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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 48 KB, 493x497, 1281986607613[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5950457 No.5950457 [Reply] [Original]

>In nursing college for BSN
>Nothing but females in class (70 people)
>Attractive but messy and unkempt
>Wear nothing but scrubs for a few years (everyone does)
>Mandatory nursing conference tomorrow
>Get home
>Open closet with mandatory all seasons colors button ups, brogues, watches, cologne (not allowed in the hospital), cufflinks, and completely tailored suits.
>They didn't know I /fa/'ed.
>Camera slowly zooms into my now activated rape-face.
>mfw tomorrow will be glorious.

Thank you /fa/.

>> No.5950460

post fit to make sure

>> No.5950464

> oxfords
> button-ups
> 2013

> not having rick owenz or raf symonz clothing
> 2013

>> No.5950461

post fit of your well-fitting suit

>> No.5950469

post fit

>> No.5950480

>boasting about being /fa/
>not posting a fit

>> No.5950478

raf is on that dadcore steeze no idea what your'e on about m8

and rick started fucking with suits so doubleretard

>> No.5950485

>being a nurse major and dressing in Rick


the patients will mistake you for the grim reaper

>> No.5950486
File: 32 KB, 500x345, ZGVKi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dream of this feel. Thank you anon, from all of us.

>> No.5950484

Like I'm going to dress up for you guys? I was raised a Jehovah's Witness (haven't been for many years now) and wore so many fucking awful hand me down and resale suits I couldn't fucking stand it any more.

About 3 years ago I lurked the hell out of /fa/, then went elsewhere.

Then nursing school started, and you have to wear these awful scrubs every fucking day.

>> No.5950488
File: 149 KB, 980x1470, raf_aw12 (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raf is rafcore

>> No.5950496

I want this to happen to me.

To bad I always look fucking ON.

>> No.5950501

What job do you plan on pursuing with a BSN?

>> No.5950511

I signed a 2 year contract with a local hospital chain for 2k a semester in return. So I'll probably be on a med-surg floor for 2 years or so.

I plan on getting my MSN after that and focusing on pediatric oncology.

>> No.5950515

msn messenger doesnt exist anymore sorry

>> No.5950517

Why not med school, wanted to get out and make money quicker? Or just decided that being a doctor wasn't your thing?

>> No.5950518

>raf is on that dadcore steeze

>> No.5950532

only logical next course of action

It would only solidify your point
>I /fa/'ed and tomorrow anon will look glorious.

Today, you also have the opportunity to give your anonymous fashion board first glimpse of conceptual outfits. Receiving constructive criticism and feedback you would not have gotten prior to tomorrows conference. Especially when your primary go to costume was scrubs.

>> No.5950542

I'm from a really poor family, and will be the first person that I know of in my extended family to ever go to college, let alone graduate.

I wanted job security, and I didn't have the money to pay my way through medical school, even though my grades were very good. So I went to community college for 2 years and transferred to a university to save money.

In the end, I can always get my Nurse Practitioner and do the "doctor" thing anyway. I honestly really love nursing now, it feels really satisfying. I see a lot of doctors on the floor who are really cold and spend maybe 4 minutes with the patient, prescribe meds, and leave.

I'm sure that isn't always the case, but I will say I'm proud of what I do to help people on a daily basis.

>> No.5950550

It starts at 6 in the morning ,I should be going to bed soon anyway.

I will say that purple scrubs are fucking terrible.

>> No.5950549

get any flack for being a male nurse? You in the US?

>> No.5950560

I've been feeling this feeling every day for a few months OP.
It's fantastic to see people go out of their way to compliment you wherever you go.

>> No.5950566

Never, in fact, it's turned out amazing.
I'm in Louisiana, and I never get flack for being a male. I tell all my single male friends they have no idea what they are missing out on.

The male to female ratio is 19/1.

I'm just going to say this: More than I could ever want, from a varitiy of different females, almost any time I want. I'm one male in my class of 70. I'm 6.3, and a lot of nurses call me in to help assist bigger people (USA! USA!) in movement.

It also helps to be a male when a patient starts giving a female some trouble.

I just walk in and ask what the problem is, and they usually shut the fuck up.

>> No.5950569

If you are in the US, med schools love poor people and first generation college students. Although it might be difficult because you don't have a lot of financial support... Poor people get amazing financial aid in the US, plus if you go to med school you have even better job security and ability to pay back any loans

>> No.5950574

If you don't post a fit i'm just gonna go and believe you're more r/mfa than /fa/

>> No.5950576

But that is just it, because of my poor status and going to nursing school, I've been able to pay all of my costs with pell grants and working odd jobs here and there to pay for books.

When I get out with my degree, I'll be completely debt free.

You make great points for anyone wanting to be a physician and is a broke.

>> No.5950583

I think you've encouraged me to get into nursing, anon. I have a couple years of college under my belt so maybe I can go right into getting a BSN. I've been thinking about becoming an EMT to pay my way as well.

>> No.5950594

Nursing school for men is a fucking awesome thing. It's hard, but so is anything worth doing.

Here is my usual week
>Monday: Party with friends
>Tuesday: Party with girls
>Wed: Usually some kind of casual sex with someone
>Thursday: Party with bros from different levels of nursing class
>Friday: Recoup and prepare for the weekend plan invites from at least 5 different groups of girls

It almost feels like an awesome sitcom where I'm the Zack Morris.

>> No.5950603

pointless thread bcus op wont post fit in a thread created saying "my fit b nice" thread

>> No.5950608

are you a full time student though?

>> No.5950623

>nursing school

come up to an someone in engineering school and say that and see what comes about m8

>> No.5950624

note to self: never trust male nurse with my health

>> No.5950635

actually op clearly made a thread that focused on feels and thanking us.
eat a bag of dicks

>> No.5950666

u take an L for being a male nurse b

off top a bitchmade profession cleaning up old motherfuckers diapers and shit

>> No.5950804


not OP but this isn't necessarily true. shit jobs seem to fall go to cna/lvns in my experience. that's what an 8 week course will get you certified to do.

>> No.5950822

If you won't post a fit, at least tell us some brands or post some pics of the individual pieces.

>> No.5950834


This thread wasn't meant to display what he's going to be wearing. It's more of him just telling his story. Leave him be.

>> No.5950844

I don't care what he means to say. He has to put up with the fact that some people will be curious about specific parts of his story. You don't always get to pick and choose what people want to hear from you. If he wants to not respond, fine, that's his right. But I can think whatever I like about him for not doing so. And I can definitely at least ask.

>> No.5950873

>post a fit

people need to fuck off. they just want to belittle others under the veil of anonymity in an attempt to make themselves feel better.

>> No.5950871

He posted on /fa/ telling everyone how good he's going to look tomorrow, he should have been well prepared to post pics. In fact, his first post should have been pics of what he is going to wear tomorrow.

>> No.5950904

Exactly. Hell, if I were him, I wouldn't post shit either.

>> No.5950909

as somebody who never posts fits, I do get that part. But I like to post the individual pieces. If people try to tear you a new one over that, what's the harm? The only effect they can have is positive. If they're critical it forces you to reevaluate why you like what you like, and whether that strengthens or weakens your opinion of something, it's making you more knowledgeable and more aware. It's too easy to get comfortable with what you think you know unless people tell you otherwise.

When I first started coming hear people tore me a couple of new assholes over some pieces I liked. But they forced me to take a long hard look and try to figure out who was right. It gave me new perspective on judging those pieces. It actually saved me from some bad purchases! But the important thing is that it made me give things a second thought.

>> No.5950918

You fucking stem majors are so masohistic.

>> No.5950957

noone cares dad

>> No.5950972
File: 207 KB, 781x1022, fa swaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing a suit in a formal setting
pic related, its you

>> No.5951321

no bus no feels sorry bbrah

>> No.5951344


>> No.5951349

conceited dicks like you are what keeps me from going into STEM

studying hard is find but I can't imagine being surrounded by that many assholes all day everyday

>> No.5951356

Lel I feel you bruh.
I was going to major In computer science but when I saw all the neckbeard pretentious faggots and the socially akward I couldn't stand it.
We psychologist now.

>> No.5951450

not this again,it was effective the first time i watchd it
[spoiler]The more i watch it the more it hits ;_;7 [/soiler]

>> No.5952179

I am one right now


>> No.5952183

>yfw tomorrow they laugh at your clothes

>> No.5952316

Why even bother making the thread if you aren't going to post fit?

>> No.5952430
File: 101 KB, 300x225, don-draper-gold-aviators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you can't even mention shirts with buttons on them or shoes that aren't sneakers without LOLDADCORE

>> No.5952451

fuck man why did u even post ur thread on here. buy a diary or post it on ur tumblr fuccboi

>> No.5952522

what do you expect? your in an anime imageboard populated by 12-24year olds lol

>> No.5952553

stay mad in your starbucks job faggot.

if you can't deal with competition just kill your self

>> No.5952550

don't overdress OP! cufflinks and suit for a nursing conference? unless there's a black tie dress code, I wouldn't go so far.

>> No.5952559

>black tie
Are you really this stupid?

>> No.5952576

well, I'm tired.
you get the idea. overdressing, especially when there's no form of dress code, is just as bad as underdressing.