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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 203 KB, 720x960, tum_tummaly_tuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6005982 No.6005982 [Reply] [Original]

How can I not be a fuccboi?

Also what's fuccboi?

>> No.6005999

that crewneck is fake.

>> No.6006003

stop being such a fuck boy.

>> No.6006006

Yes, that is literally the only pleb thing on him otherwise he'd be 10/10 effay

>> No.6006019

It looks like a crewneck to me, what's fake about it?

>> No.6006023

It doesn't exist, he had it created himself.

>> No.6006024

I mean, if he's wearing it, it has to exist.

>> No.6006030

since you're going to play semantics like an autistmal little fuccboi.

the crewneck is an inauthentic Supreme product.

>> No.6006031

>implying anyone gives 2 shits about that swagfag skater ass high school lame brand
C'mon /fa/, it's time for you fags to have a better, more mature taste in fashion.

>> No.6006032


Who cares. Supreme is fucking shit.

>> No.6006034

like what? dressing in vampire and ninja costumes?

>> No.6006035




>> No.6006036
File: 26 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mg2x4vG9t91s2un38o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the plebs, they'll never understand

>> No.6006038

that jackets so cool

too bad i can't afford viridi-anne

>> No.6006045

you'd look like a fuccboi with that hood up

>> No.6006048

this only looks aesthetic in a photoshoot.

actually wearing this while doing every day things like grocery shopping or getting a slice of pizza make you look like a joke.

>> No.6006050

dude who fucking cares

if i'm going to blow 2 grand on a jacket and i want to look like a fucking pterodactyl i'm going to do do it and there's nothing some sheepy anon on /fa/ can do about it

>> No.6006053


Exactly. I can't wait till fucking /fa/ggots realise this shit gothninjawhatever trend is fuckawful.

>> No.6006059
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yeah man go for it you'll look great

>anon, what the fuck are you wearing?
>i..it's fashion..ha...haha

>> No.6006060
File: 68 KB, 455x750, nazgulcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuccboi = hatin

>> No.6006058

why would you wear this to go grocery shopping or out to pizza?

you'd wear this on a rainy ass day out in san francisco or new york or something with your other similarly dressed druid friends

is it a little aspy? sure, i guess. but it's about not giving a fuck because it's pretty cool

>> No.6006064

so fucking autistic lmao

>> No.6006072


>are you going to a LOTR convention son ?
>no... it's... it's... it's the next level fashion you can't understand...
>oh, all right, i hope you are not going to work wearing this, are you ?

lel. ye. you are a fucking joke.

>> No.6006092

you ever consider that if this is your mindset, perhaps you're probably not the typer of person who should be purchasing this coat?

nobodys buying it because it's some versatile piece that's going to make them look objectively cool to everyone. the appeal is that it's something cool. if someone had the guts to rock it, power to them

>> No.6006094

Doing those things aren't /fa/..., stop being such autistic fags and let your girlfriend do those un/fa/ duties. If your activities may be discouraging when being high fashioned then you are clearly not /fa/ so stfu&gtfo.

>> No.6006102

Fuuuark, I've been looking for a hoodie like that for a long time, do you have any idea what it is?

"so fani we cal him autis so fanii he wil get le mad le butt rage xDD"

>> No.6006105
File: 27 KB, 504x451, splash[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c hoodie for a good price

>> No.6006106
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>> No.6006111

I asked a legit question about the hoodie.

>> No.6006108

richard ovens

>> No.6006114

Ralph Olsens

>> No.6006130

can't believe all you retards

no fucking shit its a ridiculous looking jacket. are you so retardedly naive that you think people don't understand that when tehy purchase it? it's a cool-looking jacket not targeted towards tasteless, boring, safe plebs who get insecure about walking around in wingtips chinos and oxfords.

>> No.6006142

Darth Sidius

Sheriff Oinkso

I lol'd

>> No.6006144
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>> No.6006153
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>mfw bitches mirin my powerlevel

>> No.6006178

So fuccbois are just goffniggers?

>> No.6006179
File: 261 KB, 1100x942, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's only temporary.

When they gonna grow up ( because let's be honest, people wearing this kind of atrocities are under 20 years old and get monthly cash by mom and dad ) they will be forced to wear " dadcore " ( as they like to call other clothes ) to work and look somewhat decent in public.

Otherwise they will just have a little talk with the boss and get fired two months later because " we don't want no necromancers ".

So yeah. I always have a smile on my face when i see these young faggots posting this kind of shit, thinking they the living incarnation of the #nextlevelfashion, calling more standard clothes " dadcore".

It's like the exact definition of " teenager edgyness ".


>> No.6006186
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This thread is making my head hurt.

>> No.6006192

yeah, because people who wear rick go to the fucking office in their geobaskets

holy shit you're retarded. you don't select a class at character creation that you're forever bound to wearing to all situations.

>> No.6006200


>implying the faggots wearing rick here are working or going anywhere near an office

top lel

>> No.6006202
File: 1.12 MB, 650x981, 1358016337010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teenager edginess

>> No.6006203

poorfag detected?

most people wearing rick have a pretty decent job

>> No.6006209

This is... not true? Idk everyone here has a different way of making that cheddar, so how the fuck would you know?

>> No.6006207
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>> No.6006213
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>> No.6006219
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Thank you. You are the voice of reason in this nnja costume and moonboot infested board.

>> No.6006217
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>> No.6006223
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>> No.6006237
File: 171 KB, 500x750, 1358010814801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has become the "main aesthetic" in the board these last few months. I'm guessing it's probably a phase before /fa/ jumps on the next thing, but I like it.

Or, no, I don't like the geobaskets or Ramones, those shoes give me nightmares.

It's just that we don't see many other aesthetics in here, and I think that's a shame, because there's so much cool shit in terms of clothing to explore.

>> No.6006240


And they all look like some fucking jokes trying too hard. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.6006243

>doesn't like fashion on a fashion board
>believes everyone should just wear generic clothing without creativity
>"voice of reason"

>> No.6006250

What is it that you have so much against how people dress themselves? What is your issue? Are you uncomfortable with not seeing colours or are you the same kind of guy who shouts "FAGGOT!" when you see someone in unconventional clothing?

I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.6006259

Skinny GabeN?

>> No.6006269
File: 441 KB, 1000x1500, 1366472598345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get sum taste fuccboi

>> No.6006270

What does that mean?

>> No.6006278

he looks like gabe newell if he lost significant weight

>> No.6006277


gabe "gaben" newall is the owner of valve games and king of /v/

>> No.6006294


>generic clothing without creativity

And that's the main problem right there. People wearing overpriced " designer " clothes, like Rick or many others, are thinking that anything else, more traditional or not, is lacking of creativity and " dadcore ".

Because let's be honest, did you saw anything else than " Rick rick rick rick rick " and 12 years old gothninja shit on /fa/ these days ? No, it's became a cancer, this shit is spouted absolutely everywhere. That's not the definition of creativity.

The truth is : you are not able to recognize a well done, good quality piece on something simple and minimal, you need that extra over-the-top random shit and shapes to think it's some next level top quality stuff. Such a shame really.

>> No.6006296

Oh. I had no idea who this guy was. Learned something new, thanks!

>> No.6006300


>> No.6006311


In fact, i could take a huge shit ( a black shit ), carve the shit in a random shape, put the shit in a box, put a " designer " name on it, open a very minimal tumblr to promote my shit, and in two days my shit would be soldout and all over /fa/ .

>> No.6006310

You are misinformed. The people who dress in "gothninja" that I have contact with have nothing AGAINST other styles of clothing. I can appreciate menswear. Hell, even CGL-style "lolita" outfits sometimes look interesting.

To me it seems like you have a very narrow perspective. It's what they like, in 6 months they probably won't be chanting RICK like he's something holy, and that's when you'll be complaining about the next trend.

>> No.6006321
File: 15 KB, 291x275, 1360785302337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure most of the gothninja posts are just trolling

Well, at least I know mine are

>> No.6006317

but that's simply not true. that's just a dumbed down strawman of designer fashion. sure, if you throw on a bunch of pieces from one designer without previous knowledge, it'll tend to work together well without requiring a real knowledge of what you're doing. however, developing a personal style that happens to revolve around designer fashion is a completely different concept. you don't have to like it, you just have to understand it, and just because you aren't willing to do that doesn't mean that the entire thing is dumbed down.

and the flipside applies to anyone hating on "dadcore", streetwear, etc. i'm not saying that there isn't creativity within every style, i'm saying that there isn't creativity within arbitrarily restricting people to certain socially acceptable ways of dress. however, this entire board has become one great big battle over who has the "best" style.

that's why /fa/ has become so fucking stupid. there is no "best" style. taste and creativity exists in all things, while trying to force a competition stunts growth. dadcore vs. gothninja? flyknits vs. roshes? they're all fucking stupid, pointless, fruitless arguments. the board will never flourish and be any more than the shit hole it is until people learn to accept and understand all styles.

>> No.6006320


>i have contact with

Ye cool. Say hi to these people for me. But we are talking about /fa/ right now.

>> No.6006325


>that's why /fa/ has become so fucking stupid. there is no "best" style. taste and creativity exists in all things, while trying to force a competition stunts growth. dadcore vs. gothninja? flyknits vs. roshes? they're all fucking stupid, pointless, fruitless arguments. the board will never flourish and be any more than the shit hole it is until people learn to accept and understand all styles.

Now we agree on something.

>> No.6006348
File: 241 KB, 499x523, 1360244138605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this is crazy.

Last summer the same thing was happening, except gothninja was starting to catch on.

Can't say I'm sad about it dying off though.

>> No.6006356


It's hard to believe goofninja wasn't a huge thing on /fa/ a year ago.

>> No.6006359

I've met most of these people on /fa/
I don't even like the *word* gothninja, it doesn't mean much.

>> No.6006358


Well, see


It's basically the real problem of /fa/ right now, gothninja is just an extension of the real problem, the real cancer.

>> No.6007198

hey r u copping the h&m x clarks collab too??

>> No.6007215

anyway i like some gothninja

i like julius and i like rick and i like some bbs

i like the way it looks

but i do not think it will still be as big a thing here in a few years

japanese streetwear is the next level

>> No.6007269

people typically wearing 'gothninja' are employed within the fashion industry. very few people with a white collar/blue collar job wear this shit on weekends. you kiddies are delusional if you think you'll be rocking this shit in the evening in 5-10 years from now after your 9-5 desk job

>> No.6007280

I wore a skirt to the office the other friday

I won the monthly award of tolerance because same sex marriage going on atm and whatnot

>> No.6007305

>you don't like supreme so you must be dadcore

>> No.6007318


>> No.6007334


>> No.6007359

congrats on being an outlier, you've proven my point.

>> No.6007441

lol holy shit id be scared to go out in public if i was as big of a fuccboi as the guy in ops pic
> fake supreme
> probably gold plated watch
> looks mexican
> niggerlips

>> No.6007457

How do you know if its fake?

>> No.6007460

>that's why /fa/ has become so fucking stupid. there is no "best" style. taste and creativity exists in all things, while trying to force a competition stunts growth. dadcore vs. gothninja? flyknits vs. roshes? they're all fucking stupid, pointless, fruitless arguments. the board will never flourish and be any more than the shit hole it is until people learn to accept and understand all styles.

I agree with you, but where do you draw the line? If "gothninja" and "dadcore" are both fine and acceptable for different people then is it okay to wear cargo shorts and hollister shirts every single day if you feel like it? Is that aesthetic just as good as yours? Can you wear nothing but a belt and say that your outfit is just as good as someone who meticulously put together an outfit comprised of well respected designer pieces?

I'm obviously just extrapolating to the extremes, but I'd like to know where you draw the limits.

>> No.6007479

>then is it okay to wear cargo shorts and hollister shirts every single day if you feel like it

Not really given how little design is really put into those pieces. Rarely do you see people who buy those things because they LOVE the design and think it's great; more often it's because you haven't found/learned better.

If you want to wear a cargo short, great. But there are tons of well-cut, tailored cargo shorts made by everyone from Muji to Wings + Horns to Kris Van Assche to Michael Bastian to Henrik Vibskov. I understand what you're saying, but a lack of style is not a type of style.

>> No.6007496

Man this bitch my friend knows posted a pic of herself in that fake ass supreme crew, and like 20 people posted "Nice crew neck!" "Swag sweater" " wish I had that". Is it normal that I raged??

>> No.6007505
File: 76 KB, 1600x1200, 29ep4sw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because supreme has never make crewnecks with giant shittly screen print box logos on them
the crewnecks look like this

>> No.6007512

why is his hand so small?

>> No.6007532

I just don't understand what so many people with no interest in fashion are doing on a fashion board. If you want to talk about dressing so that you can fit in there are much better places to do so.

>> No.6007560

Why are yours that big?

>> No.6007561

I hate that bullshit man. It's like "Look at me! I'm wearing supreme! Am I swag yet? I'm cool!" And it's fucking fake flashy shit. It's so obvious they just want to be seen wearing supreme and its fake on top of it. Actually the worst type of person. How the fuck is a generic crew neck with gigantic brand on the front fashionable at all?

>> No.6007562

who the fuck are you talking to?

>> No.6007564

Philosophically yes. If someone wanted to have a detailed and well thought out thread about cargo shorts as a fashion statement that shoud be fine. Realistically people would just shit up any attempt to do so though.

I maintain that any personal style is equally valid. Will a greater percentage of observers admire a well done designer tier fit when compared to a kid in cargos and a graphic tee? Yeah absolutely but fashion is about how you feel not about other people.

>> No.6007567

like where

also 4chan of course ppl r tryna fit in

>> No.6007575

because its according in size with my penis

>> No.6007606

>It has become the "main aesthetic" in the board these last few months.

Confirmed for being a dumb fuck. /fa/ has always loved Gothninja. You new fags just stroll in for a week and think it's appreciation and hate have just begun because you just found out about it. You colossal faggot.

2009 called it's ok with all your hivemind faggotry.

Saty /fa/ you /fa/ggots.

>> No.6007623


Dam you /fa/ggots are dumb.

>> No.6007633

Might be Mexican or Pinoy.

Cemented subhuman either way.

>> No.6007643

You're an idiot

I remember when /fa/ was straight #menswear and goof was just a joke.

>> No.6007847

Goofninja has been on /fa/ since 2008. It's just the board had a lot less people back then in general, so you hardly ever saw it get posted. Now that /fa/ is a larger board, goof posts and other "poorninja" derivatives get posted more. I'd like to think the majority of /fa/ still dresses in the casual/"dadcore done right" way that it always has, though.

>> No.6007891

rofl jalland was rocking damir and julius back in 09 and shit

newfag kiddies think they're on a new trend or some ish

>> No.6007937

You must become a Crip or join a gang that's allied with the Crips.

>> No.6009228


first month of /fa/ in 2007 was all about goth ninja and hitler youths

(still like it though)

>> No.6010054

>implying this bullshit is true
a year ago the "main aesthetic" was j. crew

>> No.6010957

Yeah pisses me off to no end lel

>> No.6011714


>> No.6011906

>wears fake supreme crewneck
>hat says 'Fuck Fake Bitches'
w2c this much irony