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/fa/ - Fashion

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5926715 No.5926715 [Reply] [Original]

>I was the fedora wearer
>Every day in 10th grade

Cringe thread

>> No.5926774


What's wrong with fedoras? better then faggots with swag-hats

>> No.5926784

TBH if I had to hang out with one of those groups I would rather be with the swagfags. at least they're not autistic

>> No.5926792


>> No.5926795


No, you couldn't be more wrong

>What's wrong with fedoras?


>> No.5926796

Were you a furry too?

>> No.5926813

no, just kind of bad at talking to girls

Looking back, I'm kind of glad I never approached any crushes. That would have been brutally painful.

>> No.5926825


>> No.5926957
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>Went to a prep high school
>Anti-establishment trend ran high in freshman year, of course
>We would 'rebel' against the uniform code by tucking in the front of our button-up shirts, leaving the back hanging out.

>We would also rip the breast pockets from each other's shirts for a while, shit was fun, until nobody had pockets and we all looked ridiculous.

>> No.5926979

>go to school that is predominantly black + poverty
>pants-sagging is so bad that it gets you sent to alternative school (people walking around with ass cracks completely flopping around)
>wear drop crotch sweats to school
>all day I keep getting stopped because the silhouette looks like I'm sagging with a long shirt on
never got in trouble but shit was annoying

>> No.5926986
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How often would you wear sweats?

Also, were your school's lockers full of fitted caps of various colors and teams, too?

>> No.5927005

i wore the same hoody for like 3 years in highschool

>> No.5927015

probably once every week or two
and nah people here always bought snapbacks

>> No.5927032

A bunch of the newfags will not think this is cringe worthy

>> No.5927055

my apparel was noticeably behind everyone else's in elementary school and middle school

and because of how insecure i was of my clothing for the longest time, i think i overcompensate for it now by being too conscious of my appearance and being really into clothing

does anyone else feel the same?

>> No.5927075

I wore fingerless fishnet gloves. Everyday. For two years.

>> No.5927093
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> be in hs
> wear oversized peacoat, oversized gramps leather jacket, sweater vests, ties on thursday, pony tail
> get compliments
> fuck it

>> No.5927110
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Every school I went to had a uniform. Khaki pants and basic colored polos.

Middle school was full of cholos. Fashion was to starch your khakis so much that you could barely walk.

>> No.5927117

i dressed dadcore in the 9th grade...
desert boots, boat shoes, button ups etc.

>> No.5927122

>In middle school
>That was 5 years ago
Am I a faggot or an OG?

>> No.5927124

spiked hair with bleached tips
backwards sun visors
dragon/flame sweatshirts
baggy carpenter jeans
skate shoes with giant tongues

the. fucking. horror.

>> No.5927132

who the fuck are you

>> No.5927129

5 years ago obey was a decent brand. You were ahead of the curve.

>> No.5927130

I used to wear waistcoats and ties with a dress shirt and baggy blue-jeans for like a year in highschool. I was fat with long hair too.

Fuck. I'm just happy I grew out of it. Some people don't.

>> No.5927135

when i was like 14 my mum bought me like six flame shirts and i wore them every day

i have no photos of me at that age any more

>> No.5927153

You may be right. It's pretty striking how many people on /fa/ were 'that one kid' at some point.

Maybe it's insecurity, or maybe it's just a more independent awareness that takes a while to develop.

>> No.5927154

Phew. I also used to rock Bape in middle school. 7th bitches mirin' hard AF.
>friends want to skate after school
>tell them I have to go home first
>them: why?
>me: can't skate in my Bapestas man, I'll change into some SB's
>them: faggot pretty boy
>me: ;_;

>> No.5927167

me too, op.

But that was lik 2002, so it wasn't a thing yet.

I wore fedoras before they were uncool.

>> No.5927172

I'm 19 and one of my best friends wears no fear hoodies, baggy blue jeans and etnies everytime I go somewhere with him. I tried to help him out but he says he doesn't care

I mean its okay in my awful town but when we go to a city he just looks so embarrassing in comparison, he still my nigga tho and at least I look godly dressed next to him

>> No.5927173
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>be sophomore
>shoulder length hair, ironed
>extremely skinny jeans
>wear bright colored shemaghs/scarfs
>always match my shoes with my shirt
>scene kid all day errday basically
Fuck it though, all the preppy girls with their A&F/Hollister loved my dick since everyone back then was swagfag and dadcore, so I stood out as a badboy/rebel.

Looking back, I'm glad I went through that phase but I'm glad it's pver.

>> No.5927190

You have to be shitting me

>> No.5927194

>should lengthish hair with side swept long ass fringe
>tight as fuck black criminal damage jeans with skeleton hands sewn into the ass cheeks
>some scenecore shirt
>huge ass skate shoes
that was my uniform when I was 14 and 15
at least some bitches actually liked it at the time for whatever reason, not even just scene sluts

>> No.5927202
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>affiliating yourself with untermensch
Who am I kidding you probably dress like shit too.

>> No.5927210

>trying to pull off ramones while being a manlet

>> No.5927212
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>Be skin tight jean wearing
>Bulky DC and Osiris shoe wearing
>Skin tight band tee wearing
>hair dying
>studded belt wearing

>> No.5927217

I mean, we've been friends since we were like 8.

>> No.5927221
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I mean, you're holding yourself back and making yourself look like a fool hanging with that clown as well. I used to hang with aspies in high school just for the sake of having people to talk shit about with qtz, once I graduated I dropped those niggas like bitches panties when Chico walks in a room.

>> No.5927236

Fucking dadcore in middle school and most of high school.
>baggy chinos
>levis 559s
>polos everyday
>nike golf shoes
Fuck me.

>> No.5927253

Up until my 4th year of highschool I wore brotier stuff.
>Baggy dickies
>baggy basketball shorts
>Metal Mulisha/ DC/ that one brand with a spade icon (SRH?)

moved on to entry level /fa/ shit. Feels better but have a long way to go.

>> No.5927248

You sound like you were way ahead of the game. How do you dress now?

>> No.5927265

I was the mixed emo/skate fag who was shy but managed to get girls throughout highschool

>> No.5927280

wore nigger brands

>> No.5927289

Honestly I wear shit ranging from Givenchy to Ralph Lauren. If it's a sunny day and I wake up feeling alright probably a button up or a polo. Anyother day Raf Simons Rick Owens usually what I'm dressed in.

>> No.5927298
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>mfw when I predominantly wore Obey for most of high school
>voted best dressed every year
This was like 2006-2009 though so Obey had decent shirts and cut & sews back then.

>> No.5927316

Have a friend that won't stop wearing oxfords and chinos. Everyday, same type of clothing. It's embarrassing

>> No.5927328

Baggy ass Levi's.
Skate shoes
Baggy shirt with skatebrand
SnapBack or new era cap

All throughout highschool

>> No.5927344

refused to wear any kind of jean/chino until about 17 because 'i hate how it feels'

basically rocked baggy tracksuit pants all the time

no wonder i didnt get any pussy

>> No.5927346

wearing the same hoodie every day

>> No.5927355

>wearing hoodies in the summer
Pls fashion gods

>> No.5927369


how else are you supposed to get that perfect #vampire skin tone doe

trolling aside i was friends with a fetish model once and she wore a huge black hoodie everywhere to keep her skin pale.

>> No.5927412

Yeah but I didn't even care for that. I wasn't even fat. For some reason i thought I looked good

>> No.5927411

>be Australian
>most schools have compulsory uniform

>> No.5927477

I wore a sponge bob belt buckle in the 8th grade

>> No.5927493


i agree with this. I had a tight knit group of bros in highschool and even though they were my niggas, i dropped the fuck out of them as soon as i got my diploma. As shitty as it sounds, you have to drop those who bring you down.

actually, i lied. I still talk to one of them this day. Hes chill and actually on his shit though. #realniggaforlife

>> No.5927494

>backwards sun visors
holy shit man what the fuck made you think that was a good idea?

>> No.5927499

I'd be your friend

>> No.5927504


>early 2000's

low points in fashion

>> No.5927522

are you me?

>all of middle school I wore black zip off nylon or something pants, would not wear jeans

the worst part is that they didn't hide those fucking random erections

>> No.5927576

> shorts.
> shorts.
> shorts.

every fucking day, freshmen up until the start of senior year.
Immediately after that happened I heard two blond bitches talking about how I had really "blossomed"

>> No.5927584

>wore pink 11th grade and wore a lot of purple 12th grade preppy ala kanye
Forgive Rick

>> No.5927594

>asked for a pink hollister polo for christmas
>rich parents decide to get me the full set of hollister polos
>i rocked that shit everyday
Dark lord I have shamed you

>> No.5927606

>Metal shirts
>leather bracelets
>overgrown hair and obnoxious headphones

>> No.5927607


The struggle

>> No.5927643
File: 96 KB, 300x225, medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Middle School
>Be fat fuck
>Wear sweat pants all 7th grade

>High School
>Still fat fuck
>Wear shit like this most of freshman year

>> No.5927681

I would beat the fuck out of all of you faggots. You guys are the kinds of guys that would hang out alone in the bathrooms during lunch in highschool. I'd come in to smoke a bowl and laugh at you and wet a papertowel and throw it over the stall, and you would just whimper in silence, too beta to respond. Then I would leave to go hang out with a bunch of hot sluts that all wanted to fuck me. You would go home and go on 4chan and post fucked up shit like this and act like you're too cool and deep to be interested in girls, but really you're just a pathetic spiteful loser. even now, you're posting shit like this, all alone in your shitty messy smelly bedroom still living with your parents, while i'm in my mansion getting sucked off by my model girlfriend, laughing at you losers wishing you could change your lives but knowing it's too late to go back cause you weren't popular like I was in highschool.
-Signed, the guy you loved to hate but wish you were

>> No.5927689


Dadcore is really cool at my school atm... Might have to hop on the bandwagon myself soon

>> No.5927699

I used to wear jean shorts.

>> No.5927707
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>> No.5927709


Naw bruv

>> No.5927724

u think ur fit m8

>> No.5927715

Copy pasta I assume

I used to wear new balance shoes. Fucking horror. But mom was poor

>> No.5927730


Always wished there was this kinda person at my school...

>> No.5927747

People who wear 'swag-hats' are generally much more enjoyable to be around than people who wear fedoras. They're usually pretty funny and chill and don't spend their time talking about anime/MLP/video games/memes/other shit they should have grown out of when they finished seventh grade.

>> No.5927763

>Skulls on everything
>Bow in hair
>Sidebangs, typical layered scene girl hair.
>One pair of skinny jeans that I wore every day
>Checkered vans
>Bad eyeliner, no mascara.
It hurts my heart.

>> No.5927765

No, they were uncool then too.

>> No.5927766


>> No.5927789

post pic

>> No.5927804
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>> No.5927823

she said no mascara

0/10 troll

>> No.5927819


>> No.5927835

> ecko ltd
> lots of it
> shirt shorts and shoes were ecko

>> No.5927837

>Implying you wouldn't all smash

>> No.5927845
File: 33 KB, 453x604, 16662_345559690293_1035354_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was me 4 years ago

>> No.5927850


>> No.5927851

post pic of you now otherwise its pointless

>> No.5927858

how do your tits look now?

>> No.5927866

>All white track suit
>white adidas trainers
>white Detroit cap

The ghetto messiah. All day eryday for 2 years

>> No.5927872


bad news...you'll never stop being a huge faggot

>> No.5927884

>slavic immigrant detected

>> No.5927885
File: 118 KB, 146x622, f836574257ddeb699a9971ca95381a6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never date a girl who dresses badly.

>> No.5927894

>tripname - ausfag

jesus christ

>> No.5927893

do you happen to have pics of this

>> No.5927899

Jesus christ indeed.

>> No.5927905
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>> No.5927910

post city and ares code bitch nigga

>> No.5927913

Brisbane. This is all you get fuccboi.

>> No.5927916



>> No.5927924



>> No.5927965


nb's are sick though

>> No.5927977

Would have banged/10

>> No.5928020

where in brisbane b dont b holdin out

>> No.5928029

Confirmed for no taste.

>> No.5928075


you'd stick your dick in any greased hole though, so that means nothing.


>> No.5928077

>tfw brisbane feel

I could have sworn ive seen you /fa/ggots anyway. d4dc0r3

>> No.5928107

lmao terrified that someone in brisbane recognises my fits one day and sees how bad my face is

>> No.5928142
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Naw just got a thing for unpierced scene girls

>> No.5928162

I shopped at Urban Outfitters exclusively in high school. I thought I was so indie as fuak with my closet almost exclusively of hunter green and burgundy.

>> No.5928868

You were the king of awkward/bad/autism dressing, congratulations.

When i was in the 6th grade i had bleached tips in my curly hair. Didnt look that bad, but still very much so cringe worthy.
Oh and sagging pants, which was just a few years ago. Still quite embarrassed about that.

>> No.5928894

So because he dresses bad, he should ditch him as a friend?
> who is a shallow faggot

>> No.5928905

stuff that comes to mind:

> one of those spikey bracelets
> blue hair mascara
> giant baggy jeans
> long hair
> platted long hair
> giant neck beard and long hair and obese.

>> No.5928933

lmao me too except I bought a new hoodie for each year

I went from
>green (9th grade)
>black (10th grade)
>blue (11th grade)
>12th, This is where I stopped wearing hoodies everyday and wore some pretty shitty outfits like button ups with dadcore jeans, etc. I should of sticked with the hoodies...

>> No.5928946

80's fag detected
gtfo you geezer

>> No.5928941

What makes you think you won't be cringing at your current self 5 years down the line?

>> No.5928958
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>Grade 8 to 11
>Wear Billabong, Quicksilver and Rusty shit all the time
>I was a human billboard for so long
>Also 3/4 length pinstripe pants

>mfw I still see 20 year olds at my uni dressing like I did when I was 14

>> No.5928981

>tfw you'd still be that pathetic loser you were once in high school if it wasn't for 4chan

All i got to say is t-thanks /fa/

>> No.5929015

Lose the glasses and thats a decent outfit.

>> No.5929023
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>> No.5929037

come on that's not even cringeworthy in 12th grade.

>> No.5929096
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>> No.5929139
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I wore a suit to school everyday even though I didn't have to.

>> No.5929147

absolutely shit story

>> No.5929143

Swaggots are just a waiste of air. I'd rather have my one fedora friend who is a father of 3 and has a job.

>> No.5929148
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>> No.5929399
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>skulls on everything
We mastermind now

>> No.5929881

My mate's worse. I'm by no means /fa/ but damn my bro has terrible style. It's XL metal shirts, primark jeans that don't fit and milsurp boots. Also mop of untamed hair. I love him but he dresses like a 12 year old, I kinda admire his complete lack of fucks though.

>> No.5929918
File: 1.27 MB, 816x606, versace papi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore clear mascara to clubs and parties for a year straight before I got caught.
I don't regret it though.
Compliments 4 days.

>> No.5929932

I wore video game shirts every day in grade 10.
then i got a job at american eagle and life got better.
till i knew it was pleb tier

>> No.5929937

From dudes.

>> No.5929951


Aint nothing wrong with dadcore if you can rock it. It sounds like you couldn't though

>> No.5929958

Back in high school I wore the same pair of jeans every day. They pretty much rotted off of me by June.

I also remember wearing a zip-up hoodie with nothing on underneath.

>> No.5929959

I could snap at any moment and just beat somebody to a pulp who pisses me off even a little.

Faggots are afraid of me, I am exactly like the driver, although nobody has given me a chance to display my bottled up fury.

>> No.5929981

>one day you will look back on the trends you wear today and cringe

>> No.5929985

I'm so glad we had a uniform. I probably would have been a fedora wearer too.

>> No.5929994

The difference between that and the things described here is that the things described here weren't very fashionable or trendy at the time they where worn.

>> No.5930033

>We would also rip the breast pockets from each other's shirts for a while, shit was fun, until nobody had pockets and we all looked ridiculous.

Ha, we used to do that as well. Good times.

I remember in primary school I started a stupid thing (which oddly caught on) of tying the jumper into a strange sort of headdress type thing on sunny days. We'd sometimes run around pretending to be the Taliban, ambushing the Americans and British. Our French teacher got pissed off and we were banned from tying our jumpers up like that. It was uncomfortable anyway.

>> No.5930034

Breastpockets look ridiculous.

>> No.5930038

*hahah* Nice tie anon *hahah*

>> No.5930042
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>dbz button ups
>silk boxers
>cargo shorts

yea. l was that kid

>> No.5930055
File: 396 KB, 866x1154, 100_0807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was me back in '08, oh joy

I wore those pants almost every day in high school, along with some edgy print t-shirt and badly fitted button up shirt.

>> No.5930059
File: 184 KB, 1287x965, IMG_0698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today, trying to keep things simple

>not pictured: slim black jeans, brown suede boots

>> No.5930072

worst story I've ever read on /fa/

0/10 apply yourself

>> No.5930091

You look genuinely happy in the first picture. I guess you do in the second, too.

>> No.5930093
File: 82 KB, 500x362, 1344425660269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull a niko make it work.

>> No.5930097

he's just smiling
it's what people do for pictures

>> No.5930105

5-6th grade alowly became goth
7th grade full fag mode. Wore black ayythang, hoodies ayyday. Long hair etcetc.
8th-9th made a gangsta friend so i too became gangsta. Oversized dickies/ white tees. Buzzed hair.
10-12 i just wore normal plebby shit (long sleeve crew necks vnecks)
and had decent hair.
I was a fucking mess. So fucking glad i moved a lot.

>> No.5930111

I didn't really care about what I wore until like 9th grade. I guess that was like 2004 or something, and at that point I started wearing skinny jeans. But it wasn't tastefully, it was because I had like a 27 inch waist and was a skinny kid.

I've improved over time, obviously things like this are your own opinion though, and you cannot truly tell if you dress well without judgement from others.

>> No.5930114

most odious post i've read in a while

congrats faggot

>> No.5930120

I'd post pics of how fucking horrible i looked but i deleted my old myspace and facebook.

>> No.5930127

>school has no uniform but we have to wear certain colors
>writing/brands not allowed
>its almost impossible to find clothes that are the colour and have no branding
>come across a jumper in a store that is allowed
>buy five of the same one
>wear them every day
>people start thinking i wear the same jumper every day
>"do you ever wash that faggot"

>> No.5930129

like a real gentlemen, who opens up the dooorrrr

>> No.5930139

>Jr. High
Mormon-core cargo shorts and tee shirts
>10th grade
Baggy jeans and baggy flannel or baggy tee shirts
>11th grade
Normal fitting jeans and flannels
>12th grade
Tight everything and long blonde emo bangs. Girls loved this. And this one gay dude.
>fresh-soph, now
Bro clothes, hipster clothes, and dadcore depending on the day.

>> No.5930150

doesn't really sound that bad except for the emo hair

>> No.5930165
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It was like this but golden blonde.

>> No.5930214

>find a pair of jeans from my pleb days
>indigo selvedge jeans
>cool maybe i can still wear these
>put on
>notice they're bootcut

>> No.5930216

u should be able to get them tapered

>> No.5930221
