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/fa/ - Fashion

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5982872 No.5982872 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you guys usually tip the sales associate at the Rick Owens store?

>> No.5982882

only my fedora

>> No.5982889

depends on what i copped, usually tip a stack or 2 tho.

>> No.5982893

how can i troll the salespeople at the RO store?

>> No.5982896

bout three fiddy

>> No.5982899

Wear fakes to the store.

>> No.5982906
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>> No.5982912

ask about all saints
why his handwriting is so bad
about the quality
'feels like its made in china'
where you can cop cheap basics
where the scoops are
why are the nike swooshes backwards
why is the clothing assymetricala, does rick have a funny eye?

>> No.5982922

Min Wage + Tips.

>> No.5982916

do sales people at RO make minimum wage too

>> No.5982917

drop rick's name on a lot and act like you know him on a first name basis.

>> No.5982918

why would i tip someone when i would go into the store knowing exactly what I want, carry it to the counter and pay for it?

a restaurant is different, because the waiter has to take my order, bring food to the table, etc. but a sales associate only has to operate a cash register.

>> No.5982925

If you can't afford to tip the sales associate a couple hundred $ you shouldn't be shopping for designer clothes anyway.

>> No.5982930

>not tipping when shopping at boutiques
people do this?

>> No.5982931

what do people tip the sales associates at high end fashion stores?

it must be a lot, right?

how do I get one of these jobs?

>> No.5982936

How do the prices compare to online?

>> No.5982938

rick sales associates do fuk all

they just stare at u blankly until u r ready 2 buy somethin. y wud i tip some1 4 checking an item out they dont deserve it.

also getting 2 work 4 ricky is their tip

>> No.5982943

if i want $1000 sneakers, i don't want to throw away hundreds of dollars just because I can.

some people wear designer clothes because they like it, not because they want to display how much money they have.

>> No.5982944

spoken like a true fuccboi.

>> No.5982954


>tipping someone for doing literally nothing other than having their name on the payroll
whos tha real fuccboi here

>> No.5982957

You are.

>> No.5982956

>I scrape together to dress outside of my income range but I don't want to learn the etiquette that goes along with it.

Niggerish shit mate.

>> No.5982959

>why is the clothing assymetricala, does rick have a funny eye?
>drop rick's name on a lot and act like you know him on a first name basis.
i love you /fa/

>> No.5982962

ppl who tip rick salespeople are buying rick for the status and not the design aesthetic. might as well just buy LV

>> No.5982966

>for doing literally nothing
confirmed for not shopping at boutiques

lrn2 personal shopping/ shopping appointments

oh wait, you wouldnt know what those are. you only shop at the mall and the most you've ever spent is maybe $1000

stay poor

>> No.5982974

This is the first time I'm hearing that people tip at retail stores. I was completely unaware.

>> No.5982976


lol uve obv never been 2 a rick store

keep hustlin w/ ur shitty lv n gucci sales appointment u fkin looser #lmao

>> No.5982978


profoundly elaborate ruses

>> No.5982973

>implying we dont also tip at other high end designer stores

poorfag mallrat detected

>> No.5982985

>being this poor and ignorant

>> No.5982989


rick stores operate in a different way to most high end boutiques. tipping @ rick is definitely about status.

>not being able to dress yourself
>having to throw around money to look good

>> No.5982991

>never had a shopping appointment before
you its true, the max youve ever spent is 1000...

>> No.5982994

ITT: middle class college kids pretend to be rich

>> No.5983001

whether its rick, prada, brunello etc you always tip

>> No.5983005

>confirmed for having paychecks smaller then tips
stay jelly

>> No.5983009

what's tipping?

>> No.5983011

and can you explain why?

>> No.5983013

stop pretending to be rich no one believes you

why are you lying on 4chan srsly wtf

>> No.5983016

trust fund kiddies trying to create a real sense of self-worth by flashing stacks

protip: it wont work

>> No.5983015

If you can afford to buy the clothes, you can afford to tip well.

If not you're a posing little fuccboi wasting his welfare checks on clothes.

>> No.5983032

because they provide a service to you. they bring you your lothes, they converse with you to figure out your tastes and try and find other pieces you may like. they bring you refreshments and beverages, do special orders for you

>> No.5983027

what if ur shopping in one of his european stores? people don't tip over here

>> No.5983029


people who tip are obv the fuccbois buying in for the status

people who save hard and cant afford to tip are doing things rough to achieve a certain aesthetic. they're the real fans

>> No.5983036

>this is what the welfare kiddies on /fa/ actually believe.

You're a joke to Rick and his staff.

He's embarrassed by you and every time you wear his clothes you're devaluing the label.

>> No.5983042

>tfw you buy online and never have to tip

>> No.5983039

tipping is proper ettique...
you dont tip at a restaurant?

>> No.5983044


if this was true ricky wouldnt be gareths sugar daddy

fuck off back to LV scum

>> No.5983047

buying korean fakes online doesn't count bruh

>> No.5983048


>americunts think their system is the only system

>> No.5983054

>eurotrash think their monopoly money is worth anything

that's why nobody tips in europe, the dosh is useless.

>> No.5983056

rick being gareths financial benefactor proves that its true...

>> No.5983052

>people who save hard and cant afford to tip are doing things rough to achieve a certain aesthetic. they're the real fans

those are called posers.

>> No.5983061

i tip at a restaurant, because the waiter has a job of taking your order, bringing you rinks and refills, bringing your food, etc.

a salesperson just operates a register and expects you to give them hundreds of dollars.

>> No.5983064

people tip at boutiques in europe

>> No.5983067

ur all literal retards

>> No.5983063


i guess you are right, in this economy staying employed is a privilege enough

>> No.5983072


Doesn't rick design skirts for men and bang a 1000 year old lady? He probably isn't embarrassed by much

>> No.5983073

>a salesperson just operates a register
confirmed for only shopping at the mall

>> No.5983077

This thread was started by Rick Owens employees in the hopes that some one would finally tip them

>> No.5983083

i was at the rick store in NY in february. they all just literally stand around and watch you look at clothes.

>> No.5983085

They came to the wrong place then because /fa/ is nothing more than a pit of welfare babies and fuccbois who couldn't afford to take the bus to the mall.

>> No.5983086
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>> No.5983087

because they knew you was a cheap nigga and didn't bother helping you.

>> No.5983095

because youre obviously a fuccboi who wasn't going to drop cash

whats the point of helping a kid whos just going to be in and out the store in 5 min?

>> No.5983103

They size you up when you walk in the store.

They know who is going to spend and who is posing to say they went to the RO store.

>> No.5983102

stop pretending to be rich m8

talk shit post fit

>> No.5983105


this only confirms my assumption that people working at these places are snobs. why would i want to tip someone who views me as a walking wallet?

>> No.5983108

they shouldn't be getting hundred dollar tips then.

>> No.5983111

People don't actually tip on retail btw...

mfw I walk in and we just end up talking about the bis 4 fun.

>> No.5983113

This is the most fuccboi ridden thread in weeks.

>> No.5983116

no, they view you as either a customer or a broke window shopping nigga

>> No.5983118

I can't even tell who's trolling and who's actually a fuccboi anymore.

>> No.5983119

well yeah, you didnt spend anything brokeboi

>> No.5983127

lol, u tuk him 2 da bar?

>> No.5983124


how do they arrive at the assumption im broke? just cuz im not decked out in full goofninja uniform?

>> No.5983134

no its because when you walked in you immediately looked around and looked through the racks

a real spender walks in, heads to the associate, talks to them and lets them do the sifting, while you sit down with the drink the provided for you


>> No.5983139


maybe i should do that next time, make them exercise a little and leave when ive finished my free drink

le everything went better than expected

>> No.5983140

wots a fuccboi

>> No.5983147

fooch boyee

>> No.5983156


Ever heard of this...


Try again fuccboi

>> No.5983164

>not shopping at ink/layers
fuccboi general?

>> No.5983161


Where's the fun in that?

>> No.5983175

do' layers is ridic.
They have crazy nice pieces but the pricing is nuts.

ink has p.sweet sales tho

>> No.5983185


>> No.5983181

you dress like shit fuck off

>> No.5983189

confirmed for casual

>> No.5983194

I was just in there and the asian sales associate was getting entire outfits for a lady to try on + talking to her about new pieces coming in

the asian dude was really nice to me as well
he was wearing a white rick tank and black shorts with bright yellow nikes - they weren't flyknit but still looked nice

>> No.5983193

who's trolling who? i've lost track

>> No.5983199

hohoho wOW!! jimminy crickets

>> No.5983203

how poor are you #LOL

>> No.5983204


what were you wearin?

>> No.5983208


i hope you dont actually believe this.

rick is an artist, not a business person. he's going to appreciate a student who has worked hard and saved all their money for weeks, then deciding they want to spend that money on a rick piece. the fact that theyve worked so hard, then decided that your art is what they want to spend that money on is the true reason for expressing yourself through design.

he isnt going to appreciate someone who walks in, drops racks as if his art is nothing, then walks out and adds it to the wardrobe.

anyone who thinks tipping at a rick store is necessary views rick as a label and not as an artist. the associates can see straight through your ASAP dickriding trust fund bullshit and paying them off wont win their approval

>> No.5983216

2 rick tanks, rick pod shorts and dbss sneakers

>> No.5983217

rick sales associates are all middle class at best and cant afford to tip themselves. they get minimum wage + just enough tips to get them up to a regular salary.

they're not going to disapprove of someone who is literally in the same position as them, devoting their limited time and money to a love of RO design

>> No.5983233

jst 4 u hun B)

uhhh niga cotton rick shirts flip for like 600 on layers at retail
ain boud dat

>> No.5983239

do RO stores sell underwear?

>> No.5983243
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>rick is an artist

yeah, a con artist

>> No.5983250

There is none at the NY store for guys from what I saw.

>> No.5983265

for womens yes.
i duno boud mens

but he does perfume, phone cases, furnitirue, hats, accessories, socks, glove, dolls etc...

so i wudnt b suprisd

>> No.5983270

no hes a con-autist

>> No.5983277

hahah! ;p rekt m8 good one lol XD

>> No.5983279

fedoras too?

>> No.5983292

lol @ ppl thinking rick values them as a customer because they tip his minions

you're just a walking wallet to fund his next collection for the real fans

>> No.5983281

lel, I didn't know he made underwear. have you got a picture or anything? how do you drape thongs? are you or are you not supposed to tuck your RO boxers inside your geobaskets?

>> No.5983296

>are you or are you not supposed to tuck your RO boxers inside your geobaskets?
oh you

>> No.5983317

thts AW14

iuno I tihkn twerk threw a few pics up but I didn't svae.

>> No.5983339

so they do their job

>> No.5983364


not great tbh

>> No.5983367

nigga no one would ever drop enough 2 tip in nz

idk this tippin shit does sound like bs and this was an incredibly easy troll thread

>> No.5983401

no1 tips in nz at al b

unles u sum thrsty cun' wntng 2 bang staf etc.

Btw, people drop heaps on rick in NZ mane. They sell out on geos like monthly. Even there ramones are almost out.

No buys anything else but rick shoes and drkshdw though ._.
Some fags pick up raf and MMM becuz dads

>> No.5983414

>They sell out on geos like monthly
>implying they get shipments every month
>implying they dont just get 1 of each size skipping the really big and small sizes and half sizes

>> No.5983445

nah dude actually

they have to get restocks from melbourne p.often.

i think you're underestimating the rich gooks in auckland.

When I saw them in march they had alreayd restocked 3x from nov.

>> No.5983459

they dont restock you fucking retard

>calling asians gooks
>being from the middle east
come on, thats too easy

>> No.5983480
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$200 when I copped these a few yrs ago

>> No.5983482

here a tip job doesn't require to have minimum wage and it doesn't most of the time, those are the ones you actually tip

>> No.5983492


hi void

>> No.5983486

wtf are you even saying

>> No.5983500

void doesnt even own those

>> No.5983502

no one on /fa/ has step foot into rick owens store

>> No.5983505
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dude i can recognition his levis u mong

>> No.5983515


Lel yea I do

>> No.5983519

a restaurant owner doesn't have to pay their waiters the minimum wage, and most of the time they don't. this is because it's a job that will get them tips. it's our law you moron

>> No.5983541


i usually shy from going to retail stores because i don't feel "cool" enough and i fear the staff will look at me condescendingly

>> No.5983543

do u no wut im tlking boud?
pls name the shop, i rel dont thnk u no nethng

gooks run auck man, sand nigrs r #rare.

>> No.5983533

resevoir dogs taught me two things: black and white looks great on almost anybody (except for steve buschemi, he's super hideous), and that if you tip you're going to inevitably die early

>> No.5983536
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>> No.5983547

live fast die young

>> No.5983549

>reservoir dogs

>> No.5983558

>implying that movie isn't awesome

>> No.5983573

its pretty shit

only fedora wearers think its awesome

>> No.5983570

they dont fucking restock rick owens geobaskets you dirty sand nigger osama bin laden's bastard

they tell you that, so people would be interested in checking if there size is available

>> No.5983584
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>> No.5983585

>dirty sand nigger osama bin laden's bastard

>> No.5983663


Really? I never thought about it that way...

I guess you are right, we will stop

>> No.5983664

sick fit bro, is dat some of the rick and raf u ware every day? or is it sum of dem wapanese labels?

>> No.5983673

Oh fuck hamburglar.

>> No.5983676

keep crying bitch nigga

>> No.5983685


robin williams is so coo

>> No.5983734

Who stocks rick in NZ anyway? Is the store you're referring to Zambesi?

>> No.5983735

I have and I'm a pleb who wears Superdry and Abercrombie lel.

>> No.5983783

I have. And I haven´t ever worn anything that did cost more than 500 Euro.
You guys have to stop idiolizing shit designers, everybody can go to their shop, it´s not like you will be thrown out, because you wear no-name. There are also tons of people who look better with <500 euro outfits than most people wearing >5000 Outfits from RO, only. Goddamnit, this thread is just sad, if it isn´t a thread full of trolls.

>> No.5983806


>> No.5983800

Nial where are you?

>> No.5983917

>implying $1000 isn't an enormous amount of money
lel, we rich parents now

>> No.5984133

>tfw RO store in a high end, uhm, 'mall'(?)
among Ann D, Damir D + Silent, Dsquared, Givenchy, Jil Sander, mmm, et al. boutiques in one place.
>tfw too scared to even step foot inside

>> No.5984195

i don't even tip at restaurants lol

>> No.5984219


>> No.5984245
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>mfw they get 10% max if they don't make it awkward

>> No.5984244

nigga where is that
u in paris nigga? or miami?

>> No.5984256

Yes, Poland.

>> No.5984445

what if i tell them to fuck off? do i still have to tip?

>> No.5984475



you post this way too much

>> No.5984549

>tipping at boutiques
LOL americans

>> No.5985967

Those sunglasses. I need them.

>> No.5985990

"bougie ass bitch"

-gaysap cocky

>> No.5986242

Do sales people get tips in the states?

>> No.5986248

fuck no, why would they. It's their job.

>> No.5986260

This doesn't happen in America retard

>> No.5986274

yes. I don't know if anyone else does.

i think good as gold does silent but...silent ;s

>> No.5986277

I know they get commissions at higher end stores, since that's what I got back when I used to work em. Which was great, given that it was the luxury market you didn't have sells targets but got commissions on anything you sold.

>> No.5986293

Seriously, w2c?

>> No.5986294

I;ve always wondered that. Does the person serving you HAVE to sell the piece under their name to get the commission?

Often I've had someone else 'handle' me but then someone else is working the till.

I don't think commission is that common tbh.

>> No.5986306

Wait is this something specific to niche boutiques like RO????

I literally just spent over 10k on Chanel bags for my girl and have never even hear or though of tipping. They SA get commission, that is how they are compensated for helping you.

Same thing as when you purchase a car. They get commission and you talk the price down. Do you guys tip car salesmen, or are RO employees on an hourly wage rate?

>> No.5986310

We have a sheet under the till that we write down our name, what was sold, how much and if any discount was given so it doesnt matter who physically puts it through on the till the person who had the customer gets the comish

>> No.5986309

boutiques most likely get commission, but mall stores im pretty sure don't. I even asked someone in neiman marcus if they did before.

>> No.5986314

wut, im pretty sure neiman does, nordstrom as well

>> No.5986324

thx b

>> No.5986328

it's days like these when I realize that /fa/ is the most patrician board on 4chan

>> No.5986367

Sometimes I don't get /fa/, is this a troll thread or do people actually tip for clothes now?

>> No.5986383

nordstrom definitely not, at least here in california

>> No.5986399

Yes they do, I work at corporate

>> No.5986494

HAHAHAHA, I seriously hope your trolling right now. You must be "New Money" no one gives a fuck that you tip salespeople who don't do shit.

>> No.5986508

>having money and knowing the value of money are mutually exclusive!!!


>> No.5986514

then that fucker lied to me

>> No.5986559


>> No.5986628
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Anymore ideas?

>> No.5986674



>does ricky hav a wonky eye?

>> No.5986707

where you can get the hat that shows you are repping the swag.

>> No.5986729


But he still gets fucked by the police at the end....so I dunno maybe dying would of been the easy way out instead of being fuckked inthe ass the rest of your life

>> No.5986777

this thread sucks so bad

>> No.5986783

I worked for an Italian fashion boutique in the mid 2000's.

You essentially put through sales with your employee ID, you usually passed the customer and items over to the counter and register clerk usually knew what to do.

No one ever said someone else's sale was theirs, and it was usually quiet clear whose sale belonged to whom since at a luxury boutique it was rarely ever gangbusters.

The exception would be if a tour group came in (we were on the ground floor of the Sheraton Hotel) but even then individuals within the group usually bought enough for sales to go around.

The switch is mainly because only senior staff are trusted to work with the counter and also you prevent employees blatantly giving people they knew discounts or free shit (happens)

>> No.5986791

>worked at OG italian retailer
>wored at prada
>travels round world 4 bidness
tfw excess jelly forming

>> No.5986834

I got lucky with work, but it's not like you can't do it either!

And it's actually a hassle cause a lot of the times my trips aren't planned or planned with very little notice. The benefit is that the places I goto I happen to have friends, so I get to visit.

>> No.5986836

2 much workload uni. COuldn't hustle 1, mybs summer

btw going 2 london?
organise coach surfing @ rumples?

>> No.5987800

mfw i know this ugly motherfucker on facebook

>> No.5987811

Yeah working properly is difficult with uni.

Also won't have time to goto London for a while, but i usually stay with friends in Chelsea when i'm there.

>> No.5987822

by flashing my ass before I leave that sales shit hole with a drop crotch pair of fucking sweatpants

>> No.5987826

Ask to try on some dunks and accidentally put the fake ones back in the box. Then don't buy anything.

>> No.5988740

dont they have things in the shoes that ring when you go without checking them out ?

>> No.5989657

>three people actuallly replied to this
/fa/, please change

>> No.5991024

>being a poorfag fuccboi

>> No.5991036

if u aint wearin geos take your broke ass home

>> No.5991042
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Take UR broke ass home.

>> No.5991051


the retail on those is $1300, basically the same price...

>> No.5991058


>> No.5991068

>Paying $2000
>For wrecked sneakers

>> No.5991065
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>tipping sales associates

Yurobese pls

>> No.5991083
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ive definitely seen them retail for way cheaper, plus used rick dunks go for 1.5k on ebay.

>> No.5991085

>Judging people for having different taste than you

>> No.5991092
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Those are diffrerent you nignog.

>> No.5991102
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all augusta sneakers are the same price @ retail, obv barneys marks them up, but theyre cheaper than OG dunks in new condition.

>> No.5991106
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a sneaker isnt complete til its been dipped in latex

is this pleb night or something? why dont you pack your (mass-produced pleb) bags and move out.

>> No.5991125

Bring a sandwich, a book, and a passport to the store. Try on a jacket and place the items you brought in pockets, getting really mad if they don't fit. Do this with every jacket in the store.

>> No.5991127

Bro just get off Rick's dick, shit is SO 2012. Besides, we all know Giuseppe Zanotti is way more OG.

>> No.5991139

also don't bother putting the sandwich in a ziploc

>> No.5991162

>paychecks smaller then tips
>smaller then tips
Stay illiterate

>> No.5991196

Ah! The voice of reason! Such a rare and fleeting thing...

>> No.5991197

Are you guys telling me that you actually pay for clothes? Stay plebe.

>> No.5991203

>nit picking at a word posted over 24 hours ago
having a small paycheck must hurt you that much

>> No.5991246 [DELETED] 

Watch out guys, we got an illegal clothes downloaded in the midst.

>> No.5991241
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>> No.5991249

I don't really mind my middle class paycheck. It just surprises me that someone who is supposedly rich has had such shit education.