how do you use this "fashionology" to find his pics?

>> No.6039034

Haha took me a second too.

Fashionology-->board index>fashionologists>personal galleries>christianology

>> No.6039053

Thanks man, this website seems pretty cool.

>> No.6039079

How tall is this Christian dude? He seems quite giant in some pics.

>> No.6040940

christian left homie

>> No.6040946

because of the drama?

it really seems vacant w/o him tbh (all dat cheeky tongue and cheek and shooping)

Now it truly feels like a circlejerk

>> No.6040952

whats its like being this late?

>> No.6040956

almost every decent poster split but faust deleted dozens of posts to cover it up
then one of the admins who quit also deleted a number of member accounts at their request, taking all of the posts with them

still some decent posters left i guess
i aint one of em B)

>> No.6040959

also this

>> No.6040968

It wasn't even ever that bad, definitely some posters were keeping that shit #real.
But now...not so much.

>mfw I never got to read up on the drama.
I sort've don't care but still sounded like fun.

>> No.6040975

It's also p.sad

>faust goes 2 paris and crosses by christian
Christian p.str8 up guy so he'll prob jst laff it off dough