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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 264 KB, 500x750, 1363973304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5947261 No.5947261 [Reply] [Original]

Is this /fa/?

>> No.5947263
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>> No.5947265
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>> No.5947266
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>> No.5947268
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>> No.5947269
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>> No.5947270
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>> No.5947293


It's great costume and design work, that is for sure.

>> No.5947296

please stop

>> No.5947318

I see no reason to stop, this is a legitimate style of clothing.

>> No.5947326


I would say that it veers closer to costume than to clothing, which even most lolita aficionados would have to agree with. It's a deliberately overdone, exaggerated take on historical clothing and is only produced and sold in specialty stores precisely because it's not that closely aligned with contemporary fashion.

Incorporate one or two pieces? Sure, it will feel more modern and less contrived. There are certainly designers that embrace certain ASPECTS of this look in their clothing, but I think when you go all out, it takes it straight into costume territory.

>> No.5947333

But It's not a costume. It's a street fashion.

>> No.5947336
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>> No.5947338
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>> No.5947339


I get where it's worn and how it's worn, but I still think it's a costume given its presentation and context. Outside of a few people who, say, work in specific cafes or stores or whatnot, many (if not most) of the people who like this style can't wear it outside of highly specific situations and it can't be integrated into other contexts.

>> No.5947340
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>> No.5947344


On top of that, it's obvious that /cgl/ is a better venue for this than /fa/ because most people here are interested in contemporary, modern fashion rather than extremely small niche clothing only worn by specific customers.

>> No.5947351

Isn't all clothing a costume? You dress up every morning in fabrics with shape, textures, cuts and colours that appeal to you.


>> No.5947360
File: 252 KB, 575x516, 1365034123640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people don't know that OP's pic is from an anime

>> No.5947361

To me you just described typical "gothninja". I see way more lolita-type clothing outside than I do with that style of clothing.

>> No.5947365


Except "gothninja" (a ridiculous word, but useful in this context) represents a look that can be incorporated into multiple wardrobes for people of all ages and tastes. A draped t-shirt is a far cry from a ruffled petticoat. And I don't really see stores like DSM and Barneys and IT carrying lolita stuff, so obviously there are influential people with taste and access who aren't seeing what you're seeing in lolita and don't think it's a viable, understandable way to communicate modern, timely fashion.

As far as the "all clothing" thing, yeah, you can wear anything, but that doesn't mean that it makes sense outside of its context.

>> No.5947369

>mfw that print is honeycake and I have never seen it in an anime ever.

>> No.5947372
File: 17 KB, 208x212, weeabo slut staring into the black clawing void of the abyss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the point entirely and dressing up like the characters in your anime, touhou, and moeshit

>> No.5947384

If only they fapped to hentai too!!!

>> No.5947381
File: 256 KB, 728x745, 13638116834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not cosplay

>> No.5947394

That's why I used it with quotation marks. Yes, you are correct. Lolita-style streetwear is something I would never wear, no matter what gender I belong to. I think it's the fact that easing into the "gothninja" aesthetic is easier, since it has gone from pretty conservative to way out there, whereas lolita-style shit has as far as I know always been "way out there".

I don't know, maybe it's just a cultural thing.

>> No.5947399


>> No.5947420
File: 160 KB, 455x351, 13493023555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5947424

It's being a chubby aspie weeaboo girl.

>> No.5947438

Who, me?

>> No.5947444

Lurk /a/ for like 20 minutes and you'll get your answer

>> No.5947453

/a/ has nothing to do with lolita.
Lolita has nothing to do with /a/
There are a handful of shows with lolita characters in them. Kuroneko ~so edgy~

>> No.5947465

Although I will give you this, Dantalian no Shoka's wardrobe design was done by Baby the Stars Shine Bright.

>> No.5947493

Sure is weeaboo in here...

>> No.5947506

Holy shit I think you're onto something?

>> No.5947503

if lolita doesn't belong on /fa/, then gothninja doesn't. Should they both go to >>>/clg/ ?