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18135066 No.18135066 [Reply] [Original]

Time to get rid of those goofy sneakers. Post simple looks that you should be going for it you're > 25

>> No.18135068
File: 201 KB, 959x1021, IMG_1487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18135084

>Dressing like an adult
just behave like an adult

>> No.18135098
File: 80 KB, 680x502, 69b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean dressing like the typical middle class middle aged guy? There's nothing more i despise than this.

>> No.18135162

The key is to master the pants really. Everyone knows how to do the rest. Swap the baggy t-shirts and hoodies with collared shirts or premium, fitted t-shirts, layer with sweaters. Swap the sneakers with loafers. The only hard is the pants. It’s tough to get t-shirt with dress pants right. Beyond that, you throw in a watch, some sunglasses, a relaxed hairstyle
with some stubble, you’re good.

When I worked in an office, I only went for the “just got off work” or “just woke up” looks. Monday through Friday/Saturday, that meant button down sans tie with the sleeves rolled, tucked into dress pants, matching socks, loafers. Sunday is basically sweatpants or jeans with a t-shirt, longsleeve, or turtleneck. Now that I work from home, it’s a lot harder.

>> No.18135165

>Swap the sneakers with loafers
Ew, just switch to "normal" sneakers instead of negro rapper sneakerhead ones

>> No.18135166

are there any comfortable shoes that arent ugly as hell?
I'm happy dressing like an adult but i dont bother because sneakers and a shirt makes people look like doctor who
i injured my ankles and feet so many times as a kid and i have one heel bone that never set properly after breaking so it's really weak and kinda pokes out
i find Clark's Wallabees ok but that's it really

>> No.18135181

Sorry your chucks don’t look good. You still look like a manchild.

Loafers are like the biggest fashion filter.

>> No.18135186
File: 475 KB, 1640x1279, IMG_1426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry buddy, I prefer comfort. All the nurses are wearing these

>> No.18135197

The rolled henley sleeves over the rolled plaid sleeves is tight ngl

>> No.18135209

Look at the guy on the right in OP's pic you fucking retard

>> No.18135244 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 800x533, ezgif-7-ef039e3468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to achieve his aesthetic?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNwtdaCWSXU

>> No.18135248
File: 124 KB, 800x533, ezgif-7-ef039e3468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to achieve his aesthetic?

>> No.18135358

What creates this "I want to look middle aged" psychosis?

>> No.18135361

NEETs who think this is what real life looks like

>> No.18135364

I'm bald. I will always look like I'm over 25


>its another male feels insecure about his maturity tries to make other men feel insecure about their maturity thread

>> No.18135464
File: 109 KB, 750x937, 2c2590bd40779108d89dba1d8a29645c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneakers are based what are you talking about

>> No.18135535
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>> No.18135536
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>over 25

>> No.18135649

If he made it to 25, he's literally made it.

>> No.18135657

>the tall one is wearing those nike platform sneakers to make it even worse

>> No.18135658

he unironically looks terrible. stress lines all over the shirt, cant button the coat, pants are stuck to his quads and calves
plain white sneakers do look good with a shirt and slacks THO

>> No.18135662

you shouldn't be able to see the pocket bags through the pants.

>> No.18135730

i'm almost 30 and i basically just wear work boots, blue jeans and old t shirts now

don't even know why i still come here

>> No.18135737

i started dressing like this at my early 20s and while it got me some laid it also gave women false expectations that i was someone that made more than 50k a year kek so they would dump me after a few dates

>> No.18135749
File: 271 KB, 580x449, 1692200040127944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you wear before when your were happy and had an entire future full of endless possibilities in front of you?

>> No.18135750

i used to care about fashion and was excited to dress in exciting new ways

now im just beat to shit all the time from work 6 days a week

>> No.18135783

lmao this is basically exactly how i dress. my hair is finally this long as well
i'm 34 so i think i pull it off better than some baby faced 20 something

>> No.18135849

The white sneaker meme must die. Throw some loafers on this guy and he'll instantly look more respectable

>> No.18135851

And probably be far more uncomfortable.

>> No.18135965

>mid 20s
>tried to "dress my age"
>cousins and friends make fun of my "middle-aged fashion"
Fuck off.

>> No.18136281

I'm a 30 year old neet and I won't lie: 95% of the week I wear gray cotton shorts with a white or black tee from Target. If I even put shoes on it's just some shitty old gray New Balances I've had for years. The few times a week I actually go in public I'll put on some gray chinos, white sneakers, and a black tee. I have a gf who loves me and a few (somewhat normal) friends irl.

Nobody actually cares what you're wearing. Just wear it with purpose.

>> No.18136370

I'm 51.
I wear adidas fleece joggers and some designer (balmain/lanvin/marni/D&G/Prada etc) sweatshirt/tshirt/sneakers 100% if the time.

>> No.18136434

Hate em because you aight em
Make me a nigeroni barkeep.

>> No.18136706

He looks terrible. Are you blind?

>> No.18136719

have you never worn loafers before? they're comfy as fuck, especially in a nice suede

>> No.18136746

>lmao falling for bait
You can still dress 'trendy' until you're 40, maybe 50 if you're good looking and fit
are you black?

>> No.18136757

You are aware leather low profile sneakers exist right anon?

>> No.18136773

Are guys not aware that white sneakers ,while looking good, pull alot of attention towards the feet and away from the outfit/face. Women already pay alot of attention to shoes so why draw more attention to them?

>> No.18136798
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As big of a faggot as this guy can be politically, most of his fashion takes are accurate.

>> No.18136802

how u gotted GF and frenz while neet and dindu nuffin?

>> No.18136811

You are fucking autistic

>> No.18136863

Not suede ones. But when it comes to leather loafers I've not found any that were super comfy, even when they were wide. Probably because I have feet that are uneven when it comes to size.

>> No.18136870

>dressing like an adult
>wearing a t-shirt
pick one and only one

>> No.18136941

>are you black?
no. are you poor?

>> No.18136952
File: 41 KB, 367x528, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody worth anything will respect you if you behave like an adult while dressing like a dumb 10 year old little boy. Being presentable is just as important. You don't run a university while making it look like a kindergarten classroom.

>> No.18136954
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x810, en-ADP-SCS-braun-what-to-look-for-when-buying-an-iron-glidability-icon2023-1080x810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks much better than
for one simple reason.

>> No.18136973

Yeah, this is why I always hated white sneakers. It's like wearing a couple of LED lights on your feet. They are too flashy and throw your entire outfit out of balance.

>> No.18137016

he looks like hes cosplaying a chainsaw man character LOL

>> No.18137018

I'm 34 and want to pull out my Jordan 1, 3 and 4s

How do I go about doing so and not look too goofy.

FFS, why is it when I can finally afford these sneakers I've always loved I get the vibe I'm too old for them

>> No.18137034

You can wear them when you're out jogging/running. You get your wish to wear these jogger shoes and at the same time lose weight and stay fit. 2 birds 1 stone. Wearing them on any other occasion as a 34 year old is manchild faggotry. There's a time and place for everything. It's no different from middle aged women with wrinkly faces and flabby bodies trying to dress and act like teenage girls. It's unseemly.

>> No.18137045
File: 262 KB, 736x1220, cab2300722e7c299b4b3b969cd8aeade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short Birkenstock floral shirt, that's all you need really

>> No.18137483

>never once posted a fit
>not one single time
no one should ever give this dude any attention

>> No.18137516

Thats hard af.
Everyone in the fin threads need to just start gnomemaxing

>> No.18137585

i think its people who never got into fashion when they were younger and theyre afraid of experimenting into something goofy

>> No.18137594

the one in the middle has the AGP smirk, as she should, she's gettign spit roasted by those two every night

>> No.18137856 [DELETED] 

>I look young because I dress like a n*gger and/or a child

>> No.18137877

part of being an adult is not caring what fags on 4chan think about how you dress and just living your own life

>> No.18137881

OP said look like an adult, not a faggot

>> No.18137895

Just wear a pantaloons, lmao. Or chino's if your poor.
>God I hate my local office boomers wearing blue jeans and shirt, sometimes even with a suit jacket.

>> No.18137901

Part of being an adult is working and associating with competent people, building your name and reputation, improving the lives of people around you, and leaving your mark on the world before you die. For that you need to dress presentably and appropriately. Not being manchild who thinks he's "cool" because he dresses like a degenerate no matter what the occasion. This isn't high school anymore. You're not in your emo, goth, or negro clique.

>> No.18137902

Sell me on loafers. I only own a pair of white sneakers, some work boots and black oxfords I've worn like twice, and have been thinking about expanding my shoe collection.

>> No.18137910

I agree. I'm 48 and realized a while ago that I had to hang up my metal shirts. Not only have I outgrown them mentally but holy shit is it cringe walking around wearing that shit at my age having grey hairs. Changed who I associated myself with. How I spoke and how I carried myself.

>> No.18137983

>associating with competent people
>posts on 4chan
Anon, I...

>> No.18138047

You don't need anything more than this.

>> No.18138050

graphic tees and sneakers on a guy over 25 are mega cringe

>> No.18138051
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Forgot pic

>> No.18138059
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Another example. All black. Basic sneakers. Literal sex.

>> No.18138063

pants way too skinny, shoes are yuck. hes a 5'6" turbo manlet too. white shirt is okish

>> No.18138132

This looks awful. Really. You’ll look even worse in it because you’re not a handsome movie start with beauty resources like them.

>> No.18138137

I can’t be any clearer about this. Sneakers look like shit or childish. Period. Wear sneakers to the gym. Wear them for a run. Hell, even wear them running errands or out for a bite to eat. Do not fall under the impression that you look good or mature in them. You don’t.

>> No.18138141

Easiest way:
Jeans, polo/sweater, loafers/service boots
That’s your uniform. All this sprezz shit and streetwear and aging millenial cope stuff can look good on certain people but it’s probably not you, so just wear what your dad wore. Jeans, polo shirt, loafers. Add a watch and a dad hat if you like. It’s really not hard. If you’re fit, you’ll look good in anything anyway.

>> No.18138494

You're still young

>> No.18138546

people that wore graphic tees and anime shirts in school grew up and realized they looked stupid during their formative years and regret not trying harder and fantasizing about how their life would have been different if they looked better and women liked them as a result

>> No.18138589

Loafers can work with everything but the most casual outfit.

>> No.18138679

>>never once posted a fit
>>not one single time
So hes your average /fa/-poster

>> No.18139463

If you want a tip, don’t try to “dress your age”. Instead, incorporate more mature pieces here and there. When you’re young, you can get away with really extreme versions of this. You can wear a polo with sweatpants and loafers with a hoodie. When the time comes, you’ll have been the guy who has been wearing mature stuff for a long time without looking middle-aged.

>> No.18139502

is this website stuck in 2013

>> No.18139514
File: 1.77 MB, 1556x900, Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 4.11.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are loafers always babys-first-notsneaker?
theres way easier to pull off casual shoes out there. most loafers will make the average guy look like a fag. meanwhile a casual lace up is more versatile and works in more seasons

>> No.18140625

Can I get an ID on

and shoe wise, are those just loafers?

>> No.18140633

i think its OK for adults to wear graphic tees if they're dye sublimated (the kind where the graphic is dyed into the fabric not printed on top) but only once in a while on occasion.
hanging out with the bros, a night at the dive bar, going to a concert, all acceptable times to wear a metal band tee.
but for the love of god don't wear some flaking off screen printed bullshit in public as an adult.

>> No.18140669

Is there any point to trying to dress well if you're fat, or am I just doing it wrong? I decided to turn my life around and I'm down around 35 pounds but I'm still fat. I'm too fat for tucked-in shirts to not look disgusting, and button-up dress shirts look like shit (at least to me) if they're not tucked in, so I don't really know what to do. I'll wear polos every once in a while and they're okay, but I don't love wearing that.

I'm at a point where I'm considering not bothering with dressing well until I've seriously slimmed down, but maybe I just don't know the way to make it work. I don't know anyone who knows anything about fashion.

>> No.18140677

used to be morbidly obese now i'm sub 10% bf & fit.
ok so first of all its really hard to be fashionable and fat. you can. i've seen it done. you really have to be a master of silhouette, really know your body shape, and have a good tailor.
and secondly fat guys make a lot of mistakes and fall for a lot of traps. tucking your shirt looks disgusting when you're fat from exactly 2 angles: front on and from your own eyeballs looking directly down on yourself. no one sees you that way. it actually looks better to tuck BUT you have to have the right fit on your shirts and the right rise in your pants (the correct answer varies with body type)
fat guys also tend to wear super low rises so their pants can fit underneath their gut. this looks bad. wear your pants at normal height for your proportions and let the pants drape and streamline your gut into the leg rather than creating so much visual separation.
tl;dr you think tucking looks like shit because your clothes fit wrong and also because tucked shirts' worst angles are from your own eyeballs and looking at yourself in a mirror. don't be afraid to tuck.
>I'm at a point where I'm considering not bothering with dressing well until I've seriously slimmed down
completely valid
when i was fat i bought a bright purple oversized tee shirt and drew a big kool aid man smile on it with a sharpie with the eyes over my nipples and wore it almost every day until i lost all the weight. wore it with some green/white dunks and some military surplus trousers. no point to investing in fashion if you're actively losing weight and changing your body shape constantly.

>> No.18140686

Thanks for the post. Let me go step by step:
For a little background, I used to be really in shape, and I think I used to dress well. At least, I think I looked good enough. I fell off in the last few years (not gonna go into it, but life's been rough) but I still have all those clothes from back then. I made sure to keep them because I want to fit in them again one day.

>you think tucking looks like shit because your clothes fit wrong
I agree. I just bought whatever I could find for a reasonable price so I wouldn't be wearing sweatpants and basketball shorts and t-shirts all the time, essentially because of
>no point to investing in fashion if you're actively losing weight and changing your body shape constantly.

> tucking your shirt looks disgusting when you're fat from exactly 2 angles
This is interesting to hear, but if it looks bad from the front, I think that means it just looks bad, no? That's the angle people are going to be looking at you when you're standing in front of them talking.

I guess my question boils down to: what can I wear that looks passable (not sweatpants, shorts and t-shirts) until I'm skinny again and I can just dress well?

Can I ask how you deal with loose skin, especially around the waist? I remember when I was skinny (I went from 350 pounds to 180 and now I'm 240) and I had loose skin around the waist, it made it look like I had a belly when it was all loose skin. (it was also around this time that I realized that you just wear your pants around the waist, not the hip, so the belly isn't as obvious)

>> No.18140716

forgot to mention he's also vietnamese or some brown asian type. his legions of mindless fans is so hilarious to me.
years ago i used to go to styleforum and i called him out in a thread and said the hero worship of him was embarrassing and i started getting harassed and people went through my post history. it was bizarre. all for someone who has never once shown proof he practices what he preaches

>> No.18140776
File: 135 KB, 600x800, Timothy-Olyphant-in-Justified-2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 37 and dress like pic related, and still get the same shit from my friends, who are still all wearing black skinny jeans and graphic tees etc.

>> No.18140783

which split-toes are these?

in the market for some black norwegian splits

>> No.18140911

allen edmonds bradley. just got a slightly better condition pair on ebay
they have a couple other split toes, the other one i was looking at was Delray

>> No.18141306

Yes because when you’re fat, people are liable to assume you’re a lazy slob and if you dress like a lazy slob it will only further reinforce their notion, whether it’s true or not. Obviously, you need to try to get your health back so that looking out together is just natural, but it doesn’t behoove you to have zero social capital in the meantime. Dressing well can mitigate the problem. If you’re too fat for tucked in shirts, your pant waist is too smal or you have too low a rise or both. It’s possible they also have to slim a fit and that’s making it worse. Here’s what you need prioritize:
1) hygiene
2) grooming and that includes haircuts
3) wear a nice watch, not a black person’s idea of a nice watch
4) wear the right size, higher waisted pants, classic or straight cut (avoid baggy and slim, sometimes loose can be fine but for the most part you just want to avoid cuts too close to skin or too baggy)
5) mature tops like polos, oxfords, guayaberas, etc.
6) prefer darker colors - black, charcoal, dark grey, dark green, navy, brown
7) mature shoes - no fuckboy or zoomer sneakers
In general, you want to go for classic, mature, masculine looks instead of more modern trendy looks and more lazy looks.

>> No.18141313

>pants too tight
>jacket that cant close
>wrinkles out the ass
>deliberate sleeve under watch ti showoff watch face
>sloppy collar
>sewn in pocket square
>exposed ankles in a non summer colored outfit
>white sneakers, matching with shirt and pocket square
>synthetic fibers
This is mens fashion huh. Either manchild in cargos and cheetoh stained tshit or fatherless faggot larping in a suit?

>> No.18141318

this ugly skinny suit meme with the skinny lapels is finally dead and thank god

>> No.18141319

that picture is probably 10+ years old. those skinny suits were a trend that came and went

>> No.18141344

My problems is I don't have many opportunities to dress up. I only go outside to go hiking or buy food. Genuinely curious, what occasions are you going to where you can justify putting on your nice clothes?

>> No.18141349

they wear suits and ties to the store because they have nothing else going on and want to feel superior to the millions of average joes and janes around them lmaoo

>> No.18141397

brutal mogging

>> No.18141402

>your pant waist is too smal
Yeah, I got a size down because I don't want to buy nice clothes that will be too loose in a months. Kind of planned in advance, it's just that I have to wait for now, that's what it all boils down to.
>1) hygiene
I make sure to shower every day, I started using this stuff to clean your face too, never been into that before
>2) grooming and that includes haircuts
I let my stubble grow out for a week or two and then clean shave, been doing this for around two months now. I don't look great clean shaven, if I'm frank. Been going to the barber every couple of months which is a new thing for me, usually I'd wait a good 2 years between each hair cut.
>3) wear a nice watch, not a black person’s idea of a nice watch
10$ digital watch from walmart works?
>4) wear the right size, higher waisted pants, classic or straight cut (avoid baggy and slim, sometimes loose can be fine but for the most part you just want to avoid cuts too close to skin or too baggy)
I think I'm done sinking money into pants for now, I'll just live with what I have until I can wear what I have properly
>5) mature tops like polos, oxfords, guayaberas, etc.
I have polos, not sure what the difference is between an oxford and a button down honestly, looks the same to me. I wear short-sleeved button-ups open with a t-shirt slightly tucked in on most day. My friend said it looks nice but no offense to him but he's 30 and still dresses like he's 16 (you know, ball cap, graphic tees and basketball shorts, basically looks like a skater) so I don't know how much that counts.
>6) prefer darker colors - black, charcoal, dark grey, dark green, navy,
Is this just in general, or to deal with being fat? I usually wear light colors.
>7) mature shoes - no zoomer sneakers
I wear boat shoes everywhere. It just kind of happens, because I have a sailboat, so I just ended up wearing them everywhere. I should probably get a classy pair of shoes eventually.

Thank you for the post.

>> No.18142238

34 year old boomer here. Kind of got that too when I was around 20. What I didn't realise was that you need to do is dress nicely in the CONTEXT that you live. Tbh once you get older you basically start incorporating items of your work into your style and your style just comes together naturally. Eg. Most of the time you will see me in my work boots. But over all you don't deviate too much from your actual lifestyle and how you live. Most of looking stylish and dressing well is to look natural/comfortable in what you are wearing, which you obviously didnt if you got called out.

With those middle aged clothing. Do you actually work those office type jobs? Did you incorporate that in your after hours wear slowly. Eg when you went to see these friends and family at an event, did you just finish work so were still in your work suit? Or did you out of the blue just tried to dress "like a grown up" and wear your dressier clothes just to get a meal at an area where you would have otherwise just worn jeans and a tee?.

Can you imagine dressing like those techwear ninjas in real life? Shit would look awkward and be an eyesore in a regular context

>> No.18142369

Saars how do i redeem the look

>> No.18142404

But the fact that they are means they are superior. Self fulfilling fit.

>> No.18142411

Look. It really just depends on what you do -- "do" meaning what you are passionate about. A blazer/sportscoat is fairly mutable depending on whether you are in a STEM job or working in the arts.

>> No.18142456
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You should always wear what you want to wear, within reason. I wear suits without ties because I like suits. I wear cardigans and sweaters when I don't have meetings, or at least ones that matter.

I usually go out wearing cardigans and sweaters with dress trousers, because they are comfortable and I like them. You don't need to be a try hard like this pic of me every day, but you can easily make a suit casual by ditching a tie and getting something custom you actually like.

>> No.18142486

Where's the tommy gun bro

>> No.18142515
File: 53 KB, 500x350, 461037449-funny-peter-pan-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you think that I want to grow up?

>> No.18142521

Does anyone else feel like this proves eugenics somehow? Even a tall person who is all alone in nature will feel more confident, like they can fend off wild bobcats more easily. Or scare away a jackal or something. Taller people look so much better than short people. Taller people look more evolved or human. What is this? Is it just me?

>> No.18142553

Thanks senpai, thats the vibe i'm going for.

>> No.18142596

The psychological concept is embodied cognition. We know things like that people with more upper body strength tend to have right wing political beliefs and people who are weaker tend to have left wing ones. But it's not clear if this is because if you are more capable of normal things day to day that you would project this ability and thus align with a worldview that is in agreement or if it just because of hormonal differences because stronger people have higher testosterone levels. I'm not sure about height being directly corrolated other than some higher overall strength in regards to embodied cognition but I'm sure it would even if just in regards to general higharchy.

>> No.18142638

Have you never seen a lanklet? They're not fighting any animals.

>> No.18142639


>> No.18142648

As a species our intelligence far outpaced our physicality. A gun will make your additional strength irrelevant. In terms of the best thing to have these days, for personal success, it's intelligence and sociability/charisma (being tall helps you with this part, but I don't know of a correlation between intelligence and height). If you're really physically strong, it doesn't really matter at all, however the things we're attracted to in males and females has not majorly adapted to changing realities. This is a lot more relevant for males because women just get attention as a default, and men are a lot less picky in general. I'd say that the only comparable thing for women is the ones that don't go down the whole tattoo/dyed hair/piercing meat grinder are a lot more attractive than those that do, but it still doesn't matter. A short, broke ugly guy with confidence issues and no social capital won't get any attention. Ugly girls (and those that made themselves ugly) still do, no problem.

>> No.18142681

Wear at least mid rise pants if you don't want to look like a complete faggot like that picrel.

>> No.18142723

>Nobody actually cares what you're wearing
No shit, Sherlock. Doesn’t matter, I’m still going to be styling over these sheep.

>> No.18142729

that suit jacket, and the pants for that matter, are waaayyy too tight. looks like garbage.

>> No.18144504
File: 2.03 MB, 3296x2148, 20240609_213354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a promotion and the CEO said that I have to dress better from now on. Just got this haul to start out with. How did I do anon? Am I going to start looking like a proper middle manager type?

>> No.18144522

embodied cognition has nothing to do with what you're describing
it's a theory according to which the mix of our environment and the way we perceive it shapes our cognition, meaning that humans have been exposed to a great deal of dangerous stimuli during evolution, so they developed a system to automatically respond to potentially dangerous stimuli faster
a more radical perspective on this, just to mention one, is that whenever humans think of something, such as "fire", they experience the same exact thing they experience when they're in front of a fire, can hear its crackling, feel its warmth...
it has nothing to do with political leanings, which in their basic form are attitudes and are far removed from our cognitive system

>> No.18144531
File: 50 KB, 474x606, th-2639179876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the long sleeve button ups? Polos are a Walmart employee uniform. Managers wear proper long sleeve button ups.

>> No.18144535

promotion at mcdonalds or walmart? adidas polo and lidl shirts OMFG.
how do autists like this get any jobs anyways

>> No.18144945

I mean, it’s fine if you’ve never dressed better. Eventually you’re going to want to level this up though. This is middle manager core and not executive team core.

>> No.18144998

You're just terminally online, that's all.

>> No.18145001

I don't think ditching a tie makes a suit casual, it just makes it feel incomplete.

>> No.18145600

This is brutal friendo

>> No.18145606

This guy went from kino to just another instagram sigma andrew tate clone

>> No.18145618

There is no thinking a fatass is a lazy slob lol. They Know and they are.

>> No.18145624

Anything over 6'2 is were it starts to get wonky. That is why modeling agencies have an average of 6'1-6'2 for their male models, the actual models who walk on runways.

>> No.18145861

Your brain has been damaged by this website
Small is better for many environments, theres a reason that very tall people are a minority of the species

>> No.18145872

6'2 isn't even tall enough to fight heavyweight successfully and most of them cut down to 205 or 185. I'm 6'2 and would love to be 6'5

>> No.18145875

Retard, 6'5" is too big for the human body to function properly. 6'2" is already at the upper limit.

>> No.18145911

That's it? Everybody here is actually 6'7 so I'm not listening to a little guy like you.

>> No.18147664

meme shoe

>> No.18147717

I haven't. Always been a jeans and t-shirt guy. First time stepping into this world and I don't really know the rules yet. I just kinda went with whatever I thought looked alright. Plus I still work outside and with summer coming it'll be 90+ everyday so I thought short sleeves and shorts would be appropriate. It's mostly an overseeing and planning job but eventually it'll lead into more as we expand, only about 10 people right now and the CEO wears nicer versions of the same stuff. Sometimes even just a hoodie and sweatpants.

>> No.18147823
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>> No.18147894

> low middle manager = polo, chinos, sneakers
> high middle manager = oxford, chinos, loafers
> management team = dress shirt, dress pants, loafer, jacket if necessary
Throw in some sweaters and fleeces for cold days and you’re good. It’s that easy.

>> No.18147895

> 10$ digital watch from walmart works?
No. Get a Timex at least.

>> No.18147896

So are there any sneakers that do look good on adults? Chucks clearly look like shit and while I like loafers, they’re not convenient for city streets or being on the move.

>> No.18148034

>dress up
>walk around town
>see a cute girl
>ask her out
This is a good reason. You do have rizz, right? Right!?

>> No.18148104

Im looking for a casual pair of shoes to wear with darker indigo jeans? Not sneakers, but maybe sneakers. I dont know.

>> No.18148111

What rise is he wearing? Low rise?

>> No.18148169

I would still lick Tom Welling from head to toe like a little kitty kat.

>> No.18148224

This. Short sleeve shirts look awful. Its not a shirt yet its not a tshirt. Get some longsleves got damn. Get a couple of kent collared shirts for more formal occasions, and a couple of Oxford button downs for a more casual look. This way you have some options. Choose natural materials, preferably cotton. Hands off the synthetic blends. Get a few linen shirts for summer. As for your polos, wear those on the fucking weekend.

>> No.18148231

To add, you job seems somewhat casual based on your selection. So oxford shirts, like the other anon posted, will go well in most situations. Look good underneath a cashmere sweater. Spread collars can often look a bit off m in casual settings imo, especially if worn without a suit and tie (unless its a linen shirt). If a suit is appropriate for your job/age then kent collars are good too.

>> No.18148471

As somebody who has fought a lot of people and one dog, height doesn’t come into it all that much. You’re capable, or you’re not

>> No.18148484

Nice yoga pants, faggot.

>> No.18148485

Based. Since I was 12 I wear most of the time blue jeans,leather boots and plain tshirts,then jackets or pullovers. I like the simple and rugged blue collar look over trendy styles.

>> No.18149731

Dressing well is just part of not being a degenerate
You don't talk to people, but you still brush your teeth because having bad breath is disgusting. It's the same thing with dressing well - and it elevates you above the animals that shop at walmart in their pajamas

>> No.18149735

Picked up some Tony lamas

>> No.18149736

long sleeves rolled ALWAYS looks better. short sleeve is only acceptable on camp collar, cuban collar, aloha shirts and polos etc. if you're buying a different style of shirt than one of those always go long sleeve and roll your sleeves according to weather.

exception: if you live in a tropical climate its acceptable to wear short sleeved shirts.

>> No.18149740

It's one of those types of company where we are still small enough that everyone has to do everything if needed. So I occasionally have to work outside and we all have to wear special safety shoes. Any ideas for dressing appropriately with these conditions? Any brands to prefer or stay away from?

>> No.18149741
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> Even a tall person who is all alone in nature will feel more confident, like they can fend off wild bobcats more easily.
if we're talking hunter gatherer the small guy would do way better in the wild because his body consumes less calories. being better at fighting the bobcat is a massive use of finite evolutionary resources. in most parts of the world the smaller guy did better and the taller guy died off.
people started getting taller after agriculture enabled it. the only exception really was west africa where they had to evolve around getting chased by lions in plains and deserts. most indigenous peoples are short.

>> No.18149743
File: 68 KB, 564x846, 0f3918f467cd51b4fd3284a9b5c0484d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress pants with t shirts?
I'm all for dressing more mature but that ain't it chief

>> No.18149757
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Any1 know what type of shirt this is?

>> No.18149794

That looks like a silk/satin coat and not a shirt
I'm talking out my ass though, might be wrong

>> No.18150040

>Loafers are like the biggest fashion filter.
zoomzoom take.

>> No.18151105
File: 479 KB, 500x750, tumblr_om0vs13o2Y1qa2j8co5_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dressing like an adult is something that comes naturally when you actually are one and have the taste and sensibilities to match. If you find yourself asking this question or dressing like a child, it means you still are one and there is nothing wrong with it consequently.

>> No.18151197

Is there any point to trying to dress well if you're fat, or am I just doing it wrong?
If you can tuck in your shirt wearing wide enough pants that you have a flat profile (aka your belly stops sticking out) while still making it so your shoulderspan is wider than your waist/pants you're golden and just need to change up your clothing style, just copy "fat" body builders like that one Korean actor

>> No.18151222

shoes are the big thing i struggle with. sneakers are fine but there are times i want something more refined but still casual. loafers seem like the thing im looking for but im just not a loafer guy. ive yet to find a pair i really like.

>> No.18151250

good god stop wearing skinny jeans, it looks terrible. We need to go back when we were all comfortable in looser pants. Skinny jeans look terrible especially with slacks trying to look 'adult'

>> No.18151272
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Part of being an adult is working and associating with competent people, building your name and reputation, improving the lives of people around you, and leaving your mark on the world before you die. For that you need to dress presentably and appropriately. Not being manchild who thinks he's "cool" because he dresses like a degenerate no matter what the occasion. This isn't high school anymore. You're not in your emo, goth, or negro clique.

>> No.18151274

is brand name all that matters to you? nigbrain

>> No.18151324

effortlessly mogs the rest of the thread

>> No.18151798

pretty much anything looks good on tall, good looking, fit people

everything else is cope, is like polishing a turd, you are all debating which details will make the turd look better

GET FIT you animals

>> No.18151892

It's my 30th birthday tomorrow and I'm looking to get fit and im trying to dress my age I'm thinking of going full cowgirl/military surplus style got a cool polo belt I want to order... and racing jackets

>> No.18151896

Taller people have larger skulls and are more intelligent. Shorter people are more likely malnourished and underdeveloped.

>> No.18151899

>theres a reason that very tall people are a minority of the species
Because of food scarcity, which doesn't really exist anymore. Being taller means your ancestors were better and eating good so your genes weren't nuked by the malnourishment.