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File: 369 KB, 651x723, Chypre-Siam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18044402 No.18044402 [Reply] [Original]

Discontinued: >>18042007

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>> No.18044404
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The Fragrance Groups 101 chart

>> No.18044405
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The Fragance Flowchart for Beginners

>> No.18044410

This is a Montale Hate Thread. Montale hate only beyond this point.

>> No.18044411

What is the fragrance of a calm and elegant gentleman?

>> No.18044412

Montale ruined my life

>> No.18044413
File: 189 KB, 541x795, black_aoud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related


>> No.18044419

Black aoud is one of the two? bearable montales
Smelling a sample of it tells you everything you need to know about that shit house

>> No.18044421

Nope, Arabians Tonka

>> No.18044422

nope what? haven't smelled that one

>> No.18044423

In the bustling city of New York, I stumbled upon a small, mysterious perfume shop tucked away in a forgotten alley. Enticed by the exotic allure of Montale Oud, I sprayed it on, unaware of the sinister curse it carried. Soon after, My life spiraled into chaos. Strange occurrences plagued me: shadows danced in my peripheral vision, whispers echoed in empty rooms. The scent permeated my very being, suffocating me with its malevolence. As weeks passed, My once-thriving career crumbled. Colleagues avoided me, claiming my presence brought an inexplicable sense of dread. Desperate, I sought answers from perfumery experts, but all efforts were futile. Haunted by relentless nightmares, My sanity waned. Paranoia consumed me, driving away friends and family. In my solitude, I became a mere shell of his former self, tormented by the cursed fragrance that clung to me like a second skin

>> No.18044424
File: 125 KB, 1000x1000, fougere_royale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just brought pic related.
what am I in for?

>> No.18044425

The news of my demise sent shockwaves through the city, yet the mystery surrounding my disappearance remained unsolved. Whispers spread, attributing my tragic end to the cursed Montale Oud. In the aftermath, the perfume shop vanished without a trace, leaving behind only faded memories and lingering dread. But for those who dared to venture near its former location, a faint scent of Oud still lingered—a chilling reminder of the horrors that had unfolded there. As time passed, my story faded into urban legend, a cautionary tale whispered among those who dared to explore the darker corners of the city. Yet, for those who remembered, the cursed fragrance served as a grim reminder of the fragility of life and the dangers that lurked in the shadows. And though my name eventually faded from memory, the legend of the Oud's curse lived on, a chilling reminder of the price one could pay for dabbling in the unknown.

>> No.18044426

a fougere

>> No.18044428

You brought it where?

>> No.18044429

I just read older archived threads looking for comments about certain fragrances, and I stumbled upon a comment where someone said that as 30 years old, you can pull off anything but the ”most grandpa shit”.

Now, what would you consider ”most grandpa shit” that would be unsuitable for a early-thirty-something?

>> No.18044432
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Many such cases

>> No.18044434

I don't believe in age appropriateness so nothing

>> No.18044436

Completely subjective but people will tell you: barbershop frags, powdery, chypres, etc

>> No.18044438

Just wear what you like. Sinple as

>> No.18044443

I’m actually not worried about something in my collection being too ”grandpa” for me, I’m just interested in hearing what people consider grandpa fragrances in the first place. Aramis? Heavy fougeres?

>> No.18044445

Old Spice, my boy.

>> No.18044447

I like older style frames but yeah I'm assuming stuff like aramis. My wife once said lagerfeld classic reminded her of her grandad.

>> No.18044449

montalebros.....we stink.....

>> No.18044451

most frags from the 80's and earlier and some from the 90's
so a bunch of guerlains or old powerhouses come to mind

large doses of powderiness bring to mind images of grandma's perfume to some

>> No.18044454

If you watch reaction videos on youtube, there's no consistency. It's literally anything someone doesn't like.

>> No.18044455

Yeah it's been my signature frag for a few years now. I love it.

>> No.18044456

>lagerfeld classic
apparently reformulated a lot but even now it's pretty good
orange opening with some powderiness followed by tons of tobacco and even more powderiness, it was popular back in the day for a reason

>> No.18044457

If you have to ask, you're a grandpa yourself. Fuck off, boomer.

>> No.18044459

Ultramale is peak grandpa

>> No.18044464

complex chypres come to mind too

>I have on occasion cautioned men to avoid wearing a fragrance that’s seen more of the world than they have, and I believe this is the main danger of chypres. Still, the temptation is great.
from The Perfumes: The A-Z Guide by /ourguy/ Luca Turin

>> No.18044466

nope, old masculine scents are the topping grandpas of the fragrance world
Ultramale is the twink bottom

>> No.18044470

Yes sir.

>> No.18044485

this poster fucks (twinks)

>> No.18044495

what pretentious drivel, especially coming from a guy whose wife looks like she's selling tacos from a truck.

>> No.18044518

your sotd is sauvage I assume?

>> No.18044523
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>> No.18044534
File: 243 KB, 584x636, black_aoud_intense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SOTD: Montale Black Aoud Intense
fuck, this is not that bad desu senpai (and yeah, there is an Intense version of this), rose + oud with beast mode performance
to my nose it's very similar to MFK Oud Silk Mood but while that costs 200 EUR+ for 70ml (already brutally overpriced and overrated and the Extrait version costs even more lol) you can have a full bottle (100ml) of this for around 70 EUR
btw, does anyone know if this has (at least some) real oud in it? the opening was a bit similar to the (vomit-like) real oud of Mukhallat Shams

no homo

she slapped the ass of your BF and you're still salty about it, right?

>> No.18044537

>me yesterday

today's sotd is cool water

>> No.18044539


>> No.18044540

>real oud
choose one situation most likely, though I can't say it with 100% certainty

>> No.18044544

It smells like bug spray.

>> No.18044545

>synthetic rose and oud
I hates it precious

>> No.18044549

So he thinks chypres are for old men? Lel

>> No.18044565
File: 269 KB, 1535x2047, GCNV5iYXIAAdUZ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice fougere, Drakkar Noir/Bon Monsieur are better, though.
>tfw being absolutely obsessed with a jewish women

>> No.18044573

that's not what those sentences say

>> No.18044576

You are my favourite poster.

>> No.18044578

an old basednotes thread tells me that Montale uses real oud in their oud line (or at least this was the case 18 years ago), i find it hard to believe tbqh

>> No.18044579

>OP pics have FOUR (4) m*ntale recommendations
this is a crime against nostrils

>> No.18044581

I blind bought Montale now I'm an incel school shooter how do I fix this?

>> No.18044583

OP here
your formal complaint has been dismissed as no one gives a fuck

buy more Montale frags for maximum incelmaxxxxxxing

>> No.18044584


>> No.18044585

>18 years ago
if by some chance it was the case then, it sure as shit isn't the case now

>> No.18044592

I forgot about the ones in the gourmand section what the fuck
also why is there a mancera?
nta but if those charts get remade I hope there's less of this garbage in them :]

>> No.18044595
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>> No.18044604

>if those charts get remade I hope there's less of this garbage in them
mostly agreed - only Black Aoud can remain on the list as a cheap rose oud (for the sole purpose of keeping all MFK oud frags off it)

>> No.18044606

glad to see some love for Lalique Pour Homme lately. more of a standout than Neroli Intense and Cerruti 1881 IMO, as far as this thread's meme cheapies go. I admit I have all three though lol

>> No.18044610

Fuck me, I bought Versace Pour Homme for coming warmer seasons (still tried it just to see how it lasts), and for some reason, that bottle constantly reeks of that sweet scent all of the time (yes, scent becomes reek if it is constant and undesired). Checked it for cracks, tested it by spraying and looking if any moisture appears at neck, tested it by keeping it up and sideways, and it doesn’t appear to leak, yet it still ceases to spread the scent.

Yeah, every single bottle obviously retains some of the scent at the nozzle of the atomizer and nothing you can do about that, but VPH ”retains” its scent stronger than all of my other dozen bottles combined. I guess that I have to zip-bag it to make it so that I don’t start hating the scent due to overexposure before the summer even comes.

>> No.18044614

Don’t forget BAVX if we’re talking about staple cheapies.

>> No.18044619

>meme cheapies
they are good fragrances and not memes, recommended for a reason

>> No.18044625

>be newfag
>like sauvage sample
>see that "con" is that a lot of peole wear it
>think that I wont care about it
>buy 100ml bottle
>next week at work find out that the resident pajeet and the resident jew both wear it
>dont want to wear it anymore

>> No.18044628

Congrats, you sauvagebro now.

>> No.18044638

Should have bought Jovan Musk instead.

>> No.18044642 [DELETED] 
File: 533 KB, 1080x1627, oie_Sj1DihlLheZn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atleast go with Sauvage edp it's hat creamy musk like Aventus in the drydown.
Otherwise Kenzo Homme edt, bro.

>> No.18044643

Could've been worse
You could've bought m*ntale

>> No.18044645

Multicultural Sauvage Squad assemble!

>> No.18044647
File: 533 KB, 1080x1627, oie_Sj1DihlLheZn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atleast go with Sauvage edp it has creamy musk like Aventus in the drydown.
Otherwise Kenzo Homme edt, bro.

>> No.18044669

you can't make this shit up, you get what you fucking deserve

and to the post above me kill yourself already or at the very least shill good frags

>> No.18044673

disgusting, stop posting that sow

>> No.18044677

You’re one of them, now.

>> No.18044678

She's very beautiful. Congrats on your good taste.

>> No.18044685
File: 194 KB, 1536x2048, GB65WUpWQAAy3V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely obsessed with her, especially because she's jewish.

>> No.18044689


>> No.18044706
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Maurer & Wirtz Tabac

>> No.18044708
File: 86 KB, 1000x678, 71Wlr6kgWBL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this as my first fragrance recently and absolutely love it

ive read its not great in the summer though, do I need to get a different scent for the warmer months or can it just work year round?

>> No.18044732
File: 11 KB, 200x252, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the most adored cheap shitter?
I've never read or heard someone shit on it

>> No.18044736

depends on if the old or the new one
I have both if you wanna ask about 'em

>> No.18044739

>fresh woody vetiver
>bad in the summer
not a thing
> do I need to get a different scent for the warmer months
if you want to start a collection yes
if you are falling for marketing no
>can it just work year round?
if you like it you can wear it whenever and wherever

>> No.18044740


do you mean original vs craftsman?

i absolutely love the original. by far my favorite scent.

craftsman smells like sauvage which is what my boss wears and i'm not a huge fan anyway

>> No.18044741

probably cause it's good, basic but good

>> No.18044744

I come to drag general off and on ever month or two and you faggots talk about the same fragrances literally every day , same frags from a year ago. Dior homo, encre noir, Kenzo homme, Lalique pour homme, pineward, bois imerpial, yatagan, blue électrique, fat electrician, issy miyake, same fucking shit week in week out

>> No.18044747

no I mean tabac original from 1956 or from 2014
very differnet scents that come in the same bottle nowadays
1956 is an edc and 2014 is and edt (at least the ones that I've got[but scent profiles and notes match with the stuff on fragrantica so that's probably correct])

>> No.18044748

>fat electrician
People only post this ironically.

>> No.18044749

maybe cause they are good frags

post some stuff you like mister fragrance expert huh?

>> No.18044754 [DELETED] 

how do you tell the difference and/or where can i find both?

>> No.18044757

get nautica voyage for summer bro

>> No.18044763

I sometimes do but get little discussion because this general is actually just 3-4 autists talking about their fav daily drivers for years , like why join a fragrance general. I have a coworker who wears bdc parfum , it’s the only fragrance he owns and he only wears that year round, that is his signature scent period. He would never join a fragrance community because this is the furthest thing from a hobby for him. This general is borderline that

>> No.18044765

oh shut up "bro"

>> No.18044767

>didn't post frags he likes
>just blogposted about SOMEONE ELSE wearing bdc
incredible fragrance discussion

>> No.18044769

forgot to ask about what frags you did post on those "sometimes"

>> No.18044784

Hats off to the lads that encouraged me to blind buy Kouros. you meme'd me
it just smells like a urinal cake.

>> No.18044786

okay noselet

>> No.18044793

You should have never listened. You could have just bought la nuit de l'homme and been happy.

>> No.18044794

jeremey fragrance is starting to feel like alantutorials

>> No.18044796


let me guess. You "need" more?

>> No.18044827

I just ordered a bunch of jpg samples after thinking I wont buy anymore samples/fragrances last week. and caving in during the weekend with 2 blind buys.
this hobby has been a massive moneysink for me....

>> No.18044838

then go to the mall to smell designer and only order samples of niche, it is not hard to understand

>> No.18044845

Tom Ford Grey Vetiver
Guerlain L'Instant

>> No.18044852
File: 13 KB, 400x563, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only bought acqua di gio and code from Armani.

Is the You line worth buying?
I heard it's too sweet.

>> No.18044866
File: 32 KB, 375x500, 375x500.10559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smelled this today at the local f(r)ag shop. Sublime. Not very dandy as the chart would suggest but the spice is ... melange. I would've bought it right then and there if not for the fact that it's EDT still 150 bucks. No idea how it evolves, now idea how long it lasts.
I essentially went into this small specialized shop, took the bottle, sprayed a tester, smelled it, left when the owner tried to talk to me. I fucking threw away the tester paper slip, too. What an idiot.

Anyway, someone here got something better I can test before I commit to Sartorial? I've never worn an EDT before. I usually go for Extrait or EDP for good reason I've been told. I wouldn't know the difference.

I got some Lutens samples/minis coming in the coming days.
So far after 70ish frags I've tested I would either buy this or MDCI Barbare (or Nicolai Sublime Patchouli - which I can't afford - never tried Sub. Oud tho. Sample seemingly don't exist.)

>> No.18044869
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Lutens order

>> No.18044872

if you were to get a single Guerlain L'art et la Matiere frag, what would it be?
im leaning towards Tonka Imperial personally, but i also quite like Tobacco Honey

>> No.18044883

it's very sweet yes but since you have armani code I don't see much reason to do so, if you're really interested in SWY just go to a store and sample the line (intensely and absolutely are better than the og to me)
don't get into niche if you're poor
>I've never worn an EDT before. I usually go for Extrait or EDP for good reason I've been told
oh you're not only poor but also retarded

>> No.18044885

fraggots on this very general said that you shouldn't bother with lower concentrations because it's not the "rEaL sMeLL

>> No.18044886

also how is Penhaligon niche. that shit is massive compared to some of the other shit I bought

>> No.18044888


>> No.18044892

no they haven't and if they did and you listened to them you're retarded
I can only recall anons saying that concentration doesn't matter only the scent does
which is true
because it is

>> No.18044893

checked and keked

>> No.18044894

yeah okay cool. so it genuinely doesn't matter? I know that I have to reapply EDPs after a couple of hours. My thought goes that I'd basically have to respray even more often if I went for EDT

>> No.18044900

>I know that I have to reapply EDPs after a couple of hours.
no you don't; you're just going nose blind most likely

>> No.18044901

>so it genuinely doesn't matter?
no, there are edts that last the whole day and there are parfums that disappear in a couple hours
concentration doesn't matter only smell does and if you care about performance, either test it yourself or ask/read around because it's different with every fragrance

>> No.18044912

I like it, it's not as edgy as the name suggests.

>> No.18044929

it's kinda like how R.E.M. used to be this really obscure college radio band, but they were good and kept putting out more stuff and eventually got well known

>> No.18044937

Penhaligon's is for kings, lords, dukes, for Tudors and Windsors. Niche is for people who follow fragcom social media accounts.

>> No.18044946

Most people I know wear Boss frags or maybe Sauvage, Chanel. Maybe Creed. That's the max.

I don't want to wear something even comparable. The only reason I buy niche is get as far away from the frags my coworkers wear as possible.

>> No.18044972

Get Tonnerre or Secretions Magnifiques.

Then you’ll be far away from the frags your coworkers are wearing, and your coworkers will be far away from you!

>> No.18044990
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thoughts on blind buying cus bottle look pretty

>> No.18044999

>blind buying

>> No.18045023

>and your coworkers will be far away from you!
it gets better yet

>> No.18045028

I enjoy Encre Noire but it doesn't linger more than a few minutes. I'll try the Extreme edt. Any other frags in the damp, mossy forest, death, funerary genre?

>> No.18045031

You can't smell this if it's warmer than 60F.

>> No.18045045

BDC is actually what I want to buy next. I recently bought Le Male Le Parfum and Le Male Le Beau. I might also check out YSL Y instead of BDC, but I'm kind of thinking BDC even though I've never smelled either.

>> No.18045055
File: 169 KB, 576x776, 1709352685244448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if.you wanted to go to fraghalla? But then Wotan said: Nah, remember that time you used blue boss shit?

>> No.18045064

Bavx doesn't last on me at all :(

>> No.18045065

Who is this interesting lady?

>> No.18045086

Shimotsuki Ushimaru

>> No.18045087

How'd she get the scar?

>> No.18045088

I always wanted to ask her. Ay the strip club the was a stripper with a scar on her forehead. Make her look hot.

@the strip club
SOTD: Neroli Portofino

>> No.18045098

She just pissed me off.

>> No.18045107

reading back on the americans talking about frags is my grim morning ritual
murkwood, demeter zombie for him, barrister and mann fougere gothique

>> No.18045115

I'm so horny I would gift Noir de Noir to the ratchet stripper.

>> No.18045125

Why is it so hard to find these based Chink fragrances in here in the west?

>> No.18045151

No it isn't

>> No.18045163

Learn to search newfrag

>> No.18045176
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>> No.18045210

what's the point of making so many fragrances if only 7-8 of them smell good
I swear fragrance industry is just a circle of old rich fucks that invented the perfect fragrance and just filter and gatekeep people by pumping out as many shit smelling ones as possible

>> No.18045215

>what's the point of making so many fragrances if only 7-8 of them smell good
what are the 8?
(also that's not the case)
(inb4 amongus, sauvage and bdc)

>> No.18045272

Bringing Fuel for Life with me to my trip to Tokyo, fresh enough I can use it anytime of day and with just 1 spray on the chest it won't be too offensive to them

>> No.18045275

good only for autumn rainy days, else makes you smell like cat litter

>> No.18045292
File: 35 KB, 375x500, 375x500.67997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it get any better than this?

>> No.18045295

Fuuuck i love overpaying for the brand name

>> No.18045314
File: 269 KB, 900x524, badgerr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santal majuscule is nice but if it could last longer than 1 hour itd be full bottle worthy.

>SOTD: Amyris Homme

>> No.18045321

what montale frag should I blind buy?
I'm a virgin btw idk if that matters

>> No.18045349

just ask one of the zoomers standing in front of the montale rack at the department store.

>> No.18045421
File: 752 KB, 1600x1600, davidoff_cool_water_for_men_parfumcenter_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it get any better than this?nvv0

>> No.18045424


>> No.18045426


>> No.18045427


black aoud intense


>> No.18045429

>black aoud intense
ok ahmed

>> No.18045438

nope, nothing beats CW

>> No.18045446
File: 235 KB, 3000x3000, FilsdeDieu100ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other non-boring lime/citrus summer flagrance I should try before buying this ?

>> No.18045451

sotd: doused in grey flannel

>> No.18045456
File: 174 KB, 1080x1350, Snapinsta.app_87206206_774882169667615_7334007969731229780_n_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually wearing Kenzo Homme edt, but damn Cool Water and GIT everything in the same ballpark hit differently. Best chill minty fougere out there, Bourdon is a fucking genius.

>> No.18045460
File: 394 KB, 834x1210, oie_Wce2iyt89tVg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh oh boy, another favorite too, that powdery earthy violet. Heaven on earth.

>> No.18045461

Goldfield & Banks - Bohemian Lime

>> No.18045468

those are some primo knockers

>> No.18045469

do NOT reply to me

>> No.18045478
File: 140 KB, 894x594, ezgif-2-0aa86230b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is 23 yo and had a relationship with 70 yo man. when she got some perfume sponsorship, she dumped him and told him she's not ready to marry a man

>> No.18045489

funny she calls everything that isn't gourmand "pissy old man scents"

>> No.18045500

she is paid by xerjoff
they produce goyslop

>> No.18045501

same as that curly whore who talks about BBC. I am pretty sure she smells so bad. Paid shills that promote perfumes that are dangerous for your health. Avoid buying arab goyslop

>> No.18045503
File: 94 KB, 780x935, 1710224132064715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a frag that will put a woman in this position infront of you?

>> No.18045516
File: 63 KB, 445x1024, 1677075406153318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paid shills that promote perfumes that are dangerous for your health. Avoid buying arab goyslop

Fuck the (((IFRA))) and (((RIFM)))

>> No.18045519

curly is based tho

>> No.18045522

yeah, her tongue is based deep in the asshole of arab fragrance CEOs for $$$

>> No.18045524

more like the other way around

>> No.18045529

yeah, that's totally how it works in the real world

>> No.18045531
File: 3.38 MB, 720x1280, Don't Buy Armaf Club De Nuit Intense Man.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and seethe

>> No.18045533

>shills arab perfumes non stop
pick one fag

>> No.18045538

I have this from the diptyque tester kit, I hope you like white florals

>> No.18045540
File: 1.74 MB, 576x1024, 7299011559962004769_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18045541

>don't buy this slop, buy this slop

>> No.18045542

I already tried Pacific Rock Moss, Desert Rosewood, Ingenious Ginger and Silky Woods from them and they were nice but not great. Is this one better ?

>> No.18045549

That's a man. (S)he's right about perfumes though.

>> No.18045552

nope, LT was unfortunately right about Goldfield & Banks
their juice and bottles look nice but the frags are mid at best

>> No.18045558

6 million wasn't enough it would appear

>> No.18045561
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>> No.18045580
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like pottery

>> No.18045584
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>Any other non-boring lime/citrus summer flagrance I should try before buying this ?
If you can find a bottle of Guerlain homme L'eau boisee for like $40 blind buy it. Its photrealistic LIME + mojito with a tiny bit of white rum and then a huge fucking dose of iso e super. wears great in hot weather. looks like its getting scalped to shit on ebay but maybe on of the discounters still has it.

>> No.18045603
File: 68 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, I wear 1 million EDT to the office, how could you tell

>> No.18045615
File: 205 KB, 480x480, elephant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know nothing. Recommend me something that I can wear anywhere.

>> No.18045620

This is missing an ending where the elephant whips itself in the balls with its trunk.

>Blue de Chanel EdP

>> No.18045622

Montale Black Aoud Intense is a good all-around frag choice

>> No.18045623
File: 35 KB, 684x386, 91sCYLRn5aL._CR255,0,2286,1290_SR684,386_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bros, I just do not like the Y serie

>> No.18045631

>hallo my secxy and dirdy basterds

>> No.18045635

Versace Dylan. Girls love it.

>> No.18045639

It’s a great frag, never realized rice had a fucking smell until I smelled this, just keep in mind the longevity is shit.

>> No.18045646
File: 343 KB, 869x1055, Screenshot_2024-02-11-17-23-33-987_com.instagram.android-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lalique Pour Homme
Caron 3e Homme
Chanel pour Monsieur
Dior Eau Sauvage

>> No.18045650

I need some hypermasculine frag recommendations.
i already own Farenheight, Kouros, Bull's Blood, Rhino and Iron Duke.
what else is there?

>> No.18045653

Allure Homme Edition Blanche

>> No.18045661

chanel allure homme edt

>> No.18045664

bogart one man show

>> No.18045673

the most macho fragrance in my opinion is captain fawcetts baccy & booze. my SOTD, makes me want to bitchslap my wife

>> No.18045679
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>hallo my secxy and dirdy basterds
Gets me off everytime
Percival/Fierce, a middle aged german women complimented me on that

>> No.18045684

creed aventus

>> No.18045685

She's a fun character, but the absolute slop she started shilling made me unsub.

>> No.18045702
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This popped up at my local perfume store

>> No.18045703
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The notes look interesting

>> No.18045704
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Nah she shilling brown mens scent gets me off to the roof

>> No.18045707

Buy it and tell us if it’s good, anon.

>> No.18045714

Yeah I tried on too many sprays of other stuff before I noticed this but I'll check this out tomorrow.

>> No.18045715

Very pleasant scent, but wouldn’t consider it all-seasoner because its light and sweet citrus scent is too fleeting for cold weather. But it’s very nice in hot temperatures and a safe pick there.

>> No.18045719

I love the smell of palo santo. An elusive waxy plastic smell that is really addictive and interesting

>> No.18045723
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Do you fuckers just go into department stores, try a bunch of samples and then leave without buying anything? I'd feel too cheap doing that

>> No.18045728

You can easily try four in one day without feeling cheap.

>> No.18045732

based. imagine wanting to smell like patchouli and iso e super when you could smell like willy wonkas chocolate factory

>> No.18045737
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Chanel Antaeus
Rogue Bon Monsieur
ELDO Rien / Gucci Guilty Absolute

the store attendants in dept. stores usually don't give a fuck if you don't spill your spaghetti too much (if they approach you tell them that you're just looking around)

>> No.18045738
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>> No.18045739

1. how else would I test frags?
2. I'm not gonna give too much of my time of day to designer slop

>> No.18045740

antaeus isn't hypermasc though
based, what is it?

>> No.18045743

nabeel ocean

>> No.18045744

>Kouros hypermasc
>Antaeus not hypermasc
you're wrong but you do you i guess

>> No.18045746

depends on the store, some don't really care others will make a fuss or won't let you sample at all

>> No.18045747

they missed a couple

>> No.18045754


>> No.18045755

The ultimate fragrance

>> No.18045758
File: 21 KB, 375x496, B23C8F96-C3B9-41D9-915D-8B39368D7451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cap is cute. Does it smell good?

>> No.18045774

urinal cake and enough animalics to kill a zoomer
gay old vampire

>> No.18045777

>animalics to kill a zoomer
yeah, maybe 30 years ago

>> No.18045778

unfortunately yes but the idea is still there, while antaeus was never meant to do that

>> No.18045785

Jesus Christ is Lord

>> No.18045788
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>> No.18045798
File: 1.83 MB, 1440x963, baraonda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

experimented through alexander perfume (https://www.fragrantica.com/designers/Alexander.html)) sample set

overall thoughts: way overpriced, marketing and looks are tacky and scream unoriginality (bottles and fonts very much like xerjoff to create some sort of illusion of luxury, thematics of the fragrances are stupid etc.) the good side is that these fragrances have very good performance, so if one manages to find a pleasing fragrance out of their offerings, he can expect to have a fragrance that'll carry on throughout the day - i very much enjoyed this and would consider it the main reason for a purchase

would consider a full bottle of: crown jewel and and majestic radiance - both are excellent gourmands, very well blended and are truly extrait concentration. i think profumum roma is a reference point when it comes to gourmands and i'd consider these two fragrances to be up there, though neither of them is sickeningly sweet as some of profumum roma's pieces are

ok-tier: astrakan and golden hour (also both on the sweeter side), rare usage of apples and cinnamon that come off nicely. golden hour has a sour start, but as the rose comes out the fragrance balances out nicely.

rest were disappointing, saladin was one i had high hopes for, but it smells cheap and the patchouli is too amped up. legacy is borderline underwearable, the tomato leaf is present even hours after applying

pic somewhat related: been wearing baraonda a lot lately when going out

>> No.18045809

>excellent gourmands

>> No.18045821
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>i did it again, blind bought some shiet
>already regreting it
>it didn't even arrive yet

>> No.18045825

Help me decide which frags to bring to Japan
Split between
>Guerlain vetiver
>Guerlain eua de Guerlain
>Guerlain homme edt
>bvlgari aqva
>Caron pour un homme
>cool water
I want to wear something culturally acceptable. Also if none of these, whag would you wear?

>> No.18045827
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>> No.18045831
File: 227 KB, 1818x686, Näyttökuva 2022-12-28 kello 5.54.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i consider gourmands to be defined as anything that's on the sweeter side, i don't think, for example, hiram green's slowdive to be bad in any means even though it'd be considered a gourmand. but yes, the generic gourmands (kilian etc.) are excessive and tasteless

as a reference: i usually wear ambers and aromatic fragrances (ambra aurea, bon monsieur, nicolai's amber oud etc)

>> No.18045835

CW, it smells great, won't suffocate the nips and I'm biased
>whag would you wear?
inb4 yatagan

>> No.18045838

Sounds based. If I could pick it up in a German Apotheke I probably would.
Thanks. I do have yatagan too. But don’t think they would like it.

>> No.18045845

after just scrolling trough their available frags they look like mastige slop but maybe the smell could save them


>i consider gourmands to be defined as anything that's on the sweeter side
then you're wrong
all gourmands are sweet but not every sweet frag is a gourmand
gourmands usually have some sort of edible note like caramel chocolate or vanilla, they can smell like a dessert

>> No.18045850

yatagan was a joke
guerlain vetiver would also work and so would bvlgari aqva to be honest
or L'Eau d'Issey Pour Homme to be thematical with japan

>> No.18045852
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bought dior homme sport 2012 dupe
it lasted 3-4 hours. then turned into a skin scent
can anyone else confirm thats the case with whatever sport version/year you have?

>> No.18045854

*bvlgari aqva marine

>> No.18045856

>it lasted 3-4 hours. then turned into a skin scent
That's solid for modern perfumes

>> No.18045860

>bought dupe
there's your problem

>> No.18045861

Thanks, I only find really sketchy websites still "selling" it so far (in europe) but I will keep looking

>> No.18045868

i think they are very similar (in notes and also in purpose) but i only have their recent formulations
change it to T-Rex if you needs something more primal

bring them all and nuke them with frags for old times' sake

>> No.18045873

Take Kouros and be a PROVD WESTERN BVLL

>> No.18045874

Don't worry, everyone does this nowadays, most of the people who go into perfume stores don't buy anything because the prices suck. The testers are there to test stuff.

>> No.18045875

I didn't know you could fly with parfums

>> No.18045877
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>then you're wrong
i'm afraid fragrance genres or groups are not defined unambiguously nor have they never been ever since the term "fougere" was coined; i would not consider costume national homme to be a gourmand even though it contains a grapefruit note. is every vanilla fragrance a gourmand? if not, where is the line drawn - is tom ford's tobacco vanilla a gourmand? kerosene's unknown pleasure?

but yes, i agree, gourmands tend to intersect with sweet desserts very much, and in this case the notes contain these specific notes

>> No.18045878

>also in purpose
I have to disagree
antaeus while a masculine animalic is somewhat clean and tame and kouros is like you would take antaeus remove makes it a chanel release, throw it into the dirt and piss on it

>> No.18045879

yeah looking at fragrantica out of all versions the 2012 was the worst in terms of parameters. now that i checked, 3-4 hours checks out with the reviews
what problem?

>> No.18045882

1. you can even fly with multiple frags in your carry-on bag if they contain less than 100ml of juice
2. you can buy 9001 frags in the duty-free and bring them on board
3. you can also have all the bottles in the world in your checked baggage
4. ????
5. PROFIT!!!!

>I have to disagree
it's okay, we can agree to disagree
my opinion is based on the current versions and i stand by it - they are the classier/dirtier sides of the same coin

>> No.18045883

it's a shame people with no taste are allowed to buy frags but on the other hand thanks to them companies have money to make other good fragrances so it almost balances out

>even though it contains a grapefruit
grapefruit is not sweet
>is tobacco vanille a gourmand?
do you want to eat it? also no it's just a sweet vanilla
>where is the line drawn
where it is appropriate and where general consensus lies

>> No.18045884

>what problem?
the one you have

>> No.18045887

>if not, where is the line drawn - is tom ford's tobacco vanilla a gourmand?
I would say not, maybe with slight gourmand touches. While gourmands are not precisely defined, both coumarin based tobacco notes and vanilla notes far predate the gourmand genre.
Gourmands usually refer to the wave of chocolaty and caramely fragrances started by the likes of A*Men in the 90s and peaking in the 2000s. Heavy use of ethyl maltol could also be considered a staple of this style, at least its modern clubbing oriented versions. At the height of its popularity, even Dior and Guerlain took the genre for a spin with LIDGE and Dior Homme, in a classed up version.

>> No.18045904

personally i was a lil disappointed with bohemian lime. I like pacific rock moss though

>> No.18045906
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>be millennial
>listen to Enjoy the silence
>the epic instrumental part at 2:00 min kicks in
>instant memories of good old life in the 90s
>first crush on a tall blonde german girl
>the smell of Cool Water
Love that song so much.

>> No.18045910
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thanks, good comment. i very much agree with your thoughts and i wouldn't consider tobacco vanille a gourmand either and of course I'd restrict the class of gourmands to the fragrances akin with chocolate and caramel notes.

LIDGE is a great example, I think when it came out, many would've considered it to be a gourmand when contrasted with the other offering on the market, but I would not consider it a gourmand even though the patchouli comes off very chocolatey

>> No.18045916

I caught the sarcasm with yatagan. No need to explain fren. Thanks for the input. I’m leaning towards vintage cool water and Guerlain vetiver for variety. Seems like the weather is still nippy or else I’d go with eau de Guerlain instead of vetiver.

>> No.18045918
File: 481 KB, 830x1365, Screenshot_2024-03-12-23-13-51-011_com.brave.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How frankincensy is this? I want some simple, attracted very frankincense scent I can wear to the office

>> No.18045922

I have a coworker who is about 52 years old. He says he wants to smell like clean socks what should he buy?

>> No.18045923

>in Japan

>> No.18045925

it's the most frankincensy designer rn probably but it's alsko quite sweet

>> No.18045926

clean socks

>> No.18045927

>vintage CW
I'm jelly
and what he said >>18045923

>> No.18045930

>Etro Musk - very clean
>Nasomatto Silver Musk - clean
>YSL Kouros (modern formulation) - worn only once by an 18 year old girl (she/her)
you're welcome

>> No.18045931

>>YSL Kouros (modern formulation) - worn only once by an 18 year old girl (she/her)

What did he mean by this

>> No.18045934

I want some real suggestions

>> No.18045935


>> No.18045936

what i meant is that it is just dirty enough to be a good option here

they are all real suggestions
you can also go and fuck yourself if it's too much effort to look them up (also a real suggestion btw)

>> No.18045940

No thanks, your “suggestions” are trash

>> No.18045946

nta but I was just about to suggest something that you would want but since you're retarded I'm not going to, fuck you

>> No.18045952

Thanks man, I have zero sweet frags so this one sounds good. It's on the way

>> No.18045960

be sure to write what you think of it when it arrives

>> No.18045961

Will do. My biggest pet peeve with frags is poor longevity. I'm so used to kouros that everything else seems really short lived (I know that's a pretty high standard but it's the first thing I bought when I got Into wearing fragrance as an adult)

>> No.18045967

well BBE won't disappoint you then

>> No.18045974

It smells like an arab

>> No.18045986

>oriental style fragrance with resin focus smells like the middle east
no way

>> No.18046010

SOTD: Montblanc Explorer

>> No.18046012

You are definitely samefag

>> No.18046020

I hope you recover
definitely not, niggerfaggot

>> No.18046027

Do you enjoy wearing any fragrances to bed (alone)?

>> No.18046029

>Shilling for a $30 grandpa fragrance that collects dust at Ross discounters and is sold to niggers at CVS

>> No.18046030

Lalique Pour Homme EDP vs EDT?

>> No.18046031

>being retarded

>> No.18046032

yeah I sometimes put on a fragrance and it's something I'm in the mood for or I like very much
EDP no contest

>> No.18046041

I know nothing about fragrances, I blind bought a bottle of Boss Bottled EDP and some Nautica Voyage.
I really like the Boss but it doesn't last super long. Nautica is cheap and good. I like it too, it's really fresh.
How'd I do with the Boss? Any other Boss fragrances worth checking out?

>> No.18046051
File: 67 KB, 600x430, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nosecel clearly doesnt understand the power of cool

>> No.18046184

Boss fragrances tend to be very inoffensive yet also have mediocre-to-bad performance. They’re the kind that is hard to hate, but also difficult to really love.

IMO their most interesting frsgrances are in The Collection line, some of those are actually pretty nice, but the problem is that they’re priced like niche frags and are only available in 100ml bottles with basically zero discounter availability, so they just can’t stack up to hard competition.

>> No.18046200

SOTD: Chanel Allure Homme

>> No.18046241

So I was thinking of getting Bleu De Channel, but I'm not sure which one to get? I was planning on getting the EDP, but after watching a few videos it has me thinking that the straight parfum is the right choice.

>> No.18046252
File: 19 KB, 375x500, sancti-LLI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incense and citruses. Why does it smells so good and why is no one else is doing this

>> No.18046253

It smells so good I can't even write properly anymore

>> No.18046257
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 48998_m2dmc2_khalil_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is no one else is doing this
there was another one that did the same but i can't remember. was dry incense with citrus

>> No.18046297

Go to your local big fragrance store and smell all 3 on tester strips, then ask for a sample of your top 2-3 and test them yourself.

People usually debate between the parfum and EdP, when I tested on my skin I found the EdP had better performance. Could just be my skin/the batch/imagination, but I think this is an example where just because it’s a higher concentration doesn’t mean it’s a better frag.

>> No.18046394
File: 950 KB, 1080x1344, Screenshot_2024-01-24-12-50-55-585_com.brave.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the craziest scent you wear to the office lads?
>Sotd: furyo

>> No.18046398
File: 490 KB, 1424x1424, ezgif-2-ef26c64ec3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This type of incense is always my favorite over sweet, oriental incense. Reminds me of northern european forests and rural churches.

>> No.18046401

Oversprayed Dakar in the office. At the office later i had close contact with clients, they were intimidated.

>> No.18046402

How's the longevity? I can't stand anything that doesn't last a really good amount of time. I feel like it's a waste of money to buy something that I smell for like 30 mins then it's gone

>> No.18046404

Yeah Dakar is really strong. Did they comment?

>> No.18046406

I often wear 2 or 3 sprays of Rien to the office. I also used to wear Kouros to the office.

>> No.18046415

BI 4 sprays. Some ragret.

>> No.18046417

I'm jelly

sotd: Lomani pour homme

>> No.18046422

Pretty average I would say so it might not be enough for you. Good Projection for 2 hours and skin scent at 4 hours+.

>> No.18046436

I did the same mistake once. I learned that day that for whatever reason it smells really "spicy" for some people

>> No.18046440

>Did they comment?
Nah, but the overall tone and situation changed after i came close. You can feel that they were intimidated by the way i smelled.

>> No.18046444

The Parfum is the sweetest of the three. If that's a deal-breaker for you then get the EDP (or the EDT if the EDP is still too sweet for your taste)

>> No.18046468

Lol no one is intimidated by smells unless it's the smell of poo

>> No.18046471

Is Pacific Chill actually unisex? I do enjoy the smell and find it great but it leads too feminine for a gym/bro dude. I can't see a situation where it'd be good to wear.

>> No.18046491

Any of you niggers try Loomi?

>> No.18046532

Alzheimer bros, what do we think of S** boy by Draco?

>> No.18046543
File: 26 KB, 375x500, 375x500.5521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to cum each time I spray this on me. Nothing I own is better

>> No.18046548

Honestly, the EDT. It's the freshest, the most "year round" and the best at what BDC was meant to be. When in doubt, go for the original version, usually more thought was put into that than the flankers.

>> No.18046602

Doesn't this have literally zero performance and disappear instantly?

>> No.18046603

Aren't flankers usually to put a spin on/update fragrances for modern noses

>> No.18046606

Nope, it lasts 34 minutes. Then it's a skin scent for 17 minutes.

>> No.18046626

enough to cum 5 times

>> No.18046631

Performance is a poor people concern. Rich people buy frags that last 10 minutes and then reapply

>> No.18046633

and thats why i use half an oud attar every morning

>> No.18046644

Al Haramain Amber Oud.
Montblanc Legend.
Parfums de Marley Carlisle.

>> No.18046676
File: 20 KB, 375x500, 375x500.33443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this so good

>> No.18046719


>> No.18046787

Not if they're created like 2 years after the fragrance. BdC was still a spring chicken when the flankera were made, and it's still not out of fashion nowadays, as seen from the lack of any new men's lines from Chanel

>> No.18046896

The people who say this must be sissy sprayers. I have this shit and it literally lasts like 8 hours. Will definitely last the whole date night, fuck session included

>> No.18047054

ok, thanks for the advice. I take it that the EdT is a noticeably different scent than the Parfum or EdP and that those two are more similar to one another.