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5983799 No.5983799 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw justin bieber killed dropcroth HY and now geos

>> No.5983817
File: 164 KB, 612x612, The-Dream-Rick-Owens-Coat-IV-4-Play-Video-shoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jb cant wear geos, he has a contract with supra

>> No.5983826

>tfw you finally have to face the fact that you don't have a fucking clue what you want to do in life, you don't have a passion for anything and will not get into university.

>> No.5983832

>caring about what bieber wears
>following trends
>not just dressing for urself


>> No.5983842

Apply for an american uni

>> No.5983839

take a year or two figure yourself out

>> No.5983846

pics of JB in geos?

>> No.5983844
File: 745 KB, 500x659, hemad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not bullshitting your way through highschool, graduating with a 4.0
>not just spending 3 days to cram for SAT
>not scoring a 2250
>not applying to top 50 schools
>not applying under engineering
>not getting accepted
>not being in your 3rd quarter of freshman year nd still having no clue wht the fuck is going on

>> No.5983848


lol i wont get into an american university, i don't have enough money either


well I'm going to have to take a gap year man, i don't think I will get accepted into these universities, I've just been trying to ignore it so much but now it's finally crunch time

>> No.5983855

dont rush it dude

b u

>> No.5983868


I wish it was that easy, I wish the schools before University here are 14-18, I mean when you get to 16 you realize you have to start buckling down, I was just incredibly lazy and I am now being punished for that.

>> No.5983880


I have no friends. University was the last chance for me to make friends. If I take a gap year the only thing I can do is work. I will not go out a single time in the whole gap year, even when I finish the gap year I still don't think I'll be able to get into University.

>> No.5983889

dont rush it, take two years then

read more books

>> No.5983900


It really isn't that easy. The results I will get cannot be changed. I can't go back 2 years and do it again.

I am stressing so much I can't take it seriously I feel like my head is going to explode or I will die.

>> No.5983905

pics or its didnt kill

>> No.5983914

Fellow britfag here, dude, best thing for you to do:
Fake severe depression, heck, you might even have a legit case.

Drop out of your summer exams with a medical note (easy as shit to get), go back in september, get your head down and kill it.

It is that easy, I did it.

>> No.5983927

go to community college then dog

>> No.5983925


are you me? I'm in the exact same fucking position as you.

>> No.5983932


>> No.5983940

Yes..? I don't go to a shitty state college.

>> No.5983937

take online courses, its at your own pace so if you set a few months off you can plow through the courses

>> No.5983957


lol, whatever school you do go to is undoubtedly shitty if it uses quarters. real schools use semesters or (if they're feeling too mainstream) trimesters.

>inb4 hurr wherd u go 2 skool m8
i went to yale, bru, hope you enjoy whatever pleb community college you're at

>> No.5983965

Look at Justin Beiber

Yes, thats how stupid you all look when you wear drop crotchs

>> No.5983973

i think it's time to bring back the skinhead thing, that's what im doing this summer anyway. Too many faggots trying to be "next level" and wearing diaper pants.

>> No.5983975


I don't know what the equivalent to a community college in the UK is. But I don't want to go to a bad Uni because I just wouldn't see the point of being there for 4 years and getting into debt for something I have absolutely no passion for.

I don't want to take a gap year but I feel as if it's the only option I can take right now. I just want that uni life you know, going into halls, all that shit. I would want to take a gap year If I actually had things to do, enough money to travel etc.

>> No.5983979


UCLA is on the quarter system

>> No.5983980

Either way you still dont know what the fuck is going on so why nitpick nigger

>> No.5983987

I'm literaly laughing because shitty schools use semesters. I go to Stanford btw.

>> No.5983983
File: 153 KB, 769x595, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i went to yale, bru

>> No.5984000


>went to
>not "graduated from" or "yale is my alma mater"

if you didn't graduate it doesn't count, failure.

>> No.5984010

How can you not have a passion for anything? There must be something

>> No.5984005

yale is impressive

>> No.5984017
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>> No.5984014


Absolutely nothing.

>> No.5984020


>i dont want to do anything
>i have no passion
>i cant get into college

then just off yourself faggot. or get a 9-5 and a wife and a kid. It's more or less the same.

>> No.5984025


did, tho. class of 2012. and with a real degree no less!


hope you enjoy not being able to see your friends when they're on normal break schedules and you have to hang out all day with your divorced parents all day as they complain about each other

>> No.5984033


I wish I could die in my sleep.

>> No.5984034


It's not so much not having a passion for anything, it's just not knowing what you have a passion for yet. While everybody else you know is excited to go to Uni and have promising futures ahead of them, people like me and >>5984010 are still searching for something to hold meaning to. It's hard when everybody is pressuring you to find something. That's why so many people are basically forced into going to University and end up with jobs they hate.

Also, it's hard to expand your worldview and experience new things when you don't have the financial means to support yourself.

>> No.5984048

>off yourself faggot. or get a 9-5 and a wife and a kid. It's more or less the same.
Lovely quote. It's too bad I'll have to steal it

>> No.5984050


Every time I hear someone talking about University next to me I get so stressed and upset.

>> No.5984054
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>> No.5984056


Yep. It's a first world problem but it's a problem none the less.

Even made worse when your parents are very vocal about their disappointment that you're taking a gap year. Fuck

>> No.5984058

You mustn't run away.
You mustn't run away.
You mustn't run away.

>> No.5984060

i gave you a great, pre-tested fix up there ^ where you would fake severe depression
stop whining little bitch boy

>> No.5984068


Have you told them yet? I honestly do not know what to say. I applied for Uni but I know I won't get in, if I do get in it will be a shit University that I will hate.

I really don't know what or when to tell them.

>> No.5984077

just tell them "at least im not gay"

>> No.5984088
File: 52 KB, 647x561, 1357786080967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends either go to Berkeley, LA or Irvine; they're on quarters too. Also:
>implying my parents are divorced

>> No.5984095


It doesn't work for everybody. Results aren't going to be the same everywhere.


I think the reason many parents are so disappointed in their children not going into post-secondary education is because they are worried that they have failed as parents. Just reassure them that this was your decision to make, and that you'd rather take a gap year than regret wasting their money studying something you'll abandon in a year.

I told my parents something similar. It took them a while to accept it, but they accepted it nonetheless.

>> No.5984105

>It doesn't work for everybody.
it does in the english system

>> No.5984100


I believe Berkeley isn't on quarters actually

>> No.5984115


That's interesting. I wish it was as easy here in Ontario. Plus having to keep up a facade of depression sounds real fucking tiring

>> No.5984124

Lmao just looked it up, Berkeley and Merced (top lel) are the only UC's not on quarters.

>> No.5984136


yeah it's weird since Berkeley supposedly has rough academics

not that surprised for merced though

>> No.5984142

For me, I just didn't come in for a few days, went to the doctors, he put me on meds and we discussed how it was "affecting my schooling" and how i wouldn't be able to achieve anything with my current mental state
>he wrote me a letter for my head of year
>handed it in
>pulled out of all exams that exam season
>chilled for 8-9 months, read tonnes of books etc
>went back
>killed it
you just have to try OP

>> No.5984170


Well, good luck, are you planning on going after your gap year? I'm not sure if I should give clearing a go.

I guess i have to tell my parents sooner or later.

>> No.5984179


That sounds like a ton of fun. But I'm graduating senior year this year with pretty decent marks anyway so I don't really need to do something as drastic as this. I just don't want to rush into university doing something I dislike just to appease my parents. There are a lot of pros and cons in taking a gap year and I still haven't decided yet.

Growing up sucks, man.

>> No.5984252


Depends on what happens during my gap year. I couldn't really give anybody who asked an answer at this point.

And you should. Just make sure they're in a good mood. Try to make them understand your point of view and your decisions. Don't push it too hard if they aren't taking it well. They will come around eventually, just give it time.

>> No.5984313

my school uses quarters and it's gay as shit honestly
i don't know why people like it
your schedule is so uncoordinated with the rest of the world
classes are fast paced and you learn nothing
and you have to memorize a new schedule every ten weeks

>> No.5985000

this is me except i didnt apply to top schools ;_; same SAT score and gpa

>> No.5985030



Ivyfag, we use semesters. But then again, we barely pass for number of school days lel

what u studyin

>> No.5987209
