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/fa/ - Fashion

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5991510 No.5991510 [Reply] [Original]

My mom picked this shirt thing up at a thrift store today do i experimented with it a bit tips / suggestions plz
Inb4 lelconverse im poor as fuck havent been able to buy clothes forever and have to wear same thing everyday
Inb4 pants fit like shit ill explain in next few posts

>> No.5991518
File: 1.54 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP pic the shirt is tucked in and billowed? Out a bit not sure what i can do with it tucked in

Tucked out dress mode

>> No.5991525

shit nigga that's #nxtlvl as fuck.

would mire irl

>> No.5991545
File: 76 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow now that i look at it the way it curves around my torso makes it look rly feminine kinda awkward

Also pants only came in even sizes and the fit was retardedly tight im a 31 and this is a 32, have skinny legs too so there is alot of extra space and material at the sides and insides of thighs and makes the bottom silhouette look shitty is there any way i can fix this also what would i explain this to a tailor as

>> No.5991543

im not so sure abt this

>> No.5991558
File: 966 KB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second pic, notice how the fabric bunches up below the crotch instead of giving clean straight cut

>> No.5991561

wear it long niggu it looks really dope, like a mac coat

>> No.5991562


>> No.5991569


Put on a snapback or toboggan and that'd be next level swagness

>> No.5991572

That'd certainly make a statement, man!

>> No.5991576

Just worried cuz i am meeting people tomorrow and want to wear something other than the same t shirt and jeans ive been wearing for 3 months now (no joke, literally everyday)

I feel like this is borderline kind of interesting and borderline 'stole mom's dress out of the closet', how can i make this more interesting / evident that i'm meaning 2 be dressed like this

>> No.5991602


Tucked out is #nextleveltothemax

But just to be sure what kind of people are you meeting?

>> No.5991609

shoes r breakin it imo
should wear dr martens or some nice distressed leather derbies

>> No.5991620

My 'goob ninja' fashion designer friend + my other friend who's been into fashion since like he was born

Im not rly all about impressing ppl and shit, just dont wanna cramp their swag when we hang out by lookin basic as fuark (dont have a problem with this on regular day basis tho)

>> No.5991630

that looks cool as fuck would rock

>> No.5991635

why is ur mom going thrifting for you

>> No.5991640

dude if thats the case you should totes wear that shit untucked. theyll understand, and itll be way better than walking around alone like a sperglord

>> No.5991643
File: 25 KB, 280x420, 22232F075002_1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys appreciate it
Growing out hair atm so snapback = mop tier hair but was thinking about a beanie too

Where can I get a big / stretchy / relaxed beanie like in pic? Again my head is kind of big + thick, heavy volume wavy hair so alot of beanies don't fit my head

cheap too preferably would buy a nice one but unemployed atm and living off of money i got from selling all my personal shit ;_;

>> No.5991644


Total untucktoid.

>> No.5991651

OP looks like a fucking priest. Buy a plain tee for like $3 and throw that away or burn it, for the sake of your pride.

>> No.5991659
File: 49 KB, 600x573, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys I usually keep it pretty inoffensive so nervous about suddenly trying / experimenting with this kind of stuff u boosted my confidence
She doesn't, she thrifts alot as a hobby and came home today and saw this sitting in the living room and tried it on but my mom probably thinks i'm gay lol

Or a beanie like this sorry couldnt find better picture, but you get the idea like the ones that 'stand up' and have a condomy shaped tip

>> No.5991673


u could prolly layer it with a black ma-1 bomber

>> No.5991669
File: 35 KB, 716x960, 15235_825220714257_148977973_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya I feel like I'm borderline priestcore need to accessorize but i never try out new shit so this is new ground for me especially with my converse lookin kinda pleb

>> No.5991681
File: 178 KB, 585x880, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also how the fuck do I sit with this LOL its gonna like rip

>> No.5991688

got any long t shirts? mite look cool if you had it poking out a bit under the shirt but it's pretty long... also agree with>>5991609get some better shoes next time and maybe wear some socks

>> No.5991731
File: 87 KB, 531x532, asdf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also aforementioned friend is selling this, except I don't really own anything to go with it other than maybe this shirt. Would the shirt + This be overkill? How2into skirt shorts

>> No.5991744


fags will tell it will look good and shit, dont listen to them, they are autists

you gotta keep it real, you know son? like the shirt is already long and interesting, dont fuck up

>> No.5991749


wearing his priest gown with peg jeans is just giving up halfway through

>> No.5991753
File: 51 KB, 637x960, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx for the input yeah i was thinking that a stiff silhouette from the shirt + drapeyness of skirt would clash
thanks again

>> No.5991758

don't do it bruh. you got it good the way it is

>> No.5991772


this is what i was talking about, autists like this one will tell you shit about being so "nExT leVul XD"

like have you seen a pic of this "twerk it" dude?

i hope you havent, he thinks hes super fashun visionary but he dresses like shit, is poor as fuck and lives in a fucking shithole rural zone

like i said before, keep it real and dont look like a fucking clown

>> No.5991777

omg twerk is here ty for 2c

>> No.5991780

who hasn't seen my fit pics

>> No.5991808

Ya I've seen a pic of him
Not exactly what I like but he does him and I respect his knowledge, i mean i'm sure he can dress 'inoffensively' like >>5991681 but he makes a conscious effort to do his own thing and although it confuses me i don't know shit so yeah lol

but other than that part on twerk thanks for ur input, all ideas are always welcome

>> No.5991814

twerk u gonna take that nigga
#ether #smokeweedeveryday

>> No.5991819

how is twerk poor

>> No.5991835


Not the same person, but have you seen his actual pictures? I don't have his fit picture (I didn't think it was worth saving it) but it looked like he lives in the middle of nowhere, and all his clothes looked really cheap to be honest, they didn't even fit right.

>> No.5991844

i dont really think u can call some1 poor when they own rick

>> No.5991845
File: 71 KB, 372x559, ro39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of my fits are pretty inoffensive honestly
i aint a fan of this thing >>5991731
but i think ur tunic would look better with a maxi skirt beneath
if you r gonna go 4 trou, get something cropped that sits atop a really sturdy boot like so
#nxtlvl begets #nxtlvl and ur overlength skinny pants & converse won't carry this shirt

>> No.5991858
File: 1.11 MB, 2001x1195, postmonetaryragcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in the la urban sprawl in one of the upper middle class neighborhoods where all the houses are on fat ass proprties
they're zoned for horses but all the new development is that starter castle shit where they eat the whole lot in a box to boast about all the bedrooms and bathrooms

>> No.5991864
File: 40 KB, 427x640, anndem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the clothes fit the same way as they fit on the models

>> No.5991920


lmao this is the picture i was talking about

look at that

you dont want to look that

those trousers fit so bad oh god and youre look so stocky, how tall are you, like 5'6?

you post a lot of bullshit you dont actually follow, all shit rehashed from stylezeitgeist, where you are only a clown

>> No.5991948

it really does looks awful
he buys it all secondhand too which is funny

>> No.5991987

i meant like anyone can dress 'inoffensive basic goob' like long black shirt, rick owens shorts and some sneakers, sure it can look kinda cool but is it really interesting? not rly imo so ya

would like 2 see more of ur fits

>> No.5991996


yeah because a white hoodie, black cargos that dont fit and cheap sneakers look interesting

cmon bro

>> No.5992052
File: 260 KB, 588x440, RICKFUCKINGOWENS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go

>> No.5992074


>> No.5992085


>> No.5992092

And noted thanks twerk always appreciate your random knowledge droppin

>> No.5992121
File: 31 KB, 422x750, twerk it gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another

>> No.5992122
File: 195 KB, 795x535, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its my brutalist glamour look
like cruella devil put through a wash and dry cycle
a lil 2 raw and romantic 2 b bauhaus. mebe a lil more like crust.
found glamour. something that was once glamourous. from a different age.
post-zenith brutalist glamourcore

#deep #wow

>> No.5992115
File: 656 KB, 446x592, twerk it fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another

>> No.5992126

Nice sword

>> No.5992124

lol, i thought my fits didn't warrant the hd space

>> No.5992132


if i've learnt anything about /fa/ggots, it's that at least one of them saved your pics lol

>> No.5992130

10/10 would bang

>> No.5992136

cruella deville was so /fa/

ursula was a fat cunt gaston looked like shit and scar didnt even wear clothes

jafar was p good too

>> No.5992146

is it compound or og

>> No.5992137
File: 776 KB, 492x746, muthafuckinwitchkingofthenazgul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah its a piece of shit du
i have a cool bow tho i should pose w/ that

>> No.5992141
File: 2.27 MB, 1858x1901, twerk trip is jewish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disinfo jewish propaganda agents from JIDF detected, fuck you and everything you stand for.

>> No.5992150

Goth archer

>> No.5992158
File: 420 KB, 1200x1600, Shan Yu Marathan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just realized that i dress like a skinny shan yu
mulan was my fav disney movie btw

>> No.5992171

Lol nice sword also cool sweater not usually a fan of stripes all over but the crooked angled stripes throw it off a bit looks interesting

>> No.5992173

fuck i only saw mulan once we didnt have it

mary poppins is my shit doe

>> No.5992178

No you don't lol

>> No.5992180
File: 52 KB, 800x797, horse_archery_019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite part of this is that the veil is the only ric in that whole pic

i have some olympic archery gear ima sell cuz i aint interesting in being competitive again, just a huge time and money sink and the people who do it can be really shitty tbh

but ima keep my mongol bow :o
not the one in the pic same style tho

>mfw i also have shan yu's bow
captcha: rufundi shaft

>> No.5992207

ya i used 2 do a lot of that shit i was never super good doe i still have a dece compound but i havent practiced in ages

come to bc we can hunt bears or some shit mane

>> No.5992202
File: 66 KB, 480x640, IMG_5124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way that sweater is made is really impressive
in fact the entire reason i bought it was cuz of the drafting & pattern matching

mulan was great cuz she was a bad bitch
most disney princesses got into shit and then just waited for their bf 2 come but mulan saved her bf's life and defeated the huns twice. girl power.

>> No.5992219

i was p competitive but the community was rly small so sometimes i got stomped and sometimes i did the stomping it was rare to have a good challenge. and lots of regressive fucklords in the sport man aint a good place for a #nxtlvl boi like me

>> No.5992226


>> No.5992229

ya i feel u mane i didnt even have anyone to practice with

i wanna make my own bow sometime we got yew trees around here

maybe a digeridoo while im at it

>> No.5992254

omg have you seen the disney x barneys video where cruela wears rick owens (no joke)

>> No.5992269

holy shit u could camouflage in2 nature and scare ppl

omg i got an idea for a runway show wat the theme and setting is like a foresty earthy place and the setting props are like rags that blend into the ground and then one by one the rags stand up 2 reveal da model in their deconstructivist destroyed draped clothes and shit

idk looks cool in my head im pretty retarded though

>> No.5992287
