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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 77 KB, 1600x900, The Change Up - Ryan Reynolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6009208 No.6009208 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /fa/, first time poster here.

Actually never been on here, I hear it thrown around. I'm a /fit/izen, sometimes I'll head to /b/ (nothing funny there anymore though), and /wg/ for the occasional new wallpaper for my laptop.

I'm in the military, and it's started to become apparent to me that because I am wearing a uniform 5 days a week, I can afford to spend a little extra dough to upgrade my wardrobe for the weekends and occasional weeknight outing.

I recently took a roadtrip home to collect everything in my old room, all in rubbermaids.

To give you an idea of what I own, I usually buy stuff from HM, JCrew, Banana Republic/Gap, and I'll go to target for tees and stuff. I'm not super picky about labels although I admit sometimes they have stuff that feels pretty cheap. I bet I'll sound pretty pleb but they do have some nice button downs, Merino I think is the brand.

Another thing is, it's hard to fit pants, jeans specifically that look good and are the right size when you actually have muscular legs. it seems like all the clothing stores make pants for skinny or fat guys now. tips on jeans? is this a brand thing or do i need to get a larger waist size and just use a belt?

I'll take some pictures of what I've got going on if there's interest.

Thanks in advance and nice to meet you all.

Pic related, I'd wear something like this on a date. And I overall dress like he does in this movie. Still kind of a kid, but I like to look nice from time to time.

>> No.6009223

goddamn fuckin' wall of text

OP you want tapered denim like Naked and Famous WeirdGuy, Levi's 508/520, and stuff like that

>> No.6009238

inb4 a shit storm of rick owens etc.

store-wise, you've got the right idea. Possibly the most important part of dressing well is how things fit; I highly reccomend you find a good tailor. He'll make you look a thousand times better and it'll fix the pants issue.

>> No.6009264

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Merino I think is a brand

>> No.6009268
File: 411 KB, 968x1519, daniel_craig_grey_cardigan_jea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For jeans wear slim straight.

Like the naked and famous weird guy or levis 514/509
It seems you got a decent start form the stores. You should wear plain stuff because your muscular body itself it pretty loud
As far as looks go this is what a bulky guy should aim for imo

>> No.6009303

I remember reading that in a magazine. Sounds almost too simple to be true. I think the article was on Shia Le'doosh in Transformers 3 haha. But yes you're right, clothes that fit your frame look more expensive. Any advice on finding a tailor? what's the price on doing that sort of thing?

Thanks for the names, I think the nice pair of jeans I have now are Levi's. The NEX (navy exchange) actually carries some nice brands at a really decent price (mostly they have shit like true religion that niggs go out and spend all their military munnies on) But you get the idea, levi's, fossil, etc..

>> No.6009316

No way, I was actually going to use that as the picture for this thread.

I've wondered about those, that's a cardigan right? I feel like you need to be really masculine to not look gay wearing those or am I wrong? I see those everywhere.

>> No.6009318

>/fit/izen /b/tard
>in military
>just asking us a simple question
>being really nice
>usually buys clothes from okay ish stores
>not calling us "fags" or "punk gays"
op ur a cool guy
look for fits described with "slim" or "tapered"
a lot of denim companies have them
I also have big legs and usually size up Gap "skinny" fit jeans but they have a slouchy slim that fits great

>> No.6009335

I've seen this picture so many times, and now I wonder how I never paid any atention to that bag. It's a very nice bag. Nothing too flashy, but still cool. Anyone got sauce, or something simillar?

>> No.6009336

care with skinny jeans cos you're butt is gonna be enlarged and you look like a homosecshual

>> No.6009340

Women dig big guns too not just gays, just saying

>> No.6009349

track made my butt big too so
nothing I can do about it :(

>> No.6009371

man that's one of the nicest things anyone on 4chan has ever said. I know a lot of people associate the military with
I work in Virginia Beach, I don't really associate with my coworkers too much, only 2 or 3 that are pretty cool and like to do things like Tough mudders and stuff. I work a regular 9 to 5 job like anyone else... except usually way earlier in the morning until way earlier in the afternoon.

I work for SOCOM with IT and Electronics type stuff (networking and stuff).

I have a somewhat slim fit pair of dark jeans, and a pair of kind of relaxed lighter jeans from banana republic that are really comfy.
>would wear when I know a girl better or just hanging with guy friends

To be honest I actually prefer wearing chinos on a normal day anyways.

I also have about 5 pairs of shorts that I got over the winter for good prices. Haven't worn any of them yet, I'll take a picture. It's about to be summer soon and my apartment is literally right on the beach.

>> No.6009380

>watch on left wrist

>> No.6009384

Hmm, I don't want to hijack the thread, but instead of buying 32/33 waist pants I bought a pair of 30 waist Nudies.

The difference in size is mainly because I wear the Nudies a bit higher now (before I could kinda pull them down if I wouldn't have a belt)

So.. that brings me to my question. Is it okay that the fabric is kind of tight about my waist and thighs and "normal" around my ankles/calves.

>> No.6009391


>> No.6009403
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting with top left, jcrew, merona, gap, gap, (something called modern amusement?) and Banana Republic.

>> No.6009411
File: 88 KB, 596x896, 1359950779573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rick owens
you can wear it when you hit the gym too

>> No.6009589

What am I supposed to be looking at here?

>> No.6009602


fashion designer rickardo owen working out in his clothes

>> No.6009607

OH, it's hard to tell in black and white, i didn't know whether i was supposed to look at the pants or shirt

>> No.6009670

Depends on the tailor, maybe $10-20 a piece, depending on how much they do and what it is.

>> No.6009679

How's the fit on them all?

>> No.6009840

Thanks man, that's really not bad at all. You really think they can make say 60-80 dollar jeans look better?

They fit great! The olive green ones have a small stain, kinda sucks but still works for going to the beach and stuff.
I'll take a picture

>> No.6009885

Yeah of course. If you've got big thighs and want them to taper down more you could look at Unbranded 201's though. They're tapered fit, reasonably high quality raw denim at a sub-$100 price point.

>> No.6009908
File: 1.71 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly not opposed to spending that much on jeans if they fit and will last me a while. Like I said I make bank and I don't need more than 2 pairs of jeans really.

Inb4 this not matching I know, I was wearing this shirt already and didn't feel like changing. Stain is kinda ugly but like I said I would just wear these casually.

>> No.6009956

good fit on the shorts.
Not sure about the tee.

>> No.6009959

What are your everyday shoes?

>> No.6009962
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here are 3 coats I got on friday at HM, they were on sale, spent 60 dollars total, seemed like a really good deal.

>> No.6009994
File: 2.44 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah like I said this is just a chilling-at-home-doing-the-rest-of-my-laundry-day shirt

My shoes i usually wear out are the ones in the center. haven't worn those vans in forever... the adidas are my gym shoes but i wear them everynow and then

>> No.6010037
File: 2.70 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fashionable is my wall haha. I did this chalkboard paint stuff the other week. Been having a lot of fun with it.

yes that is carl from aquateen as a saiyan

>> No.6010062

I like the left one, not 100% on the right as it seems more like a suit jacket than a blazer/sportscoat,
Nice, you might wanna expand that tho. I'm a fan of GATs and Chukkas for your kinda style
Niggas'll tell you DBZ isn't effay, they're prolly right but your wall is cool.

>> No.6010068

My friend had one of those. Fun to draw penises on.
Your coats are fine
Not a big fan of the shoes, i think thats the area you should try to step up your game

>> No.6010078


>> No.6010087

Can you point me to that jacket on the left online?

>> No.6010136
File: 2.67 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wondered where to get cool, simple shoes at a decent price from. I love the middle ones, they are my bros and I wear them everytime I go out.

I only wish they had a little more support, it's like wearing kung fu slippers.

here are my other 3 coats i had previously

the one on the left is like a football varsity type coat from HM, 15 bucks. The one in the middle is a rain/windbreaker from HM, 15 bucks, the one on the right i got from Martin&Osa before they went out of business for 10 bucks, this thing was over 100 dollars and I love the shit out of it. There was a rip in the fabric on the inside of one of the pockets which is why it was marked down so much

I am actually enjoying my first time here at /fa/, you guys are cool as fuck and don't reply to everything with
>ishiggity diggity

>> No.6010143

well fuck, i usually talk mad shit on anything hm, b-but i'm actaully sorta jelly...

>> No.6010163

Don't worry people will start calling you a fuccboi soon.

Also as far as shoes go you get what you pay for most of the time, in terms of quality. Shoes from most Mall stores (H&M, for example) won't be the most durable in the world. Clarks Desert Boots are honestly a very versatile pair of shoes at a decent price point.

>> No.6010165
File: 103 KB, 640x480, onverse-Jack-Purcell-Sneaker-White56_LRG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you come here with the right attitude we're fairly accommodating.
Those jackets are p decent.
Normally I'd suggest some boots to go with your new jeans, but that doesn't really seem your style (yet).
Maybe some Purcell Converse?

>> No.6010172
File: 2.67 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it from HM my friend, It was 20 bucks,

This is the closest thing I can find on their site

Here's me wearing it for reference, it has really tiny light grey stripes

>> No.6010181
File: 95 KB, 683x1024, 46avpRfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he meant the other one

>> No.6010191
File: 1.98 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are pretty cool, they look comfy too.

Opinions on the shirt by the way? It's got a slimmer and stiffer collar than the other button downs I own, it's also made of a shinier material, kind of has a sheen and it's really comfortable. My best friend gave it to me (he's in the navy) before we parted ways, he's a real pat bateman. The label says "Bar III"

Fucking love this shirt

lol what's a fuccboi? forgive me for not knowing

>> No.6010193
File: 191 KB, 1283x669, fitizens tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should look at some of the other threads.

But honestly OP, you're way ahead of most people when they start coming to /fa/ and since you're already /fit/ I'd say you're good to go.

Just read some infographs (but don't take them as word of law) and develop your wardrobe by inching up price points

Pic related may be helpful

>> No.6010199

I meant the spring jacket looking one haha although that is classy as fuck

>> No.6010211
File: 1.85 MB, 526x250, 1365820914064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, am I dyslexic? I thought you said right, let me see if i can find it man

>> No.6010216

you seem like a nice guy op


>> No.6010228
File: 141 KB, 500x750, 1360061596278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks nice, I can't really see the fit due to the positioning/half torso shot though. I'm gonna suggest you get a couple OCBDs next (Oxford Cloth Button Downs). Uniqlo ones are famous for not being shit for the price.

>> No.6010238
File: 2.38 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one right? yeah I got this on Friday for like 15 bucks there (HM) I was with a female friend of mine and she said it was really nice. I'm looking up the stock number. Hopefully it isn't just an extra detail.

>> No.6010244

Why would they ever use that person as an example? He looks awful, even by 2009 /fa/ standards.

>> No.6010259

Yeah that one I love the look of it I'm really hoping I can get my hands on one

>> No.6010266

damn op, clearly you've already got pretty good taste.
my only suggestion would be to start going quality over quantity, especially now that it seems you have a decent base wardrobe. save up a bit and get a much nicer pieces instead of getting a whole bunch of cheap ones from h&m or target or wherever.

>> No.6010278
File: 326 KB, 900x680, 1366422233476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd uh, I'd hang out with you too or whateva fryman

>> No.6010290
File: 1.02 MB, 249x190, 1365455360911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah It's ironic that you say that. I've always been about quality over quantity. I own 4 pairs of pants total, 2 of them being jeans. Most people I know say that's not enough. I don't really care.

I have more stuff now than I normally would because I made that trip back home and got my old clothes, plus I just got some new ones.

It sounds like I need to get some cooler shoes and find a tailor

gif not related

>> No.6010307

Op are you me? I wear the exact same clothes as you and have the same taste and am also in the military. What branch are you? You mentioned the NEX so you're either Navy or a Coastie like me.

>> No.6010314
File: 2.59 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dated a chick in the coast guard once, she was in officer school though and freaked the fuck out that people would find out so we broke it off

here are mah jeans btw

>> No.6010320

sounds good man. yea everyone in this thread has given p solid advice. just don't be afraid to spend a bit more on nice pieces that'll last and not look cheap, especially since i'm assuming you have a fairly decent disposable income being in the navy and all.

>> No.6010331

Get some Unbranded 201s like I said earlier, Denim + Shoes are probably where I'd buy next, shoes first tho.

>> No.6010340

To be honest I get paid more than I think I deserve sometimes. I get bonus pay for the nature of what I am doing with special forces and all, but I'm not over in the 'stan year round.

I put most of my extra pay into mutual fund accounts, roth IRA, and stuff like that.