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18080994 No.18080994 [Reply] [Original]

watch niggas be like: "im gonna spend 20 grand on a watch" but they got the Iphone

>> No.18081001

watches are only relevant as long as the industry can artificially create a demand for them through aggressive marketing. if everyone on earth collectively decided tomorrow to never wear watches as fashion pieces again no utility will be lost

>> No.18081013

Watches will never be outdated they aren’t for utility they’re just one of the few universally acceptable men’s fashion accessories.

>> No.18081017

they are outdated outside of niche circles, pokemon cards are more popular so that should tell you it's not a cool piece, it's a nerd thing now. Only works in movies and pics because the watches adhere to the older style of aesthetic of the movie

>> No.18081023

"ooga booga i listen to marketing agencies"

>> No.18081036

>Marketing means artificial demand
Based economically illiterate retard

>> No.18081053

Poorfags really think people buy Rolex or Patek to check the time lmao. I’m looking at my watch and it’s telling me you’re poor

>> No.18081066

Cope every man worth a fuck where’s a watch and I fuck a lot of men

>> No.18081572

>"im gonna spend 20 grand on a watch"
more money than taste. there's plenty of watches around 50-500 bucks that not only function great but look sexy af. it's the same thing with cars and clothes from gucci. it's just monetary status, not taste. imagine some trust fund baby buying a million dollar watch, and suddenly some war veteran with a micky mouse watch he carried throughout the entire conflict walked into the same building, which one is more effay? you can't buy respect
>inbefore massive cope

>> No.18081598
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>watch niggas be like: "im gonna spend 20 grand on a watch" but they got the Iphone
There's some truth to it. People who are into watches as a status symbol are pathetic and most of the time they are virgin losers with no fashion sense, a shitty body, a shitty face, and they just think that buying a watch is like le magical accessory that will elevate their status, NOT.
Most watches influencers look like total shit. Case in point, no one looks at picrel and think like "WOW, he's wearing a Rolex, he's so sucessful, so high status and so sexy!".

BUT some other people are into watches because they either like good craftmanship or it's an item that evokes something to them. They like iwatches for themselves, they like to touch them and look at them all day long.
As for the practical aspect, it takes 0.5 sec to look at your watch, it takes 2 seconds to take out your phone, there's some practical aspect especially if you're driving.

>> No.18081637

I think your money is better spent on a bracelet. You spend 2k on a watch it’s “oh wow junghaans big whoop check out my rolex collection”. You spend 2k on a bracelet you get literal diamonds on your wrist and people leave you alone.

>> No.18081649

I have an Apple Watch and I'm absolutely shameless about it. It's 200% more useful than whatever "chronograph" I cannot afford anyway (I believe if I can't buy a thing twice I shouldn't buy it at all)
>going to the beach without a phone
>take a call after diving in the sea, or text with your voice
It's a major life quality improover, LTE version is literally an iPhone/iPod without social media. It's dare I say BASED. The basic bitch version is as cheap as Casio/Seiko memes that make you look like a grandpa or a skater

>> No.18081749

I just like the idea of wearing something on my wrist that's worth more than the average car.

>> No.18081752

certain watches are timeless, others not so much.
andrew tate's shitty shiny watch will be worth $5 in 500 years
a mechanical watch from the 50s will be worth millions

>> No.18081882

I think so. Yes, watches have always been sort of a fashion statement or a piece of jewelry, but their main justification was as a timepiece, literally something to keep time and plot out your day. You don’t need them for that anymore. The truth is that they’ve been made obsolete by digital clocks everywhere, by smartphones, and yes even by smartwatches. They did to the watch what the computer did to the file cabinet. And if you point to lacking biometric tracking in all of these then keep in mind there are wristbands and rings that are far better at this than any watch. So wear one if you want, but there’s no practical use.

>> No.18081889
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>I believe if I can't buy a thing twice I shouldn't buy it at all

>> No.18081910

>andrew tate's shitty shiny watch will be worth $5 in 500 years
If you talke about Richard Mille, they are probably the Frank Muller of our time, so yeah, an RM worth 300K will probably be worth 50K in 20 years.

>> No.18081914

The metals that they’re made with will be worth more than the watch…

>> No.18081916

I mean watches are actually sick. They’re this cool cultural product that’s very European, very Western, but there is just no real use for them anymore. In 10 years, you’ll be able to submerge your iPhone as far as any watch and the day of the watch will really be over. They’re a bit like classic cars at this point.

>> No.18081923

>but there is just no real use for them anymore.
the use is reading the time, are you dumb?

>> No.18081932

> digital clocks everywhere
> clock on your computer
> clock in your car
> clock in your pocket (smartphone)
Real useful

>> No.18081939

> digital clocks everywhere
because you bring a clock everywhere with you
> clock on your computer
because you bring your computer everywhere with you
> clock in your car
not all cars and not always on time
> clock in your pocket (smartphone)
not as efficient as having it on your wrist, also not as polite to check your phone over just looking at your wrist without anyone noticing. If one day you have an actual career and actual meetings, you'll understand what i mean.

>> No.18081940

>come to fashion board
>why do men wear fashionable accessories
Great question

>> No.18081988

It's kind of embarrassing to buy something expensive just to prove you're rich though. You're literally wasting money on people you disdain just to spite them. In effect, you're conceding to poor people.

>> No.18081992

Functionally yes, it's hard to justify wearing a watch mostly because everyone has a smartphone plus there are still clocks everywhere.

>> No.18082028

imfo (in my factual opinion) they're accessories, not necessities. like a necklace, or earrings. so no, they're not outdated.

>> No.18082097

My friend works at an RM outlet and I tried on a few of their watches. They're absurd, gigantic, and ostentatious but I can't lie I could have spent 30 minutes just staring at the movement while I was wearing it. I'll probably get one of the smaller model day dates or royal oaks when I make it, riding the line between douchebag and classy.

>> No.18082606

>I have an Apple Watch
Not a watch.

>> No.18082607

Some people really use some functions a watch provide. I need a chrono, and I can't use the one in my phone cause I it's impractical. I also need more than one alarm in situations where checking the phone is also impractical.

>> No.18082665

Then why watch shaped?

>> No.18082700

expensive shit aside I don't get how some people don't see the advantage of having a watch of any kind on your wrist vs having to pull your phone out of your pocket every time you want to know the time

>> No.18082752

Heavily depends on how often you need to check the time.

>> No.18082756

Idk, why are you retard shaped?

>> No.18082761 [DELETED] 

20 large? Imagine not using that money instead on penis enlargement surgery. The true status symbol.

>> No.18082797

No idea, why are you chud shaped?

>> No.18082798

I like watches because I enjoy using something that does not require a constant lookout for an electric outlet to work. Something that is powered by simply having it on my wrist, hand-assembled, made of gold. Something that is supposed to do only one very simple thing. There is something very soothing in seeing and hearing the tiny mechanical parts in motion. Objectively, nobody needs a watch nowadays, but they are timeless and will never disappear. When I'm in a business meeting and see someone wearing a suit paired with an Apple Watch, a Garmin, or whatever, I feel sad.

>> No.18082894

Honestly I never got the appeal of watches. You might as well carry a pocketwatch with you like they used to do 100 years ago. Both are obsolete, and as far as jewelry goes, watches are mid at best. There are far more stylish bracelets and jewelry that you can wear on your wrists in place of a boring watch.
This has some truth to it, and I suspect it’s one of the major reasons watches are relevant at all today. NPC men who are too afraid to experiment with real jewelry when developing their fashion sense just take up a watch because it’s the only socially acceptable “jewelry” for men to wear on their wrists. If you genuinely care about aesthetics, you would do well do disregard these restrictive, regressive, and quite frankly retarded conventions.

>> No.18084544

luxury watches are too feminine, it doesn't feel right to be a male and care about such useless jewellry...what's next you will get both ears pierced?

>> No.18084545

if watches are more practical than a phone then theres no reason to buy more than a cheap casio

>> No.18084675

Anyone with a room temp IQ should have realized by this point that throwing out tradition for progress' sake is a mistake, working within the boundaries of convention and tradition counterintuitively allows for more room for creative expression. Without artificial limitations all creative thought tends towards the mean.

>> No.18084678
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>not useful
I use this $7000 Chronograph that is flight qualified for manned space missions including EVA and went to the moon to time boiling eggs. And there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.18085150

Post your watch
>inb4 you won’t

>> No.18085165

>And there is nothing you can do about it.
I can laugh at you.

>> No.18087413
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>watch niggas be like: "im gonna spend 20 grand on a watch" but they got the pocket watch
My first watch was my rolex graduation gift. I started using it just for status and then got hooked to always having the time at a glance.
Nowadays I mostly use my cheap ass casio tho

>> No.18087420

>How I think others see me
>How others actually see me

>> No.18087673

You do bring a clock with you everywhere dumbass. It’s on your phone.

>> No.18087674

Situations such as?

>> No.18087675

I don’t see why you should get sad just because other suited people aren’t as soothed by watches as you are.

>> No.18087717
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Watches are a fashion accessory and that's all there is to it. Like fashion, there are low end watches, mid tier accessible luxury watches, and luxury watches coveted by normal people [like Rolex] or more hidden luxury watches that fellow enthusiast or rich people will appreciate more.

>> No.18087723

I wear a Rolex because I’m a degenerate, people are more patient with you when they think you are rich

>> No.18087727
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look at all the seethe in this thread. Proving that buying Rolex does matter and makes a statement.

>> No.18087873
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Ill just buy a fake for the flex the chinks make 1:1 copies now lmfao nice craftsmanship

>> No.18087913
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>1:1 copies
lmfao I remember you my wicked poorfagg LOL

>> No.18087977

>ir just buy a fake for da frex

>> No.18088177

>using your phone in public
ngmi literally woman and black behavior

>> No.18088188

a ching chong ping ling

>> No.18088310

It depends on what your goal is though.

>> No.18088504
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its been weeks, this nigga is STILL SEETHING
poorfags actually eternally assblasted