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18113904 No.18113904 [Reply] [Original]

no no no no HAHAHA

>> No.18113913


>> No.18113917

not with all that body hair, we expect boys to be completely shaved/waxed boomer

>> No.18113924

This is why you don't fall for the "never skip the leg day" meme

>> No.18113926

? His legs are proportionate to his upper body.

>> No.18113939

They aren't

>> No.18113946

this guy's body is disgusting looking

>> No.18113952
File: 1.05 MB, 905x1454, Screenshot_20240423_145149_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what your talking about senpai.

>> No.18113972

Ugly ass monkey

>> No.18113991

why does he have broad but rounded weak shoulders at the same time

>> No.18113996

I literally shaved my mustache about a month ago because I looked uncannily like this zesty nigga but less hairy and it was pissing me off for some reason

>> No.18114000

The ass picture on the wall is so trashy. People like this always think softcore porn can be tasteful, but it can’t.

>> No.18114006

yeah for a pear shaped onions looking LA numale

>> No.18114062

Do you guys have anything better to do than make fun of this guy? I dunno why you post me 24/7. Get a life.

>> No.18114064

Long collarbones

>> No.18114427

i used to wear cutoff jean shorts like that for years but they made my balls hurt so i stopped

>> No.18114429

y'all are being weird. he's a good-looking lad.

>> No.18114434

this dude's rancid vibes have way more to do with his
>im an x-core xpilled boy
>watch my tiktok where i take my shirt off with my jean shorts and my stupid mustache

just so fucking gay

this dude 100% sucks dick

>> No.18114439

If anything his thighs are too big

>> No.18114448

No they’re no kek. Narrow shoulders and thin waist this dude is built like a woman

>> No.18114454
File: 2.67 MB, 250x141, 1715400364888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an yes the high rise meme once again
you can just put high rise in every fit and expect it to fucking work
congrats you just shortened your torso and made your legs look like pic related
bro turned into a male prostitute chasing that female gaze

>> No.18114455

High rise is superior to low and mid and makes everyone look better. Suck a dick faggot.

>> No.18114458

Yea if you have Klinefelter's

>> No.18114462

A pistol strapped to his side would really complete the look.

>> No.18114464

A gun would really offset the faggotry, think Rhodesia instead of Folsom Street.

>> No.18114473
File: 1.55 MB, 576x1024, 7216820510649240875_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, i love leg day, got me some bigger glutes

>> No.18114475

Fucking truth, low rise is plebeian tier. If you can't stomach hi rise go with mid rise.

This is unironically a based fit; the boonie hat, the shorts, the Danners, the solid build.

>> No.18114478

says the guy jerking off to the gayest shit on /fit/ atm
come out of the closet it's much more accepting out here nowadays :)

>> No.18114501

I'm like OP's pic, even before doing any type of exercise, my legs always been thicker, annoying at first bet better in the long run

>> No.18114755

this dude's build is absolutely uncanny. crazy good leg genetics with the upper body of a skinny teenage boy. he also looks like baker mayfield

>> No.18115239

it's really weird to see legs dominate a physique but the guy just has unfortunately narrow skeleton or is he photoshopping his legs to look taller or something? not even conventionally attractive in the face what a bad dice roll, the dreaded pyramid build.

>> No.18115243

The guy looks fine.

No one would take any of these comments seriously, this board is infested with cucks and trannys

>> No.18115280

yeah the guy has a female upper to lower body ratio and we are the trannies lol

>> No.18115284

A beer belly fixes this

>> No.18115286

i go paddleboard in shorts like this i feel like i mog this guy

>> No.18115349


>> No.18115580

He would look good if his physiognomy didn't scream greasy Jew whose entire family line hasn't seen manual labor since Auschwitz.

>> No.18116450


>> No.18116942

who is this i want to study him to learn what not to do

>> No.18116944

if he didn't have all that body hair he'd look like a varbie

>> No.18116993
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>> No.18117158

only a homosexual would have that much body hair

>> No.18117181
File: 329 KB, 1080x1080, km.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18117266

The OP picture is a 100% example of high rise not working, you're probably shape-blind and can't see how it feminizes his silhouette. You should find a different hobby where you have more natural strengths.

>> No.18117438

This guy creeps me out.