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18062090 No.18062090 [Reply] [Original]

I'm American n I am curious

>> No.18062097
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>> No.18062098

They look terrible

>> No.18062210

In western Europe i.e. the UK and France? Decently, because these brands have actual history when it comes to clothes and a well-off population, both traditionally and contemporarily
In the Germanosphere? Cheap fast-fashion or outdoors gear like below, usually with random English written on it
In the Mediterranean? Cheap fast-fashion with the exception of linen wearing larpers (trousers always too short)
In central Europe? Some weird fucking outdoors jacket and clunky running/walking shoes all the fucking time, like Zelensky
In eastern Europe and Russia? Same as above, but with some of them attempting to dress formally in ill-fitting 3 buttoned blazers and boat shoes or whatever monstrosity they can find that's still technically leather.

And the last one that's super region specific, Switzerland/Austria/Northern Italy has their own weird "trad" people who look like a massimo dutti catalogue. Lots of beige, thin puff vests with narrow baffles, quarter zips, and tiny round glasses that make you look like a twat

Not mentioning any northern ice dwellers they can go wear moose skins, and this is all excluding each regions equivalent of chavs as well btw, that wouldn't be "people".

>> No.18062252

Thank you

>> No.18062253

>northern ice dwellers
What they wear

>> No.18063247

What is that, a trade school for plumbers?

>> No.18063277
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For some reason this screams Czech to me

>> No.18063305

for the most part they dress in old rags and newspapers

>> No.18063311
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>> No.18063317
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>> No.18063321
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>> No.18063331

i hate eurogoyim so much

>> No.18063457


>> No.18063461
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insanely based

>> No.18063465

not my proudest would

>> No.18063644
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Main differences with whopperland is that we wear human sized clothes, we dress-up more often and we wear real perfumery instead of blue ambroxan molecule crap.
t.Italian living in LA and married with a landwhale from texas

>> No.18063652
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This is what privilege and the epitome of first world "problems" looks like, and it's hilarious those faggots don't realize it. In any real country with real problems and jobs, these abominations would have been laughed out of the room (and maybe off the buildings roof).

>> No.18063824

>how do people in Europe dress like
You are not American, you are some form of south American brownoid. Americans don't speak like this

>> No.18064065

South Americans are Americans, as are Mexicans and Canadians. United Statesians aren't the sole representatives of two continents dude

>> No.18064099

which country do people think of when they say America and Americans? Why do south americans need to use south to qualify that they are not the same as the main characters of the world?

>> No.18064301

They dress like REI employees most of the time.

>> No.18064307

Because the United States is known as America. Sorry but that's just how it is. Latin America is known as Central and South America. But in all honesty, just say your fucking country. There is nothing more annoying than some faggot in pakistan or croatia or bolivia who refuses to just say their country because they're too embarrassed to admit it.

>> No.18064311

this must be czech

>> No.18064355

Dude, STFU. You non-Americans of those 2 continents are the whiniest faggots I've ever seen, and I'm not even an American.
>REEEEEEE we iz Americans n shieeeeet too
Nobody gives a shit. Nobody knows your countries as "America". The only thing anyone from the rest of he world thinks of when someone says "America" is the US of A. Meanwhile the rest of you are known by your own country's names. You will never be "America". Get over it.

Be proud of your own country's name and identity, rather than pointlessly clinging onto the continent's name like a bunch of globalist faggots. If anything, you should pity the Americans (of USA) for not having a proper name for their country, and instead being forced to be nothing more than a subset of the continent. Most of the times they themselves don't call their country America but "the states".

>> No.18064383

>how dress like

>> No.18064437

Those furry legs are awakening something within me

>> No.18064603

Lol what a fucking embarrassment

>> No.18064606

That's pretty accurate for 90% of people from 30 years old to 70 years old.
European zoomers dress full american hipster tho.

>> No.18064607

Ozzy x bad guys in Conan the Barbarian vibes

>> No.18064856

Literally everyone on the planet dresses the same way bar random tribes in Africa and South America. Some people in MENA wear traditional clothing too, but most dress in American style. Outside these few exceptions, everyone dresses the exact same way you do, that's what happens after the globalisation of nothing and cultural acceleration

>> No.18064894

Better than americans

>> No.18065157

These are the people calling Americans slovenly and uncultured.

>> No.18065163
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>> No.18065391

>well-off population


>> No.18065442

Just check walk tours on Youtube

>> No.18065519

Why are they such soiboys? Is it the nannystate? Do they have the equivalent of american brodude who owns 40 guns and a truck and grows a nipple length beard? Or are they all basically lukewarm zero-personality versions of seattle people?

>> No.18065635

>In central Europe? Some weird fucking outdoors jacket and clunky running/walking shoes all the fucking time

Any examples of this? Not zelenaky because he just wears a military fleece

>> No.18067002

It's spergcore chudwave

>> No.18068617


>> No.18069768
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>> No.18069806

you are not American, ESL retard subhuman

>> No.18069832

they love jorts

>> No.18069834

Based as fuck

>> No.18069838

O' paisano!
Sounds like you're living the American fever dream

>> No.18069849

>In the Germanosphere
>In central Europe
Those are virtually the same

>> No.18069850

they dress like randomized sims

>> No.18069852

They all look like the typical Hugo Boss model

>> No.18069869

>married with a landwhale from texas
you married it to get out, didn't you?
was it worth it? Italy looks like a good place, wtf

>> No.18069871

>Tiny round glasses that make you look like a twat
This is pure Belgium. Goofy motherfuckers.

>> No.18071197

>Because the United States is known as America.
>in the US

>> No.18071199
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Anon, they're white...