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File: 861 KB, 756x944, franks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18044620 No.18044620 [Reply] [Original]

Based Frank's Edition

What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Dainite (Get vibram v-bar instead)
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams
>Combination/mixed material heels

Boot Brands NO
>Doc Shitters/Soloshitters
>any Whatsapp makers in the far east

PREVIOUS: >>18036235

>> No.18044639


>> No.18044690

knowing that you're rangeranon I hope you never get ropers

>> No.18044693

i hate how thick the soles are on those why doesn't anybody make that style with a slightly lower profile sole

>> No.18044709

because crepe wears fast

>> No.18044764
File: 1.43 MB, 2000x1167, IMG_9717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the White's Perry Select

>> No.18044768

2010 wants its hipster boots back

>> No.18044770

>spend $700 on boots you can only wear twice a week and never ever get wet or dirty
>need to spend $300 on a resole every 2-3 years
Meanwhile you can just buy normal boots for $200 and throw them away after 2 years

>> No.18044774

thats bad for the environment

>> No.18044775

But why though?

>> No.18044780

my 600 dollar boots are more comfortable and fit better and last forever
so after 3 shit pairs of shit boots we've spent the same on boots but I have a good and proper boot and you have a basic bitch fashion accessory

>> No.18044781

this post smells a little bulgarian

>> No.18044813
File: 1.27 MB, 1964x1571, IMG_6485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except “normal” boots are hideous, mostly shitty plastic, and have horrid qc because chinks can’t see through their slant eyes.

>> No.18044821

I have them in British Tan double shot, but I wish I got the tobacco stampede instead.

>> No.18044830

I already own a pair of the normal black Perry's. I can't be bothered to buy a second pair of moc toes just for the sake of slightly nicer leather.

>> No.18044831

>not having 3k worth of boots ready to go at a moments notice

>> No.18044833

It's boot weather two thirds of the year where I live.

>> No.18044854

fuck, i love the color on these
never thought i'd say that about green boots
hunter green or loden suede?

>> No.18044861

Kek, I bet you think you actually need shoe trees for boots too. Pure reddit brain. You can wear one pair of leather boots every day and just throw them in the corner when you get home and they will be quite fine in two years

>> No.18044864
File: 261 KB, 750x707, IMG_5988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunter green reverse chamois. Horween discontinued the leather years ago. I think Alden was the only one who had it for special make ups.

>> No.18044868

And the entire time you have uncomfortable feet

>> No.18044884

Should I apply dubbin wax then shoe polish, or the other way around? Also what's a good dubbin wax. Monsoon climate semi-frequent rain

>> No.18044922

ive seen it a lot from indonesian makers, very cool color.

>> No.18044936

>I NEED to resole my boots
>I can't wear my boots daily
>oops stepped in a puddle need to wipe it down
>shoe trees
>lasts forever
Pick one.
Also let's not forget most cobblers charge $150-$200 with multiple month's turn around.
The only reason you think they last forever is because you baby the fuck out of it, like a nigger with a fresh pair of jordans, you overspent so you don't want to lose out on your chinese made boots. In reality they have the same longevity as regular boots.

>> No.18045127
File: 212 KB, 1501x1607, 1695079780788494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Java Waxed boots still stuck on customs

>> No.18045129

I never spent more than a hundred bucks on a boot. are 500 bucks etc. boots really usable for ten years? even with daily use? is there a boots guide for noobs? how time intensive is the maintenance to make sure they last?

>> No.18045143

>buy 1500 dollar boots
>take absolutely zero care of them
>still look amazing years later
>literally indestructible
Can I stop posting now

>> No.18045183

Boots are way, way, sturdier than some want you to believe. And I change my half soles and heels every 2-3 years for ~30$.

>> No.18045217

theyre the states boots now

>> No.18045241

>more comfortable and fit better
All the people on reddit with fucked up feet disagree

>last forever
Sure, if you literally never wear them

>> No.18045305

>All the people on reddit with fucked up feet disagree
reddit undersizes their boots because they're retarded

>> No.18045354

They might aswell, considering they're tearing me a new one with custom fees.

>> No.18045395

dubbin then polish
dubbin by itself is enough to waterproof boots that you don't really need to wax them with polish after that, unless you want a better shine
for dubbin it really doesn't matter that much what brand you use, but it's always good to go with saphir if you ever have doubts, it's such heavy grease it will darken the leather to the max anyway

>> No.18045415

>loaded question

>> No.18045554

desu if you like it you just have to eat the cost
I'm paying alden money on grant stones but I want what I want

>> No.18045562

thanks, I already applied some polish so I guess I'll wait until they rough up a bit then dubbin and re-polish like you said. It's a matte leather hence the dubbin and polish combo

>> No.18045583

Thats what I do for my work boots. Even my 10877s kill my feet even though they're literally designed for work. I've just been wearing military boots. They're basically beefed up running shoes in the shape of boots. I wear my IRs and my 10877s when I go out and do stuff.

>> No.18045672
File: 38 KB, 900x643, GS Diesel Boot Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the market for my first high-quality boots. Pic related is my top choice - Grant Stone Diesel Boot Earth. I love the waxed commander, brass hooks, and overall elegant, yet rugged look.

At the price point of >$400, it's perfect. But are there any other brands I should weigh my options with that offer a similar look, but higher quality? Casual perusal of thread archives indicates this is at least a solid mid-tier brand.

The OP says cork is a red flag and this boot has cork filler with a steel shank. I am still in the process of understanding the ins and outs of high quality shoe/boot making, so I am not sure why cork is frowned upon.

Thank you for the help

>> No.18045674
File: 637 KB, 1280x720, 1696470116692284.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cork is frowned upon when compared to using a full leather insole instead of cork plus leather

>> No.18045676
File: 353 KB, 1280x720, 1699756407520567.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

versus cork plus whatever else bullshit wolverine puts in their boots

>> No.18045717

>The OP says
it's a meme

>> No.18045720

>The OP says cork is a red flag
ignore the red flags. Cork is a perfectly fine filler material, you can't tell the difference between full leather, wool/felt or cork filling.

>> No.18045729
File: 62 KB, 480x320, Victoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a pair of Carminas with the "not ridgeway" sole for almost a year now, wear them 2-3 times a week and the sole looks like new.

I don't see how these might need a resole in 3 or even 5 years

>> No.18045730

non issue since they added the anti squeak interlayer

>> No.18045756
File: 198 KB, 572x554, 134613457457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically I just bought pic related

>> No.18045757

>Two posts backed with video evidence
>Two posts with just trust me bro
The choice is crystal clear

>> No.18045765

>video evidence
of what? A random cross section of a white's boot and some unrelated synthetic trash. What exactly does that prove?

>> No.18045767

who made it?
which tannery?
what sole?

>> No.18045841

I'm paying White's money for Trumans. I knew I was gonna get assraped in customs but I was kinda hoping they'd put lube on the tip.
At least I had the money allocated just in case.
The boots better be worth it since I don't think I'd be buying new boots in years to come if ever.

>> No.18045855
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 1678867386569964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a 20 year old belt that's been worn hard every single day and put away wet, i've never done anything to it. the surface of the leather's just barely starting to dry out and crack, what should i do to care for it?

>> No.18045859
File: 37 KB, 618x258, 1681414206187104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the condition i'm working with

>> No.18045862

>already cracked
its ogre

try a heavy duty conditioner like obernauf LP

>> No.18045886

Looks better than anything else itt and people won't think you're a hipster faggot irl

>> No.18045888

any time i see chelseas irl its always on a guy who's trying for the sex core look but never achieves it

>> No.18045907

he's right about it being ogre, but wrong about the conditioner

paradoxically the worst thing to do to such dried out leather is to use the heavy duty shit
it's going from one extreme to the other
the leather is so dried out, that the fibers are tearing and cracking apart, then you add the obenauf and it's going to bloat up and loosen up all the damaged fibers, making them less compact and therefore even weaker
you have to use gentle conditioners, it can't be waxy as fuck creams
something specifically for delicate leathers, universal lotion, something that says it can be used on handbags and upholstery

or you can just buy a belt blank online and transfer the hardware yourself for basicly the cost of a new bottle of dedicated conditioner

>> No.18045921

interesting never thought about that

>> No.18046008

And people can still hear the Whites clown coming from miles away.
Creak creak stupid squeakers

>> No.18046026
File: 1.04 MB, 1179x1191, IMG_6686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cork is fine. Some anons are watching too much Rose An-Shill and think the only sign of quality is more leather. Because apparently construction method, last design, and stitch quality/density don’t matter.

>> No.18046085
File: 1.21 MB, 720x1280, 1706613999885522.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boom plastic
how do you respond without sounding mad

>> No.18046088

Frank's ran out of Brown Double shot, switched it to Black Waxed flesh.
Gives me an opportunity to get White's Cutter in double shot brown without have 2 boots in the same leather.

>> No.18046092

>double shot
isn't a non-standard leather upgrade 100 bucks from franks? for the price why not go with W&C veg tan or something a little less basic than nucxl

>> No.18046093

It was I think $75 when I bought it or maybe $90, now it's $100.
I lost the fit sheet and decided I didn't need one anymore after I broke in my other boots from them.
I didn't go with W&C because they are work boots and vegtan isn't as durable as chrome tanned.
If they were casual boots I probably would, I think those are the best options that Frank's has.

>> No.18046132
File: 422 KB, 857x1596, vellies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a pair of Jim Green Vellies for summer wear. What color should I get? I'm thinking fudge rambler.

>> No.18046155

Just go with brown smooth.

>> No.18046193
File: 7 KB, 194x259, squeaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cork is bad b-b-because it is not leather okay?
>Leather insole with cork filler is bad but leather insole with rubber filler is good o-o-okay?
>B-b-because muh thought and feeling, not based on any real evidence.
>S-stop asking.

>> No.18046329

>they are work boots
why not just get the standard seidel work leather then? that's what it's made for and no extra cost
i have waxed flesh and it's great dont get me wrong but for a work boot i'd take the ticker work leather

>> No.18046392
File: 335 KB, 498x289, e0acbe0204a9611d6a33279f8b066522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Truman Java Waxed arrived
Can make an overview with pics in a couple hours if anyone's interested.
Also, should I condition the leather laces they came with?

>> No.18046577

I guess my first thought when I got the $100 black friday discount is that I should use it for a custom leather lol.

>> No.18046580

>Also, should I condition the leather laces they came with?
Yeah just a little bit of conditioner.

>> No.18046664

Thinking about getting the Meermin black calf. Any experience? Sizing?

>> No.18046709

i like shoellie fudge

>> No.18046716
File: 1.27 MB, 1696x1351, Meermin_116210_Horween Shell_Color 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I took my standard UK size for the ROD last, model 116210. A little tight with their Heritage shell but a great fit with Horween shell.

>> No.18046725

yeah with a light conditioner

>> No.18046754
File: 979 KB, 2000x1500, Truman_Boots_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've unboxed and worn for a short time my new pair of Truman Java Waxed Flesh boots and here's my overview/first impressions:

>The boots
Truman Java Waxed Flesh 79 last size 9.5D US

>Fit & Sizing

Guess this is the most pressing information. Searching on the internet and (forgive for what I'm about to say) reddit, it seems that Truman used to recommend getting the same size as on Red Wing Iron Rangers. But a lot of people complained that they should have gone up half a size from those and it seems that Truman listened because when I submitted the sizing form they replied with that same advice. For the record my sizing is:

Foot length 275mm
Width D
Nike, Adidas, New Balance, Vans, Puma 10US
Converse All Stars 9.5D
Red Wing Iron Rangers, Beckman, 875 9D US
Thursday High Top sneakers 10US
Austrian paramemes, French rangers 43EUR
Doc Martens 9UK

>> No.18046758
File: 1.07 MB, 1996x1496, Truman_Boots_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the purposes of this overview I'll focus on how they size compared to Iron Rangers. Total lenght seems to be about the same, my IRs size a bit snug and I don't like having too much room in front of my toes, just barely enough so prevent my toes from touching or rubbing against the inside of the toe box, probably most people woould have gone with 9.5D on IRs in my size.
The Trumans fit about the same in terms of lenght, but somewhat wider, moreso at the widest part of the boot. I beleive this is due to the shape of the last. While wider at that point it has a more almond-like shape, tapering somewhat more than the IRs. The effect on fit is that the boots feel somewhat roomier in width while adding no extra room in lenght.
I needed shoehorns to put them on at first, even without shoelaces. For comparision the only other boots that required a shoehorn were the Beckmans. Compared to the Beckmans the Trumans feel as stiffer outside of the box as those did, but somehow not as painful to wear at first. Maybe it's the last, once my feet were in, they felt perfectly adjusted to the boot, snug and tight where it needed to be, but with enough give and breathing space where required.
To sum it up, going a half size up from IRs is the way to go, at least if you have a D width.

>> No.18046762
File: 1.38 MB, 1992x1504, Truman_Boots_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Construction, leather and hardware

The boots came perfectly packaged inside a sturdy box, wrapped in paper with a single pair of leather shoelaces and a card with care instructions. The leather of the boots is thicker than any other boot I've owned or seen in person, quite stiff and drier to the touch than expected, I was kinda expecting a greasy feeling to the touch, but it feels nice. Smells a lot too.
The hardware looks sturdy and that no corners were cut in that regard, the eyelets are thick and the speedhooks look like they can survive getting bumped against anything.
The construction, however, has someups and some downs.
These are obviously very well made boots, the stitching looks solid all around and every layer, every part that is attached to another looks like it was welded on it. No weak points, no areas that look like they could separate or anything. These boots are built like tanks.
But there are a few details that I won't overlook in a boot at this price. At some spots the stitching does not perfectly follow the edge of the leather panel and there are a couple that look a bit wonky. Nothing that could compromise the structural integrity of the boot, but at this price it must be said. Even my Red Wings do not have this issue.
On top of this, there appears to be a couple of small scratches on a spot. Nothing serious, but not what you'd expect on a 450€ boot. Also one of the boots had a bit of dust on the sole, perhaps these were a return? If so they were expertly repackaged, and perhaps since I'm euro the folks at Truman thoguh I was unlikely to send them back. Gotta admit that's true, after all I paid for shipping and customs, sending them back would set me back 250-300€ and no boots, even if the offered to send me a new pair for free when/if they get another batch of this leather.
I would be willing to overlook this on a 350€ boot, but honestly, I expected better, so much for Made in America.

>> No.18046763
File: 1023 KB, 2000x1500, Truman_IR_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final thoughts
All that said, these are some damm fine pair of boots, better than the Red Wings for sure, they look amazing and I feel like they'll be really comfortable once I break them in. I don't know if it's the last or the shape of the toes, but they sort of help with the stride when walking, like they're accompanying your feet. That sort of balances how heavy they feel on the feet.
Lastly, they lugged sole feels a bit weird on concrete, considering I'm a city slicker mostly, I guess a minilug sole or something with less bite would have been more appropiate, but whatever.
Overall the total cost of the boots set me back around 800€, which is quite a lot for me. I don't regret it and I can see myself wearing these for decades to come. With these boots I'm all set on service boots, weep for my trusty Iron Rangers that are gonna sit on their box for who knows how long.

>> No.18046770

nice writeup

>> No.18046788

Anon they are nice but that scratch is bugging me

>> No.18046796
File: 107 KB, 887x1228, H45SonN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions on double pleated trousers?

I know he's sort of hiding the double pleat by shoving his hand in the pocket
does it make you look like an old man to have double pleats?
I just want less creasing when I sit down

>> No.18046820

Double pleats are forever goated.

>> No.18046828


Me too, but it's not as noticeable in person. It's either live with it or send them back and lose a couple hundred anyway.
I don't think I'll be buying boots online ever again. Costly lesdon learned.

>> No.18046839

Why not just get Vibergs for that price?

>> No.18046890

Vibergs would total 1k or more. You gotta draw a line somewhere.

>> No.18046906

bro there are european retailers that stock viberg and won't cost you an arm and leg in shipping + customs, paying 800 yuros for boots worth half that is insane.

>> No.18046908

Not him but there are not that many.
I bought my Vibergs from Cultizm last year, -25% and they were like 600€? Not terrible but I think they don't stock them anymore.

Rivet & Hide exists but they're in the UK, never tried to order from them and see if it's true that they'll cover customs.

>> No.18046911

just ignore the viberg shill

>> No.18046920

If there are, I found none. Anyway, I was expecting a pretty decent customs fee, not not as high by any stretch.
These were the boots that I wanted in the leather I wanted, it is what it is.
If any the takeaway I got from the experience is to stop beinh such a consumerist. I love the boots but the excitement I got from receiving them does not compare to the one I got years ago when I bought the Beckmans, which were my first quality boots.

Vibergs never caught my eye for some reason.

>> No.18046979

>I was expecting a pretty decent customs fee, not not as high by any stretch
expect it next time and always choose DHL (they are the most lenient and seamless with customs imo), fedex sucks absolute dick

into the EU you can roughly estimate the total like this (there is a lot more to this but it works out pretty close usually)
total=(price of item+price of shipping)x1,35

yes, you pay VAT+customs on the shipping too, not just the item itself, which is completely retarded and drives up the customs fees a lot
also if the seller offers "free international shipping" aka the shipping is sneakily charged into the cost of the item, then you get double charged with shipping in the customs process, because they don't retract the shipping cost from the price of the item that you paid, they add the imagined shipping cost that "the seller supposedly paid for you" on top, which means a lot higher customs percentage wise

the whole thing is so retarded if you look into it, the VAT is calculated first and then the value with the VAT is charged with customs, which basicly means you are taxed on taxes
also there is a flat "handling fee"/ "stocking fee" for nothing, they just charge it for "doing the paperwork for you" and keeping you shit hostage in a warehouse while they do it

>> No.18046980

seconded, how do the sizes run? i'm a US 10

>> No.18046984
File: 761 KB, 1801x2600, b9ffa1de8d6342ba8884018f8ad77b6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought ?

>> No.18046986
File: 1.77 MB, 1706x900, 1682887803139544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not the original clarks desert boots?

>> No.18046997

Yeah, thanks for the breakdown. That is exactly what happened. I paid customs for fucking shiping, which is utterly retarded but what can you do?
Forgot to mention that at least Truman's customer service was quick to answer and thorough. Even with the timezone difference, they replied within an hour to sizing info, and by a human, no automated response.

>> No.18047037

to avoid customs either find a based seller that will declare the value low (small risk of the package getting lost and no insurance) or just buy within the EU (or UK if the product is EU or UK-originating).
Both DHL and UPS have asked me for proof of purchase before (just inspect element and print the page as pdf), fedex likes to do it the most often.
I just paid like 13 euros on VAT+Customs on a $1500 package that was declared at $50 last week, no issues at all and the $100 shipping from the US was not included in the fee.

>> No.18047058

>just inspect element and print the page as pdf

Doing what, setting the cost of each item and maybe shipping to 0? I'm kinda scared. What if they ask the seller for the same thing and they accidentally show the costs? What if they open my package and see an invoice inside?

>> No.18047060

surprised eu customs is that easy to fool. here they'll just male up a number if they don't think yourself is right

>> No.18047064

to the value the seller declared when shipping. As long it matches, its all good. They might not even bother you with it in the first place though.

>> No.18047066

Yea as long the seller plays along with it, they can't really do shit if both the declared value of the product and the (edited) receipt match. Generally all the Indonesians, Chinese and smaller 1 person shops will oblige with that request in my experience.

>> No.18047112
File: 331 KB, 700x803, Screenshot 2024-03-13 200347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I wasting my money on a new pair of Tecovas? I've never worn their boots before and I can't get a straight answer on if their "work boots" are solid or not. My old Ariats are fixing to fall apart and I need new boots for horseback and ranch work. I've got my eyes on these Parker boots, but steer me in a better direction if these suck.

>> No.18047136

What is the greatest boot ever made?

>> No.18047140


>> No.18047145

Tecovas are work boots the same way that Red Wing Heritage boots are work boots. Ie. Not really.

Buy some MiUSA Double H boots. They look decent and are built like tanks for ~$100 less than Tecovas

>> No.18047155

Oh yeah if you can get them to declare a lower price of course. I wonder what shipping proxy I should use for Japan.

>> No.18047175
File: 201 KB, 478x720, Screenshot 2024-03-13 211301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know most of their catalog is more 'fashion forward' like red wing stuff. great for baristas. They've started introducing more expensive "work and ranch wear" labeled products. All i want to know is if that line is actually worthy of the name. I'm not too far from a tecovas storefront to find a pair that fits, but i'm also not far from a boot barn with a dozen other brands as well.

>> No.18047178

I get all my denim from denimio, they allow u to declare your own value, but they sadly dont carry any of the desirable footwear brands. eastwestapparel in the UK will pre-pay duties to most EU countries on any orders above $500 or something, so that would cover any japanese boots. I got my White's, Rolling Dub Trio and Lofgren from there.

>> No.18047180

Bean boot

>> No.18047349
File: 38 KB, 500x842, 1684332348144483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nathan Florsheim the Milton Boot.

>> No.18047394
File: 93 KB, 696x1080, FFVIIRebirth_CidRender-xbgzw9db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically what are some boots similar to these?

>> No.18047401

>9.5 is too snug at the forefoot
>10 too loose at the heel
What do?

>> No.18047405
File: 3 KB, 399x403, 1710037196832896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>800€ for a pair of Truman's

>> No.18047408
File: 68 KB, 659x543, 1656601647202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I exclusively buy from Tricker's now. Free shipping + no VAT or taxes, even in their factory shop items. Grim stuff, but what can you do

>> No.18047410

Size 10 plus tongue pads. Or you can have your cobbler install suede patches over the heel lining so you won't slip.

>> No.18047412

I’ve tried tongue pads before with different shoes and it still felt bad at the heel. Will the cobbler suede patches lock in the heel snugly and feel good? Do you actually have experience with this?

>> No.18047574


>> No.18047581
File: 2.50 MB, 2617x3529, 1707222064143878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these finally came

>> No.18047584
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what color shell to go for next?

>> No.18047595

What's the lead time on Frank's MTO

>> No.18047604 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18047611

Looks like my whites semi dress in brown dress leather. I wish I would’ve gotten all eyelets instead of quick release though. On my quick release boots j could keep them tied and still get them on and off. For these I have to untie them anyway.

>> No.18047619

Id on pants? I would get something more casual for your next boots. Unless you’re always wearing nice slacks then go for it.

>> No.18047625

grey cavour flannel trousers

>> No.18047957

They're cool
What's the last? Color 4?

>> No.18047963

Nevermind, I saw your post on SF
Pretty good, I wouldn't have guessed it's 363mod. It seems rounder because of the width I guess.

>> No.18048078

It looks rounder than my split toe boots on 363mod. Still got a boot on 173 last coming some time soon, which is supposed to be the most round.

>> No.18048084

did you ask for a trimmed welt or is that the normal Bonafe storm welt?

>> No.18048102

nah i didn't ask them to trim it. How wide it ends up depends on your sole (and size) but also whoever is doing the trimming at the factory.
Ridgeway for example can't accommodate a size 10 or larger with norvegese welt. I don't think its been cut closer than usual, you can ask them to keep it as chonky as possible if you wanted to.

>> No.18048136

aaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i need my pair to show up. after my dark cognac arrives i am going to see if he can do a light color like bourbon or just natural shell. what sole did you get?

>> No.18048153


>> No.18048181

will buying a pair of redwings make women wanna fuck me the way that they wanna fuck austin butler? its a lot of money to spend on a single pair of boots for a cheap bastard like myself

>> No.18048198

>want a pair of high quality boots after a lifetime of wearing charity shop shit
>all of my irls shill some american brand called wolverine
>boots look nice, reviews are great, but the metal is silver and not brass
>this is somehow enough to put me off buying an otherwise perfect boot
this is what i get for overcommitting to exclusively wearing black leather and gold, ive cucked myself

>> No.18048224

>otherwise perfect boot

>> No.18048227

to someone thats never worn a pair that cost more than £20, they can do no wrong

>> No.18048235

most would call this excessive, but you could always have a cobbler replace the eyelets if you really, really want this boot.

>> No.18048238

>Looks like my whites semi dress
That is more like their Fritz boot, the Milton is more like a Viberg service boot.

>> No.18048270

wolverines are trash my man

>> No.18048287

I own three pairs of Red Wings and the only woman who wants to (sometimes) fuck me is my wife. YMMV.

>> No.18048288

>1k for a pair of Whites, Franks, Nicks, Vibergs, etc.
I ended up overpaying, but the boots are really nice and, most important of all, were the boots I really wanted, even if the experience got a bit tarnished in the end.
BTW, been wearing the boots for a few hours today and they are surprisingly not a pain to wear for a boot like this out of the box. I'm expecting them to become my most comfortable boots after breaking them in.
Also, the more I look at them the more I like them.

>> No.18048297

800 euros would have bought you any non-shell C&J

>> No.18048303
File: 35 KB, 362x358, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grant stone costs $400 now

>> No.18048315

If your argument is that C&J is better, fine. But those were not the boots I wanted. I wanted specifically these. I've also said that I overpaid for them.

>> No.18048331

If the Trumans were what you wanted and you're happy with them then that's what matters. I'm not planning to buy more boots anytime soon but if I were I think I'd seriously consider them over Whites, Franks etc. I appreciate the review too. Enjoy them.

>> No.18048342

Maybe, but that boot posted looks very similar to my whites semi dress in dress brown.

>> No.18048465

All leather price is going up. Expect price increases for all brands.

>> No.18048481

Hey boot fags, awhile ago I asked for desert boot recs and some anon said astorflex. I just wanna say that they were right, I got a pair and they're way nicer quality than clarks for only like $50 more. So thanks a lot /btg/, you saved me from getting some shitty mall boots

>> No.18048613

Thanks, I'm glad you liked the review.
I spent some time considering these or the Nicks americana. Ultimately I chose the Trumans because the Nicks looked too bulbous and I wanted something with a sleeker profile. While the Trumans aren't slim boots by any means, the shape of the last balances the hefty profile in some way.
A final thought regarding the fit, I've got a little trouble putting them on when passing the bridge of the foot throught the seam between the tongue and the vamp (not sure if bridge is the name in english, I mean that bony protuberance on the top of the foot). But once it's passed, the foot just sludes into place and it's help in the boot, no slipping in any direction but not constrained in any way. I think this last works pretty well for me.
They're also a bit roomy on the front of the shaft, from that bony protubetance all the way up. The tongue is ridiculously thick but supple and soft, so the laces do not digg into my foot.
I'm happy with them and I know I'll be wearing them for decades to come, until they fall apart, so even if I overpaid for them, I'm gonna get my money's worth back.

>> No.18048748

not Thursday!

>> No.18048764

i wonder how they keep the same margins without raising prices!! Truly an upstanding business

>> No.18048928

all im hearing is "buy the red wings and youll get married", so im sold

>> No.18048942

People only like Red Wings because you can get them deep discounted pretty easily. I paid under $200 CDN (less than a new pair of Timberlands) for my Iron Rangers and honestly that's about what they're worth.

>> No.18048947

ill seethe about american pricing for the stuff i want till the day i die. cant find discounted boots unless i buy em second hand (have fun finding those in the uk lol), paying euro prices for cheap workwear shit like dickies, and they dont even sell 13mwz's over here. wish london wasnt either
>dogshit streetwear
>overpriced """"""luxury"""""" polyester slop

>> No.18049069

You can buy wranglers 13mwz off amazon, but the total cost might not be worth it. I found those on Vinted, but Vinted UK and Vinted mainland Europe are disconnected.
Same thing with Red Wings and ocassionally some PNW brands, takes time and searching every day until you find a pair unworn and at a reasonable price, then the haggling games begin.
Good luck or pay up.

>> No.18049082
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natural roughout is cool, i like how it's picking up dye from the pants.

>> No.18049084
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TLB Mallorca oxfords
>place custom MTO order on March 4th (Monday)
>the shoe gets made, by hand, including being left alone for a few days while being lasted, and ships on March 14th (Thursday)
>UPS expects delivery on March 26th (Tuesday)
How the fuck does UPS take more time to ship than it takes to make a custom MTO from scratch?

>> No.18049090

crocking is the term but yeah i've made and dyed roughout watchstraps by rubbing it on my iron hearts lol

>> No.18049094

color match kiltie or contrast kiltie?

>> No.18049114

they fondle and violate your boots before delivering

>> No.18049126

>including being left alone for a few days while being lasted
they are certainly machine lasted, so it takes a couple hours at most.

>> No.18049150

I thought machine lasted means a machine does the pulling but they still leave them on the last for a few days

>> No.18049179
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>> No.18049181

it's pretty neat, but i do wish it would mark the inside of the boots a little more. doesn't matter that much since people won't really see it but still.

>> No.18049257
File: 122 KB, 1346x1208, I4KlKJV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aubercy would charge you 1800€ for a pair of handwelted suede chukkas plus shoetrees.

Meanwhile, their shoes are made by Bonafe, you could place an MTO for the exact same setup at Skoak or Mehra or Lorenzo and pay maybe like 850€ for the same thing.
Same 5 month wait time as well.

>> No.18049294

>it's blake stitched by default, unless you pay up for handwelt
for 1,450€? fuck off frogs

also they are high if they think this is wearable for formal occasions

>> No.18049312
File: 353 KB, 700x561, 1710271448344039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the most durable work boots?

>> No.18049324


>> No.18049332


>> No.18049351

Concrete shoes. Most people who put them on wind up never needing another pair. They last a lifetime.

>> No.18049364


>> No.18049369

Normies love my new Java's

Looks of compliments all over

>> No.18049370

theyre heavy but you get used to them. I even skateboard with them now (just crusing though no tricks)

>> No.18049375

Why do you need the most durable?

There's plenty of boots that are very durable, but I don't think an in-deph comparison has ever been done to find the absolute most durable boot possible

>> No.18049378

*the profit margin for Grand Stone has increased

Guess board members and CEO really needed that raise

>> No.18049394

being /fa/ or /fit/ doesnt matter. They help, but ultimately face matters the most.

>> No.18049402

if only they made boots for the face

>> No.18049414

>andrew thought the stitchdown last was too bulbous
>plans to "fix" it
we are never getting non clownshoe casual boots

>> No.18050044

Right on!

>> No.18050051
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>> No.18050137

Yes but they look ver very very shitty after 2 even with a resole

>> No.18050578
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>> No.18050616

why does it look like the kiltie is sticking really far out?

>> No.18050617
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thats just how it looks on a LTT

>> No.18050916
File: 351 KB, 1080x1814, Screenshot_20240317_053343_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help guide me in the right direction with shoes? I want a casual every day shoe in the style of an oxford. I really only wear sneakers, so I dont know what to look for as far as material, construction or good brands to shop. Picrel is the doc martens oxford, which is visually what Im looking for pretty much. Is dr martens a good brand? Should I get a different brand? Im not in a huge rush, so i dont mind waiting a few weeks or months for a good sale

Thank u

>> No.18050919
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First of all that's not an oxford

Are you looking for something that looks like that or are you looking for an oxford (pic related)

>> No.18050924
File: 51 KB, 769x739, LdLGYTU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spier & Mackay sent me an email about their 'final sale'

I added two wool trousers (VBC) to the cart - $85 each after the discount, so $170 total.
Then S&M calculated shipping, taxes, duties, customs for importing into Europe and told me it will cost $358 instead.


>> No.18050925

Anyway if you are American this is a great deal, VBC wool trousers for $85 each is solid

>> No.18050930

Need some stylish/dressy brown boots to wear while sexually harassing women in my office. Would help if they are also somewhat rugged

>> No.18050932
File: 153 KB, 980x1224, Hb6p3Dg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been debating whether I should order this RTW model from Carmina for next season.

Not thar rugged I guess

>> No.18050934
File: 133 KB, 1067x1200, DivisionRoadCrocket_Jones027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one I've been considering is the C&J Coniston in dark brown scotch grain.

I've never seen a coniston that doesn't look fucking good. But it's on dainite.

>> No.18050936

These both look like great recs. I'll look more into them. Thanks

>> No.18050938
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Also maybe consider this on sale at Noble Shoe.

I'm not too sold on the commando sole combined with an almond last but these are goodyear welted chukkas made from kudu for less than half the price of the other two.

>> No.18051048
File: 41 KB, 452x308, IMG_6934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Drew’s 8 inch loggers I got last year have started to break in but I still have heel slip. Are the foam pads with grips from Amazon good enough or are better heel pads?

This guy has the same heel slip at the 4 min mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IklwBAzcAPw

I reckon it’s because of the modified 55 last

>> No.18051051

Why do zoomers need to go back and forth like 15 times over a $100 purchase?

I stopped serving zoomers at my business because they always send emails with stupid questions just to chit chat

>> No.18051056

do you have kilties in them?

>> No.18051077

Yeah, I use kilties with them

>> No.18051083

what the fuck is that vid?
retard owns 14 pairs of virtually the same logger boot with sizing all over the place from D width to EEEEE and most of them don't even fit him right, from heel slip to instep bite

>> No.18051119
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He started squeezing them and there's no shoe trees in any of them
What the fuck

imagine the smell

>> No.18051136

i wouldn't fuck with the foam grip pads on the inside personally, no matter how good they are, taking you boots on and off will destroy them over time
if you wear kilties you can stick a non-squishy pad or a piece of leather under the kiltie above the instep so it's sandwitched between it and the tongue
if you use leather laces go with cotton or nylon ones, because they don't stretch and lace tight

>> No.18051161

>Is dr martens a good brand

whats your budget

>> No.18051162

C&J coniston
Trickers stow if you're feeling saucy

>> No.18051411
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C&J Moltons


>> No.18051413
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>> No.18051414

I usually only wear black denim jeans, would brown boots go well with these or should I just stick to black boots?

What kind of leg wear would go well with brown shoes

>> No.18051426

stick to black (boring)

>What kind of leg wear would go well with brown shoes
chinos in navy, olive, choc brown, burnt orange
single or double pleated trousers

>> No.18051462
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>> No.18051464
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I like my RO. Gentlemen’s Footwear has a shell model they stock.

>> No.18051465

20 y/o fresh out of uni looking to pick up some boots to wear casually. What's a good entrance point without looking like a hipster?

>> No.18051467

White's semi dress

>> No.18051469

I don't think a kid who just got out of uni is gonna have 700 bucks to drop on a pair of boots

>> No.18051472

i wish someone told me to buy Whites right from the start instead of wasting a couple years on red wing

>> No.18051477

>without looking like a hipster

>> No.18051564

rw 875 or the iron ranger is the hipster option

whites semi dress is the grown up version

>> No.18051616

Recommended brands in Europe? Preferably easily accessible from the UK

>> No.18051622

Trickers, C&J

>> No.18051694

trust me your tranny heel autsim boots don't look any less retarded.

>> No.18051699
File: 1.78 MB, 900x1200, 1682184169257081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i'll ever get a chukka it has to be this or meccariello

>> No.18051701

so you're here just fishing for an answer

>> No.18051704
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The Meccariello’s are on my list as well. I’m waiting on a pair of Proteos right now. I’d be interested to see his chukka in peccary with the tirolese welt.

>> No.18051706
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G&G’s Arran is also a good contender. I’m a big fan of their lasts.

>> No.18051708
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G&G is on my radar, i don't want to pay full price though. These are back in stock at meccariello, 400 euros + VAT.

>> No.18051712
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STC 524 too

>> No.18051780
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Are meermin still decent? what would be the next step up? I want a pair of brown suede chukkas for my steve mqueen larp

>> No.18051782

What's a pwn last with an arch that's between the flat hnw and the monstrosity of the 55? I do love the 55 btw but I need something in between for work.

>> No.18051783

Sorry no one actually helped you. Red Wing Postman Oxford is a good shoe that matches what you are looking for.

>> No.18051794
File: 144 KB, 1200x1200, christianlouboutin-chambeliboot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys recommend me a cheaper version of the Christian Louboutin Chambeliboot? This a balmoral boot? Looking for something with a similar vamp/last.

>> No.18051810

>grown up
You would look like you frequent the local craft brewery and take back shots.

>> No.18051932
File: 9 KB, 318x159, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that heritage boots, ChRoMeXcEl, chudyear welts, and manlet tranny heels will never make you attractive. Nobody gives a shit about your semi-dress, horse ass abominations. You're only dressing to impress your fellow virgin autists. More people will compliment you, and you will get infinitely more pussy in a pair of PU coated, chinese made Doc Martens than any other incel, lumberjack larp boot posted here. Cope, seethe, and mald, little manlets.

>> No.18051954
File: 1.89 MB, 4487x2373, 20240107_114151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a pair of light brown suede chukkas from TLB and I am very happy with them, the suede is very good. I'll probably do a dark brown chukka (or chelsea) next year.
I've had CF Stead Janus suede from Carmina and it's not the same as TLB's CF Stead, I don't know why the TLB version is better.

>> No.18051974
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ID on these. Some sort of moc toe I assume

>> No.18051996

Appreciate it thank you. I had gotten very good advice here in the past but I guess I shouldn't have had that expectation

>Picrel is the doc martens oxford, which is visually what Im looking for pretty much.

Gee I dont know, what do you think?

>> No.18051999

300ish cad. Ideally looking to get something more expensive on sale

>> No.18052001
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Also should mention, if you have specific brands to recommend that would be great, like the other guy who said red wings. I just want some direction with which brands are making quality products abd generally what to look for when it comes to the materials or build or whatever.

Also its been a few years since ive worn anything other than sneakers or slides. How comfortable are shoes/boots like picrel typically in comparison to sneakers?

>> No.18052010

>How comfortable are shoes/boots like picrel typically in comparison to sneakers?

Not very, especially not shittier ones like docs or soloturds. You could see if you like anything from George Cox too.

>> No.18052040
File: 263 KB, 1280x720, photo_2024-03-18_13-37-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, gonna lay out a bit of context before i ask for boot recommendations

>live in rural area in europe
>not wealthy but a low spender with savings
>want to dress casual but not "street casual" in the modern sense
>have two pair of boots
>trekking boots are comfy and versatile, barely any worse for driving than my sneakers
>military boots are rather uncomfortable unless i use thick socks, pretty horrid for driving
so some kind of casual boots like the OP pic or more elegant chelsea boots would be my goal atm

So based on this, what boots would you recommend to me? As i said i grew out of "street style" and want a more oldschool type of casual or business-casual style, but still somewhat comfortable so i can drive about as well as i can with my trekkin boots, picrel

>> No.18052048

dont get docs, i have gotten some pairs but they all crease and feel like shit for walking more than half an hour

>> No.18052049

>What do I need to care for my boots?
>>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them
so how often should one apply conditioner to their boots? my only conditioner is horse grease

>> No.18052051

if they feel or look dry just give them a light coat

>> No.18052081

>how often should one apply conditioner to their boots?
not often
if they've gotten waterlogged let them fully dry them condition, if they feel real dry it might be time but depends on the leather, some leather is naturally more oily or dry/boardy than others
unless you're working in them and frequently in water/mud/slush etc you probably don't need to condition more than once or twice annually

>> No.18052082

red wing moc toe if you want casual
carlos santos/tlb mallorca for more elegant

>> No.18052086

https://eu.crockettandjones.com/collections/mens-boots-collection?_=pf&pf_t_sole=SOLE|Vibram Cleated
anything on the vibram cleated sole will be super comfy and should fit what you're looking for

>> No.18052161
File: 16 KB, 420x420, fab5a8_7ea84200c096424b87ed3b372a781ae8~mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shall or shant?
>no shoe general

>> No.18052162
File: 20 KB, 420x420, fab5a8_4f35564fa0374bfeae903fab96172a0d~mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

verification not required

>> No.18052180

those are literally beautiful

>> No.18052183

I don't see those on Mecc's website, is it part of the new casual line?

>> No.18052189


>> No.18052250

>How comfortable are shoes/boots like picrel typically in comparison to sneakers
boots offer a different type of comfort than sneakers, they're more firm support under the foot instead of cushiony. Hard to describe but personally I find the support more important than cushioning for a full work day on concrete

>> No.18052252


something in a medium brown, maybe a different texture like suede or hatch grain, this will go well with chinos, dark wash jeans, trousers


for a more budget option

>> No.18052254

feel up the leather, does it feel dry? then a light coat

btw where did you get horse grease as a conditioner?

>> No.18052270

grant stone brass boot

>> No.18052271

red wing 875

>> No.18052369

Daily reminder you can't wear your 650 dollar boots daily without ruining the footbed.

>> No.18052403

Insoles of various kinds and USB fans would like to disagree with your opinion, which is objectively incorrect. >>18052161
Looks like a Hybrid of Trickers and Guidi. Get them, and wax the roughout. I plan on doing that with my PL2s.

>> No.18052555

What boot is in the OP?

>> No.18052559

*honk honk*

>> No.18052597
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>> No.18052603
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x3024, 1709115990286581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$280 resole on a $200 boot

>> No.18052648

>when the car seat is made from higher quality leather than the boots you sank half a grand into

>> No.18052661

the price is even funnier when you realize they didnt rewelt it

>> No.18052671

the mexican mystery meat corrected grain leather looks so out of place with a high quality resole

>> No.18052673

>black edges on poop brown uppers
>$280 resole
what makes it $280?

>> No.18052702

it looks exactly like greasy cardboard

>> No.18052828
File: 432 KB, 1280x1707, wesco-phoenix-horween-black-shell-cordovan-1709691226-nesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Boots were a mistake."
-Otto White

>> No.18052831

i hate everything about this

>> No.18052859
File: 180 KB, 493x493, 117-GOYA-ANTE-BROWN-PAIR-SIDE_L[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty those look great. The TLBs will cost twice as much as the meermins, but i dont mind as long as its worth it. I'll have to do some more research. I'm also toying with the idea of getting brown suede loafers instead

>> No.18052860

just no.

>> No.18052911
File: 476 KB, 1079x803, NEEDbuttonBOOTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get button boots like these with the rounded toe? All the button boots I find online have dress toes and they doesn't not look good.

>> No.18052913
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>> No.18052920

button boots are some next level shit. Apparently winston churchill was a fan

>> No.18052925

No idea if that's true but I wouldn't blame him, they look amazing! Nobody seens to make them with a regular round toe though. It's all pointy Peter Pan looking shoes! I'm hoping that maybe one of you guys knows the one company that makes them how I want.

>> No.18053047

Bonafe is known for their button boots and you can just MTO them in any last?

>> No.18053061

Seems like the consensus
Very interesting insight, thank you. I generally want them for walking around the city and I want to look a little more put together than what I currently wear which is slides

Will check out this brand ty. If anyone has other brands or advice on what to look for in a high quality boot please lmk

>> No.18053073
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my father gifted it to me since he never used it, i have yet to need to buy any as he had a handful of these cans

>> No.18053130
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karena last button boots are what ur looking for.

>> No.18053166

low toe spring looks terible

>> No.18053178
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I'm looking at these rm williams but I'm not sure if the color is versatile enough. What's the most versatile shade of brown?

>> No.18053180

the heels are ridiculously high on those they make them look like womens boots

>> No.18053182

The darker the better imo but that's not too bad, same for snuff suede, I think that's as light as you should go.

>> No.18053183

>last boots I bought were my Indys in 2021
So glad I grew out of my consoomer boot phase
What are MPs up to now, 900? I can only imagine how much Viberg costs now
Bidenflation destroyed boot collecting

>> No.18053187

I bought my Vibergs in October 2022 for 680€.

R&H has most Vibergs around 860-950€ right now.

>> No.18053234

it's not inflation. whites and viberg can't make enough boots to meet demand so they have to jack up the price. $3-400 in a few years isn't inflation
inflation is why grant stone is up about $100 in 3+ years

>> No.18053246

I'd say hire more people to meet demand but no one will ever willingly work making shoes for 20 bucks an hour in a high cost of living area like the PNW when you can take a coding class and make 100k instead
American shoe/boot manufacturing isn't sustainable anymore

>> No.18053263

what are you complaining about?
just take a coding class and work a day or two in your $100k starting job, that's one pair of boots right there

>> No.18053266

im not talking about the workers, I'm talking about the consumers
I own two pairs of MPs from back when they cost 400

>> No.18053275

There are way worse ways to make a living than making shoes, and if making 100k was that easy nobody would work in the service industry.

>> No.18053278

The people that work in the service industry were always only going to work in the service industry

>> No.18053279
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How long will I have to wait for trickers to sell this boot with a leather sole instead of a rubber one? Can I call them and them to make me a pair?

>> No.18053280

*and ask them

>> No.18053281

>Can I call them and them to make me a pair?
You could ask them to resole them on double leather before shipping. You'll pay the normal resole price i guess, MTO would be more expensive.

>> No.18053374

guarded goods or nicks for kilties
nick's is slightly cheaper but gg has the no show cut and cuts in the middle to prevent movement

>> No.18053411

i was late to buying boots but i only picked up my pnw pairs on sale. bought both my pairs of white's on their sale last fall, so the perry selects ended up being cheaper than red wing 875s and the custom boot came out to $560.

>> No.18053415

Why are you people so concerned about "tranny heels"? Mens boots used to have pretty prominent heels for a long time up until WW2

>> No.18053416

it's one guy who hates herls taller than 1 inch.

>> No.18053462

the guarded goods ones look like they are super wide at the holes and won't fit boots with close facings
if you want pre-cut no-show kilties in the fancy leathers go with dales leatherworks, i own several regular ones and they are good and fit everything
if you don't mind cutting the ends off yourself go with nigs, they are cheaper and with no-shows it doesn't matter that much if the leathers match or if the cut is super clean and even

cutting the keeper tab is so easy, i actually prefer to do it myself and have it sit where i want it

>> No.18053600

That's a good shade of brown

>> No.18053602

name one thing that isn't more expensive

>> No.18053711
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Pretty sure it’s a regular model for the UK. Pic related. The espresso color is much darker.

>> No.18053746
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looks like its in stock

>> No.18053755

what size is the boot in that pic? it looks like a kids size

>> No.18053756

the same size as>>18053279

>> No.18053784
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Got me a pair of Ariats. Put these shits through absolute hell. 4 day hike, torrential rain, stepped on glass (went through the sole and into my foot, because i am a retard), They still hold up and i still wear them every day. Could not recommend them more.

>> No.18053788

Wax or oil it.

>> No.18053830

that's the point dumbass. everything in the world is more expensive for everyone but people are still getting paid the exact same

>> No.18053842

>forgot to order the kilties

>> No.18053919

How is Meermin? I know some people don't like that it's made in China but is it really that bad? I don't know of anything better at the same price point.

>> No.18053920

If you live in the US, Grant Stone.
If you're not attached to that style Sandmann Crafts if you're in Europe is making some good stuff for a good price.

>> No.18053927

Grant Stone is 2x the price of meermin.
Nothing better at the same price point

>> No.18053933

What company makes button boots in that last? I can't seem to find one, is the idea that I'll need to custom order them?

>> No.18053951
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Am i gonna win the patina thunderdome

>> No.18054002

>glass (went through the sole and into my foot, because i am a retard)

So you had to resole them?

>> No.18054072
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I love my Trumans so much it's unreal.

>> No.18054074

That color is hideous. The lighter brown is much better.

>> No.18054111

>2 pedals

>> No.18054184

not ruined enough and too clean to win anything, sorry

>> No.18054189

I bought a pair of red wing blacksmiths last November. I've worn them every time I go out since then, including on lots of muddy, snowy and rainy hikes. They still look as good as new after a quick buff with the horse hair brush (I've oiled them once).

>> No.18054237

yes go MTO with bonafe, just send the inspo and ask for the most similar specs. Theres multiple retailers to work with bonafe and they are all goodd.

>> No.18054361

2 pedals is based, I drive an old Corolla (manual) and when I upgrade to a new car (a slightly less old toyota) I will go for a CVT automatic.

I'm not a car nerd I never drive fast, I don't need a manual it's just hassle.

>> No.18054465
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>> No.18054467

the cvt corolla is pretty great as a daily commuter in stop-and-go traffic and feels very smooth to drive
as for manuals, all my boots are creased significantly more on the left from a stiff clutch

>> No.18054469





>> No.18054499


>> No.18054708

I actually haven't yet i just avoid wearing them in the rain. I need to resole them but its challenging to find a good cobbler withing my price range. Im thinking I'll ask them to put leather soles on them when i do get them resoled.

>> No.18054726

no, sorry. looks like you wear your pair normally without fake distress or putting them through abnormally abusive situations.

>> No.18056281
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really into the lug sole casual derbies but cant find a reasonably priced pair with the amount of width i would like except the doc shitter? any recs?