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File: 709 KB, 1536x2048, VCJYOjD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18033423 No.18033423 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do I get my hands on paramemes?
Steinkogler doesn't ship to the US, Kommandostore is out of my size (US 14) and probably will be for a while since their last restock was only 6 months ago, and the only ones on ebay are footlet-sized.
How does a burger possibly acquire these?

>> No.18033460

Ebay? How about using your brain for 5 seconds

>> No.18033469

get an austrian citizenship and serve at the military

>> No.18033505

Buy them from steinadler, that's where I got mine

>> No.18033539

Sorry to say but it's only going to get harder. Soldiers are keeping their boots these days and the KS reproduction runs are going to be few and far between, while other surplus shops often have these as -permanently- out of stock. Really your best bet is to just lurk ebay, grailed, etc like a hawk for a pair and hope KS gets another run of these.

>> No.18033584

I desperately want to cum into them

>> No.18033958

They don't ship to the US either

>> No.18033985
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i know a way but wont tell you because youll buy them all

>> No.18034471
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OP here, i just managed to snag the last one in my size off ebay

>> No.18034564

I should try and sell you my waxi boots, bigfoot.
My UK 12 paramemes fit fine. My UK 12 waxis seem like they are at least a size bigger.

>> No.18034690
File: 6 KB, 225x225, IMG_0161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to buy these? Nobody outside of 4chan thinks this looks good. Why do you want to out yourself as a far-right incel cuck that is essentially larping as a soldier? What exactly are you trying to communicate with these boots?

I bet you are the same kind of person who thinks this cringe shit looks good.

>> No.18035016

My paramemes squeak when I walk lmao.

>> No.18035038

change the leather insole

>> No.18035181

>in 2024

>> No.18035232

Nobody asked for your opinion, tranny

>> No.18035235

The only boots one should wear in 2024 are combat boots

>> No.18035290

I‘m not a tranny. If anybody here is a tranny, it’s you, faggot.

>> No.18035314

Keep on chasing the current FOTM while I compile the best bits of every trend new and old, loser.

>> No.18035321

Keep coping, Looney Troon. Milsurp is peak aesthetic, get with the times, simpleton.

>> No.18035660

Yeah Milsurp is „peak aesthetic“ on 4chan for teenagers who idolise school schoolers and given up on actually having sex with woman, you dumb little faggot. I unironically suggest you go outside and touch grass.

>> No.18035682

>waaaaaaahhhhhhh quit wearing things I don't like!!!
what's the matter, did a kid in camo stuff you in a locker a few too many times? or did he just fuck your girl for you? you sound like the faggot here, obsessed with what other men are wearing, clown boy.

>> No.18035684

You are free to wear anything you want. You just look like a faggot. You are the ultimate faggot because you care so much about what I think about you. I’m living rent free in your head.

>> No.18035687
File: 106 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.Le7mRIBYToXmSnT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moooom! I did it! I-I said rent free!!!

>> No.18035688

Well, this is you. It’s funny because you are the the one getting upset by some random anon who thinks these boots look shit. You‘re a faggot for being so emotional.

>> No.18035691

Post your boots, tranny Redditor

>> No.18035696

Post your boots. If anybody here is a tranny, it’s you and you are projecting.

>> No.18035699
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>> No.18035701

You are tranny who is projecting. This picture is actually you.

>> No.18035714

So you're a noboots tourist, got it. Back to plebbit with you, faggot.

>> No.18036068

>I compile the best bits of every trend new and old

>> No.18036388
File: 1.87 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_0165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what fuck it, these are my boots that I wear every day. I’m also harder and more racist than you will ever be. I also live in the big cityroo

>> No.18036524
File: 2.24 MB, 286x258, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... he's serious....
>FOUR pairs of docs
>FOUR pairs of the trannysole platform docs

>> No.18036607

Dr Marten 1490 model or any of the large variety of US-made all leather combat boots. Vietnam USGI ripple sole is all-eyelets, McRae and Altama make good stuff if you want speedlace.

>> No.18036628

average alt manlet boot rotation

>> No.18036629
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1693668912053770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grim if real

>> No.18036697

USGI leather combat/jungle boots are goat, McRae too. Their jungle boots are the most comfortable boots I've ever worn.

>> No.18036700

The ironic thing is that zoomer "alt" girls actually like the school shooter aesthetic.

>> No.18036701

>Doc Martens
Oh. My condolences honey.

>> No.18036813

Dude you‘re a tranny. Also I’m more transphobic than you are.
You are all trannies/faggots.

>> No.18036820
File: 132 KB, 464x401, 1555482803356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way this is unironic

>> No.18036826

Your mother is unironic.

>> No.18037398
File: 2.20 MB, 170x144, nicholas-cage-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing more intense than your seething is the sheer projection.

>> No.18037893

Well yes this is just like the battle of Stalingrad.