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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.08 MB, 927x1400, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2F21a9a052a3789e06096911461b5dab8d%2Ftumblr_ml0jmiHgRR1sn6tvqo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6018263 No.6018263[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will /fa/ transcend into Japanese streetcore?

>> No.6018269

they cant

japanese streetcore requires inherent style and confidence. /fa/ will never have that

>> No.6018270

lol u mean when did japanese start dressing streetwear fgt.

>> No.6018277

japan's fashion comes from their background and culture and society, we can't emulate that even if we like it

>> No.6018286


>> No.6018290

that's pretty much a carbon copy of western streetwear, they're a bit late to the trend

>> No.6018292

What if we all move from New York and Los Angeles to Japan???

>> No.6018294

I livening Michigan and people always dress like that

>> No.6018296

apparently it's something about being Japanese that makes streetwear look cooler. if a white/black/etc. dude were to wear this exact same fit no one would really care

tfw i'm Asian

>> No.6018299
File: 225 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mkmfhklRYV1qbzysno2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nahhh man, japan been at it for years nigga

>> No.6018309

oh fuck off already. What group do you think you're a part of? If you had stylish friends or knew of better sites that weren't attached to autist central you'd be there, not here. But you're like everyone else and we can tell. So stop acting like a fucking snowflake.

>> No.6018315

Except that you have it the other way around.

>> No.6018316

i didnt say i was special. i know i am on 4chan's /fa/. i know what it means being here. dont get angry because the truth hurts

>> No.6018321

not all asians can pull of clothes m8

>> No.6018327

What truth tho? Sounds like you're just projecting to me.

>> No.6018337

>requires inherent style and confidence. /fa/ will never have that

>> No.6018343

They won't unless if they're able to meet up on the street every day, forming a clique.

>> No.6018345

Well if hes projecting and you said hes like everyone else then you should know already...

>> No.6018358

well yeah of course. i didn't mean that all asians have a magic aura that makes them look great in any outfit, but you know what i mean

>> No.6018376

>camo jacket oxford nbs and beanie
>japanese streetcore

if it was on a black guy you would call it swagfag/streetwear and dismiss it as bullshit

but since it's on a japanese guy you're all like "ooOoOoOoo soo styling!" fucking weaboo

>> No.6018380

why is that faggot carrying around luggage

>> No.6018391


>> No.6018393

Hes a jetsetter

>> No.6018396

Why would you pick a terribad, generic streetwear outfit to represent Japanese streetwear, you GOON.

>> No.6018402

That's opinion not truth.

>> No.6018405

Being japanese makes it completely different. Youre basically saying manga is just chinese comics. Youre basically saying an italian cut suit is different from a british cut suit

>> No.6018407

I didn't have any pictures saved on my phone so I got a generic one off of Tumblr. I don't know why this hasnt turned into a Japanese streetwear inspiration thread though.

>> No.6018413

not when it's the exact same fit exact same clothes exact same aesthetic

like that entire fit is something you would see on a filipino/black guy in my area

>> No.6018426
File: 157 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mjvg4kSM4N1qax3ueo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys guys let's just turn this into a japanese streetwear dump plz

>> No.6018434

This is old Japanese streerwear. They're not riding on hype which makes a difference. Also, there is more to Japanese streetwear than this, however, I don't have any pictures saved on my phone. Consider the picture a placeholder.

>> No.6018438
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>> No.6018457
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>> No.6018462
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>> No.6018473
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Supreme has been popular in Japan since 1997. Get with the hype.

>> No.6018479
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>> No.6018486
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>> No.6018510

No fucking bueno.

>> No.6018530

never because that looks terrible

>> No.6018537


>> No.6018548
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>> No.6018569

He looks silly.

>> No.6018579

We all look exactly the same, time to peacock.

>> No.6018588
File: 74 KB, 440x660, tumblr_mk0ve7jVq91qdfri5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6018595


>> No.6018637
File: 101 KB, 1585x1527, 1348517752667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rocked that outfit this week
>mfw everybody liked it

>> No.6018656

Honestly, the only reason I posted it was because of the hair.

>> No.6018668

Why do some japs wears masks?

>> No.6018681

people in china wear it too. I used to know but i forgot. it may be for anonymity, or just because they don't want to get sick? and then some people actually wear it for fashion, but that's more harajuku tier

>> No.6018685
File: 156 KB, 640x480, d0186472_20533176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat white mountaineering gilet

so much want

>> No.6018703

Doesn't Fabrixquare sell that jacket? Hah

>> No.6018711

that's an amazing sale, you should cop that if you can

>> No.6018736

Why the fuck does that have to be a gif. Fucking tumblr.

>> No.6018761
File: 23 KB, 446x378, photo_124109510_1314151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they all look a like and dress alike, a mask actually helps them stand out.

>> No.6018774

When everyone has the exact same phenotype and it isn't a good one peacocking is the way to go.

>> No.6018776
File: 14 KB, 240x320, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6018959

What beanie is that?

>> No.6018973

That looks more like a B.C. Rich headstock to me

>> No.6018989

dust in the air, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_Dust

>> No.6019042

>japan's fashion comes from their background and culture and society, we can't emulate that even if we like it

Nigga, their fashion is also them emulating our fashion, which came from our culture, background and society.
There's no reason why we couldn't do it as well.

>> No.6019050

Japanese is legit the funnest language I've ever learned. I'm just beginning to learn it but it's really fun.

Just thought I'd say that. thank you god bless.

>> No.6019070

>japan's fashion comes from their background and culture and society
That's a huge fucking lie. Japan is one of the most contemporary countries that exists. What we're seeing is not a culmination of pre-existing culture, it's the complete opposite. It's just an emergence of leftist liberals and expression from their new generation. Much like how America was in the 60's.

Japan is fucking weird. 90% of the country is extreme right wing contemporary xenophobes. Then around the 80's there was a giant surge of sexual expression in Tokyo, which is where you see shit like panty vending machines from and all those other perverted things about. Then they quickly snuffed that shit out a few years later and Tokyo became contemporary again.

It's only just now starting to become more liberal and accepting to foreigners, except if you're korean.

>> No.6019083

What is a contemporary xenophobe?

>> No.6019099
File: 187 KB, 900x594, Shiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who hates foreigners today?
On the real though, I think contemporary xenophobia implies a certain level of sophistication and subtlety, or at least enough to slide beneath the radar and not engender outrage on a massive scale.
You don't tell them to get the fuck out, you just don't rent them apartments or hire them.

>> No.6019096

It should read conservative xenophobe. My B.

>> No.6019097

You seem like you know something about Japan. Why do all the weeabous treat Japan like some sort of Holy Land where everything is perfect when they'd be treated worse there. (White, fat, pedophile etc.)

>> No.6019101

We don't live in japan


>> No.6019103

never, because i am a greedy, materialistic korean who sticks to gucci gucci & rooey rooey bootong so I can attract plastic faced gold-diggers

>> No.6019117

Because they learn of Japan through proxy. They see shit like animu, manga, and vidya and then proceed to follow up on this culture online. They see a huge prominence of "otaku" culture online and believe that's reflective of most of Japan.

Here's the kicker. The reason why their is a huge prominence of Otaku culture online is because they are fucking outcasts in Japan. Apart from Studio Ghibli, which is basically Japan's Disney, Anime is portrayed and marketed towards children. If you're an adult and watch anime you are seen as weak and childish.

So these fucking immature social rejects go online and create a false blanket of online security which draws in all the various outcasts here. It's really funny to think about how dissapointed these neckbears will be when they learn what Japan is really like.

They are also patronizing as fuck towards you if you master the language. They will laugh at you and think it's "adorable". Some people are better about it, but some are just straight up douches.

>> No.6019149

Japs seem like dickheads. Actually a lot of asians do. They like to try to feel superior even though they all lack individuality and usually have shit genes and rely on their "culture." I will admit, they are nice little technophiles though.

>> No.6019159

>feel superior even though they all lack individuality and usually have shit genes and rely on their "culture."
and what race is different from this?

>> No.6019170
File: 41 KB, 500x500, #cULT #sTATUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I alrdy been buyin jap brands son.

>> No.6019172

that looks exactly like hypebeast swaggot shit I see in filipino-mexican infested high schools everywhere in califuckia

it's pretty sad that the youth of japan are devolving into beaners and fliips

>> No.6019176
File: 56 KB, 570x382, ozymandias2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you disagree you are a filthy kike.

>> No.6019179

>nice little technophiles
Outside of specific parts of Tokyo they still all use tech from the 90's and shit. Fax machines and all that jazz. They don't even fuck with emails.

Japan is a fun place honestly, and the nightlife and bars are cool as fuck. Tons of variety. The country is filled with a lot of pride, and you can't blame them for cultural aspects like that. However, the country is becoming a lot more progressive and Tokyo can be very accepting and fun!

I plan to teach english there for a year or so after college. It should be fun.

>> No.6019192


I hate asians

That UCLA girl really captured the sentiment of everyone who is not asian

>> No.6019199

if you get the slightest hint of a cold the mask goes on, just etiquette I think

>> No.6019200

>Living in an area of California where the median home price isn't 8 million usd.
My sides bro.

>> No.6019206

what ucla girl

>> No.6019208

speak for yourself, white trash

>> No.6019210


I was in Japan a few months ago. It's because they are sick and it's polite to wear a mask so you don't spread it around

>> No.6019211

speak when spoken too gook lover

>> No.6019238


>> No.6019246

these people are correct
It's just a common courtesy, if you have signs of illness, you wear a mask so as to prevent the spread of germs as much as possible. A lot of people wear them during flu season just because they're paranoid as well, especially in public areas such as streets/trains/busses

>> No.6019353

>can't speak english

>> No.6019367

>all whites can speak english
check ur privilege

>> No.6019413

I need to get more into that shiz. People think i'm Japanese anyway. Even though I'm a Jew.

>> No.6019429


donate me all ur shit and becum japstret cor
>ur wardrob ain' big enuf 4 th both of u's

u no my addy

thanks hun

>> No.6019439

sent ;P

>> No.6019443


dun ply me b

>> No.6019453

and how is this different form typical black ppl in USA?

>> No.6019460

It's not but there's some chinks on here who try to push their yellow agenda down our throats and try to prove how they are "master race." There's a lot more nips on here than you think, pay attention to WAYWT.

>> No.6019508

hahah wtf. Neither of those are me.

Stop hi jacking my name you cunt.

>> No.6019515

I'll say this much, Japanese people are the most stylish on the planet. They are eclectic. They are original and they are fucking fearless with their experimentation to find out who they are.

This will be my last post in this thread. Everyone else below me is fake.

>> No.6019520

Quit pretending to be me. Also, Japs are only one step above Filipinos.

>> No.6019537


Says the one that likes to feel superior even though he lacks individuality, has shit genes, and relies on his "culture".

>> No.6019553

What the hell? These people are a very small percentage of asians who actually have a high level of steeze, internet bloggers, just like you would get with white/black people. So far there has been no steezy jap or even asian posters here.

>> No.6019554

I am superior to you. In every way.

You don't know my genes and you sure as fuck don't know what my culture is.

...shit... you did make me post though.


>> No.6019563


>> No.6019570
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Chinese is better we have Li Ning

>> No.6019623

hey! I have those shoes.

>> No.6019662
File: 693 KB, 720x480, 1366639133924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend hundreds of thousands to be unique and stand out
>a dirty gaijin in zaracore still easily steals their girls

>> No.6019668

where do you live?

>> No.6019676

Cros/sp/osting common projects nigger.

>> No.6019679
File: 25 KB, 426x519, 4508306170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are on to me

>> No.6019707


>> No.6019716

How did u cop a pair?

>> No.6019722
File: 988 KB, 450x200, swagiesta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caught you red-handed niqquh.

>> No.6019733

hopefully soon

>> No.6019748

I didn't, it was a present from an uncle of mine.

>> No.6019751

do you like them?

>> No.6019794

lel, I used to, but their in horrible condition.

>> No.6019795

>tfw people are pushing jap streetwear like fuck and it's gonna become a forced meme like the others
/fa/ u suck

>> No.6019797
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Hopefully soon •*_•*

>> No.6019889 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 118x106, Screen shot 2013-04-23 at 7.58.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, those two kids get around
Shit is ugly as hell but boy do they have some ups.

>> No.6019904

I think its more about genetics. They know( generally) what to wear with the attributes and body they have so japanese streetwear looks pretty good on japanese people , asians in general but it looks weird in westerners (ie Yesstyle )

>> No.6019908

>wearing random silly shit
haha oh wow, look at this fag
>wearing random silly shit in japan
glolious fit fucc-san, teach me how to style light

>> No.6019918

what, where? GR?

>> No.6019961

This looks like the kind of shit you find on asos.

Casual, please leave.