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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 147 KB, 1200x900, NmSdj8g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5969756 No.5969756 [Reply] [Original]

I lost a little over 100lbs and am starting to become more confident.

When and how can I start becoming more /fa/?

>> No.5969761

congrats lose 50 more pounds though

>> No.5969760

Fix your face, also your saggy skin.
Fucking disgusting.

>> No.5969764

damn girl you got qt

pay attention to fit, quality and lurk and pick a style that you really like

>> No.5969766

Hahaha omfg your legs are the size of my torso. Stop eating.

>> No.5969767

I'm 6'2" and we weigh the same.

>> No.5969772

Don't listen to the trolls, this gives me confidence, I'm trying to lose weight as well, you look really pretty!
inb4 I get acused of white knighting

>> No.5969775


>> No.5969777
File: 235 KB, 500x667, judgingyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm 6'3" and weigh 145

>> No.5969778

Op here, how do I fix my cankles or am I doomed to have them for life :(

Will they eventually go away with further weight loss?

>> No.5969779

Ya so you're probably a little bitch then, lol.

>> No.5969781
File: 297 KB, 1366x2048, haryonosetiadifw13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't buy anything until u have reached ur goal weight

>> No.5969783

if pic is you then wow, never thought that was the same person

>> No.5969786


don't listen to this fuccboi, women want men not little boys

>> No.5969792
File: 90 KB, 703x494, TTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When someone calls you a white knight simply for the crime of treating another anon like a human being, direct them to pic related.

Good work, OP.
You're one of the ones that make it out.

>> No.5969799

>trying too hard
Pick two.

>> No.5969803

Start doing calf exercises to make it seem like you don't have cankles. Also, it looks like water retention.

Start wearing more lady-like clothes: sundresses, skirts, etc.

>> No.5969805

im smelling he wears a fedora

>> No.5969808
File: 184 KB, 1600x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes lik jus bein himself u kno

why u got a judge him an shit foo
he goin do him and u should just do u nawmean?

>> No.5969819

>trying too hard

An excellent example of thought terminating cliches. Thank you for that.
Sorry to cause you cognitive dissonance.

>> No.5969848

How exactly did you lose the weight? Also, run long distance to slim those legs and eventually get some visible quads.

>> No.5969853

I'm 189cm if that makes you feel any better

>> No.5969858
File: 171 KB, 1222x1280, daniel_alfonso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying too hard
Pls stop.

>> No.5969861

Wow you lost a lot of weight, amazing progress. Now just do some runs and leg work to work on your cankles

>> No.5969875

Get a skipping rope for when you at home

>> No.5969934

u lost dis argament bruv. jus' give up, u plaid rit in2 hiz handz

>> No.5969940

It could be angle, and some people are just unfortunately stuck with cankles.


>> No.5969953

>reverse image search op's pic
>pic is all over the net

i smell a troll

>> No.5970954

how tall are you

>> No.5970967

nice job proving his point retard

>> No.5970968

Still fat.

>> No.5970974

wow, you also got 20 years younger! congrats!

>> No.5970975

>women want men not little boys
insecurity is speaking