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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 274 KB, 610x260, WAYWT..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5904001 No.5904001 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5904019
File: 242 KB, 640x480, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5904029
File: 199 KB, 316x823, slowpoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5904043
File: 6 KB, 138x366, freshfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the scarf compliments the shirt.
got alot of compliments today

>> No.5904056

nice and simple, do you go running now ?

>> No.5904057

tie your pants and get new shoes. fuck

>> No.5904061

might as well put on your fake geobaskets and go full fuccboi

>> No.5904062

jesus fuck this looks awkward

>> No.5904071
File: 229 KB, 199x639, oie_414571nM2b9cxZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jelly of ur biceps man,
I'm finally seeing progress in mine too,
>tfw no longer afraid to show of body :)

>> No.5904074
File: 112 KB, 400x635, 1359956051880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5904078

>that pose
>standing on bed
>christmas lights
>decorative cloth on wall


>> No.5904083
File: 84 KB, 896x413, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried rotating due to apple product.

>> No.5904085

And failed, fuck sake.

>> No.5904092

why did they have to put a camera in that fucking thing...

>> No.5904096

I apologise its the only digital camera I have at the moment.

>> No.5904099

it's just annoying to see tourists taking pictures with some huge fucking tablet

>> No.5904101

would date without that horrible beard
I really like the shirt, pants make you look faggy
ugly ass boots, would not touch, but nice lips

>> No.5904103

faggot post a fit

>> No.5904108

not a fag. still in sleep clothes

>> No.5904110

may I ask what is wrong with the pants?

>> No.5904112

nothing but I dont like these kind of pants. The only people I know who wear them are prigs. Just my opinion :/

>> No.5904119

you sound like some stupid cgl crossposting bitch, leave

>> No.5904121

wrong guess. Mad?

>> No.5904135

w2c trousers

>> No.5904139


>> No.5905168

that style doesn't suit you, honestly.

stick to the streetwear mixed with daddycore.

>> No.5905586
File: 85 KB, 253x650, P1020802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rly need new jeans

>> No.5905689
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>> No.5905699
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>> No.5905776
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>> No.5905790

u rly need to take that flannel off

knock it off boi
knock it off

>> No.5905797

gets really cluttered around your hips/ass area makes you unbalanced

>> No.5905822

do all of you live on the east coast.

Why is everyone still wearing jackets

>> No.5905837
File: 926 KB, 600x800, jappa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5905842


>pls be a troll

>> No.5905852

we make fun of tourists dressed like you in rome

>> No.5905860

>dressed like me
what does that mean?

>> No.5905862


thnx 4 profile views

>> No.5905874

sorry i meant dressed like you.

>> No.5905879

yes and I ask what it means. do you think I dress like a stereotype?

>> No.5905880


this cool kid needs your advice

>> No.5905887
File: 628 KB, 635x687, Picture 61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5905903
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>> No.5905904


without the flannel this fit would be the shit

>> No.5905919

Look like you work at a Starbucks

>> No.5905923

Looks shitty.

>> No.5905934


haha why is that?

i always see them with hats and green aprons etc

>> No.5905945


>wearing brand logos visibly

/fit/ here, I'm trying to build some better fashion sense... I thought this board was supposed to have that.

>> No.5905957

lel, how new r u?

>> No.5905958

that guy has the best fits around. He goes to a fashion school and designs and constructs his own clothes

>> No.5905964


its from s/s 04 one of helmuts coolest collections, probably the only branded shirt i have. i just really like the typeface and the black and white rope print on the front. He also did ones with black and white twisted cables and black and white twisted chains.

basically, rule of thumb is only wear branded/printed shirts if the print is really good.

>> No.5905966

CAAAN'T believe I remember this picture being posted on KC /int/ ... shit

>> No.5905962

i think you dress like a faggot

>> No.5905970

Not really a fan of the shirt but it fits well and so does everything else. GJ.

>> No.5905978


go away /fit/. literally no one on the internet nor real life gives a shit about you no matter what you faggots tell yourselves. You are pathetic human beings who try to one up each other and claim superiority over the male race when in reality everyone can see through the shitty facade and can tell how self conscious, self obsessed, and lame you really are.

and this is coming from a /fa/ggot

>> No.5905990


aww shit get #rekt nigga

>> No.5906017

White tee with jacket looks bland and shit. Awful fit on pants. Don't like the boots.

Sorry man.

>> No.5906024

Don't like the shoes.

>> No.5906031

That's a really nice photo. Very colourful. Too bad about the faggot in the middle.

>> No.5906064
File: 202 KB, 849x1132, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since our waywts are 25% "fuccboi", 35% "post a fit", and 30% assorted shit talking, I'll try to contribute and post a fit even if it's not the best.

>> No.5906092

somethin weird going on with the shirt, too long?

>> No.5906095

get your shirt a square hem and consider white

>> No.5906097


Lots of defensive hostility there m8, know that that implies? I hardly speak for the entirety of fit anyway.

No matter, 90% of /fit/izens are dyel feelfags anyway and and 90% of /fa/ggots have terribly shit fashion sense anyway. I'm looking for advice as one 10% of a board to the other. Not you, you projecting sperglord

>> No.5906121


Tuck it in and get a nice belt, might look nice but its cool if thats not your style. I don't get the buttoning of the top button unless you have a tie, seems a bit tryhard

>> No.5906110

it's not that long. in fact, i'd even say it's too short. i think it's just the way it's cut; it's a bit long in the from and short on the sides.

>square hem
but ty

>> No.5906144
File: 1.18 MB, 849x1132, cuthere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a drapey off white or black crew neck will probably look best tho honestly

>> No.5906147

yeah, not really my thing, but i appreciate it.
knew someone would point out the top button. wasn't really digging it, but did it up anyway because nobody else that would see me outside of the internet knows better anyway.

>> No.5906163

got one coming in the mail, fortunately.
will probably get that done after i lose some weight. put on a bit since i bought the shirt and it's made the length quite short in the front. thank you :-)))

>> No.5906172

change shirt

>> No.5906194

the jacket was kind of a copout. it was just cold and i felt bad since i hadn't worn it in a while, so i grabbed it going out the door. but yeah, i agree.

>> No.5906206
File: 240 KB, 378x800, P1020034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda rainy weather here.

>> No.5906219
File: 632 KB, 1936x1936, image (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new Blvck Scvle crewneck came today, pretty fucking stoked off of it

10 deep

>> No.5906228

get black pants nigga. hem not cuff. taper the legs. lighter shirt.

>> No.5906258

nice tee

check your email btw

>> No.5906252

i love the outfit. but not on you. it looks like you have girl thighs. that cuffing looks really fucking ugly too.

>> No.5906269

this is all sorts of fucked up

>> No.5906277
File: 140 KB, 478x550, 232323232-fp;4--nu=8875--;5-253-WSNRCG=35;28--9;9335nu0mrj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warm sunny day.

>> No.5906279

it's the angle, I'm super skinny, like 6'0, 135 lb
the cuffin isn't normall like that. So TY for lettin me know

>> No.5906292

not working

the sweater should prob be a size smaller and the pants are bad and i think that angle is fuckin with your proportions a lot

>> No.5906311

yeah it's the angle i definitely agree, haha, i was trying to get my face out of the shot sorta for some reason, I fuc'd up. but the sweater fits perfectly at my shoulders, my backpack strap was a lil' too tight.

>> No.5906321

It's usually not a good idea to wear a shirt without anything over it, man.

>> No.5906323

lmao where did u read that gq?

>> No.5906334


unbutton the bottom button unless it's buttoned for the sole purpose of not exposing your waist, if that's the case then cop a pack of vneck undershirts from calvin klein or something

unbutton the top button if it's buttoned i cant tell the shirt looks kinda small

>> No.5906328

It's warm as fuck, I'm not going to wear layers.

>> No.5906346


>> No.5906349

dis nigga tripping

>> No.5906363

Well of course not, silly. But you kind of look like a math teacher at some Christian school.

>> No.5906371

u wot m8

>> No.5906364
File: 205 KB, 238x382, mightaswell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well post. old picture but it's what i'm wearing today.

>> No.5906372


but that has nothing to do with wearing a shirt without layers, its just because both garments are very basic and conservative.

theres a ton of shirts that you can wear alone that dont make you look like a christian teacher.

>> No.5906388

HNNGG dat effortless pant-->shoe flow.

I actually really didn't like that shirt when you first posted but graphic has such great impact I can feel my jels wobbling.

>> No.5906412

w2c jacket?

>> No.5906415
File: 155 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mk8aijI3jj1qax3ueo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ure probs right, thats my fave style anyway

>> No.5906421
File: 455 KB, 480x655, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for shitty phone pic

ive posted this before but i wore the same thing today

>> No.5906426

pants look like they might fit a bit weird, but i like it

>> No.5906424

sometimes u gotta learn to admire and appreciate a style without actually dabbling in it. just stick with a style that represents u and execute it

>> No.5906437

i feel u m8

its not like i actually invest in it, those that fit is like 30£ except the shoes (which can totes work in streetwear fits)

>> No.5906445
File: 432 KB, 981x2061, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repost because yeah

>> No.5906472

i fucking love the actual fitting of the clothes but i feel like black shoes would look a lot better. the grey with the grey just seems too matchy and to me breaks up the outfit. but then again that adds a little bit of wabi sabi. black shoes might make the outfit a little too perfect.

>> No.5906476

please somebody explain to me why that whole cuffed pants/short enough to expose ankles is fashionable? It looks retarded imo unless you're on a runway or in a magazine ad (Where everything looks hilariously outrageous anyway).

>> No.5906485
File: 32 KB, 391x133, 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5906488

It really depends on the outfit I think
I don't really like cuffing them, but in some rare cases it looks alright
I'm sure someone has some examples of good and bad

>> No.5906489

i like how it looks
unless ur fat
what do you prefer
would you say your tastes are vanilla or spicy

>> No.5906490

those legs. god damn, son.

>> No.5906491
File: 613 KB, 1230x582, Picture 61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks, i am a huge fan of helmuts prints, i think theyre very clever, here is a few more shirts that i really like the design of.

the mirrored "cowboy" printed on the wrong side of the shirt is particularly clever i think.

the rope one is also amazing close up

>> No.5906498

same reason other things are fashionable, people enjoy the look of it right now.

I think it's interesting, it can make a nice transition from pant to shoe, and it's cool to see it in different environments (Thom Browne to nikes and cropped pants

>> No.5906508
File: 80 KB, 160x393, Picture 63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


close up of the rope print, beautiful gradient on the coils imo, very well designed screen print

>> No.5906526


Is it fashionable though? I'd have to go deep into the inner city to find this and only then it would be like 2% of everyone I saw.

Cuffs can look pretty nice in rare cases on some style of jeans (kind of like the fedora syndrome).

Looks great on dress pants though with a suit but only if your socks are only exposed when sitting down.

>> No.5906534

w2c shirt

>> No.5906536

It's all personal b. Some people like the look, some don't. It's quite prevalent in most fashion scenes atm, so I think the people who follow fashion (this board) are likely more accepting of it

>> No.5906544

sure it is, i like when socks have a little contrast to an outfit
although when i see cuffed pants i imagine it on skinny people. unsure how i'd feel about people with much bigger legs

where do you live, no one would prob bat an eye here in nyc

>> No.5906546
File: 387 KB, 859x1295, IMG_2673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5906547

The one on the right w/ the black blotches.

Do you if it a a image of protein stating within a microbe or something?
The clear circular bit near the top look like bacterial plasmids (illustrations at least). Maybs even DNA.
>Inb4 it's just black smidges.

But yeah the colour work on that rope (looking at yours more) the fibers are so well defined, it looks like they're being emitted from the print.
>Looking at your image
HAHA it took me a minute to recognise it as a sort of braided shaded rope, that's really interesting. Almost like a actin-filament.

>> No.5906550


>> No.5906558
File: 58 KB, 960x960, 1334150716984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 181 underage skinnyfat auschwitzcore

>> No.5906555


Continental Europe.

>> No.5906566

diff strokes man

>> No.5906572
File: 708 KB, 939x701, Picture 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im not sure what the black and white one is from originally, however i wouldnt be surprised if helmut used biological illustrations or something to create prints

these are the only other photos i have of the black and white splotchy one

>> No.5906573
File: 123 KB, 320x240, 855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and a pair of dark jeans

not even wearing socks man

>> No.5906626
File: 519 KB, 632x1506, P4040659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5906652

not a fan of the shoes
can't really say anything else since i don't into girls /fa/

>> No.5906669

How did that jumper go? Did you decide on it?

>> No.5906673


Lana Winters detected

>> No.5906680

You going to a funeral my nigga?

>> No.5906681

pls be in london

>> No.5906676

lets see the back

>> No.5906683

that huge crotch makes it looks like your pants are on backwards

>> No.5906685

post feet

>> No.5906687

my dad's one?

>> No.5906693


>> No.5906694

lets see the back(of knees)

>> No.5906696

How come all girls on fa look alike?

Spooky berry tommorrow this chick

That one chick that wears ann d and is in a cult

>> No.5906709


>> No.5906710

I ended up going with a plain white shirt and i changed the shoes to black loafers

>> No.5906714

feet pls

>> No.5906715

fat girls afraid to post on /fa/

>> No.5906721

That's good to hear. The original shoes were kind of bad.

That thread turned into a clusterfuck anyways, too many cross posters now

>> No.5906728

I wore a different colour of socks with them, still with frills, don't know if they worked though and yeah i wasn't expecting it

>> No.5906764
File: 42 KB, 574x960, outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice would be nice

>> No.5906771

don't wear those pants, clean room

>> No.5906772

lets see the back

>> No.5906774


forever 21-core

ditch the pants

>> No.5906776

Those pants look minty as hell, lmao

>> No.5906785

lets see the back

>> No.5906786


wear a black skirt instead of those green things or cropped black pants and ankle boots or wedges

>> No.5906780

let's see that back

>> No.5906781

I'm not loving the pants.
We'd have to see the back for the final verdict though

>> No.5906782

bad pants
not as bad top but still don't like it
try again

>> No.5906784

Ugly cardigan and you realize you are wearing black and pastel together right? You cant do that, pick one.

>> No.5906792


lose cardigan, change pants, put some shoes on.

>> No.5906799

Fuck me, I can't stop laughing.

>> No.5906859

w2c pants?

>> No.5906864

I actually dig the pants but as >>5906784 said it doesn't work with the top.

>> No.5906892


PLEASE be in london

>> No.5906952

If you are, please stay there.

>> No.5906977

Daniel from Freaks and Geeks?

>> No.5907002

see thread plz

>> No.5906997

se thread plz

>> No.5907041
File: 63 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-03-26 at 08.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5907068

w2c jeans?

Don't like the red lipsticks. If you're not wearing any then whatever.

>> No.5907103
File: 1.50 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5907110



video games arent /fa/

>> No.5907115

nothing in the picture is mine other than the tv and the 40 of budweiser.

>> No.5907378

might look good w/ black hair

like grow your hair out, get it thinned a little, dye it black and straighten it all the time. start doing some lifting and tanning too yr too pale. get some sweatshorts and wear them over leggings w/ some high tops and a baggy tank. consider a tattoo of a flaming skull on your right shoulder. get through all of that and ull look great

>> No.5907383

What? It's a hobby. Not every gamer is the same.

>> No.5907430


close up of feet.

>> No.5907457


>> No.5907478


yes they are check out /v/ for instance, you only have to skim threads for 30 sec to confirm that videogames arent /fa/

videogames are synonymous for fat white autist

>> No.5907489

props on this one dude

>> No.5907507

you only have to skim /fa/ for 30 sec to confirm clothes are not /fa/

>> No.5907518
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>> No.5907533
File: 70 KB, 424x897, ROTFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5907543


lel theres a pic of $50k+ worth of rick shoes on the front page

try again fuccboi

>> No.5907553

>Implying every who plays video games in a manner more than casual browses /v/.

Stop posting.

>> No.5907571
File: 2.64 MB, 1908x2124, we hyphy beast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up fucci boys la flare

>> No.5907577


cracks me up how i can post a simple truth about gaming, and immediately the autistic white gamers show up to defend their pride lel

just validates my point haha

>> No.5907580

Fuck off.

>> No.5907591

That awkward moment when someone si completely wrong but believes they're right regardless of reason.

>> No.5907596

are you trying to colour coordinate that shit?

>> No.5907597

well i'm no longer interested in flyknits
boots are really out of place
pants->shoe looks gr8
you tried
cuff looks shit
don't put your hands in there
i kind of like the boots alone but if you had some kind of slimmer boots or high tops the fit would look a lot better i think
clean your fucking table

>> No.5907592

w2c socks?
Also are they wool?

>> No.5907604


lol maybe awkward for u but im pretty chill bro, just laying out facts

>> No.5907619

not really

>> No.5907637

can you post arm pits and feet?

>> No.5907649
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>> No.5907668
File: 89 KB, 600x900, you'reunbelievableWOAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reppin' the tots u kno

>> No.5907768
File: 154 KB, 768x1024, QorRPa2IBJXoebVGitRb3pPMEP_xFaTYilOYQzJFdFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked this up with a green t shirt. Wasn't thinking when I left home. Everyone was calling me a fook boi. I was gettin #ethered left and right. I can still here them laughing behind my back.

What color tee should I have worn? White, blue, darker green?

>> No.5907810

White tee. Why do you have your sleeves rolled once? looks dumb yo. Also shave those sideburns I can tell they're gross.

>> No.5907870

Next time I'll roll twice.

Sorry m8, I ain't shavin it off. Trying to grow a beard and I already have a lot of time invested.

>> No.5907892

no no just don't roll a denim jacket. Looks dumb.

>> No.5907886

sleves are to big in general, and folding it twice would be going way past your wrists...like way past

>> No.5907896

White. And burn that fucking jacket.

>> No.5907910

So don't roll at all?

Y? It's classic

>> No.5907917
File: 747 KB, 1338x2082, 2013-04-02 15.29.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for bad quality and yeah I'm v short

>> No.5907933

>So don't roll at all?


>> No.5907946

those layers do not go togethor well. shirt and sweater are formal and then u got the puffy jacket. naw man naw. Try a cleaner looking sweater and jacket.

>> No.5907957

why does every asain wear puffy coats. its cool but jheez

>> No.5907970

top lel

>> No.5907983

sawcha fuccboi.

you made it man.

>> No.5907982

genuinely laughed

>> No.5907992

yeah def need a new heavy jacket but won't be needing it for a while now

>> No.5908010

Where you the person I was talking to a few days ago about leather jackets? You told me a bunch of heritage jackets and I asked if you were 52?

>> No.5908017

It's starting to warm up. Time to ditch that puffer for a down vest.

>> No.5908049

Mm I'll look into one, thanks

>> No.5908065
File: 243 KB, 1600x891, $T2eC16R,!y8E9s2fjKJ6BRVPRTdenQ~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you think about this revisable RRL one?

>> No.5908074

whoa that is bananas b

>> No.5908078


Thx bro


Ya that was me. Do u still think im 52 lol

>> No.5908098

I wish I could rock that. I was looking for some vests and was like "Why is this so cheap for a RRL?"

No, it's just that people sometimes use their year of birth in their email. It threw me off. Nice fit, though I don't like the branding on the back TBH. The print on front is great though.

>> No.5908109

its polo...

>> No.5908126

Oh I didn't really read the title I hate when people put a bunch of brands in the title. I was searching for RRL and that came up so I assumed it was and it doesn't have any horsepower. Still it's made in USA is wool and leather.

>> No.5908207

nice fitt, dig the tee.

>> No.5908214

nice blvkscvle, asapp.

>> No.5908219

nice fit, but smaller shoes yeah?

>> No.5908226

boots and jeans dont blend. maybe white/black shoes.

>> No.5909039

it's a pretty nice sweater imo, lol does that mean I'm tyler if I wear supreme haha

>> No.5909066
File: 131 KB, 960x960, 246504_10200831924029999_1350029594_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIWT. You like?

>> No.5909077

a-are you serious?

>> No.5909081
File: 1.51 MB, 1936x2592, iphone2 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should really iron my shorts.

>> No.5909086

Supreme should start making toothpaste.

>> No.5909105

>my obliques

>> No.5909115

its like sickboy from trainspotting but with a shittier blazer and no jaw

>> No.5909122

Not this asian.
I don't get the whole trend honestly

>> No.5909282

jesus christ those colours

l2 layer

>> No.5909291

thats a good thing in my book

>> No.5909352
File: 95 KB, 611x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5909354


yeah... that't not you

>> No.5909358

Posting from phone fuccboi.

>> No.5909360


>> No.5909363

it uploads as image.jpg

but whateva

>> No.5909365
File: 125 KB, 611x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want another fit?

>> No.5909367

post another photo of you to confirm its you

>> No.5909372
File: 104 KB, 611x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao pls don't make fun of me for having so many fit pics..

>> No.5909377

are the sleeves suppose to be uneven?

>> No.5909378

timestamp required

>> No.5909379

haha omfg i love it

>> No.5909384
File: 208 KB, 611x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga I'm really not that impossibly good looking or /fa/ that you really need a timestamp, am I? :)

>> No.5909385

timestamp or fake.

>> No.5909390

nigga what the fuck is going on in your backyard

>> No.5909398

Everyone knows that you keep the outside of your house looking like shit to keep your taxes down.

>> No.5909404
File: 107 KB, 611x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao you know you're hot stuff when niggas want timestamps! Confirmed for hottie!
Rennovating for some new shit.

>> No.5909407

>still hasnt posted a timestamp

its not you

>> No.5909426

>still thinks I'm hawt
Not gonna satisfy your boner bby ;) Flattered to say the least though

>> No.5909427

yeah gud 1 underage faggot

>> No.5909436
File: 31 KB, 640x480, IMG000265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my room has such shit lighting

>> No.5909445

You look like the asshole cousin to the little asian kid in Gran Torino.

>> No.5909446

why would you even bother posting? that's a shit shirt btw

>> No.5909450

HAHAHA havent lol'd that hard in awhile.

>> No.5909451
File: 181 KB, 799x600, elvisgrantorino_fullsize_story3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy on the right

>> No.5909459
File: 156 KB, 611x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no Hmong though!

>> No.5909478

You banging The big eNe homie ?

>> No.5909487

hahaha just relized That's the gran torino set derp

>> No.5909499
File: 1.08 MB, 700x912, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw beard and hair become one.

>> No.5909505
File: 1.30 MB, 718x1213, 05.04.2013 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having to resize my half.

>> No.5909508

dirty terrorist.

pants suit your legs

>> No.5909578

beard looks qt turny wud u post a face shot

>> No.5909611


>> No.5909618

yesss now i am gonna hunt for you in auckland.

>> No.5909672 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 468x425, 1361345009013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5909709
File: 251 KB, 1280x960, Picture 95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there.

>> No.5909746

The force is strong with this one.

>> No.5909751

looks nice, hard to tell what's actually going on b/c of pose

>> No.5909753

now post a fit of what you wear outside the house

>> No.5909764
File: 237 KB, 1280x960, Picture 96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This IS what I wear outside the house. I just don't have access to a camera.

Thanks man.

>> No.5909768

sauce on tee?

>> No.5909770

What the hell, sleeves look fucked in this picture. That's strange.

>> No.5909773

It's probably Rick owens.

>> No.5909780

lol nice dress faggot

>> No.5909793


>> No.5909802

I think it looks like a dark jedi robe, may the force be with you. You have much to learn young padiwan.

>> No.5909810

I'm actually planning on watching all 6 movies, my partner requested we do so on saturday. Feels good to know that people think I look like a Jedi. So far all I've gotten was comments about looking like a warlock.

>> No.5909811

tbqh this would look much better if you were more fit. right now your shoulders r too narrow n u looking kinda skinnyfat

>> No.5909814

>this is what i wear outside the house


>> No.5909824

confirmed for homosexual

>> No.5909822

I am actually somewhat skinnyfat, I'm working on it, thanks for the advice, though!

Hey, at least it looks interesting, right? ; )

>> No.5909828
File: 238 KB, 1280x960, Picture 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5909829


not even gay or the guy you're replying to, but what the fuck is wrong with being homosexual? swaggots need to go.

>> No.5909838


>> No.5909848


>> No.5909845

I actually have no idea. I don't see the problem with homo people.

>> No.5909854
File: 13 KB, 384x281, 1361195946850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5909863


>> No.5909871


>> No.5909867

Wowoww pretty intense do'

I think it would lookr eally cute w/ some more layers like some sort of really droppy tassely jacket/coat.

Do youh ave 875USD because i thnk it wud be worth dropping on this Damir Doma AW10 coat ct found in your size.

Liek,, itmight b perfect
>90% wool 10% polyethane
>100%secs, would buy if it was my size and I wasn't poverty.

>> No.5909872

It's rick owens ;_;

>me btw.

Are you free on Sunday? I'll be down for a coffee w/e, come to zambesi w/ me.

>> No.5909876 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 400x259, 434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this your life?


>> No.5909877
File: 74 KB, 1008x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any money available at the moment, and I'm not to keen on Damir Doma. I don't like tassels. I try to stay away from poly blends.

Do you even know how tall I am?

>> No.5909878
File: 28 KB, 400x259, 434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this your life?


>> No.5909885
File: 93 KB, 816x715, 1354924625293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hi TurnLeft! <3

Could you link it anyway, because I just thought it was some random guy trying to sell his shit without even knowing my measurements or anything.

>> No.5909893
File: 24 KB, 272x702, 1354925523107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has ever commented negatively on my clothing, it must suck living in a backwards town. All I ever get is good vibes from girls (and like, two guys) when I'm outside.

>> No.5909898

link it fuckerrrr

>> No.5909899

and endless disapproving looks

>> No.5909901

Cut me deep homi...
im unading u frum skup and findng a nw bst bud
>jokes, idc.

There are actuallya few. Just click anyones you like.

Also, the stimga against synthetic fibres is sort of unjustified. Once you leave H&ma nd sort of shitty mid dtier clothes there are heaps of cool applications for them.
But I understand your concern however polyethane usually is a pretty smart blend.

>> No.5909902

u no its me

>> No.5909907

fuck i wish i had money

>> No.5909914

I actually have a poly coat already, but I need something else to wear with it, maybe some cropped wool pants or some shit, but I can't into spending atm ;_;

Gonna check out dem links, thank you my friend.

>> No.5909920

By the way, how large is a size 1? And how large is like.. size 46 in relation to S/M/L etc

>> No.5909930

/fa's product fuccboi mascot
no, you know why it doesn't suit you

dat clenched fist in pocket flexing forarms lol it is pepyn no surprise


almost there

karmaloop/plndr core

softlips is back~

no racks on racks for that leading lines cardi, y try

screams try hard asian douchebag, typical LA
would be complete with matching lip piercing and 3 in cock

awful piece of shit ontop of unkept, dry hair
>using box logo in iphone5 pic
join the compensating asian crowd

p neato

whoever this is, you or not, it's just fine just stop
>swag fag please lookatme please asian pls


swoons hearts~

dress y

>> No.5909935

It's not actually a dress.

>> No.5909941

Japanese sizing
1 roughly XS but if it's Jap depending on label it'll run liek REALLLYY small

So if it's 1 and it's like a true jap brand it'll be liek xxs 2 is usually like betwwen xs-s and 3 is usually a pretty true medium.

What label are you looking at?

Sometimes labels whicha ren't jap use jap sizing it actually just depends on label.

>> No.5909944

what about damir and 44 and shit? versus s/m/l

>> No.5909946

btw what's the stop?

ur werd

>> No.5909948

44 is usually XS, 46 S, 48 M etc.

USUALLY varie from label to label peice to piece etc.

Like...I have like rick shirts in XS and they all fit differently on my shoulders.

>> No.5909952

Looking at some Julius_7 tanktop, I really like how long they are.

>> No.5909955

"the stop" ?

>> No.5909981

how tall are you?

i'm 6' and i like looser clothing so i'd probably get 48s and Ms (depending on label)

>> No.5909995 [DELETED] 
File: 2.19 MB, 3512x2912, IMG_0269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread almost dead so i'll repost when there's a new one

>> No.5909998

Ooooh, I really like the color on that shirt, what material is it?

>> No.5910002


>> No.5910012

how tall are you ?

>> No.5910013

welcome back sulli, is that your bathroom?

>> No.5910020

That's really cool! Is it heavy or light?

>> No.5910026

^-^ nah parents, mine has shitty lighting for pics
like oz? kinda heavy but it also has some (padding?) which makes it weigh quite a lot, its also quite stiff but i hope it softens up after some more use

>> No.5910036

Padding? I meant the spotted shirt, maybe my english is bad, sorry!

>> No.5910082

aaaaaaah nop my fault actually thought you meant the quilted denim shirt. the spotted shirt is thin and light cotton

>> No.5910165

Alright. Be well!

>> No.5910434

I think 3 collars is overdoing it, maybe a patterned/striped tee or a henly instead of the purple shirt?
Maybe it's just because i probably live in a warmer place.
Also what are the pants? Could you recommend some good quality black jeans?

>> No.5911135

By showing your socks you can add an extra element of interest.
You can show off your shoes better.

Or maybe they just like the way it looks just 'cause?

>> No.5911887

I don't even fucking shop off of Karmaloop, haha.

Maybe if there's af ucking deal and a half, but no, never.