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/fa/ - Fashion

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5973834 No.5973834[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I like girls who could never be associated with the word "obnoxious"
I like girls who wear rings
I like girls who wear vera bradley backpacks
i like girls who don't burp
i like girls who smile when they say "hello"
i like girls who are polite
i like girls

>> No.5973845

me 2

>> No.5973847

me 3

>> No.5973851

i like girls that have penis

>> No.5973855

i like girls who wear abercrombie and fitch
chinese food makes me sick

>> No.5973852

who wear dresses every once in a while and don't seek attention when they do
i like girls who never say "i'm just wearing sweatpants today because its just a lazy day"
i like girls who wouldn't be caught dead with stubbly legs
i like girls who always smell nice but never overpowering

>> No.5973854

i like bad bitches

>> No.5973861
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look at /fa/ trying to convince themselves they like girls

>> No.5973859
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Gross tbh

>> No.5973864

I like girls who don't get between me and my drugs.

>> No.5973870

i like boys who don't refer to their romantic interests as fucking "girls" like a pathetic high school virgin

unless you're a pedophile, you're talking about a woman, and unless you're 10/10 no respectable girl is going to put up with your infantile bullshittery

>> No.5973879

I like girls who call me rick

>> No.5973887

good luck, they always like to get up in there between a man and his escapes.
sometimes they're even jealous of how the drugs can offer you something they can't/

>> No.5973888
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i like girls who are taller than me and aren't butch lesbian's
too bad i'm 6'1" 8(

>> No.5973897

>i like girls who don't burp

get on that burp fetish lvl nigga

>> No.5973898
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p.s. i like to misuse apostrophe's

>> No.5973901
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still would bang though

>> No.5973919

5 Star Post

>> No.5973928

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dat episode

>> No.5973937

chinese girls makes me sick*

>> No.5973945

need name

>> No.5973949
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>> No.5973951

the clothes are ann d tho that's all that matters

>> No.5973962

I like to chew it

>> No.5973967
File: 1.90 MB, 2980x2425, Vera-Bradley-shelf-1109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vera bradley
i had to look this up and WHAT THE FUCK

OP confirmed for megapleb, not like the rest of the post didn't make it obvious

>> No.5973973

i agree a lot of it is tacky
but a cute quilted bright patterned backpack
its just nice and i like it

>> No.5973994
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>Vera Bradley

Why did that need to be in there?

Everything else was just the basics for a respectable girl. But this is /fa/ and you can get the fuck out with that vera bradley shit


>> No.5974011
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>> No.5974015
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I LOVE bad bitches

>> No.5974049


>> No.5974423

me 4

>> No.5974824

me 5

>> No.5974840

I like posh british tarts

>> No.5974856
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>> No.5974885
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Fuqqqq :D

>> No.5974887


>> No.5974931

dayum bruhhhh

>> No.5974944

lol why do the dudes on this board have such abysmal taste

>> No.5974950

Because we're all neckbeards

this is 4chan

>> No.5974954
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Let me guess, you like pale goof ninja women?

>> No.5974955
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Not everybody here likes the same types of girls.

>> No.5974959

I like girls that are short
I like girls with plastic glasses
I like girls that wear sun dresses all the time

>> No.5974962

#told #ethered #sitdown #rip #mandown

>> No.5974966

>i like girls who smile when they say "hello"
>i like girls who are polite

rise of feminism, women are on a pedestal

hence men brag about fucking as many as possible. Men are obsessed with women, pleasing them and being in service to as many as possible

they don't exist

to get ahead in life manipulate men's dependence on the female half of the population and market directly to them

old spice, axe etc

you need X product because women like it, and in this generation of men raised by single mothers

buying X because women want you to, and women like it works because their mothers felt betrayed by a man and taught the young man they're raising to service/submit to women

>> No.5974968


my grandmother loves that shit. shes 74

>> No.5974969

every time there's a thread where dudes list all the qualities they look for in girls (ALWAYS GIRLS, never women i might add) it's always basic as fuck they must be the most boring humans on the planet

wahh wahh i want a spineless girl who does everything i want because she's so passive and subservient wahh wahh

>> No.5974970
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Ur onboxious.

>> No.5974991
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i really cant stand this bitches voice

i tried to watch an entire episode of The City and i couldnt get through because of her

>> No.5974996

I like a women who can appreciate the simpler things in life
I like a women who will laugh at all of my jokes regardless of how shitty they are
I like a women who likes me back
I like a women who can simply relax
I like a women who will be a good mother
I like a women who can understand who I am

>> No.5975007

:') so romantic :')

>> No.5975010
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This stuff is annoying, can you stop.
Saying girl opposed to woman is not a big deal.
Not every /fa/ user posts in those threads - plus you should be happy if nobody wants the type you want because it is less competition.

I personally have really weird taste so w/e

>> No.5975015

stop being so negative and pseudo-insightful
i put my girl on a pedestal because she likes it and i want to make her happy
thats it

>> No.5975020

I like girls with a future
I like girls with a past

>> No.5975027
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She's still p cute. I would mos def wife.

>> No.5975046

the only girl i've ever loved
was born with roses in her eyes

>> No.5975051
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