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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 702 KB, 1299x2048, 1366764394456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6031234 No.6031234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Look how fucking hard he's trying. And look at bitch ass little Kim who can't think for herself.

Tights with shorts and socks over tights? Is he on his way to a marathon? Probably not. He's so fucking cool in all black. And Kim is so cool in that gay oversized coat.

Just imagine him getting ready to go out. He puts on his gay little tights. He slips his gay little socks over the rights. He bunches them up just right, ever so unevenly.

He picks out a black shirt of the perfect length to stick out front under the zip-up just enough.

And I wonder what he'd say if you asked him why he's wearing Flyknits. I am genuinely curious as to what he makes up to avoid saying, "Because I'm a trend-hopping gay fish."

>> No.6031243

ur mad cuz he stays relevant

>> No.6031248

I bet he's mad as fuck cause asap is styling all over him

>> No.6031253


>> No.6031256

Kanye getting mad is the most adorable shit ever.

I still love his music, but he's a super irritating person.

>> No.6031257

how salty can one man be

>> No.6031258

he's just hopping on a trend like he has his entire life
next month he'll be rockin da sruli recht

>> No.6031261

What the fuck are they covering their faces for? They aren't the parents of a terrorist. They're just celebrities. They exist to entertain us. So stop covering up.

Not like there aren't already a million photos of them online. And not like they're fucking or railing lines in this pic.

>> No.6031264

maybe they're cold

>> No.6031268

Which is why they wore tights and runners that day.

>> No.6031269
File: 614 KB, 500x750, raf_ss02 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone wants to look like raf ss02

>> No.6031273

Why are the dumbass Americans blaming the Russians who fucking WARNED THEM? This was America's fucking bad.

>> No.6031286

>kanye wearing flyknits
>trend hopping
think 4 a minute and ask urself why flyknits are a trend

p.s. i can't front, i don't usually like fat girls but pregnant kimmy k is hot af

>> No.6031296

Kanye did NOT start Flyknits and the whole trainer shit.

>> No.6031293

>flyknits were a thing before kanye even knew what they were

>> No.6031306

kanyes just trying to keep up at this point, asap is pulling fast ones on him left right and centre

>> No.6031318


>> No.6031314

Kanye needs to find a knockoff tuperware brand and wear it on white shorts.

>> No.6031322


>> No.6031329

>Kanye namedrops sruli in next single
>becomes irrelevant

>> No.6031336

when was sruli relevant

>> No.6031337

i didnt know 2chainz and the weeknd made a song

who da fuck do they not make a song withh holy shit

>> No.6031344

I mean kanye becomes irrelevant

>> No.6031349

wtf does this mean?

KW wont rock sruli because his stylst wont now hw 2 drop it on him

tl;dr nt ferce enuf

>> No.6031367 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 923x1200, tumblr_lyfa9hwbj51r0vjwho1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raf simons rick owens usually what i'm dressed

>> No.6031376
File: 289 KB, 923x1200, tumblr_lyfa9hwbj51r0vjwho1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raf simons rick owens usually what i'm dressed in

>> No.6031381


the thing is isn't Kanye a stylist himself??

like he is kim's stylist sometimes, no joke

>> No.6031388
File: 578 KB, 500x660, swagrex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never forget

>> No.6031392

more like b/c it's lame even by Kanye's standards

>"Ralph Lauren was boring before I wore him"
>"Bought some shit from Sruli Recht, but it just doesn't look correct"

-Kanye West

>> No.6031393

jesus christ

>> No.6031403


haha yeezy's getting hotdog neck

>> No.6031405

How has kanye stayed relevant for so long?

His music is awful. Anything past like 05 has just been shit.

>> No.6031406

fucking disgusting ass implants. gross pig

wood fuk tho stil nomsayin?

>> No.6031408
File: 858 KB, 754x529, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont care/kno.


bt i dun thnk eh went frm tht 2 hw is is nw by himslf

>> No.6031414

objectively wrong
what hip hop do u listen to

>> No.6031411

i only see him on like tabloid shit.

>> No.6031412

>lame by kanye's standards
d--d-dreams do com tru ?

>> No.6031422


I can't hate on kanye cause in like 9th grade I went to his concert got fucked up and got to grind/makeout with this super qt3.141 named Victoria who is cousins with Olivia Wilde.

one of my cherished memories

oh also in the middle of a song kanye stopped everything cause the projector screen on the right wasn't workin and he was pissed lol

>> No.6031424


pretty much any subgenre of hip hop

Kanye just sounds like shite to me since like 08 - now. Niggas in paris is a good recent song though.

>> No.6031429

yeah i think its not even about his music anymore, he's just famous as fuck from his past work at this point

>> No.6031433

>thos times wen u decid 2 giv sum1 a go and unfiltr
i hav 2 much decency in my h8rt

good day sir, plonked

>> No.6031435

not liking mbdtf
not liking mercy/trap era
not liking 808s(well ok thats fine i guess, it was pretty eh)

>> No.6031436

oh you sound so cool we should go clubbing some time i'm sure my friends will love you and your great taste in music will help you pull

>> No.6031437
File: 17 KB, 312x300, da1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this nigga said 'objectively' wrong.

i agree doe

>> No.6031445

Whoa I feel like this happened at a kanye show I saw

>> No.6031442

yeah I hate all of those.
I hate clubbing.

>> No.6031455

>hate clubbing

>> No.6031459

objectively is the right term have some conviction

>> No.6031460

My sides>>>

>> No.6031463
File: 12 KB, 186x140, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6031464

>being around annoying fake sluts covered in makeup + STDs, pretending you like being around them just for the slight chance of getting laid
>shitty trance music
>awkward dancing
>Faggot plebs everywhere
Besides pussy there's no reason to go clubbing.

I much prefer my fuckbuddies

>> No.6031471

you sound like a blast to be around

>> No.6031475

I feel like kanye peaked in 2010

My prediction is good music is gonna break soon, pusha was/is the only one on it who can spit well

2 chains and cudi are gone, big Sean will probably leave too, is common still on it? Does anyone even listen to common in 2013?

Maybe kanye will come back and make something great if good music flops

But so far it's been super hit and miss, they've put out some hitters and plenty of lame shit too

>> No.6031473

So much anger in one wigger, does your hand spend to much time on the keyboard then?

>> No.6031478
File: 66 KB, 500x356, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6031485

One of those betas who uses the term fuck-buddy hoping nobody questions wether it's a 600 pound African woman named Charles

>> No.6031494
File: 21 KB, 450x340, 600-pound-mom-died-tlc-show__oPt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here bby

>> No.6031507

Look at those bikes in the background. I need to get a motorcycle license ASAP.

>> No.6031533

how am I a wigger?
I am bro.
Dont be jealous guys. Just because you dont get fresh 10/10 pussy doesnt mean nobody else does.

>> No.6031541


But yeah I'm with the dude who said fuck clubbing.

>> No.6031550

what happened to donald glover?

culdasac and his EP were so good

camp had some gems

and royalty was pretty awful. is he doing something new still?

>> No.6031554

> tfw Kanye makes more money than everyone in this thread combined

>> No.6031564

Post pic of face and then we will judge, otherwise just turn your computer off now

>> No.6031591


nah hes a peasant means nothing to me

>> No.6031601
File: 771 KB, 471x631, ufckit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing bud

>> No.6031602

> tfw Kim makes more than Kanye
> the two of them combined are probably worth more than everyone on /fa/ combined

>> No.6031618
File: 187 KB, 1280x960, watchiy78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I want to kill you for being such an autist

>> No.6031626


"Beyonce and Jay-Z are the world first billionaire couple"

>> No.6031627

Isn't she worth like half of Kanye?

>> No.6031629
File: 345 KB, 612x513, 1345607132932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upside down

teach her how 2 use cam pls

>> No.6031647

its not upside down..

>> No.6031653

childish gambino is awful

fun to me, but awful

>> No.6031663


gambino was always cringe tryhard shit, maybe you only just realised

>> No.6031668

it originally was look at the app logo at the top

gw w/ the edit m8

>> No.6031667

If anything you're the autist here bro

>> No.6031686

who gives a fuck

>> No.6031691

>Wigger logic

>> No.6031701

i just like women that aint autistic

>> No.6031711

>Doesn't like clubbing because "Hurr std, pussy, trance, do the awkward dance"
>Doesn't seem to like anything
>Calls somebody who enjoys life and socialising autistic
Wigger logic

>> No.6031725

You dress like a pleb, please leave /fa/ and go to /mu/ to be depressing and discuss your lack of love for music

>> No.6031727

How am I a wigger

Like where are you even getting this from

>> No.6031731

Got your socks yet?

>> No.6031732

>You dress like a pleb,
you dont even know how I dress
Lol, you just dont like women. Homo detected

>> No.6031750
File: 40 KB, 315x210, lmfao_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wigger, wigger, wigger, wigger, wigger yeah
Wigger, wigger, wigger, wigger, wigger yeah
Wigger, wigger, wigger, wigger, wigger yeah
Do the wigger yeah

>> No.6031755

> speak about a preference i don't find attractive in women
> implying i must be a homosexual

ok m8

>> No.6031766


Don't believe ju watch

>> No.6031762

Think most men would rather a chick who doesn't have autism

>> No.6031777
File: 60 KB, 639x358, Trinidad-james-all-gold-everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image for dhat

>> No.6031781

Caring about personality makes you a faggot

>> No.6031789

Quite obvious you've never been in a relationship before

>> No.6031794

we can finally agree on something eh m8

>> No.6031810

I have been in plenty, and I've cheated on every single one of them. No point in passing up fresh pussy. I cant stick to one hole.

you've obviously never gotten much pussy. Beta faggot.

>> No.6031809

Sup wigger?

>> No.6031817

a true patriot

>> No.6031818

u aint shit

>> No.6031819

wigger is new meme ;D

>> No.6031828
File: 24 KB, 510x381, 230ff883_really-fat-guy-on-computer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says that guy who is hiding behind a false dream

>> No.6031841


mfw she said she's going to put my sperm in a jar and impregnate herself with it

>> No.6031858

see if you cared about personality you wouldn't get the crazy bitches.

>> No.6031860


>> No.6031856
File: 33 KB, 400x317, 1269585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6031864

Pffftthahaha, why you do this?

>> No.6031873

Lol, I'm not even getting involved. His line was just to funny to not make a meme out of...

>> No.6031877

please go back where you came from

>> No.6031881

Yeah I'm going now L, no good reaction to it anyway...

>> No.6031886

Swear I've seen this before?

>> No.6032272
File: 45 KB, 540x540, kanye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's trolling the media and you guys.

pic related, it's kanye browsing /fa/

>> No.6032332
File: 77 KB, 347x486, kanye help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6032329

Kanye is just a giant kid.

>> No.6032342

"Oh God I got one dumbass hoe preggo..."

>> No.6032371

how are people making these, with the giant words on orange background? e.g. Rick Owens + "GIVE UP"

>> No.6032380

>mentally retarded
so fucking easy it can even been done on powerpoint

>> No.6032386

by sucking my dick

>> No.6032407

Wait there are people on here who enjoy clubbing at those shity placed that play pop songs and pleb shit? Are you guys like 17?

>> No.6032590


Because people are shoving cameras into their faces? Jesus fucking christ, I don't mind getting my picture taken if I'm having a good day, but someone trying to snap pictures when I'm hungover, unshaven and look like shit someone's going down

also stop reading into things this much it's not fucking healthy, you're insane