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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 322 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mjvr4iiR5K1qi77nvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5973320 No.5973320 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no $wagninja buddies to walk around town with

anyone else cursed with horrendously un/fa/ friends and acquaintances? I'm not saying I like them less just because they can't dress themselves well, but it must feel cool to walk down the street knowing everyone is mirin as you pass by

>> No.5973329

my internet bff lives in berlin and met tisci and willhelm at parties
that's what i'm jealous of
don't care about your pyrex noise tbh

>> No.5973335

>group of skinheads come down the sidewalk from the opposite direction
>swagninjas scatter

>> No.5973343


guy in front and middle back have same shoes/almost same coat

minimal swag

>> No.5973345

>buying expensive brands that everyone wears
how is this shit fashionable?

>> No.5973352

did they come from a time machine from 30 years ago when skinheads actually existed

>> No.5973358

>internet bff

>> No.5973362


>implying skinheads don't exist

>> No.5973363

>expensive brands
>everyone wears


>> No.5973368
File: 69 KB, 700x383, 1357401552858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you and your friends will never be seen like this
also, I'm okay with my friends, I just don't like looking like the tryhard out of the group

>> No.5973377

they all have the same shit on
there is no creativity in wearing rick shoes and pyrex shorts

>> No.5973380

all of my friends are really qt but they dress pretty hipster, they are still more fashionable than everyone else so its okay.

>> No.5973384

they do, but they're not racist

>> No.5973385
File: 196 KB, 620x485, img_514e87abcd03d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when no waifu model qt gf to cook meals with


>> No.5973392

kill urself trap looking goblin

>> No.5973393

who cares, life isnt about being a special snowflake

and you see 1000 people maybe one or two of them will even know what rick is let alone b able 2 afford it

go to the thrift store and cop some fake fur and vintage bellbottoms or some shit if u want to be unique that badly

>> No.5973396

I have a few friends that dress well but we are only ever able to roam the streets together during the summer, when it's least practical to dress in all black.

The benefit to having a posse is looking less ridiculous when compared to the average individual.

>> No.5973397

some ppl still shave their heads if thats what u mean lel

>> No.5973399

wtc ballin paris hat

>> No.5973405

>Rick shoes
They're wearing nike and timbs lmao

There isn't any Rick in that pic log off

Hashtag retard

>> No.5973411



>> No.5973416

you don't have to be unique but you don't have mindlessly follow the flavor of the month either

>> No.5973413
File: 151 KB, 1063x709, 175459_201755859850585_671995_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those guys dress like shit tho

>> No.5973414

how much to air yeezys go 4 now

goddamn those niggas must be stacked

>> No.5973418

i'm talking about their style as a whole and not this picture

>> No.5973419

why do people spend a lot of money on clothes then use stock apple earbuds

>> No.5973425

they are black

>> No.5973427

lol u call them flavor of the month but u dont even know what theyre wearing

and rick has been around for years, just cuz youve been lurking 4 a month doesnt mean its only been popular then kid

post your nxtlvl fit or fuck off

>> No.5973429

Noone asked if you care about Pyrex or not

Pls go back 2 dreaming of meeting Rick lmao

>> No.5973435

I was talking about the pyrex

I posted my fit on saturday while you were shitposting you never fired back with a real one nerd, still waiting

>> No.5973437

Hipster girls are the best

Pls post pics

>> No.5973439

pyrex is nxtlvl as fuck, post a fit buccfoi

>> No.5973443


I live in an area filled with hypebeasts and plebs.

There's not a single day in the entire year where I can wear all black without sticking out.

>> No.5973447
File: 50 KB, 600x582, pyrex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought my mom some pyrex last christmas before it was even cool

>> No.5973453
File: 420 KB, 423x750, tumblr_inline_ml8dc4PRuV1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahah youre not this ape looking motherfucker are u

i etherd u yesterday, just go

>> No.5973455

why is it cool now?

>> No.5973457

I wasn't logged on yesterday

you still haven't posted a fit m8
>tfw I made it to tumblr

>> No.5973460

No dude ur a retard

U thought nike sneakers were Rick owens

People die over those kind of mistakes

>> No.5973464

i posted a fit, its on tumblr

just face it fuccboi u lost the fit battle, i didnt even break a sweat

>> No.5973475

>i didnt even break a sweat
because you never posted a fit

all talk no fits smh

>> No.5973477







>> No.5973483

Anyone know what caps they're wearing?

>> No.5973484

I don't go on tumblr nerdmonger post it here

>> No.5973486

idk they look like mort maybe

>> No.5973489

I just walk by myself.

That way i KNOW they're looking at me specifically.

also having anything more than acquaintances is totally not /fa/

>> No.5973491

Post link bitch

>> No.5973493

"I wasn't logged on yesterday

you still haven't posted a fit m8
>tfw I made it to tumblr"

literally 5 posts ago

>> No.5973497

Mfw based prophet is gettn shat on by some dude who shops at target and can't tell the difference between Rick shoes and timbs


>> No.5973500

w2c? Google's not helping me out

>> No.5973503

what do u mean b

we fit battled ystrday i wrecked him

>> No.5973505

not that guy you're arguing with but
>what are filenames

>> No.5973508
File: 86 KB, 401x580, giveup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put this on your tumblr too mouthbreather

I was at nordstrom, and I told you about those linen pants and you burnt me out =(

>> No.5973512

what is your tumblr? i want to have a laugh.

>> No.5973514

i aint dreamin, it's gonna happen
when u see pics of me & rick gettin reblogged on tumblr ull know i made it B)

>> No.5973528

not my tumblr the /fa/ 1 u mong


>> No.5973532

Ur the guy who wears those long tees e/ slvr hit ops?
U posted a joke fit, automatic loss

Enjoy the shadow realm

>> No.5973538

my joke fit was better than his real 1 lmao

that sweater rofl

>> No.5973540

no I don't wear slvr high tops

and for the record I wasn't the first guy arguing who thinks timbs are RO I came in late

>> No.5973544

What brands are they? W2c that look for cheapish

>> No.5973545
File: 458 KB, 1128x1000, jacket (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get wrecked

>> No.5973547

are what

>> No.5973551

Uhh the first person to tell me about those linen pants was a dude in waywt who cut them into shorts and wore them w/ slvr cupsoles...

>> No.5973553

Based this is ur queue to drop ur trip and post as anon only


>> No.5973567

I told you about them in a waywt and responded for the other guy. Idk i had linked them to you and it seemed as though you never heard about them.

But this ain't about you it's about basedprophet being a mad scrub

>> No.5973575
File: 116 KB, 1280x1024, IMG000136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres ur real fit u niggas happy now

>> No.5973593


>> No.5973595

Lmao ur sucking ur cheeks in for the camera that's cute

>> No.5973611

i dont have model cheeks in that pic or irl

>> No.5973616

I dont even care about my friends looking good or not. Obviously there has to be a line drawn somewhere but tbh im with my friends now because of who they are.
>tfw you wear drop crotch
>tfw you stick out when with frnds

Sorry if that sounded gay af but its true, fashion is a first impression

>> No.5973620

i cant see shit cuz of the lighting
dont u have a phone cam

>> No.5973627

you look like a bro

>> No.5973632

i dont have a cell phone or a camera lol

savin up 4 rick shorts b

>> No.5973648

mfw i realise ur holding ur webcam

>> No.5973651

my mouse ya

no camera

>> No.5973652


>> No.5973661

mah nigga knows how to prioratize

>> No.5973675

they still exist in yurop along with troglodytes and scandinavian snow niggers

>> No.5973678

i was the guy that cut the linen pants into shorts but i didnt give you a link to anything
and i wouldnt fuck with basedprophet cause he's cool

>> No.5973687
File: 235 KB, 1280x850, ppl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no crew to mob with

>> No.5973691
File: 365 KB, 960x640, goth groupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5973693

>based prophet

Pick one

>> No.5973696
File: 1.32 MB, 300x191, hcxTO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5973700

I'd be friends with Ethelwulf

>> No.5973706

>hick plays dress up
time to retire

>> No.5973707
File: 7 KB, 275x183, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5973709

Did u see his friends on his Instagram

They're white nerds

>> No.5973710

Id be friends with all of raiderklan
>tfw sgp gets a 1 year deal for 1 million
>tfw has to share earnings with RaiderKlan
>tfw 1 million/86
Niggas still broke

>> No.5973720
File: 25 KB, 386x386, this ones goin straight to instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw twerks gonna take selfies w/ rick

>> No.5973721

where the hick thing come from mane

i grew up on cortes, its like the hippy capital of bc

>> No.5973758


>> No.5973763


Oops I thought I had the fa tumblr copied


>> No.5974048


she looks half normal when you can't see her face.

I wonder how their sex is like. does she suck his dick with those gargoyle teeth?

>> No.5974242

complete shit. I dig your pic.

>> No.5974255


>> No.5974260

well you can feel better by realizing that no one but you cares.

>> No.5974300
File: 77 KB, 500x500, soamzn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dug your made in peru jacket b.

>> No.5974304

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.5974341

>this whole fucking Tumblr

I don't even...

>> No.5974350

its just historian being a fag and thinking hes funny as usual

>> No.5974353

I have this image in my head of four or five pasty white kids from /fa/ and a token asian dude decked out in fabrixsquare and fake dunks, and the alpha of the group has a random rick tee or some shit he bought on sale. Just aimlessly walking around staring people down. Like a really really really gay version of an urban street gang.

>> No.5974356


>> No.5974366

that pic is so lame

>> No.5974376

Air Yeezys are /fa/?

>> No.5974401

think we should all move into the same house.
we could live of benefits in london and share each others clothes and spend all our time in the day walking around london and when we get back to our home we can talk about how cool people thought we were.

>> No.5974406

>tfw saving to buy dunks for effay meetup

im about halfway there ;_;

>> No.5974466
File: 18 KB, 633x758, l12iAnr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5974514
File: 42 KB, 291x653, leman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw terminal retardation

>> No.5974516


>le man

why did I laugh

>> No.5974521

Whoa, whoa, easy there.

>> No.5974520

i am lauging so hard right now and don't know either

>> No.5974600

then stop being a tryhard

>> No.5974786

>dressing primarily in black, ever

Stay edgy, plebs.

>> No.5974973
File: 169 KB, 640x427, Soten1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



more like doing my best to throw a fucking drink on your bitch clothes.

you know you'd just break down and cry if someone smashed you with a greased out hotsauce filled partially eaten burrito and a drink.

>> No.5975530

You know how you can tell that it's contrived as fuck? Everything is brand new.

>> No.5975943
File: 23 KB, 306x363, ss (2013-04-16 at 11.10.44).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5976472

u haven't been hear long pleb is /fa/ lingo and black is /fa/ but you don't like black
dadcore insults include child and "Y U NO DRESS LIKE MAN?" (thy lyk may-mays)
so..yr go

>> No.5976484

but plz lose weight ur close to obese

>> No.5976485

#shots fired