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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 93 KB, 500x500, collection 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5907434 No.5907434 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ u guys are always more helpful than /adv/ & i really need help

imagine u r a highschool senior. u want to major in physics and minor in econ & eventually go on to smth like international diplomacy after getting yr phd. here are your options for college:

university of chicago
princeton university
georgetown university
barnard college at columbia university

tuition/financial aid plays no part in yr decision. instead yr thinking about the city, the faculty, the opportunities for internships/connections, etc.

where do u choose

>> No.5907465

You can't even fucking spell, why would any university accept you?

>> No.5907467
File: 129 KB, 640x474, collection 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah some instagram du

ill dump my shoe folder in the meantime to keep this thread relevant

>> No.5907449

Did Ricky Richardo take that photo

>> No.5907454

1 princeton
2 columbia

but nyc is a lot more /fa/ keep in mind

>> No.5907474

gotta accept niggas like op
no discriminating

>> No.5907483
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>> No.5907476
File: 82 KB, 612x612, collection 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already accepted 2 all of those places thats why i gotta choose between them friend

>> No.5907497

> international relations

Too bad you aren't #1 in your graduating class.

>> No.5907491

columbia is /fa/ as fuck and there are legit goofninja highfashunz girls there.

princeton is probably best though, overall.

also, congrats to u dawg. i got like rejected everywhere except for nyu. fucking asian affirmative action.

>> No.5907494

go to the one you like most. youll be fine all those are great schools

>> No.5907503

Don't go to college

Become a spy instead

>> No.5907504

Holy shit are you me? What year are you in? Let's chill at Bobst.

>> No.5907519

How ambitious are you? Do you value success over fun? You will have more fun at columbia, likely. Princeton will open a fuckton of doors for you. University of Chicago will be similar to columbia but less /fa/. Doubly so for Georgetown.

>> No.5907526

>tfw lazy midwesterner
>i go to a state school
>it's the only one i bothered applying to
>still in debt

>> No.5907527
File: 35 KB, 600x448, rick owens black dunks 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh im leaning towards barnard. columbia was my dream school way back when in junior year. dont feel bad about this stupid fuckin college application process tho its like 99% luck

actually im graduating valedictorian ;-)

u always know what 2 say rei

>> No.5907540
File: 95 KB, 700x447, collection 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ambitious 2 a point of mania

interesting what everyone has to say about princeton b/c ive been advised by other ppl 2 stay away from it

i guess my reservations are that its in new jersey and id kind of prefer to live in a city where ive got other opportunities for work n thingz (nyc, dc) i def prefer urban schools to somewhat more isolated ones

>> No.5907551

how can you afford those schools nigga

>> No.5907556

chicago so u can be #gbe 3 hunna

>> No.5907584
File: 71 KB, 768x1024, rick owens white dunks 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

families poor enuff for me to get a good package at any of em

ill be paying between $10k - $15k a yr anywhere i go before honors scholarships (wont be gettin any from barnard/princeton tho obvs) i could make up a lot of that w/ a job in new york (got sum friends w/ the hookup, plus barnard has a great job placement gig goin on) or dc or chi-town but not as sure about princeton cuz its so isolated

>> No.5907601

I've never heard of Barnard College, what is it?

>> No.5907624
File: 42 KB, 800x723, 1350567967784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go wherever is most attractive for undergrad and choose the best grad school when that time comes. The only thing that will matter is a good/well-known principle investigator in the end if you're doing a PhD in physics.

>still substituted "u" for "you"

>> No.5907627

Bullshit. I've lived here my entire life.
If you want to see /fa/ people you're not gonna see them on the street. Plus OP better hope he lives in the lower east side or something because Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island are boring shitholes. Half of Manhattan is full of either tourists or is a a lot shittier than you think it'd be. I live in Brooklyn and other than Bushwick (where I live. It needs a few more years though) Greenpoint/Williamsburg or old people territory aka near Coney but not Coney. Its sketchy as shit.

>> No.5907633

Not sure about how each college stands concerning those specific subjects, but I'd definitely go for Barnard (and congratulations!).

>> No.5907648
File: 78 KB, 596x512, raf simons black high-tops 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yall then i forget yall

columbia's bad bitch mob (sister school)

>> No.5907659

>asian affirmative action

>> No.5907660


yeah but its a lot more /fa/ than basically every other part of the US, basically no where else has better fashion unless you go outside the us...

>> No.5907661

chicago or pton

you honestly really shouldn't even be considering the others

i'm going to chicago next year (just committed), it's slightly lower rank and lower prestige than pton but the econ dept is well known to be #1 in the country and the standing of uchicago in prestige and just in general is going way up at a ridiculous rate; last year the accept rate was 18.8% and this year it's 8.8% with 30k reg decision applicants and 10k early - that's more applicants than any ivy. chicago accepted applicants also had a higher SAT average than any Ivy not that that really means shit

but if you go to uchicago

also chicago as a city is way more /fa/ than pton

i've lived relatively close to pton all my life and it's not nearly as good a place to live as a city like chicago, though it's probably safer.

>> No.5907667

it's a sister school but nowhere near the same standing. barnard is essentially a joke for columbia students.

>> No.5907678

You know what. You're right.
Jesus. I've been here too long.

>> No.5907675

just realized i didn't finish my sentence since i'm completely retarded

meant to say if you go to uchicago i guess i'll see you there

>> No.5907683

Holy fuck those choices. I'm in high school too OP. Goddamn this makes me feel terrible. I haven't been trying that hard. I'm in honors classes and have a weighted gpa of like 3.85, unweighted is like 3.55. Haven't taken my SATs yet but I am very intelligent so I think I'll do well.

Where could I go?

God I know I'm just as smart as kids going into the most competitive schools and I could be fucking valedictorian but I just haven't been putting the work in. That fucking feel.

>> No.5907691

>I just haven't been putting the work in

well it's too fucking late now for that shit isn't it

also if you haven't taken SATs yet you're definitely underage

>> No.5907726

tfw waitlisted at UCLA and Cal
tfw stuck between choosing UCSD (no party life) and SB (all party life)
tfw got in to USC but cant afford it

>> No.5907736


>> No.5907751


do you go there

is it /fa/

>> No.5907746
File: 2.45 MB, 1600x1024, 1363132640744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw Brown
>tfw 6 kids from school got into MIT

>> No.5907757

I know dude I have nobody to blame but myself. What's a realistic school I could look at? I want to go to NYU but getting good financial aid would be tough if I got in.

>> No.5907772

um well it's sorta hard to say especially with what limited information you've given

NYU is a pretty good school though, one of my friends goes there and loves it. p expensive tho so yeah thats definitely a concern as you said

>> No.5907766

I live in Santa Barbara and it's not very /fa/ there. By which I mean that people dress like shit and I have pretty low standards. This basically also counts Isla Vista since most people out there are douchey frat-type guys and dumb sluts.

>> No.5907773
File: 190 KB, 1000x1334, carol christian poell black high-tops 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing i dont care about what columbia students think :-) but look at the barnard situation
>dont have 2 deal w/ columbia admissions shitfuck prolly the worst process in the world besides harvard/yale
>get 2 live in qt as hell lil dorms right across the street
>can take literally every class at columbia
>when they graduate their diploma is from columbia anyway
i get what yr saying tho b and appreciate yr contribution

if u need adv or stats or smth i can give em 2 u if u have an email

put the time in w/ yr regional admissions councilor and get into ucla
sb offered me a full ride and cal offered me 75% but im not rlly about that california life. i wouldve considered ucla tho cuz it seems tight (didnt apply)

>> No.5907784
File: 100 KB, 778x518, 1355751916087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not that guy, but I go there and I hate it due to autism. What do you intend to study?

>> No.5907796


there's broken glass in the streets

>> No.5907792

If you're such a rich entitled cunt you should just kill yourself. You will never achieve your dreams anyway.

>> No.5907798


Then do you recommend SB for other reasons


A UCLA counselor, right?


I have no fuckin' clue

Probably not STEM though

>> No.5907801

I got a cheating referral in soph year of HS and its on my transcript. How much will this screw me over?

>> No.5907809

one of my friends got turned down a job at NASA because they found out he cheated on history in 10th grade

gg kid your career is over

>> No.5907814


with most college applications, you can add some supplementary notes

let them know what happened and sugarcoat it

>> No.5907815


UCSB has a very good psych program, rest is p bad outside of stem, but if you're tall you can smash skanks all day n night.

>> No.5907821
File: 37 KB, 480x518, rick owens black combats 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not rich yet ill keep u updated tho

yeh email them right now telling them that yr still interested in going to la, its still yr first choice or whatever, provide any additional updates to yr application (honors uve received or jobs/projects uve done since u submitted yr app) and if there was like some weird circumstances that may have made yr app not as good as it should have been (get creative.) dus get pulled off waitlists all the time but not if theyre just sittin around waiting for it #stayhungry

pretty bad sry2say

>> No.5907819

chicago's econ sux wiener

>> No.5907829

wherever is cheapest.
when you control for confounding variables, where you go to university doesn't effect your future earnings or occupations

>> No.5907825

keep in mind University of Chicago is in the middle of the ghetto

>> No.5907834

>This is what people who go to state colleges actually believe.

>> No.5907838

ah fuck this sucks, would it better if I just didn't mention it all?
fuck it mayne, I had dreams but guess I'll just settle for a state college

>> No.5907831

Here's my email I do need advice

>> No.5907832

usc is a few blocks away from the shittier parts of LA

like I've worked there (too poor and stupid to attend) and shit once you get past the frat houses hood niggas are gonna try to come up on your ricky ricardo jacket

>> No.5907846

this is true

and a valid concern

>> No.5907850


UCLA has it so you put that stuff on a supplemental app

I put down some awards and community service shit, and gave them a bit of a sob story

I also emailed an undergraduate advisor for the L&S college

What else should I do

>> No.5907858


they'll see it when you submit your transcript

they might rescind if you hadn't told them earlier

>> No.5907856

what he said has truth to an extent

>> No.5907865
File: 287 KB, 1050x743, rick owens aged trainers 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k ill email u b (u might wanna delete that post tho)

idk cuz then if they find out about it and u didnt mention it itll be rllllllllly bad 4 u
typically thats something yr high school is required to report to the college anyway
kind of fucked how much that can affect everything in yr life i mean damn

>> No.5907885
File: 12 KB, 400x310, rick owens aged uggs 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah b every college has a supplement and every ucla applicant submitted one u gotta go above and beyond that now. read my post again its above and beyond what u originally submitted

uclas givin u a second chance 2 prove yrself ya betta go fo it. good luck bruh

>> No.5907887

Dude if you got into fucking Princeton you should go there all the way. What the fuck are you doing even considering those other schools? I mean they are all good schools, but for fuck's sake you got into Princeton! Go! The connections you will make there will give you opportunities that other people can only dream about. Plus if you do well there you'll pretty much have your pick of grad schools.

Pton is probably not that /fa/ today, but in the 1930s through the late 1960s, Princeton students set the fashion trends for the entire country. That classic ivy league, prep, East Coast WASP style was cultivated and set by Princeton students, copied by the other Ivy schools, and then disseminated across the country. I would kill to have gone there, but I was too concerned with getting high and getting laid in my later high school years and fucked up my chances of getting into an Ivy. Taking a shot at Princeton, Yale, and Harvard for grad school, but even with my immaculate undergrad GPA, my chances suck because I went to UMass Boston and didn't even start until my mid 20s.

>> No.5907894

not college related but goddamn i hate these ricks

the're just so ugly

>> No.5907909
File: 197 KB, 640x426, collection 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre pretty fauxpocalypse-core

wonder if u cud make a nxtlvl version of the northface/leggings/ugg trope with those, some fleece wrap from damir or smth and some rick leggings

>> No.5907929

How do you guys motivate yourselves to care about your education?

>> No.5907938

ok that's something i would really like to see actually

>> No.5907949

Confirmed Janitor at Princeton \university

>> No.5907968

"if i become a radiologist i'll get 500000$ a year and be able to buy all the clothes i want as soon as they come out and not have to buy them used on sufu"

my thought process

btw OP whats ur gpa? what else do you do except have good grades that got u in?

>> No.5907969
File: 77 KB, 612x612, 00 Rick Owens Dunk Laces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe their current situation or their parents are super super strict.

everyone's got their reason for getting the best education they could possibly receive.

if i could re do high school again id take my dads advice and attend this prep school in connecticut and not fuck around on my skateboard/car.

>> No.5907979


Doesn't work for me. First year in college and I still don't give much of a fuck.

>> No.5908021

btw OP whats ur gpa? what else do you do except have good grades that got u in?

>> No.5908025
File: 1.34 MB, 312x188, XsErn[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This obviously rich white spoiled little brat using bad grammar to look cool and relevant on /fa/

You can stop pretending to be cool now OP. That said get into Princeton.

>> No.5908033
File: 61 KB, 800x800, rick owens grey trainers 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuh my parents couldnt give a shit i dont even talk to them about school stuff most of the time. im just an ambitious person who excels w/i the very particular and largely arbitrary benchmarks of standardized education

heres my stats
SAT 2370
SAT IIs physics 800, math IIC 800, chem 750 lmao
ACT 36
GPA 4.00 UW (school doesnt do weighted)
weighted rank 1/~350
took all APs junior/senior year
pretty involved in mun, nhs, student gov't 4 yrs
interned at the physics dpt at the state university near where i live
varsity ski team 4 yrs
huge music involvement won a coupla state titles
other stuff like national merit, presidential scholar nominee
gettin some diversity help 2 cuz my family is lower class and im female plus i played up my gay side in a coupla interviews :-)

honestly my app was not that impressive and i was not really expecting to be competitive for any ivies but i wasnt rlly interested in any of them anyway besides columbia so i only applied to princeton on a whim. i say its not impressive b/c thats literally how insane the college app game is rn. if u apply to any top colleges its gonna be like 90% luck

sry this post was kind of derailing

>> No.5908039


she aint rich

>> No.5908068

what the fuck

>> No.5908080

welll i did say "everyone has their reason"

but im happy 4 u bb.

i hope you arent a fully autistic tho. Did you hear about the freshman girl who graduated valedictorian from HS and attended Columbia?

she killed her self during the first week of school. damn shame.

>> No.5908087

damn you

i got a 2350

fuckin lost 50 points in math

>> No.5908093

Please keep out of UChicago you blatant imbecile.

>> No.5908108

fuck you ass hole

pick Columbia.

>> No.5908119

I went to UIC, paid the cheap tuition myself, and made 90k my first year out.

How's that make you feel, bitch boy?

>> No.5908120
File: 78 KB, 450x675, ann d, fw13 rtw 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thnx nigu. im no autist dont worry just live in a small town w/ nuthin fun 2 do so why not run da high school game

we prolly scored the same w/ a different curve. i was wearing my y-3 sweatshirt when i scored that tho #thanksbasedyohji

so much hate i need an AK

this board about done tho so im gonna post sum ann d rtw2013 and peace out

>> No.5908121

sup guys

p. cool universities u pick there op i would chose me some pton but u kno shits hard to get into p. expensive also lmao

am i cool now

>> No.5908129


You forgot to namedrop designers at some part of your post though.

>> No.5908130
File: 95 KB, 450x675, ann d, fw13 rtw 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5908131

stupid question but do u have a tumblr

>> No.5908127
File: 77 KB, 450x675, ann d, fw13 rtw 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5908138

Georgetown is horribly overpriced but the school of foreign service is one of the best in the country. I imagine living in DC area and rubbing elbows with the many diplomats and fat cats who frequent our campus will bode well for your future. I believe Columbia's program is ranked higher and going to a real ivy league school obviously has its advantages.

>> No.5908143
File: 81 KB, 450x675, ann d, ss13 rtw 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol hmu

>> No.5908150

that ain't luck, you had that shit on lock
now my black friend who got into emory with a 3.4 gpa that is luck lol

I do feel you about the admissions process tho, it sucks

>> No.5908155

lol i follow you already

>> No.5908161
File: 76 KB, 450x675, ann d, ss13 rtw 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u can only do so much in the american system before it becomes just like a roll of the dice or dependent on smth u cant control like yr race or gender, etc. saw too many incredibly well-qualified friends get rejected from their top choices this year cuz the game is insane. im pretty sure its a bubble tho and smth is gonna change real soon

>> No.5908167
File: 88 KB, 450x675, ann d, ss13 rtw 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant 2 say that last look is one of my favorite from ann of all time B-)

>> No.5908186

I have never seen someone have a successful thread while typing like that, good on you. That being said I'd go to Princeton. I've always wanted to go and I can live vicariously through you.

>> No.5908206

yeah its gotten pretty ridiculous over the years so fair it's unfair
at least be thankful you aren't a korean/japanese trying to get into top college

>> No.5908203

for some odd reason (just something i noticed)

people who rly intellgent talk like that ironically. i dont know why but yeh

>> No.5908230

>Ann d AW13


4 sum reson am getting maniquin chan vibes

>> No.5908261

not even my fav collection just one of the few i have on this computer srry turny
it just so happens i also have aw13 mens B-)

unfortunately im not mannequin-chan she qt tho

>> No.5908266
File: 33 KB, 450x675, ann d, fw13 mens 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant 2 add

>> No.5908279
File: 121 KB, 1000x1037, cun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lok it up bitch

>tfw ur gung 2 b stem
>tfw nt in med sci's
at maybs u no sum tech so mit b kol

>> No.5908283
File: 43 KB, 600x727, l-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn left do u wanna join our gang :) ?

>> No.5908287
File: 76 KB, 423x635, 19DD SS09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fyi 4gt 2 ad
>mfw pleb B)

>> No.5908292
File: 44 KB, 423x635, 26DD SS09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to filter when I get home ._.
>4-6hours ;_:
>r u srs redy 4 dat uni lif?

>> No.5908304

lel not those fuccbois we're the totsfried gang we shit on nikkas liek rei

>> No.5908298

fuck i feel like such a failure

im never going to get nowhere

i have less than half of the shit op has and she didnt think she could get into an ivy. i mean wtf do ivies want jesus christ do you have to be supernatural to get into harvard.

how am i even going to get into any fucking local places wtf

how do you do it op how much do you fucking study and for all those prizes wtf op i haven't gotten an academic prize since fucking elementary how are you #1 in ur class HOW

i think im going to kill myself while im ahead there is honestly just no use anymore i get minimal joy out of clothes and masturbating i havent been truly proud of myself since 2 years ago. even when i do get a good thing like a 100% in history i cant bring myself to be happy when i look at other people

>> No.5908310


relax bruv

Ivies accept for reasons beyond your control

Sure they want valedictorians and 4.0s, but if you don't have a bit of a sob story it's harder to get in


>> No.5908307

Forgot to mention I'd much rather attend Columbia.

>> No.5908314
File: 68 KB, 423x635, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn u should get this m8
pic rel8

>> No.5908331

Exactly how I feel. Guess Its state college for me. My mom will be so disappointed, she always thought I was a genius and I went to those gifted camps and shit and then I got to high school and started going on 4chan and I got fucking b's goddamn.

>> No.5908324
File: 67 KB, 450x338, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't let it get to you, success is relative
attachment is the root of all suffering

>> No.5908325
File: 65 KB, 423x635, 5DD AW08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soz hun i rid a lon B)

>> No.5908341
File: 76 KB, 423x635, 44DD AW08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey...did u men tht ud gt it 4 me rit?



I actually would cop...If I had the dosh and if I could find a good proxy to avoid that fucking NZ customs tax.
>Tax ont hat wold b like $400 on top.
That's actyally fuckgn sweet tho
brom pls...i'l suq ur edik until june B)

>> No.5908352

i thought you were poet for a sec

>> No.5908350

>imitation poet

you're not as articulate step down nerd

>> No.5908362
File: 739 KB, 500x750, rafaw98_34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le no money face

>> No.5908357
File: 83 KB, 498x750, 36 aw fw2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh damn turny w/ the hookup this is dope

>> No.5908378
File: 28 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your negative energy does not phase me
cheers, brother B)

>> No.5908381
File: 67 KB, 423x635, 51DD SS09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also ur imag naming in wak
~look number, Designer initials, Season~
GOAT intxt referencing B)
actually i do it bakwards, urs prob betr bt fuq u

>> No.5908397

w2c black boots on the bottom left

>> No.5908399
File: 71 KB, 423x635, 44DD SS09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soz i dun asocit w/ lwor clas B)
>u can stil suq my dik if u wan douh thts a moar srt of adictin then relatnship

>> No.5908403

some pair of rick combat boots
dunno the season

>> No.5908418

What school and major should I choose if I want to go to law school after?

Only mid tier schools I have no chance of Ivy League

Also if I go to a mid tier school will it be possible to be very successful in that field? I need that district attorney swag.

Law seems like it has a lot to do with connections and I might not have the best at a Mid level school. I would make a very good lawyer tho, is it possible to get high up just based on being fucking good at your job?

>> No.5908428


Cal Berkeley

though that may be considered on the low side of high tier or the high side of mid tier

>> No.5908441

ecept im really poor maybe i can get a sob story or some shit
oh and a minority

>> No.5908459

Yeah that's a bit of a reach but it's possible

Is it an effay profession

>> No.5908461

yeah maybe if you want to learn how to suck dick and drink organic carrot juice

>> No.5908468


lol community college fatty

ur probably not the real sieg though

>> No.5908472

prob end up with ~2200 SAT
nationals for 1 club state for some others

I'm only a junior and I feel like I fucked up so badly. any advice on where I could volunteer/get some extracurriculars?

>> No.5908478


create a program or something if you wanna compete with the high end

any APs

>> No.5908487

Not him but is one AP/one regular/rest honors okay for junior year

>> No.5908494

yeah I got a 4 on whap(basically self studied) and I'm taking 5 AP exams in may

what type of programs? I've thought about it but it seems insanely complicated and time consuming. I will have ample time in the summer tho

>> No.5908493 [DELETED] 



feel good about that at least man, and don't worry too much honestly. i fucked up so much in HS. Got F's and D's. Did a bunch of drugs, got in trouble with cops all the time, etc. I was going to drop out but decided against it. Didnt go to college, but was smart enough to realize I needed to get my shit together. Quit using, got /fa/, got a job in IT, and now I work as an audio engineer (always had background in music) in NYC.

People that say you are worthless without college are just insecure about themselves and want to validate their own choices. Not that there is anything wrong with that though, they are people too and are just unsure about their lives like the rest of us. er, mostly at least.

>> No.5908499

nigga you can hop on this dick and i'll write you a letter of recommendation

>> No.5908505

Princeton hands fucking down. You get the joys of being tied for #1 best school in the country while being in the best part New Jersey and can drive to a bunch of near by party cities.

>> No.5908509

what dick? gottem coach

>> No.5908514


it's alright, but don't except getting into really high-tier schools unless you have killer ecs


start a group/organization that helps the community

it's hard as shit and takes time but it's a definite plus

>> No.5908533

Hey GU bro, what were your stats if you don't mind me asking? GU is my top choice by far. Are you in SFS, MSB, College, or the Health school?

>> No.5908538
File: 74 KB, 498x750, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo i need u all to understand what bullshit this whole system is. like ok i get to pay $60k a year to live in a shitty dorm cuz my intellectual disposition was more suited to this shitty standardized system of arbitrary evaluation?? ok lol. u gotta understand that this is one of the most erudite and misguided parts of western civilization, this measured and arbitrary grading of an individual by their ability 2 manipulate numbers very quickly in their heads or absorb/recessitate information well. sure these skills have relevance in the working world but its almost a tangential relevance ya feel?? u can do u and be great if u just figure out that a A or a D or an F says nothing about u as a whole person

also i fap a lot 2 so never feel bad about that :-)

>> No.5908528

how would you guys compare ubco to ubc? i'm shooting for vancouver but ubco is close to home and realistically there's a good chance i won't get in ubc

>> No.5908542

this is my shit-tier organizing yall cant fuck w/ the system on my main computer
its rainman up in dis

>> No.5908543

My community has plenty of problems so I guess starting it up will be the major problem. I'll look up other people's examples

and how much did you study for the SAT

ty qt based gpa god

>> No.5908568

no it's right

if you can succeed in the ivy league you'll succeed anywhere

what's important is that you have the work ethic and intelligence and skills to get in

if you're already doing well you're going to keep doing well

>> No.5908573

>also i fap a lot 2 so never feel bad about that
iktf too man
i just dont know what im gonna do i might become a street performer or smth
i wanted to go to art school but fuck art schools i heard they were stupid maybe school isnt for me

>> No.5908603

Princeton is pretty tight

>> No.5908610 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 1157x1496, real man school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5908609

im the OP not the du yr replying to but the SAT is all confidence in my experience. u gotta remember that u have been taught all of this material multiple times during yr educational career and now yr only job is to recall it.

itll help u to get some books but i think books are more effective w/ the act. i took the sat originally & scored 2120 which isnt the score i was finna cop so i got even more noided. read through the book the night before for the act and got my 36 on it, then did well on sat iis, so by the time i went back 2 the sat i was feelin #major & i just sat down an wrecked that shit. its allllll confidence. u shud try the act tho b/c its very likely yr more suited to one than the other

>> No.5908643

omg ty qt based gpa god

I guess it helps that you prob have good memory cause mine is shit

>> No.5908656

lol I'm a queer

>> No.5908663


barnard. you get access to all of columbia's stuff, plus you're in new york city.

>> No.5908671


however i'm biased because i'm a columbia alum.

however, if i was a girl who got into both barnard and princeton, i would choose princeton because it's probably less of a hassle. barnard girls get a lot of shit at columbia. they're not very nice.

>> No.5908681


if it makes you feel better, top tier schools tend to take a more holistic approach to their admissions. it's not just quantitative.

>> No.5908701

barnard girls who say they go to columbia (or put on their facebook that they're attending columbia university or whatever) are annoying as shit

at least one person who's reading this thread knows who i'm talking about

but seriously if you're picking anything besides uchicago/princeton you are ridiculous (or doing a favor to those kids on the waitlist). i hear chicago's got some good food tbh

>> No.5908699
File: 963 KB, 1366x2048, 14 thakoon pf2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh good memory is key to success in american academia unfortch. theres some easy stuff u can do tho that i think cud help anyone improve their sat/act score:
- read books and magazines all the time 2 build vocab -- much more effective than sat vocab flashcards
- research the writing section & know the format they want u to use in order to get a 12. i wont go into it here but it basically involves memorizing basic facts about famous people, lit, events in history, etc.and referencing those for yr argument. theres a whole school of thought around it u can find tons of stuff w/a google search. i did well on my writing section by making some notecards w/ like statistics about like jack welch, steve jobs, ayn rand, mussolini, etc. and just droppin that shit in
- supposedly u can write stuff on yr calculator for the math section but ive nvr actually seen that confirmed or denied so b careful
- this may sound silly but sparknotes got some damn good sat/act test prep they saved my life w/ sat IIs
- dress warm i always wore a beanie and put a blanket over my legs cuz it just helps :-)
those r just sum tips 4 u to make use of if u want

>> No.5908715

also stop typing like that op it's not cute

>> No.5908717


yeah, i know, that's why i amended my advice.

>> No.5908723
File: 17 KB, 240x360, rick, ss03 rtw 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but im not very nice either im a cold-blooded killa
(thanks 4 the adv i appreciate hearing from someone who actually goes to one of dese schools)

>> No.5908743

thanks and I read a lot of books for fun so vocab is easy peasy. and my nigga has recommended sparknotes as well but I haven't checked out the reading section. sadly math is what kills me

Ty based qt :) u have a bf?

>> No.5908747

man forgot to stop being seig

>> No.5908757


the thing is barnard students are generally less respected at the columbia campus for a few reasons. the first is just outright misogyny, the second is that they're perceived as getting a "back door" into columbia, since their admissions standards and acceptance rate are slightly lower and higher. it's all nonsense, of course, but it does exist and it's not very cool.

>> No.5908771

Upstein is the most /fa/ meeting place at this school~

>> No.5908825

>ugh this college really costs ~$60 i am not wasting one cent of this loan money.
thats how.

>> No.5908840

Fuck, I wish I was asian. I got denied by NYU. I've heard great things about their Film program.

>> No.5908853

This. Around 24k in loans every year in my name keeps me working fairly hard.

But when the fear doesn't work, Vyvanse is a pretty good fall back.

>> No.5908875

yep even with like $21k in scholarships its still 35k a year ugh
>tfw shouldve went to state school or state technical instead

>> No.5908946


2/10 apply more effort.

>> No.5909024

Tisch is a fuck load of fun. The people you get to meet there. Man... and that's from someone who didn't even do a full degree there.