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/fa/ - Fashion

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6018624 No.6018624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does anyone ever feel really frustrated or depressed at the fact that we're universes apart from some people in regard to fashion

im not being elitist like 'lol thes plebz wil nvr understnd fsn' or go around trying to shove it down their throats

for example say i wear a skirt and i'm a guy. it has nothing to do with my sexual orientation, (im straight) i just love the silhouette and the way the skirt folds and falls. but my friends and family and acquaintances would see that and have serious suspicions / doubts of my sexuality. even if i try to explain it to them, it would be a very difficult concept for them to understand.

i'm not saying that i'm sad because people think i'm gay because i dress xyz, but the fact that you simply cannot connect with people regarding some matters just makes me sad. same goes for other arts and crafts and mediums and jobs and hobbies and stuff too.

discuss my ramblingz plos

>> No.6018647

People are different OP.
Just do you and try to do your best to explain where you stand without as you said "shoving it down their throats".
If you're a good enough guy personality-wise they'll look past what you're dressed in

>> No.6018649

iktf, I wore one of those long voidthebrand tees to school and, even though jokingly, my friend asked "anon are you wearing a dress?"

i know it's snooty af, but I don't get how one can not understand fashion at all

>> No.6018657

You wear your skirts in front of your family? There's a time and place for everything bruh. You shouldn't be wearing your skirts to the family breakfast at Denny's

>> No.6018690

thx anon that was rly comforting
it's strange, the stuff i wear now are things i would have scoffed / laughed at a few years ago, yet now that i developed i literally cannot see why some things (eg. long shirts) are considered weird, i just can't. my perception completely changed.
no it's not like i wear it around the house, at home i stay in my room all the time but i do wear them out so fam sees when i come back home

>> No.6018691

>tfw my friends are aware of designers, and while they wear somewhat plebby things, appreciate my rick
>tfw one of my friends who wears hoodies and jeans was inspired and now wears w+h and raws

>> No.6018694

I started off reading thinking that you were talking about literal universes apart.

> tfw no qt3.14 aliencore gf

>> No.6018700

made me lol

>> No.6018715

tfw live in very non-fashion oriented city
literally every single fucking person stares at me when im outside
not even kidding

>> No.6018726

>Wearing a skirt

Troll post. Yeah you really walk around with a skirt on. "PLEBZ CAN'T UNDERSTAND WEARING SKIRTS IS COOL!"

>> No.6018731

that fucking feeeeeeeeel

>> No.6018735

but i do
it's ok to not understand different aesthetics but let's keep the shitposting 2 a minimum please

>> No.6018741

Of course if you go out in a Yohji skirt and some weird ass Sruli Recht top with some CCP drips people are going to see it as weird, it's different, people aren't going to see it the same way you do.
But no I don't know that feel OP because I'm not concerned with the way people perceive my outfits and understand people have different interests and aren't into fashion as much as I am just like I'm probably not into the same things they are into as much as them.

>> No.6018764

>it's different, people aren't going to see it the same way you do.
>But no I don't know that feel OP because I'm not concerned with the way people perceive my outfits and understand people have different interests and aren't into fashion as much as I am just like I'm probably not into the same things they are into as much as them.

I've accepted this too and I don't care if strangers think i'm 'weird', otherwise i wouldn't be wearing this stuff in public. it's just that i feel that people close to me misunderstand me sometimes and it's just kind of saddening that i can't clear up this misunderstanding without abandoning my personal style and preferences. i'm not asking them to research and start to understand my look, i'm just lamenting the fact that things like this can never really be understood by some and will be an obstacle between my relationships with others

idk pretty confused

>> No.6018821

>it's strange, the stuff i wear now are things i would have scoffed / laughed at a few years ago, yet now that i developed i literally cannot see why some things (eg. long shirts) are considered weird, i just can't. my perception completely changed.

This shit hits close to home. For real though, I would of laughed my ass off at the stuff I wear now 5 years ago. And now I cant understand why someone would think it was strange, like I feel as you go into fashion you become more and more exposed to weirder shit so you are somewhat de-sensitized to moderately crazy things.

>> No.6018835

Post a fit. I guarantee it looks bad and you're too autistic to realise.

>> No.6018839

>But you still approach 'art' from a totalitarian perspective
You're such a hore

>> No.6018842

Not even OP but I guarantee you came to /fa/ to learn how to dress for girls and have literally no appreciation for runway.

>> No.6018858

I have a huge appreciation for runway and I see it is art, but I doubt OP is a model, and things like skirts on men only belong in art and not streetwear.

>> No.6018860

never happens to me tbh

>> No.6018868

well then i envy you.
for me i feel that it's a barrier and makes it harder for people to approach me

maybe i'm just overthinking this and still need to grow and develop

>> No.6018867
File: 163 KB, 960x960, xexrescore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashion without application is a waste of time

>> No.6018872

Nah but I've seen you twerk, your not too out there. You ever seen a fit and was like "damn I wish I could rock that"?

>> No.6018877

i was called a fag once in a skirt, who cares, bitches left the coffee shop minutes after sitting down cause they couldn't handle all the fashion

im sure its stopped me from being approached by peeps but
who cares

>> No.6018878

I'm fairly certain a lot if not most runway clothing is not sold to the public

>> No.6018882

how do you quantify application?

>> No.6018883


im glad you pissed them off, its hard to offend people with clothing these days.

>> No.6018891

that fit looks horrible.
>trying too hard to be /fa/

>> No.6018887
File: 260 KB, 588x440, RICKFUCKINGOWENS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> your not too out there

im glad u consider my clothes so casual and wearable :)

lol, most runway shows are ready to wear homie, means ppl buy the shit and sell it at retail and then customers pick it up and wear it

people buying it and wearing it or, at the very least, creating a proposal that moves fashion forward in a meaningful way a la miyake's a-poc

>> No.6018889

thx twerk maybe it's just because i'm more of a sensitive type of guy i tend to overthink things all the time

i guess the people who will appreciate me for who i am beyond my outfit will approach me regardless of what i'm wearing

or i hope so at least


>> No.6018892

Industry guy here and yes, all runway fashion is sold to a few hundred people around the world however that number is decreasing which is causing an end to runway. Look it up if you don't believe me.

>> No.6018896
File: 112 KB, 565x848, heirloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post a fit

>> No.6018897

cool, what do you do in the industry and how did you get into it?

>> No.6018898
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>> No.6018900


>average crossdresser anime fan.jpg

>> No.6018901

if I buy it, frame it and hang it up on my wall is it not serving a function? ;s
>application = something functioning.

>> No.6018907

what are you fucking talking about

majority of runways are rtw they are literally intended to sell things to the public not just "a few hundred people around the world" jesus what am i reading

>> No.6018908

what's the average price a person would pay for an outfit? or range

>> No.6018910
File: 37 KB, 345x373, Marc-Bolan-marc-bolan-30398466-345-373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the same anecdote i tell when ppl b complaining bout gay ppl actin 2 gay

imagine u go 2 a bar and this dude in a bondage harness with a boar tusk thrust through his nostrils starts eyein u up and ur like "lol naw homie not my scene" and hes like "k thnx bb gl" and you go about your way and everyone is happy :)

then imagine u go 2 a bar and this dude in a smart white button front gets flirty and he buys you a drink and you hit it off and he takes you home and right there in his living room is a st. andrews cross and ur like "uh no man this aint my scene" but now you know his secret and bcuz he's closeted he cant let that shit get out so he kills u and buries u in the desert

my point is, wouldn't it make more sense to just know off the bat that the dude's a bit alternative, and wouldn't he be happier if he was free 2 xpress himself?

eat shit :)

lol no

heirloom doesn't watch anime afaik

>> No.6018916

damn he looks better like this than with facial hair and manbun but dats just my opinion

>> No.6018918

tfw when ur atlest 0.1% of the designer consymer markt

>> No.6018919

You think it looks good and are horribly, horribly wrong, just as I expected

>> No.6018920


impressive, he definitely has a "weeaboo" esque style.

maybe he just likes cosplaying as some type of character?

>> No.6018925

fashion is subjective
get out

>> No.6018926

Marketing for a brand right now although I have my hopes up on getting into their design department soon. And college.
I wasn't referring to RTW runways, where did you get that from?
Price varies a lot but its obscenely high, prices go well into the hundreds of thousands.
Actually yes. Look up Yves on runway couture.
RTW market is huge and I highly doubt you are buying couture runway which in that case you would be on of the few hundred buying the pieces.

>> No.6018927
File: 103 KB, 1599x1066, i3xijl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think

all that matters when it comes 2 dressin *my* body B)

ur born naked and the rest is drag B)B)B)B)B)B)B)

couture represents a dozen some odd shows a year homie
most runway fashion, even that ppl bitchin bout bein ridic, is rtw

>> No.6018928

rtw is on runways 2 u dum fuq
l2constrt senencs

couture has always been 4 the few hi n mity

>> No.6018929

no one who posted before you was talking about couture at all

>> No.6018936

just because being gay/homosexual/a faggot is considered fashionable in popular culture right now along with apple products

does not make cross dressing fashion

you're not an expert in fashion, you're just buying into the gay is fashion mindset

>> No.6018935

>I wasn't referring to RTW runways, where did you get that from?
maybe the fact that u said 'runways' in a completely general sense u mouthbreathing retard

>> No.6018934

I'm pretty sure couture is something most of you would feel awkward wearing out of the house. That's what I was referring to in my first comment but if you guys are bitching about not wanting to wear RTW outside the house then that's pretty bad.

>> No.6018938

Dayum grul u wan summa day bbc?

>> No.6018939

i'm beginning 2 think you are confused yourself about what couture is

>> No.6018940
File: 117 KB, 1280x1624, tumblr_m0a2fvu2XY1r4ws78o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg i would wear couture every day (。◕‿◕。)

>> No.6018942

This is the comment I originally responded to. Unless you think RTW is not sold to the public then he is talking about couture.
>I'm fairly certain a lot if not most runway clothing is not sold to the public >>6018878

>> No.6018947

but you said "all runway fashion"

>> No.6018948

Son am disappoint

>> No.6018951
File: 499 KB, 500x281, twerkteam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tweak it lmfao

>> No.6018953

True, that was my fault. Was just trying to get that kid his answer about couture though.

>> No.6018955
File: 999 KB, 500x342, tumblr_mesqcyznBq1ro90kmo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what sometimes surprises me bout how conservative /fa/ posters are, is that my fukken grandparents like my rick and they like rick

and they aint doin it just to b good grandparents btw

im pretty sure my grandma wants 2 cop

>> No.6018954
File: 279 KB, 552x828, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u wundnt u basik betch

>> No.6018957

A few hundred people is not considered the public.

>> No.6018960

If you have enough money you can get anything son.

>> No.6018961
File: 580 KB, 500x726, tumblr_m33m9yZAh91rub9dio1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should upload a twerken fit :o

lol yea i would

>> No.6018962

u gay twerk?

>> No.6018964

I kind of know that feel op. I don't think I've ever been called out on my wardrobe from someone I found significant. I mean, if someone wearing plaid button ups and denim said I looked like a faggot, I wouldn't give him the time of day. But if a person rocking some Raf Simmons S/S 2013 wardrobe called me out, then I'd feel bad. I see where you are coming from, but it's not other people's place to consider your fit, and it's not really your place to consider their opinion on your fit is it?

>> No.6018963

l m f a o

>> No.6018965

get on that twerken waywt right now

>> No.6018967
File: 180 KB, 500x333, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sory hun ths is a big gurls game n ud be smrt 2 #swerv

>> No.6018972
File: 335 KB, 1572x2000, 124_xl_AC07771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>posting spectacle
>not clothing

>> No.6018977
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>> No.6018982
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>> No.6018983

LOL autocorrect articles again

>> No.6018985

>what sometimes surprises me bout how conservative /fa/ posters are

most EDC threads have several guns in them, we all hate that nigger Obama, clearly racist board, most of the people here with designer clothes are well off hence republican (party favors small government low taxes, democrats favor large government England tier tax rate in excess of 50-65% of income), continuous posts about vintage furniture and old manners of dress, leather goods based in heritage.....

>> No.6019027

That was pretty odd. I felt like I was immersed in late 60's counterculture for a little while.
I liked the poem best.

>> No.6019046

tyrannosaurous rex > t. rex

>> No.6019084

Thanks again, twerk bb
That was another time and place. Wished it was longer.