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18124470 No.18124470 [Reply] [Original]

Are Gen Z girls fitter or chubbier than their millenials counterparts? How come they all wear baggy pants like this?

>> No.18124487
File: 591 KB, 1594x1330, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pants get looser and then tighter and then looser again. Tale as old as time. But to answer your questions 70% of mellenials are overweight compared to just 56% of zoomers

>> No.18124504

Gen z girls are mid 20s at this point and they look like they are in their 40s

>> No.18124563

i still call gen a high schoolers zoomers

>> No.18124632

>70% of mellenials are overweight compared to just 56% of zoomers
Grim, but as a king of the zoomers (born '98) who grew up eating normal food at home I wonder if that's just an age thing, and the modern slop diet is just catching up to millenials. Not a /fit/izen by any means but I get stressed out watching what people my age or younger eat like it's normal

>> No.18124710

This. Caking on the makeup since the age if 10, vaping more than a smoker, vegan phase, stressing over stupid shit didnt seem have done then well

>> No.18124711

ok but can you explain why modern women wear their pants up to their tits?

>> No.18124827

> I get stressed out watching what people my age or younger eat like it's normal
Tell us about their horrible slop diets anon.

>> No.18124831

millennials are all middle aged now, of course they would be fatter

>> No.18124833

You're late-Millennial. Sorry to break it to you.

>> No.18124859

no he isn't, stop trying to push the start of gen z further back

>> No.18124955

>70% of mellenials are overweight compared to just 56% of zoomers
useless info millenial women are middle aged and social trends are way different than back when they were of fuckable age.
to properly answer the question: millenial women were much skinnier. all the celebrities were anorexic. every girl at my high school had an eating disorder or got bullied harder than the short bus kids. birth control and hormonal disruption was far less common. psych med prescriptions were far less common.
millenial women ballooned up when pop culture moved from anorexic to 'thicc' they all got on birth control and psych meds and cope with the wall by eating. they all used to be skinny even the fat ones. watch mean girls or google "what is scene"

>> No.18125000
File: 1.42 MB, 2560x1920, 2013-06-26 23.54.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK it makes me RAEG.
I can't even see the zoomers' calves and ankles anymore to see if they look aesthetic or are fat blob cankle turds

Women all lost their shape. They look like men now, just fridge mode or obese.

Who the fuck wants to fuck modern "women" anymore? We can only tolerate hyperfixating (one of those zoomer words for yall) on one body part just to coom, but are disgusted by the rest of them. I'll keep eye contact purely on her butthole and anything else disgusts me.

They luiterally made themselves into fuck objects because they lost all humanity by becoming whales


Pic related: Millenial woman back in the real world days before the whole world turned to shit


>> No.18125008
File: 3.95 MB, 614x360, Zaporozhian Cossacks on their way to Mog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want the pants on the right, sadly they are probably wool and very expensive.
Cossack style pants are the most effay and useful clothing you can get your hands on.

>> No.18125011
File: 50 KB, 640x640, iap_640x640.5425598379_4d240nj5_kindlephoto-5115537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks and feels better than lowrise if you are not overweight

>> No.18125015
File: 1.15 MB, 202x326, 1691444396845391.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can only tolerate hyperfixating on one body part just to coom
oh no this is going to be a footfag post isn't it
>I'll keep eye contact purely on her butthole

>> No.18125018
File: 33 KB, 268x656, 1703982048__myharempants__original_kindlephoto-51924411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are not baggy pants, boy
Those are full cut style for range of motion purposes, I bet that bitch could squat all the way down without any fabric hindrance
Picrel are baggy pants

>> No.18125941

Gen Z are fitter but not fit. Millenial women are the most obese of any generation.

>> No.18125946

>White woman
>Dog doing something sexual

I'm not even shocked anymore. You just know. If trannies really want to be women they need to start fucking dogs.

>> No.18126829

all ages are getting fatter so each generation is fatter than the previous was. 20 year olds today will be fatter at 40 than 40 year olds are right now.

none shall be spared

>> No.18126840

<chud red button millions must die.jpg>

>> No.18127354
File: 17 KB, 152x114, GOPKf1rbsAAsu9O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dog doing something sexual
He's licking her foot not her ass

>> No.18127367

Baggy pants, skinny pants are just like round/pointy corners on an iPhone.

>> No.18127377

Sir, feet are erogenous zones, as well as lust provoking to men with advanced sexual needs.

>> No.18127379
File: 12 KB, 200x200, R - 2024-05-16T114430.359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the devil?

>> No.18127382
File: 239 KB, 220x167, ezgif-1-4e3ae2d37e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I want those pants.