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18043722 No.18043722 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>18013816

/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

>> No.18043734

if i start becoming bald im going full norf

>> No.18043738
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sorry that happened to you anon the good looking bald people are the mega jacked ones, you lost your innocence looking and can't twinkmaxx anymore

>> No.18043745

I'd be happy to look like buff bill. I accept my future

>> No.18043897
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Mulder, it's 3am

>> No.18043937

Two words. Neurosteroids.

>> No.18043955

type1 isoenzyme in the brain only

>> No.18043964

How can I edit the sticky? It's a bit lacking. I can't register an account the captcha is broken. Is the wiki editable even.

>> No.18043970

that's a one word

>> No.18044024

Probably better to create a rentry

>> No.18044030
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2 months of taking 5mg topical min orally and my temples grew back, I'm also having a hard time finding the weak spot on my hairline that prompted me to start taking it in the first place cus it's totally gone.
Fin stopped the thinning but had almost zero regrowth in 6 months.

If you're on the fence, just start now and get over the fin and min sheds, which become brutal if you let DHT do its thing, the min will accelerate your hair growth so you'll be back to baseline within weeks.
That shedding would have happened anyway it just hits over the course of a month but the difference is it would have grown back even thinner if you weren't on fin.

>> No.18044036

How much do you weigh?

>> No.18044038

also, do you place it on your tongue, sublingually, or in a drink?

>> No.18044050

>2 months of taking 5mg topical min orally
What do you just fucking drink that shit or what?

>> No.18044057

4 drops of 5% is about 5.66mg, you can measure it if you want, or 0.1ml if you want to be more precise with a syringe.

I put the drops in a small glass and add some water and refill it 2-3 times to make sure i drank all of it.

>> No.18044067

Did you notice increased body hair growth? If not I’d consider doing the same, taking min orally should be more effective right?

>> No.18044081
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I already had lots of hair on my arms and legs and chest and I didn't notice it getting any thicker or longer, and I don't have any new growth where I didn't already have body hair anyway, so it probably won't make you into wolfman if you weren't gonna become one anyway.
It did make my eyelashes, nose and facial hair grow much faster though.

Some people lack the enzymes in their scalp to metabolize topical min, but you have plenty of it in the liver, people doing topical min and microneedling are trying to make it go systemic when you can just take it orally once per day.

I will note you should start with 1mg and work your way up, to see if your body can tolerate it, don't just start at 5mg or you might end up noceboing yourself because of all the min scaremongering.

>> No.18044103

why not just do the pills?

>> No.18044111

Getting oral min sounded like a pain in the ass, having to go to different dermas begging for oral min when many refuse to, or paying up the ass prices from keeps or whatever.
It's already available OTC everywhere as generic rogaine, why make things harder?

>> No.18044183
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Be honest am I cooked? Had a hair transplant 1 week ago for the hairline and crown. 3300 grafts. Midscalp looked normal when shaved, but now that it’s growing a bit longer It’s obvious that I have some diffuse thinning going on. Slowly approaching NW6 horseshoe pattern. I’ve been taking fin 1.25mg ed for 7 months now. With minoxidil eod. What else can I add ? I just want some regrowth, if possible and then maintain the rest for a few more years

>> No.18044203

If the thinning isn't stopping on fin, try a nuclear stack with dut at a high starting dose (for example 2.5mg every day for 4 - 6 weeks, then taper off to 0.5mg every day) and add oral min.

>> No.18044205

I swear you have literal body dysmorphia, you're fine.
You cut it short so you're seeing the short hairs head on and that's why you can see your scalp.

>> No.18044215

Nah you can clearly see his hair thinned out at the crown and right behind his hairline, that thick patch of hair on his widow peak and the hair thickness on the sides are an obvious indicator that he's gonna go into NW5 if his shit won't stabilize.

>> No.18044220
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I feel genuine sadness for the mentally ill baldfag that has been remaking this thread for over a year now
Being bald is not effay.
Remaking this thread over and over will not bring your hair back.

>> No.18044228

It could be shock loss. It's quite common post transplant due to irritating the scalp a lot. Keep taking fin and you'll be fine as long as DHT is low your follicles will be fine.
The fuck is you on about gweilo. This is probably the only useful thread on this dead board.

>> No.18044233

go back.

>> No.18044240
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people come in here expecting baldcuck cope and fashion advice for baldies, but instead they're assaulted with fin and min evangelism.

>> No.18044306
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Anyone else have a pentagon hairline?

>> No.18044333

>baldcuck cope
Pathetic in an age where balding is a choice.

>fashion advice for baldies
There is none. Everyone looks better with hair.

>> No.18044341

>people come in here expecting baldcuck cope and fashion advice for baldies
The Rock, Jason Statham (& Blaha), Andrew Tate, Agent 47, Patrick Stewart, Saitama & Vin Diesel. There you go fashion advice. Anything but a beard will do.

This thread is /balding/ not /baldcoping/

>> No.18044418

Do we really need those generals, though?
If you're balding, just shave your head, problem solved. And women love guys with shaved heads, if you're so worried about it.

>> No.18044440

just shave it bro, chicks dig the bald look
Lmao a classic

>> No.18044506

Here's your fashion advice:
1. you will always look better with hair than without
2. you can undo years of androgenic alopecia with just 2 cheap, safe and FDA proven generic drugs

Even if you go for a shaved head, having your normal, intact hairline visible looks infinitely better than the NW6 horseshoe.

>> No.18044531
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I’m balding at 18. My thick wavy hair has prevented me spotting it earlier. I think I have a bald spot. It’s over.

>> No.18044574

>NW3 at 16 (23 now)
>already had a big 4head so any recession is amplified by 5 times
>been doing topical min and fin for 4 years and I think I'm still losing ground
>random girl in public walked up to me tell I should get a hat because my head looks weird
I bet no one else can beat that

>> No.18044594

When in liberal America, do as the Africans do and beat her to death.

>> No.18044598

one of the problems i have with balding is that ring of hair left around the sides.
like at least lex luthor modeing is kinda based, but having to shave that ring daily to maintain it is such a pain.

>> No.18044657

Horseshoe with giant walrus mustache is the most kino look, but few are brave enough to take the mantle.

>> No.18044688

>frontal balding struck my temples moderately sometimes in 20s (25?), didn’t really mind it because it wasn’t that bad and someone could even argue that it looked mature in a good way, besides natural blonde hair makes it less obvious
>be 32
>notice that the part of hairline in middle of temples is getting thinner, drier and ultimately even the amount of active follicles is getting lower

Fuck me, finasteride time. I thought that I could cope with some degree of baldness, but it’s literally ogre for my hair if it goes worse from the current NW 2.5 status, and bald would look like shit with my big head. I don’t even have any hopes for regrowth (I assume that the hair follicles around temples are long gone), I’d be fine if it just doesn’t get any worse.

>> No.18044724
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Should I ask my derm about going on 5mg minoxidil tablets instead of 2.5mg when I go back to see her in a month or so

This would seem to indicate you get 90% of the hair regrowth effects from 2.5mg and the chance of sides is way higher with 5mg but some of the results I've seen with 5mg users are insane

>> No.18044758

She's gonna scold you for taking black box warning blood pressure meds for cosmetic reasons.

>> No.18044761

i would assume this graph is measuring the % of users that see a response at all, not qualitatively assessing or grading the response itself

>> No.18044766

That would be weird considering she's the one who gave me the 2.5mg pills to begin with

>> No.18044772
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>> No.18044785
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imagine if gege made gojo bald

how many fewer thirst trap edits would be made about him

>> No.18045302
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I look cute with my hair buzzed and my biggest problem is actually keeping it short. I never leave the house to do anything important, it’s not worth the hassle.

>> No.18045454

Does sebdem/dry scalp prevent growth? Been taking fin for over a year and I'm still shedding, I want to say fuck it and shave it all off but I'm worried about the dryness being too visible even if I try to treat it

>> No.18045458

You have a fungal infection on the scalp, use Nizoral until it goes away.

>> No.18045472

I've been using it every other day for years, it never goes away completely. My dermatologist says it could be due to stress, but I'm not sure. And although I don't eat a lot of trash my diet still isn't spotless, that's the only other thing I can think of, my genes are terrible

>> No.18045486

maybe if you're like 60+ lol

>> No.18045586


Don't let this be you. Start Finasteride today.

>> No.18045599

does blocking DHT also prevent the second puberty that men go through around 26-35 where their skull gets bigger?

>> No.18045803
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What are you gonna do when fin+min no longer work?

>> No.18045917

Fin and min both work for 10+ years.
And when they stop working, I'll try dut or something else.

>> No.18045972

Jamie from Mythbusters and Wilford Brimley pulled it off
Although Brimley was one of those guys that looked old from the start

>> No.18046035

Life was finally looking up to me... then my hair started falling out

It's not fair bros

>> No.18046221
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If he went bald, he'd finally be the true honored one

>> No.18046393

>second puberty

>> No.18046407


>> No.18047224

I don't think I could be irl friends with a finasteride user tbqh, I imagine he'd be very uptight and just give off bad vibes in general

>> No.18047277

why do you think that

>> No.18047391

kek, baldies are always like "just shave it bro, just be a real man bro, just be manly like me bro" but they start coping and seething and you can see their souls getting crushed whenever you start making fun of their bald heads

>> No.18047433

Why are bald men so angry all the time?

>> No.18047448

Baldbros I've been taking topical min for about 10 years and fin for about 2. I don't think it's doing anything.

>> No.18047467

That's why you should always start with fin. It would have reduced scalp DHT levels which is the root of the problem.
Your scalp is like soil, hair follicles are seeds, and DHT is like pests constantly attacking your crops. Applying minoxidil is like watering your crops, they will grow but the vermin (DHT) is still gnawing at your roots. Finasteride is both pesticides that nukes DHT, creating a viable healthy soil (scalp) for your crops (hair) to flourish.

>> No.18047480

Hopefully by that time CRISPR therapeutics would have passed enough clinical trials to completely erase the Norwood curse from the gene pool.

>> No.18047481

thats true

I'm a blessed guy, but with bad vibes
I got bad vibes, I got bad vibes

>> No.18048203
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is it over for me? I have had a norwooding hairline since i was 18 (im 20 now) with the hairs in the temples being shorter. It could stay the same and it could very well get ALOT worse - who knows. My dad is in his late 40s and is pretty recessed. Moms side completely fine. got fin pills a month ago but haven't pulled the trigger. Should i leave it or should I start on a low preventative dose like 0.5 every other day? I want to pick one of these 2 options and just forget about it cause its taking up too much mental real estate. My hair is one of my better features so ive been shitting bricks.

>> No.18048204
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Top of head for reference

>> No.18048236

Either lighting is off or you're thinning and I can see your scalp in the middle. Things are going to get worse. Just take 1mg finasteride once a day and forget about it. The pills are so cheap and the side effects so rare you don't need to bother microdosing. I pop a pill every morning and don't even think about it the rest of the day.

>> No.18048242

you're at the perfect time to get in front of it

1mg finasteride, 2.5mg minoxidil, both once a day

easy and done

>> No.18048266

Ok but i've been taking them both now and it still hasn't really dont anything that I can notice.

>> No.18048301

That's your penalty for being a retarded fence sitter only taking min for a decade thinking it'll be alright

>> No.18048307

You're thinning at the hairline and in the corners of your temples.

>preventative dose
You either go full in or you fuck around and find out.
1mg fin every day or 0.5 dut every day + minoxidil. Worst case - you'll maintain. Best case - you'll grow out a bunch of new hair.

>> No.18048316

i have been shaving my head at the age 18 and have not stopped for the past 12 years. i have had a full beard for the past 3 years and have always /lift/. if you care about having hair ur gay, fucntion > form every day no matter what. that being said i have no issue with hair and it does look cool, but i have no desire to have it, and i probly could grow mine out but i have no reason to, its just easier. im also married for the past 9 years and with 3 children (non cucked). the only thing cringier than trying to dab on people that dont have hair is people going bald and wont take the balded pill when they are clearly going bald.

>> No.18048321

thanks for the responses boys. Just took my first fin pill.

In very bright light you can see my scalp at the front ever so slightly. normal lighting not at all. Im also pulling on my hair which contributes to it

> I pop a pill every morning and don't even think about it the rest of the day.

this is what is appealing to me. i hate putting product in my hair.

I dont have oral minoxodil but do i really need it as im not looking for any crazy regrowth?

Gonna stick to 1mg fin every day for 6 months to a year and il see from there

>> No.18048332

>I dont have oral minoxodil but do i really need it as im not looking for any crazy regrowth?
I just swallow 5mg of topical min.

>do i really need it
Not necessarily, it improves bloodflow in the scalp and hair quality. Fin should be enough to keep what you have.

>> No.18048351
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>big shed
>starts looking better
>big shed again

>> No.18048367

who asked

>> No.18048372

Taking precautionary measures in my early twenties is not being a fence sitter retard. I only even learned about fin a few years ago and that's when I started taking it. If you have to take it in specific orders at specific phases of the moon it doesn't sound like it works very fucking well.

>> No.18048374

ur mom lel

>> No.18048381

>discovers min
>doesn't check if there are other hair loss drugs
I got no words for this level of lazy and stupid

>> No.18048427

lol jew

>> No.18048430

I've been on minoxidil like 16 years and fin 12. Hair is great.

>> No.18048487

Why are so many zoomers balding when the theory is that they all know about fin/min and are obsessed with looksmaxing?

In my friend group consisting of people aged 27-31 everyone has a solid hairline except one guy who got hit hard by the bald (and I would also be noticably baling at this point if it weren't for my fin/min), whereas out of my friends in their early 20s a few of them them are NW 3 or 4.

>> No.18048620

the looksmaxing thing is just a funny TikTok meme for most

>> No.18048627

This. Zoomers just laugh at memes but they are very passive and don't actually do anything about their problems.

>> No.18048745

maybe because gen-x docs will not prescribe it to them

>> No.18048750

If you are bald, just stop having sex

Done. Simple. Problem solved

Other than that, do your regular work, job, health.

Work hard, earn money, invent something, enjoy, eat food.

why do you want to cure baldness?

>> No.18048838

i somehow prefer looking good over having sex

>> No.18048956

The fearmongering surrounding fin and min is real, I held off probably 7 months after hearing about fin before starting and I still held off another month after receiving it because of the shedding phase and PFS side effects repeated nonstop on /fit/.

>> No.18049319
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Is it bad? How much time do I have?

>> No.18049437

does anyone have any experience with stemoxydine? its another one ive come across that works well with topical minoxidil. something about oxygenating the surface so the minox has a better chance at being effective, idk i cant find the initial video i saw. just wanted to know if anyone used it before.

>> No.18049532

>just stop having sex
Way ahead of you
>why do you want to cure baldness?
Because having hair feels nice and I like looking good for myself

>> No.18049680

1 year and 2 months on Fin, hair slightly thinner than when I started

It's over, isn't it?

>> No.18049711


why do you want to look good? since you are not having sex.

you can look good by going to the gym

there is no need to look good.

what you need is being kind and chill person.

and also in business and career, you don't need to be look good.

>> No.18049740

So that you don't hate what you look at the mirror. When in your middle age maybe bald would look good but unless I go full monk aesthetic, it won't look as good.

It's an image thing. You wouldn't fear being made fun of walking past a group of people

>> No.18049761

no it can take up to two years for results to show, but you could also switch to duta

>> No.18050276

Is this true? Has anyone here actually started getting results at the 2 year mark?

I actually switched to dutasteride in December, so I've been blocking dht for almost 1 and half years, still steadily declining

>> No.18050410

started fin last week, should I wait a few months to see results before deciding to go on min too or should I just do it all now. I dont really want to do min because then im stuck using it forever if I want to keep my hair, plus more money. I'd rather just take fin every day if I can get away with it, but if I dont see any growth with just fin I'll just be kicking myself wishing I started min sooner

>> No.18050465
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for every problem
there is a solution

>> No.18050564

what norwood are you. How much regrowth do you need?

>> No.18050582

probably nw3 if I had to guess. It's also thinning on the top

>> No.18050596

Give oral min a shot. Definitely worth it if you can stomach it.

>> No.18050944

>you can look good by going to the gym
pure cope

>> No.18050949

>I dont really want to do min because then im stuck using it forever if I want to keep my hair, plus more money.

honestly you're already going to be doing that with fin, it's really just two pills instead of one

also both drugs are cheap, the money isn't really an issue

>> No.18050977

Wow you know like three guys who are balding ergo every zoomer is balding. You're like those coping retards nearing their late thirties saying that zoomers are aging like shit by some cherrpicking.

Looksmaxing terminology is mostly a meme. It should tell you everything you need to know when people think mewing works.

>> No.18051102

Not sure if what you are saying is true and sounds purely anecdotal but it could be because of those retarded broccoli style perms thay require tons of aggressive styling methods. Another popular theory says that the covid vaccine accelerates norwooding.

>> No.18051108

Imagine taking tranny pills to get hair.
>You still wont get any chicks.

When I go bald ill just buzz and go to gym and bang more brauds. Go take ur (((pill))) retards.

>> No.18051129
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>When I go bald ill just buzz and go to gym and bang more brauds. Go take ur (((pill))) retards.

>> No.18051131
File: 88 KB, 584x436, baldness-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow baldingbros, where do you stand on this chart? Also, which one do you think is the most brutal?
For me it's
>Type O
>Type O

>> No.18051146

theres no point in min until you've concluded that you're a responder and that fin will maintain what you have.

>> No.18051216

Fin won't result in regrowth of bald areas unless you're very lucky, oral min resulted in more growth 2 months in than 7 months of fin ever did for me.
The shed can be pretty bad if you start either one so you might as well do both at once and not deal with 2 sheds back to back.

>> No.18051383
File: 3.48 MB, 1072x3138, b034ccf6cbf6635ed821e3a18ba7f42b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, I hopped on it. My shit is absolutely cooked, but picrel is how its going for me so you can be the judge. I can't really speak to stemoxydine's effectiveness just yet, it is supposed to take roughly 2 months for results and 3-4 months before its complete

>> No.18051389

forgot to mention I had to stop min because of medication I started taking. Also I use ket shampoo and demaroll every 3 weeks or so

>> No.18051458

Most people go up a whole point on the norwood scale on just fin.
People that don't respond to fin/don't get regrowth on fin are just a very vocal minority. Reminder that r/tressless is full of schizos and shitskins that get discouraged 4 weeks into fin + min and then spam nonsense, so take everything you see there with a grain of salt.

>> No.18051489

Oh god hes married to a bug? Now that I learn this its not surprising at all and actually makes complete sense. Funny that the other "Heckin le ScienceBasedTM" jewtuber Jeff Niggard is dating one too.

>> No.18051504

O+M (Slav)
O might be slightly worse just because it'll sneak up on you unless you have very honest friends

>> No.18051700

Diffuse thinning so I'm just losing hair all over. It's the worst.

>> No.18051743

yep same, at least if you're only losing the hairline you can easily fix with a hair transplant or just buzz it down and it still looks decent

>> No.18051839

Keep telling yourself that champ

>> No.18051844

Does fin/minoxidil actually regrow lost hairs?

>> No.18051861

Probably not. Once a follicle is miniaturized to a certain point there's no turning back it leaves a scar, and it's gone forever. Finasteride cannot regrow what isn't there anymore. You won't see people going back to NW1 just on meds unless they were diffuse thinning. Gaining density on the islands that you already have is very possible. If there's a grey area on your scalp there are follicles there thus possible regrowth, if there isn't there's nothing there anymore and nothing will grow no matter what stack. The only option is a transplant.

>> No.18051883

You’re cooked

>> No.18051884

You’re cooked

>> No.18051926

>topical minoxidil
>topical finastride
>rice water
>red light therapy

got anything missing?

>> No.18051927

>got anything missing?
yeah, your hair lmao

>> No.18051930

>O might be slightly worse just because it'll sneak up on you unless you have very honest friends
This is exactly what happened to me. My hairline is still a NW0 while this huge crater was forming on the top of my head and it took me 2 years to notice after I was hiking with a friend and he told me he could see my dome peaking through the horribly thinned and discolored hairs on the crown. I had already known I was going to lose hair because it runs in the family but the thing that hits you is how fast it happens. Thanks to my honest friend I was able to sound the alarm and hopped on fin immediately after doing the proper research and might consider adding min to fill the crown

>> No.18051931
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>> No.18052665

>the thing that hits you is how fast it happens
Most people only notice their hair loss after they lose around 50% of volume, so the hair loss people notice is already advanced and they perceive it as being rapid due to the further loss of volume being much more noticeable when your chrome dome is already shining through sparse hair.
It's really difficult to notice early hair loss, especially if you're diffuse thinning.

>> No.18053406

Temples receding should be taken as the first signs of hair loss but everyone mistakenly believes this to be a maturing hairline.

>> No.18054210

personally i started to lose it at the crown before i had any great loss on the hairline/front/temple area (although that wasn't far behind)

>> No.18054213

Anyone with diffuse hair loss on the sides who got their shit unfucked? All info online is about temples and crown.

>> No.18054394

If you have still functional vellus hair follicles (aka peach fuzz), they can bounce back, if the skin is shiny and barren, there's nothing there left to

>> No.18054431

>Really want to get a hair transplant
>finally have the money set aside to do it
>every place near me can't schedule me until at least May
>already have jobs lined up from mid April to the end of the year
Why is this so goddamn hard? I don't want to be bald. Just end this nightmare already

>> No.18054480

Such is the life of a wage slave, if they can't work with you then they're hiring an indentured servant.

>> No.18055112

a guy at work said he takes finasteride and became the butt of every joke after people googled what it does

>> No.18055227

It’s hard to imagine anything more pathetic than a man taking finasteride, so not unexpected.

>> No.18055255

good thing im a neet then

>> No.18055302

And then he went back home to his beautiful wife he was able to attract from preserving his hair while the baldcels who mocked him went back home to post on 4channel and complain about trans people

>> No.18055315

who cares lmao, I have been on fin for four years and no sides, and my hair didnt fall out like my friends who mocked me

>> No.18055442

naive young man tries to finpill normies, becomes a laughingstock, many such cases!

>> No.18055486

kevin is that you

>> No.18055518

i have been coming to /fa/ since over a decade.. maybe around 2009..

and only in the past couple of years have i seen so much push and reccomendation of finateride and minoxidil...

only about 5% of people develop any negative symptoms...

i think these zoomers are smart preventing any more loss of hair so early in there lives./.

i think the benefits is worth the risk

im 34

>> No.18055521


>> No.18055535

>i have been coming to /fa/ since over a decade.. maybe around 2009..
Wow, that's sad.

>> No.18055721

Does kevin actually post here? He strikes me as the type of fellow that would frequent this site

>> No.18055903
File: 349 KB, 678x281, 42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, 42 years old, husband and father of 3
>my hair situation is somewhat like picrel
If you were already married and have fulfilled the duty of passing on your genes... Would you take fin or would you just let nature take its course?

>> No.18055955

Why ask us? It's your hair. If you don't care either way just save yourself the trouble of taking pills and let nature take its course.

>> No.18055984

>bro life doesn't have a purpose after you make kids
>just roll over and die bro
>is there even any meaning to taking care of yourself if you already have a bunch of kids bro?
How are millennialcucks so braindead? Asking genuinely. You niggas seem to live just to work, shit out a bunch of mini-me replicas, roll over and die.

>> No.18056025
File: 183 KB, 2158x1489, balding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm balding

>> No.18056041

maybe, temple hair is generally thinner than elsewhere on the scalp and only you can tell whether there was hair once where there is none now.

>> No.18056251

>42 years old
>with hair like that
This is like if a wealthy man in a Lamborghini stopped on the side of the road to ask an encampment of homeless people for financial advice

>> No.18056265

You can confirm it on your own if you learn how this disease manifests. This is not all you need to know but an intact hairline maybe starts just above the highest forehead wrinkle.

>> No.18056338

dht is the successful high status man hormone

>> No.18056552

>If you were already married and have fulfilled the duty of passing on your genes... Would you take fin or would you just let nature take its course?

That's an interesting question because if you have done this then you don't need to worry much about what fin use might do to your genitals either.
You could blast steroids and fin to your heart's content (and it's capacity to withstand the gear).

>> No.18056581

I'm waiting for AI to come up with a new no sides cure. My recession is pretty slow. fingers crossed it happens in the next 5 years.

>> No.18056597

I think it will. I will be completely JUST'd in less than that space of time.
Once it's over for me that is when the perfect preventative will appear.
You'll have to wait until I die for the treatment that turns you from egg bald scar tissue scalp to 14 year old-tier, though. That's when that will be released.

>> No.18056600

Hair cloning seems like it could be the thing, maybe with a gene spliced into it from a native indian who will never lose hair.

>> No.18056612

>in the next 5 years
You'll be lucky if it comes out in the next 30 years.

>> No.18056632

That's what I said about AI making art, and AI making video. Now look where we are. Though you are right about luck... The discovery to release to public timeline for medical stuff might not pan out so nice since it should be more highly controlled.

>> No.18056962

>AI making art
>AI making video
Your understanding of AI is limited kek. It's just a tool that still requires a specialist to operate and make use of.
AI isn't gonna come up with a miracle cure for hair loss, you'll still be popping the same fin pills and spraying your scalp with min 50 years in the future.

>> No.18057026

t. will die alone surrounded by cats

>> No.18057030

>pentagon hairline
This one is new

>> No.18057032

Remember that fin shillers never post their hairline or their "progress"

>> No.18057044


>> No.18057054

Learn to read, you braindead nigger.

>> No.18057058


>> No.18057067

Millennials Enjoying Old Women?

>> No.18057496

5% is high. you are retarded

>> No.18058499

at that point it doesnt matter. Balding in your 40s is completely expected and you've got a wife and kids you've already beat the game (assuming you're happily married and she doesnt divorce you). But if you're some loser in his 20s or 30s who's been single all his life and doesnt have money, then you need hair or its over. You're already starting the race late, being bald would would be like starting late with broken leg.

>> No.18058504

>Finally have enough money set aside for a hair transplant
>No place can schedule me in the month off I have coming up
>Won't have time to do it from May to the rest of the year
Why is this so hard? Why can't I just have my hair back already

>> No.18058517

I have full head of hair I just come here for baldcel malding entertainment such as

>> No.18058555
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>> No.18058641

>Most people only notice their hair loss after they lose around 50% of volume, so the hair loss people notice is already advanced
Now that you mention it, I should have sounded the alarm way earlier, like back in 2019. My hair was still thick as shit back then, but while I was on vacation in Italy the hotel bathroom had stronger lighting than the one at home, and I noticed I was shedding hairs like crazy but didn't think much of it back then, I probably made up some cope like "it's probably from the different water, the food, the weather, the stress from being away from home etc." It's kinda depressing how far we are willing to cope with these bullshit theories like nutrition or stress before we actually begin to entertain the idea that it's androgenic alopecia and no amount of diet options and lifestyle changes will make any difference, especially when my hair stayed thick-looking but with massive hair sheds. It's only when we notice actual physical changes to hair density that we come to terms with this fact, especially as someone in your 20s where balding should not even be a concern of yours, at the prime and peak of your life.

>> No.18058967

Yeah, it took me 5 years to act because of denial. I think my mum told me I was balding back when I visited her sometime in 2018 and I completely ignored her thinking she didn't know what she was talking about. Aside from that no one in my life told me. Then in 2021 I noticed one of my temples having way less density than the other. I assumed it was stress, diet, etc. and kept ignoring it. Then things got worse in 2022 and I went to a doctor. He didn't tell me about the usual meds and just told me it'll probably pass and I needed to take selenium supplements. Only in 2023 I booked an appointment with a dermatologist and he finally got me on fin. I probably lost 60% density on the sides and 40% density on the temples. I really need some better friends who would've told me I had shit hair way earlier.

>> No.18059066

If a friend told you you're balding and that you should hop on DHT blockers you would have made fun of him.

>> No.18059270

That's why you take it at 18 (if you're a white male.) The hair's like teeth. And you won't lose your virility. There's no proof of continued side effects after ceasing the drug except for gyno maybe but that's rare.

>> No.18059704

trust the science

>> No.18059731

>no source of side affects
>literally everyone online whose taken it got side affects

>> No.18059813

all my side effects have been positive, it lowered my blood pressure 20 points and cleared up my skin

>> No.18059948

>unknown sides of blood pressure
>hormones changed

>> No.18060086

yeah cause people who don't get sides go onto internet forums to bitch about how its giving them no sides.

>> No.18060096

I've been taking finasteride and minoxidil for about 5 weeks now. Originally just topical both but a couple weeks in started taking oral fin and min as well. I know I probably won't see significant results until 3-6 months in but how do I know it's working? The only side effect I've had is I've been more horny. No excess shedding but I don't really know how much I was shedding beforehand. My hairline recession has been more or less stable at a nw2.5, could that be why I'm not shedding? Does it only cause shed of hairs that were on their way out anyway?

>> No.18060179

There are people in this very thread saying they have no side effects but keep coping

>> No.18060233

keep the hair but lose the cock. what a conundrum...............

>> No.18060268

i had high blood pressure before so this is a welcome change, DHT increases your blood pressure and is the #1 killer in men next to obesity

>> No.18060270

4 months into fin I started seeing shedding, 1 month into min I saw more shedding.
If your hairline was already cooked it'll get worse before it gets better.

>> No.18060304

You Peter Pan fools, selling your soul to keep your hair a little longer.

>> No.18060339
File: 103 KB, 1292x991, 7 month.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fought off diffuse thinning and decided to grow my hair out.
Anyone else trying to become a longhairchad here?

>> No.18060359

Since when is $10/mo. my soul? How am I Peter Pan? Hair is not necessarily youth old men with hair look better as well ever heard of silver foxes.


Am I Peter Pan for trying to preserve my teeth as well?

>> No.18060372
File: 385 KB, 518x777, Petr_Pavel_(2023-02-14)_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noooo you have to look ugly and disgusting at old age, god forbid you try to look presentable when you become old

>> No.18060379

Same, I noticed my hair going when I went through holiday pics once, even though I always thought everything was fine and that some thinning is just a normal process of hair maturing
boy was I wrong kek

>> No.18060409

I can't even tell you were ever thinning. Good job.

>> No.18060476
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>> No.18060496

I have lowish test and doc suggested Clomid. I tried it for a month and hair started to thin so I stopped the Clomid. I have two months worth of it and I want to use it up.

If I use topical fin/mon while on Clomid I presume it would fight off the hair loss issues. But are there any issues if I stop the topical after I am done with the Clomid cycle? Like will using topical make me worse off than I started if I stop?

>> No.18060501

The new hair on my temples grew to 1cm and is starting to shed, can't wait for it to come back thicker!

>> No.18060720

Anything known about finasteride in relation to alcohol?

>> No.18060740

damn looks like you're a hyperresponder, I only got a little bit of regrowth on my temples which is good enough for me
were you on the fin min combo or something else?

>> No.18060877 [DELETED] 
File: 626 KB, 3072x4096, IMG_20240322_183423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time buying a serious watch
>bought a $500 watch because I really liked it
>don't see anyone talking about this model online

what gives?

>> No.18060947

goy tier argument. age will catch you.

>> No.18061122

I’m 27 and I have the same hairline as you. You’re fucked

>> No.18061129
File: 16 KB, 437x383, before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, pic rel was my hair before.

>you're a hyperresponder
Not really, my gains are slow and steady, nothing crazy. It took me almost a year to go regain ground from before I started thinning.

>a little bit of regrowth on my temples
Any type of regrowth is good, anon. Keep going.

>were you on the fin min combo
Went nuclear with dut + topical min from the beginning, I added oral min this year and I'm happy with the results so far.

>> No.18061324
File: 1.32 MB, 1080x2023, Screenshot_2024-03-26-09-33-04-55_c2be9d5517208fee91e0861c39fd2f31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cowlick won't go away even after months of oral min.

>> No.18061341
File: 603 KB, 1460x1262, bald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad?
I've been taking finasteride for 3 years now

>> No.18061358
File: 78 KB, 416x640, hims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have experience with hair pills causing stress or depression?

i've got an easy job, but I've been so stressed out by it. Suddenly, every text message is like a needle startling me. I turned off txt noise, and now I'm stressed by constantly checking my screen to see txt msg, praying I don't have any. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Coincidentally, this is happening a few months after I started on Finasteride + Minoxidil. Could it be the Finasteride + Minoxidil that is causing my stress? I don't want hair loss, but I'm tempted to just stop using it to find out.

>> No.18061366

You have a toxic employer and your job is literally killing you if the thought of getting a text from work is making you freak out like that.

>> No.18061382


>> No.18061426

thats some damn good regrowth if legit dude, can you post an after of your hairline or the hair around the front?

>> No.18061494

This looks normal wtf

>> No.18061564

>could've looked like this if I just took fin at 18
It's over bros.

>> No.18061618
File: 12 KB, 591x311, now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, here's a pic when my hair was still kinda short a few months ago. You can clearly see that both my hairline and hair density improved a lot.

>> No.18061655

Do u apply it everywhere or just the temples?

>> No.18061660

does your baldness bring on any feelings of pursuing suicide & giving up early

>> No.18061686

Nah I had those before I started losing hair

>> No.18061715

I wouldn't totally rule it out since anything is possible but I find it hard to believe that you would have no side effects for months and then suddenly they start giving you problems

Sounds like the source is something else

>> No.18061755

All over the top of my head because I was diffuse thinning, but I put a few extra drops on my temples and along the hairline.

>> No.18061784

yeah, but not strictly because im going bald. That was just the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.18061831

Goal hair right there.

>> No.18061865
File: 517 KB, 1903x1482, Hellodarknessmyoldfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18062736

it used to before i got on fin. even before i started seeing results, just knowing that i was on the way there, i started feeling less anxious and much better.

>> No.18062822
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>> No.18062945

where can i bulk buy minox???

>> No.18062951

I started fin a month ago, and while obviously there are no results yet, it sure makes me feel better to know that at least it shouldn’t get any worse anymore and it might even get better if I’m lucky.

I’m 30 now, and it looked like I’m ending up with the same hair genes as my uncles from my mother’s side, which means fast and extremely aggressive balding before 40, and the idea that I could end up having to shave all hair away got really uncomfortable. I was dumb before, trying to cope not using fin by reasoning about the side effects etc. for years, even coping with the hairline receding clearly above the typical mature hairline at temples, but now that I’m at the precipice between
>early signs of balding but not too bad on itself
>holy fuck, he’s gonna need to shave all away in a couple of years
I knew I had to try fin. Even if I get sides and have to stop it, at least I can say to myself that I tried everything and there’s no what ifs to cry over then.

>> No.18063051

Not the anon you're responding to, but similar story here. Everyone on my mother's side is BALD. B-A-L-D. Bald as fuck. Like half of them are tiny-horseshoe-strip type of bald.
Shit scared me from the moment I understood that I took after her side of the family.
Long story short, fin saved my hair.

>> No.18063091

For me, it has been extra spooky because my uncles never have shaved their hairs away despite advanced balding, and in my youth, they weren’t at that ”clean horseshoe ” phase but in the cursed phase where you have just the worst possible balance of hair and baldness that draws instant attention to how you’re balding, and it looks ugly as fuck. So, they were like walking warning signs of how bad it can get aesthetically.

>> No.18063254
File: 2.06 MB, 5271x1626, sad3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verdict? In the first 3 photos I have some kind of cream in my hair. In the 2nd to last I have Reuzel Grooming Tonic and the last is after washing it out with just water and drying. Obviously it looks much better without anything in my hair. Nut anyway, from 2021 to now it doesn't really look worse, if anything it looks slightly better. But I don't really have the eyes for this.

>> No.18063480

My sister's hair isn't even that thick, how much more scalp coverage could you possibly want you greedy fuck

>> No.18063483

Im pretty much bald. Not gonna lie it sucks. Aldo I tried finasteride and dutasterife for years and it didnt work

>> No.18063485

dutasteride made me so horny I ordered a dildo and anal beads
lowered libido my ass

>> No.18063487

Ah yes I did many regrettable things during those years too. Much worse than that.

>> No.18063489

Look at this retard taunting the Reaper, see you in a few years lil bro :)

>> No.18063623

I had the same thing, Nizoral didn't fix my shit after months of using it. Try some other anti-dandruff shampoo, Ketoconizol is the worst one out there with the most side effects and I have no idea why it's shilled so much. I had a lot of better results with zinc based anti-dandruff stuff like Head and Shoulders but what really fixed my scalp was Selsun Blue or selenium sulfide. After a week of using that my scalp was entirely clean and healthy. Try some other shit and see what works for you, the strain of fungus causing your dandruff might be more resistant to some treatments than others so sticking with one that doesn't produce results is kinda retarded lmao. Good luck anon :)

>> No.18064103

cmon niggers, tell me where you buy your fin or minox? i need to buy like a years worth

>> No.18064308

depends on country

>> No.18064362

america, does anyone know of any places that offer discounts for big orders?

>> No.18064493

I get fin from keeps at 25 for 3 months because I keep threatening to move my prescription to Costco, try /lgbt/ for links to their HRT pharmacies lists, they have good indian pharmacy links for finasteride which can go as low as $25 a year if you split the 5mg pills.

I just buy 5% liquid min from Costco's website and take it orally.

>> No.18064571

Looks roughly the same, maybe slightly better. Not losing any ground is still a win.
You can try oral min.

>> No.18064680

wet shaved for the first time tonight fucking hate my life and want to kms

>> No.18064708

thanks anon, im looking at keeps rn

>> No.18064709

It's not that bad, right anon? ...Right anon?

>> No.18064726

i tell myself it isnt and i try to convince myself that im fine with it but ive been subconciously avoiding dating since ive shaved my head because it all feels pointless

>> No.18064908
File: 151 KB, 915x1073, spot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a bald spot? If so is there anything I can do about this?

>> No.18064909

Anything you can do before you start losing hair?

>> No.18064952

get on finasteride and just take it for life, it's pretty cheap if you get it from India

>> No.18064993

Any good shampoos and conditioners I should look out for?

Aside from keto ones which I'll only use weekly.

>> No.18064994

>Be honest am I cooked? Had a hair transplant 1 week ago

It'll take 6-12 months before all the grafts start growing and you see results.

>> No.18065009

That's the densest cowlick i've seen in a while. You have nothing to worry for.

>> No.18065164

where do you buy yours?

>> No.18065169

how come you guys have to get your fin from India? I just get it from a doctor, in fact you could probably get it from Mexico
t. mexican

>> No.18065200

i havent bought any yet but i want to avoid prescriptions, so india might be a good idea for me

>> No.18065459


>> No.18065594

In the US, you generally have to get a referral to a dermatologist from your primary doctor which is already 2 doctor visits that can cost upwards of $200 each if you don't have insurance and there's no guarantee the derma won't refuse to prescribe you fin and min citing your age or your lack of signs of balding or other things, they'll treat you like a drug seeker if you come in asking for things by name because you're not supposed to be well informed.
Buying from india is cheaper and avoids the headache.

>> No.18065610

Costco has plenty of it in the Kirkland brand, but if you don't have a membership you can find it on Amazon. Each pack is 3+ months worth, which should be enough to start seeing results.

>> No.18065627

if you're gonna take it orally you can just buy it from anywhere, there's a bunch of companies using the same white label stuff as costco, 6 bottles will definitely expire before you can use up all of it, a single bottle will last a year and a half at 5mg daily.

>> No.18065629

>5 months on dutasteride
>1.5 years on topical minoxidil
>literally worse than ever
I have never stopped shedding, even once. I was on finasteride for 2 years and it seemed like I maintained, but every time I'd run my hands through my hair I'd have at least 4 hairs. I don't know what the fuck else to do.

The whole front half of my hair is thinning out fast, and my baldspot is going from coin-sized to golf ball, and my hairline is thinning out too. It's just unreal.

>> No.18065652
File: 1.08 MB, 3909x2763, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this what I'm working with. Losing more hair on my bald spot and now that I look at it, it's much worse, and when it's wet my entire scalp is visible. It looks alright when dry right after shower, but just some slight grease and it's over, and if I even part my hair in any direction I have a line of visible scalp through it, when it wasn't like that before. I might need to jump on oral min or RU. Fuck man

>> No.18065655

start taking the topical min orally dummy, not all men can metabolize minoxidil on their scalp because they lack the proper enzymes.

wtf you look fine, the way you described it I thought there was no hair left in a golf ball sized area on your crown.

Post hairline, you're probably not even as bad as you describe

>> No.18065684

Topical min drinker here, entering 3nd shed now at 7mo fin and 3mo oral min.
The first one is always the worst, but those shed hairs will always come back thicker so don't lose hope and don't quit, that's the worst thing you can do.


Also if you're on the fence, just do fin and min at the same time, if you are desperate, you will absolutely be disappointed with regrowth if you wait through 18mo of fin alone and you're not a hyperesponder, and most people aren't.
During my last shed that started 1mo into min, the cooked follicles I was trying to regrow only grew about 1-2cm in 2mo on fin alone but on fin+min together they grew to 8cm before shedding again.

>> No.18066028

You're fucked. Retrograde can't be treated.

>> No.18066269

> look cute with my hair buzzed
Same here. Sometimes I think I would look better with longer hair but I remember look at pics of me with longer hair and it doesn't beat the buzz

>> No.18066295

Fuck off

>> No.18066297

Is it true that Indian finasteride is counterfeit sugar pills that don't work or is it just a psyop by Merck to get people to buy their ridiculously overpriced brand?

>> No.18066304
File: 4.00 MB, 720x1280, 1710135181977967.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what the actual action by which minoxidil works in order to grow hair? Every time I google it all it says is "it helps to grow hair, here's proof" or "it's a vasodilator" which is fine and all but that can't be all it is, can it? There has to be something more specific about minoxidil specifically or a million other things would work too

>> No.18066311

Unknown mechanism.

>> No.18066342

opens potassium channels

it's the same psyop telling people to not buy chinese dildos off amazon and buying their overpriced dropshipped chinese dildos instead.

india is the largest producer of generics, probably all the OTC medication sold at dollar stores is made in india, all the telemedicine sites are selling generics, nobody buys proprecia.

>> No.18066571

We don't know the mechanism. Other vasodilators don't give hair growth at all minox is the exception. It's basically magic, I ain't gotta explain shit.
In actual pharmacies in your country? Nah. That shit's heavily regualted. Grey market ones might be but I don't see why bother scamming when it costs pennies in India and the profit is decent to ship that shit here.

>> No.18066644

my hair is thinning, it is all floppy and shit and falls over. do i need a doctor prescription to get on finn? i checked with a doctor and he gave me Min but i dont want to put Min everyday for the rest of my life. is finn the same as well? if it grows back can i stop using it ?

>> No.18066655

>diffuse thinning
21 and since the past year i have noticed my hair is getting a lot thinner especially under direct light, is there any permanent solution? where do i even start?

>> No.18066729

Nobody knows and nobody figured it out yet.

>> No.18066756

normal cowlick lol

>> No.18066759

What to do?

>> No.18066760

nothing lol, most cowlicks look like that.
what does your parting look like, that's a better indicator of top of head sparsity

>> No.18066850
File: 924 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_7261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normal cowlick or is it starting? for the record i'm shedding a shit ton of hair, like last night in bed I ran my hands through the top of my head and lost like 50 strands just like that. this morning in the shower and beforehand in the basin, like another 50 strands.
post thorough wash with anti dandruff shampoo it's okay though - like I can't pull any hair off and when i run my hands through my hair nothing comes out.

>> No.18066871

Thanks, that's reassuring. I've come across some "hair restoration specialist" channels/podcasts that claim that pretty much anything that's not made by Merck doesn't have the same percentage of active ingredients and that they are therefore ineffective, which is why I started having my doubts. But then I noticed red flags as soon as they began shilling their specific regimens or transplant doctors, at which point I realized that nothing is stopping specific pharma conglomerates to pay them to shill their specific brand and shit on competitors with cheaper more accessible generics

>> No.18066886

Your hair looks fine now, but if you pulled 50 hairs just in one sitting, it's quite alarming and that might be a sign that it's starting. How old are you? Any male relatives with AGA? Honestly the best thing to do right now is to get it checked out at a derm and get some bloodwork done to check your scalp DHT. If you are diagnosed with MPB you can get on fin early on and strike while the iron is still hot for the best results, you won't even need to add topicals either since you have a great baseline to work with.

>> No.18066907

How do you guys feel about scalp micropigmentation? Been bald since 19 and I have the headshape for it, but a buzz cut hairline would look better.

>> No.18066928

no kek we don't know shit
minox as a hair regrowth agent was discovered on accident (some people say this about fin too but that's not true)

>> No.18066933
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I'm 26 - no older relatives (parents/grandparents) with any sort of balding that happened below the age of like 50 however my brother has a TON of diffuse thinning at 33 so that's a big concern considering we obviously have similar genes. his hairline is still norwood 2 but scalp clearly visible everywhere.
i'm thinking if i can get it checked out next month and take corrective action if it is starting to go.

here's my part after a shower

>> No.18067076

Mine looked like this when I was younger

Hard to tell, but leaning towards yes, even though it doesn't look like balding. I'm a diffuse thinner and this is what my part looked like out of the shower at first, and now it looks like this after drying. Friends couldn't tell I was balding until I cut my hair really short and my front scalp was thinned out. I had about 4 years of a gap between where you're at and where I'm at now.

I'd get on fin and topical min, maybe 1 mg every 3 days or something

>> No.18067084

gotcha, hopefully if I hop on fin and min soon it should help.
i did lose a ton of weight recently and am borderline underweight so it may be telogen effluvium but I think that's just wishful thinking. in any case will correct my diet and eating habits and get a dr appointment

>> No.18067085

You're 100% balding bro.
Better start fin + min right now to regain lost ground.

>> No.18067087

yeah its what i feared. do you think i can regain back to a fuller parting or is it just a case of holding on to my current state?

>> No.18067125

You won't know until you try. Fin and min work differently for everybody.

>> No.18067188

>after a shower
not balding

>> No.18067198

looks like you're losing hair at the front
also your scalp is inflamed

>> No.18067227

Jerry Seinfeld took the hair transplant pill

>> No.18067250
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George Costanza was right all along

>> No.18067251
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oh errr forgot to mention - had a lot of sleep deprivation + crash dieting to near underweight levels a few months ago; my pubes have been falling out by the fistful last few weeks and they're also really sparse now. could both be related? like, is it telogen effluvium instead of diffuse thinning?
ive stopped being a retard and am now eating high protein and gaining weight slowly

pic related is dry, 1ft from an unshaded bulb

>> No.18067261

You're fine for now

>> No.18067271

Very nice hairline bro, but your hair is obviously beginning to thin. I'd start at least fin for now.

>could both be related?
Yeah, hair loss can be caused by dozens of different things. Stress is one of them.

>> No.18067272

Why are you trolling him?

>> No.18067278

Imagine when they see a guy with a thick, perfectly conditioned mop of hair.

>> No.18067309

It's not my hair, so I'm not the one that's going to cry in 2 - 3 years when half of it will fall out.

>> No.18067312

i see, i'm gonna see a doc - he'll be able to say for sure if it's AGA right? with a microscope or a biopsy if it comes to that?

thanks for the converse opinion, i hope you're right

>> No.18067352

>he'll be able to say for sure if it's AGA right?
Nope, it's guesswork mostly since there's many different patterns for AGA, and hair loss caused by other factors can progress similarly to AGA. You never know for sure until you get to an advanced stage of hair loss.

>with a microscope or a biopsy
No sense in doing that, a biopsy won't reveal whether you suffer from AGA or not.

The best method is comparing pics between different years.

>> No.18067357

oh okay, because I was reading that AGA means you have miniaturised follicles - isn't that a tell tale sign?

>> No.18067374

also 90% of my shed hairs are long and not miniaturised

>> No.18067401

>he'll be able to say for sure if it's AGA right? with a microscope or a biopsy if it comes to that?
Nope. He'll just look at your head with his naked eyes and tell you if it looks like MPB or not. You're setting your hopes a bit high if you expect a thorough exam. Tell the doctor you had diet changes so he takes a blood test to check for deficiencies.

>> No.18067845
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Will I really have to keep using Minoxidil forever and ever for the effect to last? Saw some guy say that you only need to use it for a couple of months and then it's enough to take Finasteride

>> No.18067867

Fin + min NOW

>> No.18068176

Pyrilutamide goes systemic for me, feels not very good. Breathing is difficult, mind is woozy. Not as much anxiety and depression as on fin or RU, but not a giant improvement. Losing track of time effect present. Lower energy. No testicular pain.

>> No.18068250

Drinking topical minoxidil is cheap so taking it for life isn't really an issue, the problem is settling on a dosage your body can tolerate because you're taking it for life.
While some people will try to scare you saying your pre-min hair follicles will get lazy and fall out if you stop min, it's your min gains that fall out if you stop min.
Your body isn't capable of growing these hairs without being stimulated.

>> No.18068283

yeah if you want to keep your gains

thats why switching to oral min was good for me, taking two pills a day (fin+min) is way easier than applying topical min twice a day and fucking up my hair

>> No.18068317

So there’s no point in starting permanent finasteride and using minoxidil temporarily in the hope that the min hair will persist on their own when there’s no more over high DHT levels raping them?

>> No.18068366
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So if im not even on the scale, just mild thinning around the temples, Norwood 1 i suppose, should i use minox or fin?

>> No.18068367


>> No.18068380

Norwood pattern balding is only one way you could be losing your hair. If you're losing your hair and you're sure it's not health-related, just take fin. You don't need minox if you just want to maintain.

>> No.18068383

The goal of this thread is to get every male on finasteride

>> No.18068393

half a gram of fin should be enough to prevent it for a few years. once you notice thinning or recession you go on the full 1g. only get on min if you're trying to get some of what you've lost back. if you have a full head of health it's not worth it because you're only getting your follicles to depend on it. if you ever get off it you're gonna lose your hair faster than you'd have had otherwise.

>> No.18068440

If you want to keep your hair rather than be bald you need to take finasteride

If you're fine with being bald dont take finasteride

>> No.18068473

If you're actually balding, eventually the DHT damage will start to outpace what min can do for you and you'll interpret this as "min not working anymore".
Fin and min is not a meme, everything else is.

>> No.18068517
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I've used a hair dryer for the last 12 years and never used heat protection products and I'm not sure if I'm balding or my hair is just fried from that.

There's a history of balding on my mom's side(4 balding/bald brothers and 1 with full set of hair still). My dads side have all their hair. My dad is 67 and he has a full set of hair still.

I'm 28 but how can I find out what the problem is? My sister shaved her head once because her shit was dead from constant bleaching and I'm considered doing the same.

Am I coping or could it be a possibility?

>> No.18068531

Hair is just keratin fibers, damaging them is no big deal because your hair grows back eventually, balding is caused by a disease of the scalp that prevents you from growing terminal hair to full length.

>> No.18068574

maybe put down the hair dryer for a few weeks retard

>> No.18068838

I did it bros, just got a prescription for Fin 1 mg, let's fucking go

I'm stupid for waiting so long

>> No.18069078

Who here is currently taking a <0.5mg dose of fin? What is your dosage and frequency? How are your results and adverse effects?

>> No.18069128

New: >>18069127

>> No.18069131

You could probably get away with taking 0.25mg daily to save money if that's what you're after with no reduced effects, the negative side effects are vastly overblown.
During the first few weeks of fin, I had daily morning wood and occasional whiteheads, it's probably the increased test

>> No.18069186

I am experienced with fin usage. I'm glad it works well for you. I don't care about saving money.

>> No.18069527

See >>18069465

>> No.18069575

unfortunately both fin and min need to be taken continuously to keep your hair. If you stop taking either your hair will resume balding like it was before you started fin+min and usually any hair you grew with it will fall out in less than a year. It's no magic cure but I think its worth putting up with until you're in your 40s then you can just give up and stop taking it and go bald like everyone else. Going bald is only a problem if you're still in your 20s or early 30s