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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 229 KB, 800x416, 1338840190999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5935291 No.5935291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5935298
File: 270 KB, 446x887, 9april.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flippa k
libertine libertine

>> No.5935326


would of been better with ur new balances

get a new sweater too

acne linen long sleeve B)

>> No.5935336

That sweater is Target tier.

>> No.5935339

youre right

it needs a chunkier shoe


>> No.5935367

It looks like something one would find at Target.

>> No.5935372

I don't like it

>> No.5935383

sub-par fit m8, nothing special

>> No.5935384


no camera but;

printed givenchy maddonna t-shirt
Rick owens ma-1 bomber.

Mesh pants from April77

White High top common projects.

Looking for good camera to snap my shit between 500-200 dollars.

>> No.5935390
File: 491 KB, 1552x2592, IMAG0112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woooo ooo o oo ooo

>> No.5935397
File: 413 KB, 375x507, warmworkfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5935484

I don't really like this one, friendo, looks pretty average highschool tier

don't really like this one either, pants look weird, clunky boots, and the layering looks kind of awkward

>> No.5935500

No pic is no fit.

Fuck off fuccboi

>> No.5935779

page 1 pls

>> No.5935822
File: 140 KB, 631x629, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reppin palace n preme since 94

>> No.5935829


Shoes are nice, rest is meh.

>> No.5935827

Le signiture autist jaquet.

>> No.5935832

Hahaha oh god what the fuck

>> No.5935839


>> No.5935835


>> No.5935836

Wat brand is the t-shirt, i can't quite see.

>> No.5935846

...palace skateboards

>> No.5935863

>people that wear roshes

>> No.5935875

fits on /fa/ have gotten better recently i must admit, before spring i was morbidly dissapointed

>> No.5935915
File: 531 KB, 1245x3146, IMG_7108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same shit i wore yesteday, so here is the same pic

>> No.5935918

today i was tryin to go for what u guys call "dad' style

>> No.5935927
File: 115 KB, 500x916, IMG_2752s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol why does it rotate

>> No.5935957

aww shiet, nigga took the laces off

>> No.5935953

shave your legs

>> No.5935960

Take a screenshot of verticals before posting and it solves the problem.

>> No.5935972

feelin dem shorts.
feelin dat t shirt.
Jacket doesn't work with the shorts unless you got compression pants under them.

>> No.5935973


really? isnt that pritty gay?

i dont see tht many dudes that shave unless they runners/swimmers and shit


too much white blinds the eye sometimes man


thanks will try that

>> No.5935981

word, gonna tea dye my laces

>> No.5935984

tell anyone who asks that you are a runner

>> No.5935995
File: 157 KB, 690x826, IMG_2586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my old dunks have the nicest color laces, i wish i had more pairs of this, exact same color as the sole.


can i just trim them instead? i like my fur bro wat if i get lost in the arctic in pod shorts

>> No.5935998

dont shave or trim them

>> No.5936002

oh lord. shite as usual m80.

>> No.5936004

yeah sure, trim them. it desperately needs to be tamed

>> No.5936009

wtf is this.
Who the hell wears running shoes to anything if you are not going out for a walk?

>> No.5936012

>who wears desert boots if youre not going out to the desert?

>> No.5936016

u flexin dat non-existent chest m8? lookin real hunched over

>> No.5936019

Only Steve Jobs could pull running shoes off. RIP in peace

>> No.5936020

>who wears jeans if it's not jeans4genes day

>> No.5936024

my point is, running shoes with casual clothes is plebtier.

>> No.5936028


>> No.5936059


Colors are alright, execution is terrible. pinroll the pants / get better fitting pants.

Sweater needs to go, literally 3rd grade.

Pants are great fit. Top jacket is great, shirt and shoes need to fucking go.


Are you a goat man because your pants look like you have fucking hooves.


Typical supreme-swaggot. Hat is alright. replace your shit denim pants with some shorts or something. Horrible color for those type of shoes, absolute garbage homless boy tier.

>$100+ hat
>$20 shirt



Everything is alright except the shoes.

Seriously i need of the lower pant under the shorts (or take off the jacket). Also im guessing you don't work out your legs very often because your turning into tree-trunk mode. And thats not good for the look your going for. Everything else is great.

>> No.5936173
File: 315 KB, 350x688, P1020085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woop woop, next level fit made from some vintage threads.
Vintage Gucci sweat jacket, Prps Denim, Hermes Belt, and Nike Dunks

>> No.5936184

epitome of fuccboi

>> No.5936185

I dunno how you make such expensive stuff look swagfag as fuck lol

>> No.5936190

holy shit are u the dude who made the Nike -> Rick Owens infographic

>> No.5936195

In that fit its the sag and the hat. Was going for that nxtlvl fuccboi look so I think it worked.
Lol yea and makeyourownrickowens.tumblr.com

>> No.5936193


dem diy dick orwell

>> No.5936201

fucking sage

that was so horrible it wasn't even lel Itrolu funny

>> No.5936208
File: 454 KB, 598x800, Photo 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tuesday april ninth
basic bitch day

>> No.5936210

the url is kinda a joke but the pic has got like 500 so whatever.

>> No.5936214

looks like you're trying painfully hard. But it's certain to get some looks. Are you fucking sagging your pants?

ricks real?

I hate black tee shirts with blue jeans. I can't even focus with all of these brands and colors fighting for attention.

this looks very "am I cool yet"

>> No.5936221

that top could be pulled off so much better

>> No.5936225

>laughing at you
>not with you

>> No.5936253

Of course, its a swagfag look and they all sag.
Yea it is kinda hard to pull off though because its so god-y.
I really don't care what you think, your thinking represents such a small group of people it doesn't matter.

>> No.5936257

u are a attention whoring bitch how many times do we have to tell u

>> No.5936256


Why do people still wear gucci...i thought middle eastern swaggots did that

>> No.5936259

>swag fags
i thought /fa/ had gathered the self awareness to grow out of these words.

>> No.5936263


Iron your shorts. Get Better vans or a floral patern van. or just better shoes in general


Stop wearing target shirts.

Also your bathroom has mismatched towell set, replace your toilet roll.

>> No.5936266

Rick dunks on today. Fuck I wish I had a mirror to take full body pics

>> No.5936268


roodypoo dick sucker

You want more dadcore swaggot fuccboi?

>> No.5936271

>then you turn around and use the terms fuccboi and dadcore

>> No.5936273
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5936278


do you skate?

>> No.5936281

i got all these leftover vans that i just have to use up so i'm throwing them in on casual fits. same with the t shirt but its gap.

>> No.5936290


yea they r fake ricks how could u tell man!?!?


2 hot for legging man, but yeah its getting warm probly. just wear a tee today

>> No.5936292


The back of the shoe.

>> No.5936295

Just trim them, nobody will notice.

>> No.5936296

not anymore

>> No.5936294

He's jokin' m8.

>> No.5936305
File: 269 KB, 1600x1200, itsmyfirsttime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...be gentle

>> No.5936313

I don't even know where to begin. Sorry m8 but the jacket and the jeans are horrible. Can't even see the boots properly.

>> No.5936315

this is the worst fit in a while, you look like a walking billboard m8

you look ridiculous, like someone gave $8000 to a 12 year old and told them "buy clothes with this"

>> No.5936338

wow dude my eyes, don't where a shirt with words when wearing a supreme hat fuck

>> No.5936346


HAHAHAH ok here we fucking go.

This is someone who decides
>"time to get /fa/"

Which is not a bad thing, but you started off by maybe looking at a couple info-graphics and definitely some MFA shit going on there. (which again isn't a bad thing)

You wen't through the entire MFA recommendation and copped everything they fucking told you to do like a nigga responds to a slave driver



you are. you never took a single chance to understand your personal style, how these peices will incoporate into your uniform and you definetally didint take a second to visit a "COP OR NOT THREAD" both the MFA AND FA ones.

This is me in gentle mode, you need to lurk more. Buy less items. If i see you post in another WAYWT like this i'm going to use the data from your imagine file, come to your fucking wite ass neightborhood. Burn your CDB (which i bet you also bought).

>> No.5936369

Fit is the most important thing and you fucked that up. Jeans look awful, get some darker ones that actually fit well.
Basically just get shit that fits.

>> No.5936383

>imagine file

>> No.5936384


pictures like this make me never want to wear trainers ever again lol

>> No.5936388

Okay thanks for the opinions,
Is it salvageable with darker jeans?

>> No.5936386

why do you want us to be gentle??

There's no other way to put it but you look like shit. Bland colors, disproportionate, and ill-fitting. 3 strikes ur out mofo

>> No.5936390

holy shit are you mad?

>> No.5936395

Its just an expression I knew you wouldnt be, what's disproportionate? Genuinly asking

>> No.5936399


Everything you bought is good for a wardrobe, you need to FIT things. FIT FIT FIT. get measured. everything is oversized as fuck.

>> No.5936405


Yeah i am mad, so much new threads here for basic shit. I'm mad at niggas buying $500 worth of technically good wardrobes but they turn to shit because its oversized.

Might as well go back to wearing naruto shirts.

>> No.5936406

I really don't like the jacket. It's really wrinkled and a pretty awful colour imo. Might look better undone maybe. It would definitely look better with well-fitting dark jeans but still not very good probably. Keep trying though, /fa/ can be pretty harsh but you might need that. Better than being told it looks amazing by mfa whiteknights.

>> No.5936415

The whole fit cost me about 100 euros so cool yo jets

>> No.5936420


lel, is this a joke? Shaving your legs is really faggy unless if you're a swimmer or something.

>> No.5936446
File: 943 KB, 884x1280, diydickovens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


next lvl diy

>> No.5936458


Previous level tackiness.

>> No.5936468

who is this man and why is he always on my /fa/?

>> No.5936472


ahaha touché

>> No.5936473


Best to not ask/care.

>> No.5936478


case, most /fa/ posting legend. Unfortunatly he got shot in a drug bust.

>> No.5936483

casemods, a tripfag troll from /g/

>> No.5936487

the single most representative thing of this whole shitty board ;_;

>> No.5936532
File: 208 KB, 588x1372, DSC_0419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5936563
File: 185 KB, 480x640, casey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my /fa/
>hasn't been here long enough to know who case is

>> No.5936690


are u 12?

Next you're gunna ask who is Knoch or unpop...

>> No.5936697


>no one realizes all of this is fake


>> No.5936699


did he ded?

>> No.5936700



no one cares

>> No.5936708

It worked! I told you guys. ever since we got rid of him the newfags won't know who he is

>> No.5936727

fanny frazzled

>> No.5936808


>> No.5936833
File: 505 KB, 1000x964, wiwt 09042013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shoes and the roll on your jeans dosnt really work. Nice shirt

>> No.5936844

I thought I was in the mfa thread lol

>> No.5936996

>you realize just because your poor doesn't mean everyone is

>> No.5937016


chubby much

>> No.5937070
File: 172 KB, 314x271, Untisdtled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937083


Lol, simme...

>> No.5937092
File: 370 KB, 2038x1555, MuVA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say I was paring the shoes with jeans, what would make it work?

>> No.5937097
File: 1.33 MB, 1836x3264, :fa:.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ amidoingitrite?

>> No.5937114


Let us know after you're done working out and had a chance to change. Hope you have a good run.

>> No.5937146

please no those laces

>> No.5937173

while I have you here. what you think of this tank?


i'm diggin the green

>> No.5937196

Are you from Champaign/Urbana/Savoy by any chance???

>> No.5937198


I'm not the BBC customer, but purely on color, I'd personally go for the red first. It's really just a matter of personal preference, I suppose. I imagine the teal on the green would pop really well, but could also make it hard to pair with certain colors, too.

>> No.5937250

got a roommate from there, used to clean up at the park district.. hence the tank

yeh neither am I... but dat tank, preTTyfresh.
always thought green/tan skin went well together (not that I have tan skin right now)

>> No.5937266


Saw this jacket yesterday, w2c, love it hard. Also best fit in thread

>> No.5937289
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, picture018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mak'n dem stacks

J Crew
Naked Famous Elephant 2
Wolverine 1000 mile

>> No.5937280

Used to live there as kid. God I hated that place. There was no one outside ever- the place felt like a damn nursing home. I'm digging your shoes man.

>> No.5937297
File: 197 KB, 960x698, IMG083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937303
File: 35 KB, 313x729, DSC 238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wassup fools

>> No.5937307

did u just murder some1
y the gloves m8

>> No.5937313

gotta love that glorified college town. I've been down there a million times I know that city well.

thanks g, fuckin didn't know if it was time to hang up the hi tops or not. some vlc straight jackets

>> No.5937314
File: 108 KB, 690x960, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937317


Workn in da lab

>> No.5937309


Jacket fits nice, but the proportion on the tee underneath to the jeans to the sneakers is pretty bland. A horrible use for a great piece.

>> No.5937311

>lol i know i'll post a troll fit and everyone will say i'm #nxtlvl

>> No.5937321

I think this is dope

>> No.5937327
File: 146 KB, 612x612, today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i wore today

>> No.5937335

Unless you're wearing it it's not what you wore today

>> No.5937342



>> No.5937347

It's how it is m8

>> No.5937354

Lo-tops with shorts, bro. No logos on tanks, stick with solid colors or striped ones. The shorts are nice.

>> No.5937360

pls tan

>> No.5937384


please get naked

>> No.5937396

SFW board newfag.

>> No.5937393
File: 841 KB, 901x653, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pants are all wrinkly because I just woke up from a nap, but fuck it. I really like this jacket

>> No.5937406

tailor it, it's a box.

>> No.5937412


Too bad the material look so cheap and it doesn't fit you at all. If you changed everything about it, maybe it'd look better.

>> No.5937421
File: 797 KB, 2304x1824, IMG_20130330_172409_258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DERP ur welcome

>> No.5937427

>wearing polished shoes with jeans

Don't do this. Find some flat leather ones.

>> No.5937443
File: 141 KB, 1280x960, thomasthedankengine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always liked the hi tops with shorts to show as little of my tiny calves as possible.
thanks though!

>The short are nice
actually folded and sewed them to be one inch shorter.

>> No.5937459

dem kicks
mah nigga!

>> No.5937463

this nigga's killing it. I don't know if this is stolen from somewhere

>> No.5937476
File: 1.28 MB, 1836x3264, :fa:2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-best I can do .. n-no homo

still SFW

>> No.5937477

Just because it's weird doesn't make it /fa/.
lose the ridiculous shirt

>> No.5937485



>> No.5937486

thanks guys

>> No.5937484


>> No.5937495

w2c that jacket m8

>> No.5937501

it's a heart! <3

dat heart.. awesome rite.. had 2 do something for a chick

>> No.5937509

I want an all supreme outfit just to piss off /fa/.

>> No.5937513

lol, whats with the heart

>> No.5937518

You do realize that a lot of us here like supreme right?

>> No.5937530

I already bought some obey for the same purpose.

>> No.5937536

Old pic w/ flash, I haven't polished them in 4 months

>> No.5937551

had to pretend to be romantic 4 a sec

even though it's just an old halloween costume (i was cupid)

>> No.5937586

You look awkward as fuck.

>> No.5937590

You mean autistic.

>> No.5937597
File: 104 KB, 611x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937623


>> No.5937630
File: 790 KB, 940x2632, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my CPs finally came in

>> No.5937627

Where2cop fedora?

By the way, did you see the new MLP episode?

>> No.5937638

they cant carry hard enough

>> No.5937643

damn those are fresh

>> No.5937631
File: 49 KB, 478x662, tumblr_llc0qcBLYH1qzjs90o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend!

>> No.5937635

>Those legs

Please go ride a bike or something

>> No.5937662


shirt ruins it

>> No.5937664

Yeah I'm yolo.
Lel me n my bitch.

>> No.5937681

what sort of shirt would you suggest?

>> No.5937682


>> No.5937696
File: 1.18 MB, 2560x1920, 20130409_181219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937700

Hey it's that faggot with the blazers and baby face! I remember you.

Did you cop any good new shirts

>> No.5937726

> fly

>> No.5937750

Thks bby ;)

>> No.5937751

lol. Yah, I got a bunch of OCBDs since then. I don't know about good because I got them on the cheap. I'm lucky that Hawaiian shirts are in this spring because they're still my best options atm until I get some more stuff.

>> No.5937776

>shurt tucked in
>no fucking belt
do u even sticky m8

>> No.5937842

Apparently I got too skinny for the one belt I own that I figured would look good with this fit. I was always on the first hole before, but this morning I was well past it, so I said fuck it.

Also, where in that random-ass sticky does it say you have to wear a belt when you tuck?

>> No.5937881

Was at the movies and I only saw these now, sorry fags. It's a black m-65 from D-tox

>> No.5937891
File: 62 KB, 396x820, photo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5937928

also thank you :')

>> No.5937947

When to cop yesterday. D-Tox is shut down or something.

>> No.5937979

Yeah it was a canadian company out of Quebec that sold some pretty decent stuff. It was bought out by Billabong later on, and after a while was losing too much money so it got canned. The original owners bought it back again though, so it should be back up soon (hopefully)

>> No.5938354

im pretty sure you made this sweater, and i think it looks sick. Looks almost like the zam barrett ones.

>> No.5938365

nice undercover jacket

>> No.5938378

low blow man

>> No.5938384

sick as in bad ass

>> No.5938392


where can i find that jacket man

>> No.5938396


where is the cheapest place to buy cps

>> No.5938416

You look like you're someone who has alot of fun no matter where you're at or what you're doing. What would you call this look?

>> No.5938421

i use clippers with a #2 guard

>> No.5938431
File: 939 KB, 136x100, 1296127136280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've only been here for a week

Lurk moar before posting

>> No.5938435

Typical Camden market stall seller

>> No.5938445

What kind of work?

>> No.5938446

no belt is a little odd to me

but doingitright.jpeg

>> No.5938453

Awful, awful fit. I dob't like anything about this.

>> No.5938529

i agree w/ >>5935336
just bad fit in general, sorry m8
good gooood get better shoes
the layers are unclean b/c of the white underneath. get rid of that and fit ur lower half better
barely see anything beyond the blur but looks ok
basic as all hell
fit on shirt and shorts are shit
literally nothing fits, please buy clothes that aren't ur big brothers
ffffuck ur red laces, they aren't cool or unique
ur shirts fit is terrible, just terrible
good pants tho
awww, someone's chubbychub
oh my. :)
idk i just feel like the jacket is either just too big or should be left unbuttoned. also ur jeans and stacks are sk8r tier, other than that doin ok
idk if this is actually someone or not, but imho is too #streetwear #nxtlvl fer me
blecch those shoes
blech those pants
blech that jacketfit
i don't like ur hair
its a good blazer. i like it. shoes as well. pant fit leaves much to be desired, and the shirt has a horrid grandpa pattern and doesn't really fit (i can tell b/c it looks like u have a belly)
idk man i cant dig the hawaiians
i just cant

>> No.5938648


r u that super rich kid who posted all those photos of naked women in ur apartment?

>> No.5938661






I own a genetics lab tech comp

>> No.5938684

I am the life of the party tbh. I'd probably go with faux Saint Laurent.
Long hair don't care.

>> No.5938692

u'd look good with some facial hair though
would complete it ithink

>> No.5938708


I like hawaiian shirts but this fit is a little off m8.

>> No.5938721

he had a great stache.

>> No.5938724

hey void great fit
my favourite of yours yet
i'm need your email is it void1959@gmail.com?

>> No.5938739


>> No.5938761

its just basic rick, nothing too interesting but unlike most people on the board, he gets it. shorts could be a tad bigger and baggier though. sumos would look good there to balance out the top if you could do a more severe look, but it wouldnt suit you.

socks could also be a little higher. looks like rick but played too safely.

>> No.5938830
File: 73 KB, 612x612, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have some goin' on! Shaved it off cause the gf said it was ratchet ;_;

>> No.5938860

What the fuck.

How'd u fall into that ownership?

>> No.5938890


hahahahah oh wow
fashion victim/10

>> No.5938954
File: 214 KB, 1080x1620, ledick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no qt white gf to tell me I'm ratchet

>> No.5939021

You'll have a qt of your own in no time, have faith!
>inb4 faith is SO not /fa/
>i know..

>> No.5939066

damn thats ratchet

>> No.5939082
File: 37 KB, 360x554, PaiMei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I age gracefully and into Pai Mei?

>> No.5939111


I don't understand the hype around CPs, they look like clown shoes. Eyelets are awkwardly close across the foot, and they come too far towards the front of the shoe.

>> No.5939147


>> No.5939154


Began designing dna sequencing systems for fun. Sold the prototypes. Got orders. Started business. Projecting 1m revenue by this time next year.

>> No.5939155

what is it with /fa/ and calling everything "clown shoes"?

>> No.5939158


>> No.5939214


fat mexican detected

>> No.5939211
File: 303 KB, 1268x1131, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5939234

Polish actually

>> No.5939354

I think a L/S henley would work better here. You shouldn't wear horizontal stripes. It makes your body look like mine.

A pair of creepers would make this great
I can't see the texture or details on the coat. Is that nylon??
Too much branding. Too many words. Like the shoes. I hate the watch
lrn2 focus
Shock of hairy flesh ruins everything. Otherwise, pretty good.
This is so bland that it's almost remarkable.
Take a seam ripper to those tags.
Urf. I hate those pants. I especially hate those pants tucked into those boots. I can't even tell what they are. Baggy chinos? The jacket might be salvageable. Maybe as a beater jacket for stormy weather. Can't tell the picture is too bad.

Captoe derbys? Too dressy for this outfit. laces are a nice touch, but it's just not working here. Save em for chinos and sportcoat. If you're going to go sockless, try tighter cuffing. Wide cuff looks better with workboots.

Jacket feels too smart for that shirt. Hate the shoes. If you want to keep that shirt, try a hoodie or something. Dress down a little.
Overall it's okay. BUt blue jeans isntead of black would make this 1000x less dreary. Shoes are odd. Could be quirky, could be goofy depending on your interpretation.

HAHAH oh wow. Kudos to you for going adventurously baggy? Why the hat? Who not show off the bleached hair?

I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it.I can see no way to salvage any of this.
Very teenage. How old?
THose wacky boat-shoe-sneaker-hybrids make me cringe. Stitching all over the jacekt is too busy. Pants too baggy. And wrinkled. Doen't look easy-going like a roomy pair of chinos, just looks sloppy.

Nice fit on the jacket. Like the fur detail. Don't like the boots. The hat fits your face, but it still looks goofy.

>> No.5939383

IF you're already wearing shorts and sunglasses and sneakers, you might as well lose the button up too. Ain't nothing wrong with a tee shirt in this situation.

I think you're still just a little too smooth-cheeked and boyish for this look. Really cool shirt though. Glasses suit your face.

Awesome shirt. Terrible fit on everything. Terrible cuffing. Buy some goddamn laces.

No words.

>> No.5939397


yeah it is

>> No.5939454
File: 495 KB, 1456x2592, IMAG0171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mirror's dirty. My room is messy. I wore chucks.

>> No.5939465

What is the website where you can buy clothes from h and m and other stores that dont have online shopping in the us? it starts with an s

>> No.5939470


>> No.5939474


no, its not this one but thank you. i still need the other one though. its a proxy website

>> No.5939500
File: 482 KB, 478x631, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no full body but got a haircut today, curious how it looks. still experimenting with how much product i should put in it to strike that line between hold and looking greasy as fuck.

>> No.5939507

w2c jacket pls

>> No.5939551

take the cigarette out of your mouth you tool, is it even lit?

hair looks good tho

>> No.5939598

what product did you use and how much of it

>> No.5939591


ya, i'm a raging faggot. thanks tho

>> No.5939628


pomade. i don't have a set amount yet, i just start small and keep working it in til i feel like it looks rite. thinking of trying fiber instead

>> No.5939680

pomade is better, what brand did you use

>> No.5939690


murray's. is there something better i could/should be using or is it all pretty much the same?

>> No.5939742

murrays is the best its just a real pain to get out

>> No.5939777

yeah how are you even supposed to get that god damn shit out of its god damn container

>> No.5939778

heat up it with a blowdryer first

>> No.5939786


>> No.5939811


i don't find it that hard, maybe it's just warmer where i live. i just press my fingers into that shit and rub them together till i feel heat and it goes in pretty easy.

>> No.5939820
File: 1.89 MB, 1200x1205, 10.04.2013 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleeves being annoying
Photo resolution being difficult

ain' mada dough cuz im commmffyyy B)

>It was a bit warm 4 this much comf so I took the jacket off ;s

>> No.5939823


i think your camera is out of focus, cant see the details clearly.

>> No.5939828
File: 2.18 MB, 1165x1774, 10.04.2013 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah lighting was being an issue, tried a number of different but idk. Will check tonight.

>> No.5939836


hmm, maybe draw your outfit?

could prob. see it more clearly

>> No.5939844


liked your last offering better. circled looks like ass to me. i feel like you pull off the brown on black well, but the textures of the pants and jacket aren't meshing well for me.

i know it's the SURLY RICK aesthetic and maybe too #nxtlvl for me to appreciate, but i've seen you do better.

>> No.5939853
File: 1.88 MB, 1200x1205, 1365572322580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot my image

>> No.5939854

I choked and now I can't stop laughing

>> No.5939847

you look like a bodyguard

>> No.5939856

No, I agree. I sort of tried to force the jacket in I think it works better w/o the jacket. Took it off only wearing a wool turtle neck on top.

>Take pics later maybs

>> No.5939868

Oh yeah for sure that sleeve shoulderwas being iffy. I don't know why, I think I was pushing the sleeve up somewhere.

I kind've like wehre the jacket length ends tbh but personal pref.
I totally love the slim sort of legs --> wide pant but that's also p. personal pref.

>> No.5939878


you dont have to be so apologetic. u can just say it looks like shit because it does

>> No.5939886


what's the point of having a fashion forum if we just tell each other "IT LOOKS LIKE SHIT" without substantiating anything? we might as well be talking about our dicks.

>> No.5939889

My dick does not look like shit.

>> No.5939892


it looks like shit doe

>> No.5939897

can your fits possibly get any worse?

You throw all this money at these designer pieces and then you wear them so terribly. Are you so clueless that you can't see this makes you look like a fatass and a rapist?

Take a big step back and learn the fucking basics.

>> No.5939925

What's worse is he tried to give people advice.

>> No.5939929

Haven't done that in a longggggggggggggggggggggggggg time B)

>> No.5939976

Do you think your emoticons are cute? Or are they some kind of ironic shitpost thing?

>> No.5939994

I don't know.
Do you think it's cute? B)

>> No.5940015


there's your answer. they're a transparent defense mechanism after babby's feelings got hurt.

>> No.5940017

he likes to turn his retard on when he's on this board

>> No.5940918



I was kind of thinking obese samurai, but fatass rapist works as well

>> No.5940993

"super weird fit
the du looks like a far-future african dictator"

>> No.5941033

post the photos please

>> No.5941080 [DELETED] 
File: 1.38 MB, 2208x2880, IMG_0283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5941415

cheer up