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/fa/ - Fashion

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6034083 No.6034083 [Reply] [Original]

>Be six
>first grade nigga
>grow up in an apartment with mom
>the day of my first shower
>no help
>mom jokingly "save me some hot water"
>dont get it
>fuck it
>close bathroom door
>plug up drain with crayola
>load tub with the hot water mom wanted so bad
>showers fucking rule
>giggle at my creation
>mom comes in to check on me
>think im being rewarded for my good deed
>think little shit is a compliment
>be at school
>kids do cool monkey bar stuff
>"way to go little shits"
>get tattled on
>get suspeneded
>mom is pissed but decides to take me school clothes shopping
>see well dressed men
>wow nigga
>become intrest in fashion
>come here when 15
>19 now

howed you guys get into /fa/?
Lets hear some stories!

>> No.6034093

I wanted to stop looking like shit

>> No.6034110

>kids do cool monkey bar stuff
>"way to go little shits"

fucking lol

>> No.6034119

>sister takes me back to school clothes shopping when 16
>hollister h&m etc
>realise clothes can be cool
>4 years later now it's me life

>> No.6034138

>be born into wealthy family
>Ralph Lauren, Burberry usually what I was dressed in
>go to private school, uniforms all day everyday
>beg parents to let me go to private school where there are no uniforms
>they oblige
>Billionaire Boys Club, A Bathing Ape usually what I was dressed in
>Learn about Pharrell
>Learn about Chanel
>Karl Lagerfeld
>Men's Vogue
>All this glorious clothing
>Become consumed with looking perfect
>Parent's money to support my need for materialism
>Now: Saint Laurent, Dior Homme usually what I'm dressed in

>> No.6034164

I saw Rick Owens at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Rick Owens trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

And ever since that day, Raf Simons Rick Owens usually what I'm dressed in.

>> No.6034173

>Men's Vogue
shut up this isn't a thing
also post a fit

>> No.6034177

This pasta tastes like ass.

>> No.6034186

>selling cocaine in high school
>making a decent $2000 a month from that
>also working at a job so another $3000
>buy stuff with my coke friends just because it costs a lot (see Hermes, Prps, Givenchy)
>start dating a 1%er girl who turned me on to not being a piece of shit and being classy.
>go shopping with her and realise so much more about clothes
>break up with her and go to college for fashion design.

>> No.6034189
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holy shit thanks OP

>> No.6034527

>be 14 or 15
>subculture episode of my short life
>fuck that all gay shit ill be a skinhead!
>look like bald chav
>see how skins looked at 60' and 80'
>thats cool
>at start wearing perry, bomber jacket, 501's and some military shit
>time pass on i become 24 adult and meanwhile grow hair
>still into skinhead look with perry, baracuta, alpha and merc but sometimes feels tacky at a crowd
>too insecure to dress fashionable like most of you faggots because my thug friends and girls would laugh at me
>im slavshit

>> No.6034567

sounds mint m8 wish i wasnt a bitch about drugs in HS i wouldve sold coke

>> No.6034651

If ya ain't bullshittin, how do I into selling blow?

>> No.6034674

any of you fuccbois actually met ricardo irl? considering he only wears his own clothing i think hed be a giant dickbag

>> No.6034725

I got into a mexican gang who had connections for getting it here, its probably the best way if your not scared of getting your ass beat or blood.

>> No.6034764

if i was a designer id probably wear mostly my own shit. why wear someone elses shit when you could just design something you like better

>> No.6035109

>Be starting high school
>Everyone is dressed in those stupid Hollister hoodies and American Eagle shirts with generic blue jeans
>Think everyone looks the fucking same
>Friend tells me about /b/
>Figure out /b/ is a shit whole but discover /fa/
>Clothes can be cool

>> No.6035132

woaa that's actually a good question. as far as I remember I never cared much about fashion, but then again I remember I've been hooked on fashion for long time that I cannot pin point when.. shit, this makes me think.

>> No.6035227

yeah it is slut

>> No.6035300

Always been interested in visual arts

/fa/ tumblr got me hooked

Now I dress better.

>> No.6035397

>thought little shit was a compliment

What was it like being six?

>> No.6036266

my mom bought all my clothes until the 8th grade

then she gave me money to go to the vans store and pick out shoes

I had no fucking clue what looked good, or what I even wanted. I never really felt like that before. Bought half cabs and started getting into shoes so I would know what I wanted. This eventually lead me to /fa/ after browsing /mu/ for a while.

>> No.6036310

>clothes can be cool
>go back to grade school

>> No.6036321
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>Be 16
>Cousin dies at 24
>Dat nigga was stylin'
>Inherit all dem clothes
>Shit man J.Crew and all dat Ralph Lauren
>It's too big
>Go to /fa/, build my own wardrobe
>Realize my cousin was a dadcore pleb

>> No.6036315

ryan gosling original plz post

>> No.6036342

what a bad mother

>> No.6036359

are you handicapped

>> No.6036366
File: 30 KB, 228x228, Chicha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit I forgot this place even existed.
>tfw i'm 6 years older than you

>> No.6036383
File: 79 KB, 596x895, ricklifts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Rick is a giant dickbag

>> No.6036385

>be on 4chan
>meet people who crosspost on /fa/
>come to /fa/
the end

>> No.6036422

What's /fa/ tumblr?

>> No.6036456

>go on /o/
>/cgl/ sometimes because i like to see people dressing up & having fum
>realize /fa/ is fashion
>on /fa/

still lurk /cgl/ somtimes

>> No.6036465

replace rick owens with ryan gosling and there u have it

>> No.6036473

>ryan gosling
nigga its a copypasta about flying lotus lol

>> No.6036533



>> No.6036756

i can probably see flylo doing that haha

>> No.6036987

>Be fat from 11-13
>Get skinny at 14
>Need new clothes
>Mom takes me to H&M
>I realize how cool shit is when you thin

>> No.6037004

Ya I made a lot in high school selling weed, cigs and alcohol. Drugs are a good business.

>> No.6037054

>be skinny
>find jeans that fit made by like obey or some herb company
>somehow got into sbs and jordans
>explore new world of words i dont understand
>new clothes

>> No.6037104
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>Halfway through high school
>you know what I don't want to look like shit
>buy 511's
>confidence sky rockets
>hesitant about looking good/like a fag
>slowly start spending more money on clothes
>still buy from lower tier brands
>make sure everything fits
>still no where near higher fashion but I don't give a fuck I look good for my relaxed style
>first compliment the other day from a qt who likes me