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/fa/ - Fashion

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5966402 No.5966402 [Reply] [Original]

#ether thread.

Call out your least favorite trip or namefag and ether that nigga.

You don't have to post a fit or back your shit up, just let them niggas have it RAW.

>> No.5966406

OP is the cancer killing /fa/

>> No.5966412

supreme is for fagets
that should call out all the cancer trips

>> No.5966422

OP isn't dadcore though.

>> No.5966425

It's true

>> No.5966436

no, he's just encouraging us to be dicks to each other
that's cancer

>> No.5966434

>You don't have to post a fit or back your shit up,
more like #pussy thread

>> No.5966443

bout to be some bars thrown

>> No.5966452


>> No.5966453

All of ether gang are fuccbois. That is all.

>> No.5966458

matt helders is a pigfaced fuccboi who wastes all of his money on clothes and still looks like trash.

>> No.5966465
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>> No.5966469

fuck roshes

>> No.5966470

post a fit of him

>> No.5966471

Dadcore is good, just not grandpacore

>> No.5966484

dadcore isnt good, dadcore is menswear done shitty

>> No.5966485


making a FUCCBOI level thread just because he doesn't know how to cope

well all know he posted that pic because he cant even afford geos

>> No.5966494

teddy forgot his trip

>> No.5966501

teddy doesn't come here anymore after somebody posted is fuggly fuccboi face

>> No.5966503

wot does his fuccboi face look like, post it

>> No.5966523
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>every trip and namefag on this board

>> No.5966532

>implying you dont dress just as bad

prove me wrong

but you wont

lel thanks for playing

>> No.5966537
File: 1.59 MB, 2448x3264, 1365925161477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat asian potatohead

>> No.5966550

What's wrong with his hair? Why are there bald patches on the side?

>> No.5966554

lel what a fuccboi

>> No.5966557

failed hy

>> No.5966559

le hidler yout :DDD

>> No.5966565

he doesnt look fat

>> No.5966580

nigger he's a fucking whale

look at those cheeks

>> No.5966593

I wager that your cheeks look just as bloated if not more so

>> No.5966597

my bmi is 16 nice try though fat fuck

>> No.5966601
File: 83 KB, 500x515, rafs actual face when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw not even geobaskets (that u had to sell to pay rent lmao) can save you from asian manlet syndrome
rest in peace teddy
rest in peace bai

>> No.5966610

ah, so you are fatter then

>> No.5966614

ITT: two people calling each other fat

>> No.5966618
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>> No.5966620

no just teddy samefagging or some other fat asian faggot dicksucking

>> No.5966622


fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.5966625

>being this mad
u jelly cuz u cant afford geos?
top lel

>> No.5966631

>teddy couldn't afford them, he had to sell them to pay rent

nice projection fat boy

>> No.5966636

u better check urself b4 u wreck urself bahd

>> No.5966640

fuck lmao

>> No.5966645

>>teddy couldn't afford them, he had to sell them to pay rent
clearly you werent there for the thread and you're just regurgitating the same wrong things other people are saying because you wish it to be true

>being this jelly
top top lel

>> No.5966651

okay teddy have fun being shit

>> No.5966656

game over

>> No.5966666

>being so mad that you think every anon poster that is against your opinions is teddy
>thinking about teddy this much
>being this jelly and have this intense homo-eroticism for teddy
top top top lel

>> No.5966674




>> No.5966678

Are you autistic? No normal person would suck this much dick of some random china man

>> No.5966682
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>> No.5966681
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>> No.5966685

quintuple size five four toooooon

>> No.5966691

>on 4chan
>thinking anyone here is normal
let me guess, you think you're not like the rest of us here?

top top top top lel

>> No.5966695

post tumblr of that chick

>> No.5966703

>not know who the chick is
How new to the internet are you?

>> No.5966715


>> No.5966718

Very new pls inform me

>> No.5966721

Thanks cool guy

>> No.5967060

>teddy doesn't come here anymore

>> No.5967091

none of those anons are me

>> No.5967559

i-s-s t-that y-ou

>> No.5968693


>> No.5968732


fuck the h8az teddy

thanks for helping me with geobasket sizing

>> No.5968734

uuuuhhhh, because for an Australian guy he's super fucking pretentious. I hate kids that grow up in trash metro suburbs and claim superiority, or at least project it.

>> No.5968737

what suburb u in

>> No.5968746

np, hope they fit well.

>> No.5968749


They do

Sized down a whole size.

>> No.5968800

/fa/ has really gone to shit

>> No.5968818

ive nothing to do with this but im normal


i have a job, a house and a gf

pls say im normal

>> No.5968826

u replied, so ur not normal

all those things u have that u think make u normal are just empty possesions that youve obtained over the years because thats what you were lead to believe is normal.

>> No.5968843

what do i do then

do i buy geobaskets

>> No.5968854

no, raf velcros

>> No.5968855
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>> No.5968861

ok, do u want my CPs, i thought they were normal

i already smoke and drink and metal is unpleasant to me

>> No.5971799

no is a fat messican who critiques the shit out of fits, yet I have yet to see anything of substance he has produced

TL is a fat rapist who can't communicate in english properly, pull off a manbun, and buys overpriced clothing from a jew hobo

that was two, but whatever.

>> No.5971834

turnleft suck 90% of the time but occasionally contributes some good stuff

squids needs to post a fit

everyone else is mostly alright and i've enjoyed watching them improve their dress sense


>> No.5971886

Rei is pretty fucking terrible.
Like the other ones are shitty but theyre somewhat more tolerable.
uuhhhh or whatever is a really curt little douche bag and James has an enormous fucking chip on his shoulder but they are all far more tolerable than Rei
fuck that dude.

>> No.5971883

that's it? that's not even close to twk-tier

>> No.5971899

i can't tell the difference between uuuhhh/ct/fuck/twerk/turnleft

>> No.5971914

Twerk actually knows what he's talking about. People can talk all the shit they want but hes the only name/trip that knows anything.
the rest are fucking useless

>> No.5971920

tinfoil is a bitch

>> No.5971953

>no is a fat messican who critiques the shit out of fits, yet I have yet to see anything of substance he has produced

no problem with that, stop being fallacious

>> No.5971990


How am I being fallacious? I am only stating that for someone who 1. is a namefag and 2. has a lot of negative things to say, he has made few contributions to the board.

>> No.5971996

no etherin here

s/o 2 that nig with the e30 i been seein him shine since we were on /o/ (started from the bottom)

s/o 2 the #ethergang i wish i could kicc it with yall but i dont have preme like u dudes do

s/o 2 poet even if u dont like the dude u gotta admit he got a way with words and u know its probably gets his dicc succed by hoes on OKcupid yadadamean cuzzo

nothin 2 say 2 yall fuccbois out there tho i juss ignore u busters B-)

>> No.5972003


agreed. twerk is extremely knowledgeable and doesn't shit up threads. more importantly, he's respectful of other people, unlike other shittier trips.

>> No.5972001


contribution or participation isn't required for critique of any kind in any field

>> No.5972005
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The only time TurnLeft ever posts something insightful is when he uploads a screencap of one of poet's posts

the nigga can't form thoughts that are his own

basedprophet is a scrub. I challenged him to a fit battle and he just brushed it off by posting a joke fit b/c he wasn't looking to get wrecked. Kid always says "post a fit" but doesn't want to return fire

>> No.5972006

yeah Rei's a fuckin bitch. Don't ever tell random dudes in the LA area that you trip on /fa/ as rei cuz I will choke and rob you.

>> No.5972024


You are right in that it isn't "required". And yes, using the criticism of "Tu quoque" is a logical fallacy.

However, I can't deny my basic human nature in that I would like to see some of no's contributions before I can judge his criticism as being worthwhile. It's the same (albeit technically fallacious) reasoning behind the "talk shit post fit" cancer.