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File: 222 KB, 500x376, pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5946264 No.5946264 [Reply] [Original]

>150 lbs
>Glorious mane
>Flawless skin
>Impeccble taste in clothing
>2011 Range Rover
>Friendly face
>tfw no friends
>tfw people don't talk to me
>tfw no gf
>tfw spending my life on a computer
>tfw spending my life shopping by myself
>tfw my mom calls and asks if I have any friends
>tfw she gets mad at me for being a douche
>tfw I have class in 5 hours

>> No.5946272

>tfw spending my life shopping by myself
>implying shopping with others is a good idea

Maybe you're a cunt.

>> No.5946271
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>> No.5946274

sounds like you're an asshole or autistic with no social skills

>> No.5946276

It would be nice to have some fashionable friends to shop with, Idk I wouldn't know. But I don't think I'm a cunt..

>> No.5946284
File: 1.58 MB, 4928x3280, breivikmemeMAKE it happen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try talking to people instead of just sitting in your corner all the time.

Some people can get the wrong impression. For instance, I walk really straight, my back is most of the time straight so I people tend to think I'm in the military which I'm not but I people and escpecially girls think I'm really demanding since I'm really demanding to myself (apparently people can see that) which I'm not, So I'm forced to talk first cause only a few people would talk to me on their own......

>> No.5946285

>mum asks if I have friends
I hate this so much.

>> No.5946293
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Yeah but it's hard to. I mean I'm really good at striking up convos at the grocery store, dry cleaners, etc. but on campus there's no excuses to talk to people when I really do want to ;_;

>> No.5946291

man that would be depressing as fuck. no bff either?

>> No.5946299

No one at all man. The only person I text is my dad and that's only for when I need him to wire me money... Jesus Christ.

>> No.5946304

Your looks only matter to some extent.
So does your taste in clothing.
Your car does not matter and the fact that you think it does means that you're a bit of a cunt.

Be nice, smile more and things might turn around.
My life was pretty meh up until 20, then things got rolling and now i'm 22 with an awesome gf, great apartment, more friends than i can handle and an education i love.

Just put yourself out there and do be a cunt.

>> No.5946303
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>> No.5946306

*don't be a cunt.

>> No.5946308

I've been told people assume I'm an asshole because of my walk. Funnier still, I've been told that by people who have that stupid puffing out their chest tough guy walk.

OP come on, you're usually pretty happy. Once every fortnight or so you get down as shit and make a post like this. You'll wake up tomorrow fine, you always do.

>> No.5946312

Ryan pls.
I know they really don't matter that much but the stigma, where I live at least. is that if you're decent looking and have a nice car good things will follow. Apparently not though. I'm really not a cunt though, I don't talk down on others and I smile a tiny bit when I make eye contact with qtz.
Idk man, this has been going on the past couple of days after my mom called me. Shits gotten to me real bad.

>> No.5946314

>tfw spending my life on a computer
there we go

maybe like go outside or something
talk to people in real life
join a club
go see some music
ask a pretty girl out
reconnect with old friends

life is what you make it, b

>> No.5946328

I do go out, on the weekends usually, but end up walking around Barneys wasting my money. Thinking about joining a soccer team or something though now that you mentioned it. Thanks man. Too much spaghetti would be strained if I asked a pretty girl out.

>> No.5946333

yeah team sports could be good
plus then you will have some friends
also dude, pretty girls are people too, just like you and me

also du you're 19 are you not at school or university or s/t?

>> No.5946330
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Smoke some weed.

>> No.5946365

To be honest I don't think I've even talked to a girl, outside of situations in which it's necessary (yes I go to uni) since I've started college. I've never asked a girl out or had a girlfriend and I'm afraid that after all this effort I've put into my appearance that they'll say no.

>> No.5946381
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If those are really your stats and you're above a 6.5/10 apply to an agency and start something new for yourself. You'd meet all kinds of people and easily make friends since they'd be genuinely intersted in the same things as you.

>> No.5946468

you could just talk to them in/after/before lectures or seminars

just ask what they're up to this weekend/what they did last weekend or w/e
don't be afraid
i mean worst that could happen, they say no

>> No.5946480

>if you're decent looking and have a nice car good things will follow
lol sounds like your parents raised you a lil delusional

>> No.5946510

Where to cop?

>> No.5946525

Op you have to put yourself out there, starting with us. Please post an uncensored fit

>> No.5946642

You're delusional, just like most people in these feel threads. You're a piece of shit, you probably look like shit, and you have no idea because you circlejerk on imageboards all day.
Get out, you're not emotionally stable enough to be here.

>> No.5946856


No need to be a cunt. While I don't like these threads much either sometimes people just get down and need somebody to talk to. We've all been there. If you say you haven't you're a fucking liar. Why make the situation worse by insulting somebody who's already obviously feeling bad.

>> No.5946884


i can dig it

>money doesnt buy happiness

>> No.5946891

Sounds like aspie or a troll

>> No.5948991
File: 432 KB, 500x377, swagger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel try harder pls.

>> No.5949025

at least you are doing something will your life and have a hobby. all you have to do is cut back on computer time

>> No.5949058
File: 821 KB, 500x281, ugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's lonely as fuck though...

>> No.5949078

>emotionally stable
>anywhere on 4chan
hmmm... light 3/10

>> No.5949085

what about on 420chan? they seem like cool guys over there

>> No.5949109

>anywhere in a 1st world country with internet access
>emotionally stable

>> No.5949115

OP where do you go to school?

>> No.5949125

you could try talking to people

>> No.5949132

You can't just do that though...

>> No.5949138


i can confirm this. I browse 420chan often and i have never seen a post on any drug related board (i cannot speak for the other boards since i do not browse them) that I would deem autistic as fuck

>> No.5949148


What? Talk to people? Sure you can. I make small talk with everyone, anywhere i am.

>> No.5949153


and jesus fuck man, you go to usc? Do you know how much i would enjoy being there? Stop wallowing in your own shit, get up off your computer, and walk your ass to the nearest bar.

>> No.5949164
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>Range Rover
Shit nigger what are you doing?

>> No.5949174

I'll try, honestly. Hopefully something good arises from it. Don't worry though, I'm not aspie and I have good conversational skills, never have awkward moments.
Eeh, it's not that great. Will do though, but I'm not 21.

>> No.5949194

>she gets mad at me for being a douche
This here may be your problem. Or you are delusional.

>> No.5949195

get a job where you're working in a team, preferably someone where where you're forced to interact with people, or, like has been said, join a club.

nothing is going to change if you don't take control of course, but u know w/e

>> No.5949260
File: 440 KB, 1075x1173, cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look remotely close to this it's no wonder people don't talk to you.

>> No.5949266


>not that great
>going to school at one of the funnest schools
>having a sweet football team to get shitfaced drunk and watch during the fall


>> No.5949383

what does that even mean, i've been told I look like him, not op :[

>> No.5949386

His face is strange

>> No.5949417


he looks like a dinosaur

>> No.5949429


>girl is sketching in class
>look at the sketch
>it looks like Cole Mohr
>asks if it's him
>"what? how did you know that"
>oh fuck she probably thinks I'm gay

>> No.5949459

This dude's face is way too big for his head. Is this what you consider "ideal" here in this board?

>> No.5949482

get the fuck out you hetero scum

>> No.5949532

Go to a club/bar and start linking up with people your age around your area. Start making connections.

>> No.5949539

Honestly, you would probably make so many friends just from smoking weed. Next thing you know, people hit you up, asking if you want to go half on some.

>> No.5949575

Start flirting with every girl you see ("hey, what's your name, where do you go to college?"). They'll just think you're a ladies man and follow accordingly. This works great when they're at work.

>> No.5949750

What the fuck does that even mean? Seriously, what the fuck?

Fuck you.