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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 168 KB, 527x675, rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18035342 No.18035342 [Reply] [Original]

30 year old boomer tourist from /fit/ here. Finally scored a date.

Trying to dress my age, does this work?

>> No.18035356

the retards here will probably tell you to wear some retarded loaded diaper looking baggy pants and acid wash anime sweatshirt or some shit. this is unironically the least stylish place on the entire internet.

>> No.18035425

You look like Shaun of the dead.
Either get a jacket or lose the tie, but definitely get long sleeves. Roll them up if you're too warm.

>> No.18035429

Remove the tie and you are good

>> No.18035443

spongebob looking ass

>> No.18035462

make sure she doesn’t mistake you for the waiter, dwight schrute looking ass

>> No.18035492

Not bad, if I was dating a girl and she showed up wearing the female equivalent of this (whatever that may be) I would find it very sweet and endearing that they cared about me enough to dress nicely for the occasion
But yeah maybe you could do without the tie
What footwear are you wearing?

>> No.18035516

I'd wear jeans and a long sleeved flannel shirt. I wouldn't wear white tennis shoes if you have something else available but it's not the end of the world.

You could wear business casual like what you're wearing but I'd go with long sleeves and ditch the tie. Or as >>18035425 said, put a jacket on. Don't look like you just came from the office.

>> No.18035543
File: 258 KB, 1100x1630, brown-line-sport-coat-for-men-jcrew-blazer-2016-spring-summer-2-e1456966882568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to sell insurance to her/him/them? If not, then wear a proper suit, or at least a sports jacket over it.

>> No.18035554

No one should ever wear short-sleeved dress shirts anywhere for anything.

>> No.18035568
File: 99 KB, 634x984, Braless Jess Shears risks baring all in plunging top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>18035543, i know it's bait, you look like a mormon. Go with sexcore.

>> No.18035616
File: 50 KB, 564x752, 162ab61ef39341dd8d5eb886c99239fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look like a cutie patootie poindexter who works in the mailroom. if she's into that, definitely go for it

>> No.18035700

What is this, Texan politician/realtor/car stealership owner core?

>> No.18035703

Yes, it works. You don’t look cool but you look like a man who has an actual job, who is hygienic, respects him self and other people and is able to provide for a family.

>> No.18035711

I like ties. You can't wear a tie and shirt only, you must have some kind of a jacket, hell even suspenders work. If you want to be more casual just add a harrington jacket.

>> No.18035729

>Either get a jacket or lose the tie, but definitely get long sleeves. Roll them up if you're too warm.
Exactly this.

>> No.18035739
File: 57 KB, 540x669, Alissa and Aj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keking this, fa/cels are completely out of touch

>> No.18035752
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>> No.18035792

Dont tuck your shirt in, lose the tie, contacts u have a good face but the glasses make u look like clark kent.

the next time u go to buy a shortsleeve try and look for something with slightly more fitted sleeves or roll up ur favorite longsleeve.

Dude do not go on a date in khakis and a blue shirt and red tie, u look like her suburban dad, portray no masculinity and look like a fkn dork like every other loser on this board

>> No.18035830

I'm sire it will go great.

>> No.18035842

if you live somewhere acceptable and civilized like NYC or San Francisco then that's a cool outfit and I would wear it

If you live in a flyover state it's a little too real if that makes any sense, go for something safer like a golf shirt and slim fit golf pants and driving shoes

>> No.18035920

is she formally dressed too? A lot of guys with no social experience overdress for a casual date, you're wearing all that she's probably going to show up in jeans or a simple dress. But a woman wearing a dress isn't always formal vs you wearing what you'd wear to a job interview

>> No.18035928

lmao my nigga

>> No.18036535

Yeah short sleeve shirt + tie = Dilbert, nerds from the movie’Office Space’

>> No.18036543

this guy looks like a massive faggot

>> No.18036551
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>> No.18036611


except tropics and subtropics that have 4 weeks of winter.

>> No.18036678

>wearing a suit on a first date
simp is too weak of a word for you

>> No.18036894

big fan
2006 nerd core
first guy in his friend group to buy an iPhone core
traded in his HTC Dream for said iPhone core
drives a 1999 saturn
i would date you but im a male

>> No.18036915

How much money do you have? You look like a propane salesman.

>> No.18037056

OP. Your pic is dressed like a door to door salesman. If you were a woman, and you saw your date dressed like this, what would you think of him? Maybe that he's a virgin? Does he have no friends or is he in a D&D group?

>> No.18038279

This looks more like a work outfit, not appropriate for a date where the point is to be loose and have fun. What do you wear casually?

>> No.18038300
File: 104 KB, 736x902, e52743a5-045b-46b8-ade7-9034b1e110f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet, he gets laid, lmao

>> No.18038500
File: 114 KB, 736x736, a165c0bc72eb70636925e7b0f26b7cbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No tie, no first button, wear a simple necklace like a chain.

>> No.18039675

you have a good look like david wallace from the office. i feel like instead of trying to dress like some tanned crypto fag like >>18038500
try to max on dressing like picrel. its a look girls would like for being charming in a simple way instead of doing some prettybpy thing. also, in the pic posted, the sleeves are a little baggy and long which makes you look like a mormon. polos are fine but try to find sleeves that suit you better, maybe with a tailor's/fitters help. have fun on your date and be true to yourself and relax! :)

>> No.18039679

missing a pocket protector and calculator watch

>> No.18039680

this. you have an endearing but handsome look that makes you look friendly but masculine at the same time

>> No.18039681

Looking nice OP. Only tips id give are red/blue arent usually good colors to mix and beware the short sleeve shirt, especially the white. Gives of Jehova Witness vibes in my experience.

>> No.18039682
File: 21 KB, 278x278, 1517490345657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.18039685

what kind of date? an outdoor picnic/park type thing or a dinner date? if dinner what dress restaurant? outdoor picnic thing I think lose the tie and be sure to wear a white undershirt. if a fancy dinner date, opt for a longsleeve white button up under that red tie and MAYBE go for a darker color pants depending on how that looks to you. if a casual dinner maybe.. same as the picnic/park wear. gl

>> No.18040009

Post style

>> No.18040042

OP post the fit you decided and then let us know how the date went

>> No.18040735
File: 139 KB, 1200x899, 5bb5692097e1f.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to wear a tie, then a jacket is mandatory, or else you'll look like a salesman or like these guys in picrel. Or just lose the tie and wear the shirt by itself.

>> No.18040936

Unless you're in NASA's mission control room in the late 1960 wearing that kind of shirts just makes you look like a fucking moron.

>> No.18040940

The low rise 5 pockets look bad with this imo.

>> No.18040952
File: 154 KB, 735x1102, b3baf1fd-e470-4eb4-8ba1-bcd389744cf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, sex pilled, based, only right answer. You can combine it with a sporty jersey blazer. Suitcels habe shit taste.

>> No.18042494

just be tall

>> No.18042975

Just wear this with better pants, either trousers or jeans, chinos are for manchildren. It's gonna get the most general appeal, since you're too retarded to show personality through style.

>> No.18043931
File: 5 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because he doesnt dress like a gay italian cryptofag (i.e. >>18035739
>>18040952 )
doesnt mean he doesnt have style. OP if youre going on a date with a girl ignore these guys. if not, listen to them theyre the experts

>> No.18043932
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>> No.18045585

is this achievable natty?

>> No.18045890
File: 112 KB, 493x640, 2565651164_70810fa8cf_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the responses in this thread have to be kidding.

OP you look like a Mormon missionary. Too safe and boring.

You have to have some edge, some raw masculinity, even if you are not a dangerous street thug.

Put on a bracelet, chain, polo or full-sleeve shirt with a button or two open, some more casual pants, any shoes except autism-NewBalance-core shit.

You don't have to go full sex-core but half-way. Or else you won't even register on her radar as "man", just "genderless NPC" she alrdy forgot about.

>> No.18047262

You're gonna need long sleeves to pull off a tie, please tell me that isn't a clip-on. If you lose the tie you run the risk of looking like Forrest Gump. I'd lose the tie, unbutton the top button and go for a darker pair of pants.

>> No.18047382

let me tell you old man,you need a sasuke with the extra red sharingan printed anime sweatshirt to score any zoomer girls.drop your old hag date

>> No.18047602

this anon fucks

>> No.18047647

>Most of the responses in this thread have to be kidding.
There's no way these people aren't trolling, actually trying to get a guy to dress like a fucking mormon on a date with a girl.

>> No.18047853

Don’t listen to this NPC faggot. Ironically in this day age, the most edgy thing you can be is conservative white Christian.

There is nothing „safe“ about this outfit at all. I mean this guy is wearing a tie to a date for fucks sake, nobody does that. That requires a lot more confidence than the bullshit this anon is suggesting.

>> No.18047910

This. The shirt is also way too big

>> No.18048099
File: 187 KB, 1200x989, girls staring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you to get up, get dressed, get out the fucking door and get laid. Don’t come back until you get laid. I’m sick of hearing you whine. No more whining. Do it!

>> No.18048451
File: 35 KB, 583x438, 1710449034061773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hear me?!

>> No.18048497

>he looks like a cuck

>> No.18048501

Never wear a tie with short sleeves.
Never wear a shirt with short sleeves.
Just roll up the long sleeves a bit below the elbow and skip the tie.

>> No.18048546

I hate almost everyone in this photo.

>> No.18048590

>another picture from a random redditor to troll /fa/ and /fa/ is falling for it

>> No.18048974
File: 793 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_5202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im going for that late 2000s Midwest virgin insurance salesman look

>> No.18049151

are short sleeved shirts the most beta cuck piece of clothing you can wear?
like just go for a normal shirt and roll up your sleeves.
looks 10 times better than this crap.

>> No.18049180

tom of finland looking ass

>> No.18049235

Personally, I think it looks a bit stiff. I feel you look more dressed for a job, like an intern. The tie is a tad too formal, but the whole outfit could be looser

>> No.18049264

those are chinos, not 5 pockets

>> No.18049298


>> No.18049415
File: 55 KB, 828x789, Fg_mpyxXgAEc8Cx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW nothing better to do

>> No.18050657

You look a bit like DFENS from Falling Down, or the Angry Video Game Nerd. Maybe a long-sleeves shirt with sleeves rolled up, if you don't want a jacket?

>> No.18050797

Yes if it's a court date

>> No.18050843

If you have to ask, then you're ngmi. You will never be a chad like him.